At times, I see things which I can't even START to believe, though I know my eyes & ears aren't lying to me.
Remember how I said Chris Matthews was going off the deep end? Well, I heard him screaming as, today, he fell over the cliff. He has always been a somewhat partisan liberal, but, of late, he isn't even trying to HIDE it.
Two points that stood out to me:
1) He ACTUALLY used the phrase "Condy's confession" to launch into his tirade, attempting to both discredit her and give the mere appearance of impropriety, the latest tool employed by the LMM.
2) As I knew he would, he showed "Bin"-Veniste trying to gotcha Dr. Rice by getting her to give the name of the August PDB. Just as I thought, he cut the clip right after the title, not showing what followed. Matthews said, "Gee, how much more warning do you need?"
I'm sorry, but Mattews is either gullible or not very bright....or both. {No, actually, I know that he is QUITE aware of his strategy.} When I heard that title, I thought, "Yeah, provocative title, but I seriously doubt that there are any specifics at ALL in that memo."
Matthews said he was hit so hard when he heard the title. What hit ME so hard, though it didn't surpise me, was that the name Clinton, the guy TRULY responsible for 9/11- except for UBL- was never brought up by the Matthews gang.
Here is a good analogy for blaming Bush, yet giving Clinton & his eight years of inaction, incompetence, & deceit a free pass:
It is like the French people, post-WW II, blaming the French Resistance for Hitler's reign in France, yet giving the French Nazi Collaborators a free pass.
Oh, but it seems like Tim Russert is drinking the same Kool-Aid. He spent most of his program, "Meet the Depressed"- aka. Kerry campaign commercial- bashing Bush, harping on only the BAD tidings in Iraq, and pointing out that we are in a quagmire- even using a former ba'athist's hatred of America to bolster his OWN Bush hating. Next, he interviewed his favorite Republican turncoat, John McCain. However, I will give McCain credit for not bashing Bush TOO much, and it was obvious by the looks of frustration & disappointment on Russert's face. Then, his panel was made up of THREE OTHER LIBERALS. Oh, it was a fun Bush-bashing party. Well, so much for dissent or counterpoints.
Side Note: The only reason ABC suffers George Will is because his comments & thoughts are so intellectually lofty & esoteric, most people can't even understand much about that which he is speaking. These shows always have "arch conservatives" like..........David Gergen & John McCain." LMFAO They rarely allow any of our hardcore commentators/pundits to show up, and we will probably see even less of them, now that Kerry has to be propped up.
And Matthews round table? ROTFLMFAO Again, all liberals....well, unless you count poor lil' Tucker Carlson. Again, two striking points:
1) The ONLY time Matthews EVER lauded poor lil' Tucker's points were when those specific points were made to the detriment of President Bush or at least set up a nice hole for the liberals to viciously counter & distort.
2) I have ALWAYS considered poor lil' Tucker a complete joke ever since I watched Janeane "Hundreds of Thousands of Innocent Iraqis Will Die" Garofalo hand him his ass in a Crossfire debate. JOSS! I could intellectually & verbally slice & dice that B-comedian......and that's if I were in a coma!
Sunday mornings have turned into Bush bashings/Kerry campaign commercials, and all of their strident rhetoric proves only one thing:
Even the LMM know that Kerry is going to lose big, and they are panicked, willing to employ any disgusting, twisted attack to try to prevent this from coming to fruition.
Joss, I can't WAIT until I can see all of their haggard & tear-stained faces on Novemer 3rd.
Remember how I said Chris Matthews was going off the deep end? Well, I heard him screaming as, today, he fell over the cliff. He has always been a somewhat partisan liberal, but, of late, he isn't even trying to HIDE it.
Two points that stood out to me:
1) He ACTUALLY used the phrase "Condy's confession" to launch into his tirade, attempting to both discredit her and give the mere appearance of impropriety, the latest tool employed by the LMM.
2) As I knew he would, he showed "Bin"-Veniste trying to gotcha Dr. Rice by getting her to give the name of the August PDB. Just as I thought, he cut the clip right after the title, not showing what followed. Matthews said, "Gee, how much more warning do you need?"
I'm sorry, but Mattews is either gullible or not very bright....or both. {No, actually, I know that he is QUITE aware of his strategy.} When I heard that title, I thought, "Yeah, provocative title, but I seriously doubt that there are any specifics at ALL in that memo."
Matthews said he was hit so hard when he heard the title. What hit ME so hard, though it didn't surpise me, was that the name Clinton, the guy TRULY responsible for 9/11- except for UBL- was never brought up by the Matthews gang.
Here is a good analogy for blaming Bush, yet giving Clinton & his eight years of inaction, incompetence, & deceit a free pass:
It is like the French people, post-WW II, blaming the French Resistance for Hitler's reign in France, yet giving the French Nazi Collaborators a free pass.
Oh, but it seems like Tim Russert is drinking the same Kool-Aid. He spent most of his program, "Meet the Depressed"- aka. Kerry campaign commercial- bashing Bush, harping on only the BAD tidings in Iraq, and pointing out that we are in a quagmire- even using a former ba'athist's hatred of America to bolster his OWN Bush hating. Next, he interviewed his favorite Republican turncoat, John McCain. However, I will give McCain credit for not bashing Bush TOO much, and it was obvious by the looks of frustration & disappointment on Russert's face. Then, his panel was made up of THREE OTHER LIBERALS. Oh, it was a fun Bush-bashing party. Well, so much for dissent or counterpoints.
Side Note: The only reason ABC suffers George Will is because his comments & thoughts are so intellectually lofty & esoteric, most people can't even understand much about that which he is speaking. These shows always have "arch conservatives" like..........David Gergen & John McCain." LMFAO They rarely allow any of our hardcore commentators/pundits to show up, and we will probably see even less of them, now that Kerry has to be propped up.
And Matthews round table? ROTFLMFAO Again, all liberals....well, unless you count poor lil' Tucker Carlson. Again, two striking points:
1) The ONLY time Matthews EVER lauded poor lil' Tucker's points were when those specific points were made to the detriment of President Bush or at least set up a nice hole for the liberals to viciously counter & distort.
2) I have ALWAYS considered poor lil' Tucker a complete joke ever since I watched Janeane "Hundreds of Thousands of Innocent Iraqis Will Die" Garofalo hand him his ass in a Crossfire debate. JOSS! I could intellectually & verbally slice & dice that B-comedian......and that's if I were in a coma!
Sunday mornings have turned into Bush bashings/Kerry campaign commercials, and all of their strident rhetoric proves only one thing:
Even the LMM know that Kerry is going to lose big, and they are panicked, willing to employ any disgusting, twisted attack to try to prevent this from coming to fruition.
Joss, I can't WAIT until I can see all of their haggard & tear-stained faces on Novemer 3rd.