The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

Explain how it's smart for a Republican like you claim to be (Hard to believe) to support the 14th Amendment over the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790?
Uh...because even the founders themselves dictated that the U.S. Constitution was the supreme law of the land and trumped any other law.

Because the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land - making it law to abide by it.
If the surname White is capitalized, I fail to see why the White race can't be capitalized?
Because a surname is a proper noun, you uneducated polack... :lmao:

You are a mistake.

You've mocked people for getting mugged.

You don't care about the decline of Whites, or Republicans.... But you have OCD Chimp spasms over capitalizing Whites.

You are extremely illogical, and extremely degenerate.
The 14th Amendment is leading to Republican's being replaced by Minority Democrat voters more, and more.
Even if that’s what? That’s the will of the people at work. Just as the founders wanted.

You're proving you're either the dumbest f*cking Republican who ever lived, or a Democrat clown who's confused.
I'm a Far Right Winger with minor Socialist beliefs.
:laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2: :laugh: :laugh2:

I hate all of those “far right-wing socialists”.

Seriously dude, you are doing nothing to prevent the dumb polack stereotype... :lmao:

You British Southerner Yokels are the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

You're proof, you're even lower than a Negro.
The 14th Amendment is leading to Republican's being replaced by Minority Democrat voters more, and more.
Even if that’s what? That’s the will of the people at work. Just as the founders wanted.

You're proving you're either the dumbest f*cking Republican who ever lived, or a Democrat clown who's confused.
Like all left-wing ideologues - you get frustrated and lash out like a small child when you’ve been defeated with your own words.

You didn’t answer the question what? Even if that’s true, that’s the will of the people just as the founders intended.
The 14th Amendment is leading to Republican's being replaced by Minority Democrat voters more, and more.
Even if that’s what? That’s the will of the people at work. Just as the founders wanted.

You're proving you're either the dumbest f*cking Republican who ever lived, or a Democrat clown who's confused.
Like all left-wing ideologues - you get frustrated and lash out like a small child when you’ve been defeated with your own words.

You didn’t answer the question what? Even if that’s true, that’s the will of the people just as the founders intended.

No, the Founders intended for this to be a White nation.

The 14th Amendment was a 180 against the Founding Fathers Naturalization Act of 1790.

One which degrades not just the Founding Fathers, but also White America, and also Republicans.

If you support it, you're either not a White Republican, or a mega-moron.
I prefer the term "totalitarian" when describing the aims and means of the Radical Left in this country. Their objective is uniformity of thoughts, speech and actions though active suppression of any dissent. This inevitably leads to dictatorship, with or without the intermediary of private ownership.

This much I'll grant you.
A good many young and passionate extreme liberals FAIL at the very basics of BEING liberal. In fact, the very signal that they are failing is when you see them loose their "inner fascist".
Examples include heated demands for "safe spaces" on university campuses.
Good Lord, a university campus is the very LAST place on Earth that should offer "safe spaces" for ideology.
So yes, it is indeed very very difficult to be a liberal, and the more extreme one's liberal ideology, the more difficult it is to preserve it without resorting to the failure of fascism.

The Right, however, makes good use of this as ammunition for their agitprop fodder, because they cannot resist the urge to categorize ALL liberals in this manner.
Much of this is projection however, because when one scratches the surface of a good many members of today's Right, one finds a checkered past as a failed liberal.
Most of the Reagan era neoconservative Right started out in their youth as extreme left liberals, and failing that, assumed that they had learned all they needed to know about liberalism, and they define liberalism in those narrow terms.
You're proof, you're even lower than a Negro. do you know that? You haven’t met every “negro”. And in post #1281 you set that as the standard yourself when you said (and I quote) “You haven't met all Black people, so you don't know this.”

You continue to contradict yourself and defeat your own position. I have now seen first-hand why the dumb polack stereotype came about. And I must say - it absolutely lives up to its folklore. :laugh:
You've mocked people for getting mugged.
And you’ve mocked people for their skin color. Only one of these two groups can control their situation. So which one of us is the dumb polack here? :laugh:


You claim to be anti-Prejudices, but mock Poles with prejudices, without any kind of logical, or factual basis for it.

I'm not anti-Prejudices, so long as they have a logical, or factual basis for it.

You do NOT FIT this criteria, you are basically a snotty, stupid, little vindictive child.
You're proof, you're even lower than a Negro. do you know that? You haven’t met every “negro”. And in post #1281 you set that as the standard yourself when you said (and I quote) “You haven't met all Black people, so you don't know this.”

You continue to contradict yourself and defeat your own position. I have now seen first-hand why the dumb polack stereotype came about. And I must say - it absolutely lives up to its folklore. :laugh:

The Black American IQ stands at 85, I'd imagine yours is probably even lower.

You've been piss poor at debating, or constructing logical arguments for what you support.

Even Blacks like Paul Essien, or IM2 here are above you in this dept...
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You're proof, you're even lower than a Negro.
. I have now seen first-hand why the dumb polack stereotype came about. And I must say - it absolutely lives up to its folklore. :laugh:

I can list 100's of things to support my anti-Black prejudices, somehow that's not justified, but your prejudices against Polish people is somehow justified over 1 person. (Me)

You make no sense, your brain is obviously hardly Human.

You are clearly devoid of abstract thought.

It's very clear you do not possess much Human abilities.
Collectivism is superior over Individualism. Explain how it's not?
Aside from the fact that you ended a statement with a question mark - allow me to address your supreme idiocy.

Collectivism is pure ignorance. It stifles free thought and creativity which stifles innovation. Which is why the U.S. created the first nuclear bomb (resulting in victory in WWII) while Hitler’s Germany couldn’t create a pencil.

Furthermore, collectivism builds contempt. No intelligent, rational person wants to surrender their will and their life to someone else (only dumb polacks want to be treated like a child for life) - and doing so results in contempt. Those under the thumb of the collectivist will revolt and undermine the efforts.

Further still, everywhere that the collectivist idiocy has been tried, it has ended in spectacular collapse. It didn’t work in Cuba under Castro. It didn’t work in the former U.S.S.R. It didn’t work in Ethiopia. It didn’t work in Cambodia. And it will never work in the U.S.
You haven't met all Black people, so you don't know this.
The irony. The irony!!! You are literally the dumbest polack ever.

You have not met “all black people” either and yet you have declared that they are violent, ignorant, racist, and inferior.

Literally every time you post, you defeat yourself and contradict your own positions.

You are the dumbest Republican ever... If you even are a Republican....

1.) You support the demise of Republicans by the 14th Amendment's citizenship of Anchor Baby Mexicans, and Blacks who both are huge Democrat voters.

2.) You don't think China's a potential threat.

3.) You blame people who got mugged for getting mugged.

4.) You thought only Air attacks were "Blitzkrieg"

5.) You have this odd view, that Polish people are the only dumb people, but Black people are equal.... Without reviewing the data, for either.

6.) You have NOT proven Liberty is the most effective all the time, if ever.

7.) You have NOT proven Capitalism has better economic growth than Fascism.

8.) You thought I was stupid for saying Germany developed the Automobile before the U.S.A, which is a FACT.

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