The Level Of 'Concern' Keeps Rising In Europe


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I wonder if it's chatter related?

Europe transit possible Al Qaeda target

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Al Qaeda may be planning to attack rail and air travel in Europe -- possibly targeting the busy holiday travel season -- according to intelligence findings, the "CBS Evening News" reported on Friday.

The report, citing Arab and other intelligence sources, said interrogations of al Qaeda suspects who recently left Afghanistan and Pakistan raised the concerns.
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"One suspect said plans for repeating the Heathrow attempt (a plot foiled in August to bomb trans-Atlantic airplanes) were all prepared," the network quoted an Arab official as saying.

"It is now a matter of taking action ... Al Qaeda's strategy appears to be raising the pressure in Europe," the official, who requested anonymity, told the network.

The report came as MI5 said on Friday that Muslim extremists were plotting at least 30 major terrorist attacks in Britain, and the threats may involve chemical and nuclear devices.

Britain suffered its worst peacetime attack in July 2005 when four British Islamists blew themselves up on London's transport network, killing 52 commuters and wounding hundreds.
How could they NOT misinterpret the results with the left and MSM doing their level-best to misrepresent them?

What we 'do' has little to do with the terrorists reactions and actions. They get us even less well than we get them.
What we 'do' has little to do with the terrorists reactions and actions. They get us even less well than we get them.

Not sure I agree. They sure were smart enough to ramp up the violence in Iraq pre-election. They did the same in 2004. While it is at the simplistic level at best, it appears it worked on the simple minds here.
Not sure I agree. They sure were smart enough to ramp up the violence in Iraq pre-election. They did the same in 2004. While it is at the simplistic level at best, it appears it worked on the simple minds here.

O cmon folks----now that we are going to quit stirring up the hornets nest there will be a lot less of em and they will be friendlier !!!:rolleyes:
Not sure I agree. They sure were smart enough to ramp up the violence in Iraq pre-election. They did the same in 2004. While it is at the simplistic level at best, it appears it worked on the simple minds here.
Ah manipulating the media through well learned lessons of Vietnam, they have that down pat.
Ah manipulating the media through well learned lessons of Vietnam, they have that down pat.

What kills me is that it is in black and white, proven fact that the enemy manipulating the media was a MAJOR factor in Vietnam; yet, the left marches on in lockstep repeating the same damned thing, and Joe Average believes the shit.

It's one of those things that begs the question:" Just how stupid can people be?"
What kills me is that it is in black and white, proven fact that the enemy manipulating the media was a MAJOR factor in Vietnam; yet, the left marches on in lockstep repeating the same damned thing, and Joe Average believes the shit.

It's one of those things that begs the question:" Just how stupid can people be?"

A rude awakening I had at about 19 years of age, "I'm not that bright, but most people are a whole lot less." It sounded even then, like hubris. It wasn't.

Someone the other day said something like, 'most posters on the left and right here seem brighter than those on most mb's.' I think it's true. Along with that, I think we pick friends and associates closer to our level, then can't get why most are clueless. :dunno:
A rude awakening I had at about 19 years of age, "I'm not that bright, but most people are a whole lot less." It sounded even then, like hubris. It wasn't.

Someone the other day said something like, 'most posters on the left and right here seem brighter than those on most mb's.' I think it's true. Along with that, I think we pick friends and associates closer to our level, then can't get why most are clueless. :dunno:

I never like this conversation because it alwasy comes off as elitist, but I agree with you. But there ARE those people who think professional wrestling is real.:thup:
I never like this conversation because it alwasy comes off as elitist, but I agree with you. But there ARE those people who think professional wrestling is real.:thup:
It is elitist. We do have brain power above the turnip level. We can't help it. In the future, we'll probably take 'dumb down pills' to make it more equal.
It is elitist. We do have brain power above the turnip level. We can't help it. In the future, we'll probably take 'dumb down pills' to make it more equal.

LOL, that cracks me up. There's this guy at work. Looks like a possum. You can just look at his eyes and tell it ain't all clicking; especially, if you get above the elementary level or use two-syllable words.

Yet he just walks through life thinking he's cool. I caught myself one day thinking, "Man, it must be nice to be so damned dumb and not know it." His worry level is DEFINITELY way below mine.
LOL, that cracks me up. There's this guy at work. Looks like a possum. You can just look at his eyes and tell it ain't all clicking; especially, if you get above the elementary level or use two-syllable words.

Yet he just walks through life thinking he's cool. I caught myself one day thinking, "Man, it must be nice to be so damned dumb and not know it." His worry level is DEFINITELY way below mine.

Yep, there is something to say for the old maxim, at least regarding blood pressure, 'Ignorance is bliss'. :tinfoil:
What kills me is that it is in black and white, proven fact that the enemy manipulating the media was a MAJOR factor in Vietnam; yet, the left marches on in lockstep repeating the same damned thing, and Joe Average believes the shit.

It's one of those things that begs the question:" Just how stupid can people be?"
Most people are not in the least bit stupid. Rather they are startlingly uninformed. If they get any news at all, it’s a few minutes of TV “news.” It is a microscopic percentage of Americans that actually read the internet for news. The readership of newspapers has fallen every year since 1984. In the case of Iraq, for example, the average person knows only what has been bleated at him in a few seconds of sound bites, or what his equally uninformed pal at work told him. The average American is very narrowly focused on his own life and its immediate aspects. Only a small amount of information leaks in from the outside. It may be a “global village,” but most people are hiding in their homes with the shades drawn.
Most people are not in the least bit stupid. Rather they are startlingly uninformed. If they get any news at all, it’s a few minutes of TV “news.” It is a microscopic percentage of Americans that actually read the internet for news. The readership of newspapers has fallen every year since 1984. In the case of Iraq, for example, the average person knows only what has been bleated at him in a few seconds of sound bites, or what his equally uninformed pal at work told him. The average American is very narrowly focused on his own life and its immediate aspects. Only a small amount of information leaks in from the outside. It may be a “global village,” but most people are hiding in their homes with the shades drawn.

You are onto something here, people are ill informed. I also think there is something about the lack of curiosity evidenced by the choice to be so. They are not the brightest bulbs. There may be potential, but it's useless.
You are onto something here, people are ill informed. I also think there is something about the lack of curiosity evidenced by the choice to be so. They are not the brightest bulbs. There may be potential, but it's useless.
Perhaps the natural level of “news” curiosity in many people has been reduced because such curiosity often results in stress and anxiety. Many people are psychologically unequipped to adaptively process news information. They see frightening images and hear dire predictions on television and it causes anxiety. The natural, perhaps subconscious, response is to reduce the anxiety by staying psychologically inside and keeping the shades drawn. Perhaps it might be reasonable to teach children how to process news information. That is, do not teach what to think about the news, rather educate how to process news information without maladaptive levels of stress and anxiety.
Most people are not in the least bit stupid. Rather they are startlingly uninformed. If they get any news at all, it’s a few minutes of TV “news.” It is a microscopic percentage of Americans that actually read the internet for news. The readership of newspapers has fallen every year since 1984. In the case of Iraq, for example, the average person knows only what has been bleated at him in a few seconds of sound bites, or what his equally uninformed pal at work told him. The average American is very narrowly focused on his own life and its immediate aspects. Only a small amount of information leaks in from the outside. It may be a “global village,” but most people are hiding in their homes with the shades drawn.

I don't disagree. Then there ARE those who refuse to see what is right before their eyes; thus ..."idiots.";)
Perhaps the natural level of “news” curiosity in many people has been reduced because such curiosity often results in stress and anxiety. Many people are psychologically unequipped to adaptively process news information. They see frightening images and hear dire predictions on television and it causes anxiety. The natural, perhaps subconscious, response is to reduce the anxiety by staying psychologically inside and keeping the shades drawn. Perhaps it might be reasonable to teach children how to process news information. That is, do not teach what to think about the news, rather educate how to process news information without maladaptive levels of stress and anxiety.

I can agree with that. My wife is only informed to a certain level because the news depresses her. And she thinks we (people who argue politics on an internet message board) are screwy.

But she'll sit and watch HGTV for days.:thup:
Most people are not in the least bit stupid. Rather they are startlingly uninformed. If they get any news at all, it’s a few minutes of TV “news.” It is a microscopic percentage of Americans that actually read the internet for news. The readership of newspapers has fallen every year since 1984. In the case of Iraq, for example, the average person knows only what has been bleated at him in a few seconds of sound bites, or what his equally uninformed pal at work told him. The average American is very narrowly focused on his own life and its immediate aspects. Only a small amount of information leaks in from the outside. It may be a “global village,” but most people are hiding in their homes with the shades drawn.

That's funny. My husband and I didn't agree on much politically. The funny part is, he would ask ME what was going on with certain things and form an opinion from there, instead of reading about it or watching the news. I think he just liked to argue with me. :laugh:

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