The LGBT community celebrates their latest poll showing an increase in mental illness


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Nothing like fostering, pushing, and celebrating for more mental illness. If a person believes they are Jesus Christ (which cannot be proven), they should be locked away in a mental ward against their will. But if a man believes he is a woman (which science can unequivocally prove he is in fact a man), he should be celebrated, encouraged, and indulged in his severe mental illness.

And why? Because the left gets off on disturbing sexual deviance. Just imagine where this ends. Remember - people like Jack the Ripper got off on the brutal murder of women. Already the left is attempting to normalize pedophilia. I can't imagine what things will look like 50 years from now if the left gets their way. Any form of extreme sexual deviance will be tolerated and celebrated. Raping children. Raping women. Raping animals. Anything and everything. If you can prove it turns you on - they will insist that not encouraging it is a form of "intolerance".

Report claims a dramatic shift in millennials who identify as LGBTQ compared to other age groups
Nothing like fostering, pushing, and celebrating for more mental illness. If a person believes they are Jesus Christ (which cannot be proven), they should be locked away in a mental ward against their will. But if a man believes he is a woman (which science can unequivocally prove he is in fact a man), he should be celebrated, encouraged, and indulged in his severe mental illness.

And why? Because the left gets off on disturbing sexual deviance. Just imagine where this ends. Remember - people like Jack the Ripper got off on the brutal murder of women. Already the left is attempting to normalize pedophilia. I can't imagine what things will look like 50 years from now if the left gets their way. Any form of extreme sexual deviance will be tolerated and celebrated. Raping children. Raping women. Raping animals. Anything and everything. If you can prove it turns you on - they will insist that not encouraging it is a form of "intolerance".

Report claims a dramatic shift in millennials who identify as LGBTQ compared to other age groups

Interesting points and delivery, P@triot

I see this as two separate scenarios

A. if people ARE suffering disorder or illness, then I would recommend the Spiritual Healing methods of restoration and recovery that have helped people regardless if they "came out" gay, straight, transgender, or whatever turned out to be their natural default setting.

Whether or the orientation or gender identity issues are seen as mental disorder or natural, the same spiritual healing effectively addresses emotional ills, abuses or addictive disorders. So it helps, regardless, to heal root causes of ill or disorder. Why argue if something is natural or unnatural if the same healing process will resolve issues either way?

B. if people are naturally gay, transgender, or have some other way of expressing their identity,
instead of comparing this to "a delusional belief that someone is Jesus"
why not compare LGBT beliefs to someone identifying as a religious affiliation that affects how they EXPRESS themselves and their values?

If someone comes out Atheist or Muslim, do they have the right to expression of that identity? If so, why can't the same thinking be applied to people coming out gay or transgender. If that's their BELIEF, how is it any different from someone RELATING to being Christian in Lifestyle, ceremonial dress or tradition. Or to presenting and expressing their cultural traditional and beliefs as a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist?

The key difference is how far can this be practiced within a PUBLIC institution. Govt can neither ESTABLISH NOR PROHIBIT the free exercise of religion. So why not apply the same two-edged standard to LGBT beliefs as a creed that is a Constitutional free choice by individuals, but on the other hand CANNOT BE mandated by govt.

Wouldn't comparison of LGBT with other personal beliefs or creeds
be more fair and consistent in judging laws as Constitutional or not?
B. if people are naturally gay, transgender, or have some other way of expressing their identity, instead of comparing this to "a delusional belief that someone is Jesus"
why not compare LGBT beliefs to someone identifying as a religious affiliation that affects how they EXPRESS themselves and their values?
Because a person who believes they are anything other than what they are actually is - by definition - mentally disturbed. A man who believes he is Jesus gets locked away. A man who believes he is a woman gets celebrated and encouraged. How do you explain that? :dunno:
B. if people are naturally gay, transgender, or have some other way of expressing their identity, instead of comparing this to "a delusional belief that someone is Jesus"
why not compare LGBT beliefs to someone identifying as a religious affiliation that affects how they EXPRESS themselves and their values?
Because a person who believes they are anything other than what they are actually is - by definition - mentally disturbed. A man who believes he is Jesus gets locked away. A man who believes he is a woman gets celebrated and encouraged. How do you explain that? :dunno:

Dear P@triot
Let's compare some "healthy vs. unhealthy scenarios" with both conditions, to see how these are distinguishable and "not all the same":

A1. with healthy spiritual beliefs, a person may identify with Christ and Christian relations where they see people as "equal" children of one God, and this "oneness with humanity" brings out higher purpose in sharing. If they feel "at one with all humanity"
THROUGH Christ, that is like EMBODYING the spirit of Christ. Thus some people MAY interpret this feeling as "having Christ in our hearts guiding us" and being UNITED with all other believers in Christ and "rising above." [and yes I have met people who felt this so strongly,
they reported it DID FEEL as if they WERE JESUS HIMSELF it was so intense and pure. but as long as they can tell the difference, and they know who they are apart from the spiritual experience they are expressing, that is still sane and healthy]

A2. with imbalanced or destructive beliefs, a person can get stuck, dividing AGAINST others, projecting blame more on others and not being empowered to address their own internal issues they can do something about. If someone has such a Messiah Complex this is used to manipulate others, that could fall under religious fraud or cult abuse

So those are TWO SEPARATE scenarios NOT TO BE CONFUSED

Now let's do similar with either Transgender or LGBT orientation
B1. a person with a healthy natural sense of spirituality, who happens to identify as either Transgender or Homosexual, they are AT PEACE with how they are incarnated, whether for better or worse. They understand there is a reason and purpose, and choose to work with what they are given. If things change, fine, if they don't that's fine too. It's unconditional. Whatever path or process they find themselves following in life, they accept both the good and the bad, in learning the difference between what they can change and what they cannot help.

B2. a person with disordered, unnatural, abusive or obsessive conditions will NOT feel happy or healed or at peace.

For example, if they have suffered unnatural abuse, and their conditions are a result of that, then as the abuse is healed and these people recover, it is POSSIBLE for related consequences of that, such as any unnatural orientation that isn't their default self, could also change (in the process of RESTORING their natural identity that could be clouded by past abuses).

Again, 1 and 2 are not the same.
Not all such people affected are "sick"; and
not all such cases are "natural" either!

With LGBT beliefs, as well as religious identity and practice;
1. there are some people who are naturally at peace with who they are
2. there are cases of abuse, manipulating people unnaturally to follow
3. some people may find they can CHANGE their orientation or identity ;
while others may not be able to change this even if they wanted to.
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If someone comes out Atheist or Muslim, do they have the right to expression of that identity? If so, why can't the same thinking be applied to people coming out gay or transgender. If that's their BELIEF, how is it any different from someone RELATING to being Christian in Lifestyle, ceremonial dress or tradition. Or to presenting and expressing their cultural traditional and beliefs as a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist?

Identifying as a Christian or Buddhist means you are holding to a set of beliefs etc that are not associated with your physical body or what you were born as. Identifying as a woman when born a man is a denial of what you are physically - what you were born as. We can show the absurdity or sickness of this by having the person identify as a dolphin or a turtle. If a woman can identify as a man, why can't she identify as a dolphin or turtle? But anyone doing so would be admitted to a mental institution.

Being homosexual is an inherent preference. That's a whole other thing than being transgender.
B. if people are naturally gay, transgender, or have some other way of expressing their identity, instead of comparing this to "a delusional belief that someone is Jesus"
why not compare LGBT beliefs to someone identifying as a religious affiliation that affects how they EXPRESS themselves and their values?
Because a person who believes they are anything other than what they are actually is - by definition - mentally disturbed. A man who believes he is Jesus gets locked away. A man who believes he is a woman gets celebrated and encouraged. How do you explain that? :dunno:

Dear P@triot
Let's compare some "healthy vs. unhealthy scenarios" with both conditions, to see how these are distinguishable and "not all the same":

A1. with healthy spiritual beliefs, a person may identify with Christ and Christian relations where they see people as "equal" children of one God, and this "oneness with humanity" brings out higher purpose in sharing. If they feel "at one with all humanity"
THROUGH Christ, that is like EMBODYING the spirit of Christ. Thus some people MAY interpret this feeling as "having Christ in our hearts guiding us" and being UNITED with all other believers in Christ and "rising above." [and yes I have met people who felt this so strongly,
they reported it DID FEEL as if they WERE JESUS HIMSELF it was so intense and pure. but as long as they can tell the difference, and they know who they are apart from the spiritual experience they are expressing, that is still sane and healthy]

A2. with imbalanced or destructive beliefs, a person can get stuck, dividing AGAINST others, projecting blame more on others and not being empowered to address their own internal issues they can do something about. If someone has such a Messiah Complex this is used to manipulate others, that could fall under religious fraud or cult abuse

So those are TWO SEPARATE scenarios NOT TO BE CONFUSED

Now let's do similar with either Transgender or LGBT orientation
B1. a person with a healthy natural sense of spirituality, who happens to identify as either Transgender or Homosexual, they are AT PEACE with how they are incarnated, whether for better or worse. They understand there is a reason and purpose, and choose to work with what they are given. If things change, fine, if they don't that's fine too. It's unconditional. Whatever path or process they find themselves following in life, they accept both the good and the bad, in learning the difference between what they can change and what they cannot help.

B2. a person with disordered, unnatural, abusive or obsessive conditions will NOT feel happy or healed or at peace.

For example, if they have suffered unnatural abuse, and their conditions are a result of that, then as the abuse is healed and these people recover, it is POSSIBLE for related consequences of that, such as any unnatural orientation that isn't their default self, could also change (in the process of RESTORING their natural identity that could be clouded by past abuses).

Again, 1 and 2 are not the same.
Not all such people affected are "sick"; and
not all such cases are "natural" either!

With LGBT beliefs, as well as religious identity and practice;
1. there are some people who are naturally at peace with who they are
2. there are cases of abuse, manipulating people unnaturally to follow
3. some people may find they can CHANGE their orientation or identity ;
while others may not be able to change this even if they wanted to.
You're skewing everything intentionally. You're being very disingenuous. We are talking about a man who truly believes he is Jesus Christ and a man who truly believes he is a woman. Both are severely mentally disturbed and both require proper mental healthcare.
B. if people are naturally gay, transgender, or have some other way of expressing their identity, instead of comparing this to "a delusional belief that someone is Jesus"
why not compare LGBT beliefs to someone identifying as a religious affiliation that affects how they EXPRESS themselves and their values?
Because a person who believes they are anything other than what they are actually is - by definition - mentally disturbed. A man who believes he is Jesus gets locked away. A man who believes he is a woman gets celebrated and encouraged. How do you explain that? :dunno:

Dear P@triot
Let's compare some "healthy vs. unhealthy scenarios" with both conditions, to see how these are distinguishable and "not all the same":

A1. with healthy spiritual beliefs, a person may identify with Christ and Christian relations where they see people as "equal" children of one God, and this "oneness with humanity" brings out higher purpose in sharing. If they feel "at one with all humanity"
THROUGH Christ, that is like EMBODYING the spirit of Christ. Thus some people MAY interpret this feeling as "having Christ in our hearts guiding us" and being UNITED with all other believers in Christ and "rising above." [and yes I have met people who felt this so strongly,
they reported it DID FEEL as if they WERE JESUS HIMSELF it was so intense and pure. but as long as they can tell the difference, and they know who they are apart from the spiritual experience they are expressing, that is still sane and healthy]

A2. with imbalanced or destructive beliefs, a person can get stuck, dividing AGAINST others, projecting blame more on others and not being empowered to address their own internal issues they can do something about. If someone has such a Messiah Complex this is used to manipulate others, that could fall under religious fraud or cult abuse

So those are TWO SEPARATE scenarios NOT TO BE CONFUSED

Now let's do similar with either Transgender or LGBT orientation
B1. a person with a healthy natural sense of spirituality, who happens to identify as either Transgender or Homosexual, they are AT PEACE with how they are incarnated, whether for better or worse. They understand there is a reason and purpose, and choose to work with what they are given. If things change, fine, if they don't that's fine too. It's unconditional. Whatever path or process they find themselves following in life, they accept both the good and the bad, in learning the difference between what they can change and what they cannot help.

B2. a person with disordered, unnatural, abusive or obsessive conditions will NOT feel happy or healed or at peace.

For example, if they have suffered unnatural abuse, and their conditions are a result of that, then as the abuse is healed and these people recover, it is POSSIBLE for related consequences of that, such as any unnatural orientation that isn't their default self, could also change (in the process of RESTORING their natural identity that could be clouded by past abuses).

Again, 1 and 2 are not the same.
Not all such people affected are "sick"; and
not all such cases are "natural" either!

With LGBT beliefs, as well as religious identity and practice;
1. there are some people who are naturally at peace with who they are
2. there are cases of abuse, manipulating people unnaturally to follow
3. some people may find they can CHANGE their orientation or identity ;
while others may not be able to change this even if they wanted to.

I'm always amazed how complicated the knots people are willing to twist themselves into to defend Liberal values.
If someone comes out Atheist or Muslim, do they have the right to expression of that identity? If so, why can't the same thinking be applied to people coming out gay or transgender. If that's their BELIEF, how is it any different from someone RELATING to being Christian in Lifestyle, ceremonial dress or tradition. Or to presenting and expressing their cultural traditional and beliefs as a Muslim, a Hindu, or a Buddhist?

Identifying as a Christian or Buddhist means you are holding to a set of beliefs etc that are not associated with your physical body or what you were born as. Identifying as a woman when born a man is a denial of what you are physically - what you were born as. We can show the absurdity or sickness of this by having the person identify as a dolphin or a turtle. If a woman can identify as a man, why can't she identify as a dolphin or turtle? But anyone doing so would be admitted to a mental institution.

Being homosexual is an inherent preference. That's a whole other thing than being transgender.
Hi Brynmr

0. First of all as a side note: Yes, it is possible for people to associate with past experiences as dogs or other animals, to have a sense of spiritual connection with not only animals but with plants. This does NOT mean that person WAS a dog, it just means they feel a spiritual connection to those memories and experiences because all life energy is connected; on SOME level anyone could possibly feel vibes of any other living creature, past present or future. Some people ARE that sensitive, that they pick energy or vibes from other creatures connected by "life".

Whether that is real or "imagined," the proper perspective is still to understand the purpose served by being incarnated as a human being who can choose by conscience to use this knowledge in positive ways, and to live and serve with compassion towards all living things in ecosystems balanced in harmony.

1. Now with being incarnated so as to experience homosexual or transgender relations, or to experience living and following either Buddhist or Christian, or Muslim Hindu or Atheist cultural traditions in life, again, the point is to come to terms with the purpose and process.

The person is still spiritually learning to deal with and grow from adverse situations,whether religious issues, political issues, or personal/sexual issues.

What if someone is born Southern White and brought up under those traditions, but their soul mate turns out to be a black person from a contrasting family background, or from the other political party? What experiences is THAT couple going to have which helps them grow spiritually, socially and/or politically in interactions with others?

What if someone is born and raised Buddhist but then ends up yoked to a traditional Christian. What spiritual and cultural challenges is that going to present not only to the couple, but to their family and friends?

So you are right, it DOES transcend just physical incarnation,
and it can affect MULTIPLE levels, inside and out.

But the common factor is the spiritual process that the person
goes through to deal with adverse conditions, and to learn how to
ACCEPT and INTERACT with others with UNCONDITIONAL love.
B. if people are naturally gay, transgender, or have some other way of expressing their identity, instead of comparing this to "a delusional belief that someone is Jesus"
why not compare LGBT beliefs to someone identifying as a religious affiliation that affects how they EXPRESS themselves and their values?
Because a person who believes they are anything other than what they are actually is - by definition - mentally disturbed. A man who believes he is Jesus gets locked away. A man who believes he is a woman gets celebrated and encouraged. How do you explain that? :dunno:

Dear P@triot
Let's compare some "healthy vs. unhealthy scenarios" with both conditions, to see how these are distinguishable and "not all the same":

A1. with healthy spiritual beliefs, a person may identify with Christ and Christian relations where they see people as "equal" children of one God, and this "oneness with humanity" brings out higher purpose in sharing. If they feel "at one with all humanity"
THROUGH Christ, that is like EMBODYING the spirit of Christ. Thus some people MAY interpret this feeling as "having Christ in our hearts guiding us" and being UNITED with all other believers in Christ and "rising above." [and yes I have met people who felt this so strongly,
they reported it DID FEEL as if they WERE JESUS HIMSELF it was so intense and pure. but as long as they can tell the difference, and they know who they are apart from the spiritual experience they are expressing, that is still sane and healthy]

A2. with imbalanced or destructive beliefs, a person can get stuck, dividing AGAINST others, projecting blame more on others and not being empowered to address their own internal issues they can do something about. If someone has such a Messiah Complex this is used to manipulate others, that could fall under religious fraud or cult abuse

So those are TWO SEPARATE scenarios NOT TO BE CONFUSED

Now let's do similar with either Transgender or LGBT orientation
B1. a person with a healthy natural sense of spirituality, who happens to identify as either Transgender or Homosexual, they are AT PEACE with how they are incarnated, whether for better or worse. They understand there is a reason and purpose, and choose to work with what they are given. If things change, fine, if they don't that's fine too. It's unconditional. Whatever path or process they find themselves following in life, they accept both the good and the bad, in learning the difference between what they can change and what they cannot help.

B2. a person with disordered, unnatural, abusive or obsessive conditions will NOT feel happy or healed or at peace.

For example, if they have suffered unnatural abuse, and their conditions are a result of that, then as the abuse is healed and these people recover, it is POSSIBLE for related consequences of that, such as any unnatural orientation that isn't their default self, could also change (in the process of RESTORING their natural identity that could be clouded by past abuses).

Again, 1 and 2 are not the same.
Not all such people affected are "sick"; and
not all such cases are "natural" either!

With LGBT beliefs, as well as religious identity and practice;
1. there are some people who are naturally at peace with who they are
2. there are cases of abuse, manipulating people unnaturally to follow
3. some people may find they can CHANGE their orientation or identity ;
while others may not be able to change this even if they wanted to.

I'm always amazed how complicated the knots people are willing to twist themselves into to defend Liberal values.

^ Thanks Brynmr I take that as a compliment.

I've been telling people I am a progressive prochoice Democrat.
But the minute I start making Constitutional arguments against the liberal agenda I contest as "abusing govt to establish biased beliefs that discriminate against Christian and Constitutionalist beliefs"
then I get pegged as some kind of closet Libertarian or Conservative
"who can't possibly be a real Democrat". I'm a "Republican who just doesn't know it yet." I "can't be a Democrat and a Constitutionalist."

So if you can see the liberal bent to my approach, that's me being culturally inclusive. And yes I do count that as a liberal principle.
Though unfortunately I don't find as many liberals practicing inclusion equally, since this tends to end where opposing beliefs begin....

But back to the topic issue: How does this apply to LGBT?

I believe where liberal Democrats violate their own principles
is by EXCLUDING other political and religious beliefs, including former gays who changed orientation after they healed of abuses that caused their unwanted homosexual attractions that IN THEIR CASES were unnatural and not how they were born.

So YES I am inclusive and validate the beliefs of LGBT if they self-identity as gay or bi, transgender, or any of the 57 or so facebook labels.

But I ALSO argue to include the "ex gays", the people who healed and changed their homosexual or transgender orientation, etc.

I believe each person has equal right to choose how to express their beliefs either for or against LGBT values, the same way people can be for or against Christian or Muslim beliefs or teachings.

I don't believe govt should be abused to establish a bias either way,b
but should remain neutral and equally inclusive of all such beliefs. And certainly not to PENALIZE or harass people for their beliefs, either way!
I'm always amazed how complicated the knots people are willing to twist themselves into to defend Liberal values.
That may be the single most insightful statement in USMB history.


Yes, P@triot and Brynmr
and just imagine if this liberal inclusion of diversity
can be enforced in full to INCLUDE
* Christian beliefs as an equally valid choice to reject same sex marriage
* beliefs and voices of people who previously identified as gay or lesbian
but then changed and see themselves as naturally heterosexual
* people who believe in "right to life" treated equally as
those who believe in "right to health care" through govt
(instead of penalizing one while mandating the other)

Imagine liberals actually practicing equal inclusion to that degree!

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