The Legal Arm Of The DNC: The FBI


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Weaponized for use against the American people.

1.As seen in every third rate third world Banana Republic, I’ve just seen the third strike called on the once-vaunted FBI. And the call was by the Washington Times, not the Washington Post.

“House lawmakers demand answers on FBI operations after audit reveals rules broken in investigations

House lawmakers said Tuesday that they want answers about the FBI’s operations after an internal audit revealed agents flouting the rules during investigations involving politicians, candidates, religious groups, news media and others.

FBI agents broke their own rules at least 747 times in 18 months while conducting sensitive investigations, according to an internal 2019 FBI audit first reported by The Washington Times.

2. “The FBI has strayed away from its core mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution of the United States,” Mr. Biggs said in a statement. “They have a track record of not following the law, and that should concern all Americans. Congress must investigate this report and hold those accountable who enable this behavior.” House lawmakers demand answers on FBI operations after audit reveals rules broken in investigations

3. Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.” Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

i. Naming Richard Jewell as the FBI’s leading suspect in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing on July 27, 1996.

j. .....or illegally spying on American citizens, especially the elected President of the United States?

k. How about the at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the FISA applications all of which just happen to work against Trump and to the Deep State/Hillary election bid?

l. “Judge Rosemary Collyer, the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,…. issued a rare public order on Tuesday rebuking the Federal Bureau of Investigation…” Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide - WSJ

m. “The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with” The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

“…FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to charges that he falsified information on FISA warrant applications to spy on former members of the Trump campaign,…”

n. Railroading military hero and pro-American, General Flynn?

o. Hiding Hunter Biden's laptop until after the election, so voters didn't know the Bidens were on Communist China's payroll?

p. “FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting…by a violent liberal Bernie-loving wackjob with a history of anti-Republican rant— even after the shooter ascertained whether the people he was about to slaughter were Republicans.” Daily Dose of Downey: FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting; White Off Duty Cop Beaten in Racist Attack; Corrections Officer Trades Burger for Sex

q. “American gymnast and Olympian McKayla Maroney condemned the FBI on Wednesday for failing to act on her reports of sexual abuse against former USA gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar in the summer of 2015.” 'Not ever over': Gymnasts castigate FBI for its failures in Nassar case

r: Blowing off repeated warnings and evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were involved with violent radicals.

s: Botching a sting operation that resulted in the Las Vegas massacre.

t; Deliberately hiding evidence of innocence of the men they allowed to rot and die in prison, in order to shield one of their mob snitch fluffers.

u: Cooking up a kidnapping conspiracy in Michigan, that had more operatives and informants than actual plotters.

V. “Two men convicted of killing Malcolm X exonerated - CBS 58 › news › two-men-convicted-of-k...

(CNN) -- Two men convicted of the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X ... of their innocence, including FBI documents, was withheld at trial.”

w. FBI setting up a division to go after parents as domestic terrorists:

WASHINGTON—The Federal Bureau of Investigation has set up a process to track threats against school-board members and teachers, moving to implement a Justice Department directive that some law-enforcement officials and Republican lawmakers say could improperly target parents protesting local education policies. WSJ News Exclusive | FBI Tracks Threats Against Teachers, School-Board Members
Weaponized for use against the American people.

1.As seen in every third rate third world Banana Republic, I’ve just seen the third strike called on the once-vaunted FBI. And the call was by the Washington Times, not the Washington Post.

“House lawmakers demand answers on FBI operations after audit reveals rules broken in investigations

House lawmakers said Tuesday that they want answers about the FBI’s operations after an internal audit revealed agents flouting the rules during investigations involving politicians, candidates, religious groups, news media and others.

FBI agents broke their own rules at least 747 times in 18 months while conducting sensitive investigations, according to an internal 2019 FBI audit first reported by The Washington Times.

2. “The FBI has strayed away from its core mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution of the United States,” Mr. Biggs said in a statement. “They have a track record of not following the law, and that should concern all Americans. Congress must investigate this report and hold those accountable who enable this behavior.” House lawmakers demand answers on FBI operations after audit reveals rules broken in investigations

3. Which Of These Is Your Favorite FBI Moment?

a. Shooting dead a dog, a 14-year-old boy, and a woman holding her baby at Ruby Ridge?

b. Incinerating more than eighty men, women and children to death in Waco, Texas?

c. Blowing off a Phoenix agent’s warning about a lot of Muslims taking flight lessons two months before the 9/11 attacks?

d. Announcing that Hillary had done nothing wrong, before completing the investigation?

e. Clearing terrorist Omar Mateen shortly before he slaughtered fifty people at an Orlando nightclub?

f. Refusing to follow up on repeated warning about Parkland shooter Nikolas Cruz?

g. The FBI bogus investigation and indictment of Republican Senator Ted Stevens, costing him the election….charges then thrown out because the FBI agents conspired to withhold and conceal evidence that could have resulted in a verdict of "not guilty.

h. The anthrax case, where the FBI obsessed on an innocent man named Steven Hatfill, hounding him for six years, finding zero evidence. “Mueller made his position known, saying, “I do not apologize for any aspect of this investigation,” and stated that the FBI had made no mistakes.” Mueller Has Been Botching Investigations Since The Anthrax Attacks

i. Naming Richard Jewell as the FBI’s leading suspect in the Centennial Olympic Park bombing on July 27, 1996.

j. .....or illegally spying on American citizens, especially the elected President of the United States?

k. How about the at least 17 significant errors or omissions in the FISA applications all of which just happen to work against Trump and to the Deep State/Hillary election bid?

l. “Judge Rosemary Collyer, the presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,…. issued a rare public order on Tuesday rebuking the Federal Bureau of Investigation…” Secretive Surveillance Court Rebukes FBI Over Handling of Wiretapping of Trump Aide - WSJ

m. “The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with” The 13 revelations showing the FBI never really had a Russia collusion case to begin with

“…FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith is expected to plead guilty to charges that he falsified information on FISA warrant applications to spy on former members of the Trump campaign,…”

n. Railroading military hero and pro-American, General Flynn?

o. Hiding Hunter Biden's laptop until after the election, so voters didn't know the Bidens were on Communist China's payroll?

p. “FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting…by a violent liberal Bernie-loving wackjob with a history of anti-Republican rant— even after the shooter ascertained whether the people he was about to slaughter were Republicans.” Daily Dose of Downey: FBI Never 'Found a Motive' for Scalise Shooting; White Off Duty Cop Beaten in Racist Attack; Corrections Officer Trades Burger for Sex

q. “American gymnast and Olympian McKayla Maroney condemned the FBI on Wednesday for failing to act on her reports of sexual abuse against former USA gymnastics national team doctor Larry Nassar in the summer of 2015.” 'Not ever over': Gymnasts castigate FBI for its failures in Nassar case

r: Blowing off repeated warnings and evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were involved with violent radicals.

s: Botching a sting operation that resulted in the Las Vegas massacre.

t; Deliberately hiding evidence of innocence of the men they allowed to rot and die in prison, in order to shield one of their mob snitch fluffers.

u: Cooking up a kidnapping conspiracy in Michigan, that had more operatives and informants than actual plotters.

V. “Two men convicted of killing Malcolm X exonerated - CBS 58 › news › two-men-convicted-of-k...

(CNN) -- Two men convicted of the 1965 assassination of Malcolm X ... of their innocence, including FBI documents, was withheld at trial.”

w. FBI setting up a division to go after parents as domestic terrorists:

WASHINGTON—The Federal Bureau of Investigation has set up a process to track threats against school-board members and teachers, moving to implement a Justice Department directive that some law-enforcement officials and Republican lawmakers say could improperly target parents protesting local education policies. WSJ News Exclusive | FBI Tracks Threats Against Teachers, School-Board Members
You don't think the FBI is covering up for GW Bush and all the Rs who knew that 9/11 was going to happen?
I thought I was pretty clear: the FBI is an adjunct of the Democrat Party.

Did Comey stab Trump in the back?

Do you know the names Strzok and Clinesmith?
You've made your point that the FBI is just as corrupt as the rest of America. You can include the CIA too for good measure!

One could believe that America isn't a capitalist country, but really just a bunch of corrupt oligarchs who are sitting on billions and billions of the people's money!
You've made your point that the FBI is just as corrupt as the rest of America. You can include the CIA too for good measure!

One could believe that America isn't a capitalist country, but really just a bunch of corrupt oligarchs who are sitting on billions and billions of the people's money!

Time for you to go home.....I'll call the moose for you....

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

“The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long ago…. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices “that created the appearance” of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that “we’ll stop” Trump from winning the election.

… he says he “did not have confidence” that Strzok’s decision in the campaign’s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop “was free from bias.” He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees “brought discredit to themselves” and hurt the bureau’s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case — …” The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillary’s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trump’s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liars…..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigation….cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. So, there are two levels of justice….one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy…..the Democrats and their stooges.
10. So, there are two levels of justice….one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy…..the Democrats and their stooges.
America is corrupt. You've made that point dozens of times. When will ya'all come together as a country and stop the corruption and the wars?
America is corrupt. You've made that point dozens of times. When will ya'all come together as a country and stop the corruption and the wars?

America is corrupt??????

Where are you from again???

“Justin Trudeau blames Putin invading Ukraine on Democracies NOT being ANTI-Free Speech enough. No, really. It’s amazing.”
“Countries allowing increasing misinformation and disinformation to be shared on social media.”

Justin Trudeau blames Putin invading Ukraine on Democracies NOT being ANTI-Free Speech enough. No, really. It’s amazing.

How many times a day do perfect strangers walk up and call you " treacherous scum!!"????
America is corrupt??????
You've made the point dozens of times hon. You need to stop hounding me when I quote you and start trying to deal with the problem.
You really can't condemn fully half of the people in your country the way you do and then claim that your country isn't corrupt!
Holy chit that is a whole lot of corruption and criminal behavior by the FBI.
Lets see what the Tweener Twins have to say

has Mac1958 and Golfing Gator become so committed to the liberal democrat cause that they have to remain silent?
You've made the point dozens of times hon. You need to stop hounding me when I quote you and start trying to deal with the problem.
You really can't condemn fully half of the people in your country the way you do and then claim that your country isn't corrupt!

... you're a Marxist.

By definition an atheist and by admission, in favor of genocide and censorship.

In short.....the lowest of the low, an enemy of mankind and of civilization.

You probably hear that a lot.

Today's news article proving how political the FBI has become under Democrats:​

"Read the Emails Advertising FBI Event To Honor Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Nomination

Celebration canceled over violations of FBI commitment to nonpartisanship

... raises questions about the politicization of the nation's most powerful law enforcement agency. Republican lawmakers have long voiced concerns about partisanship coloring the FBI's investigations.

The Department of Justice's inspector general, for example, wrote in a 2018 report that he "did not have confidence" that former FBI agent Peter Strzok acted "free from bias" when investigating former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's private email server or former president Donald Trump. The inspector general wrote in his report that "the public's trust is negatively impacted when law enforcement officials make statements reflecting bias." officially a banana republic.

I found this Herblock cartoon from 1978 (Jimmy Carter era).


Christopher Steele and Ray Epps were not the first operatives to do the FBI/DNC dirty work.
One could believe that America isn't a capitalist country, but really just a bunch of corrupt oligarchs who are sitting on billions and billions of the people's money!
What, exactly, is "the peoples' money?"

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