The Legacy of Mohammed


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
This illustrates the depravity and evilness of Islam and followers of the Quran.

If there are moderate Muslims that abhor the actions of their radical brethren, why do they not speak out and fight against the subjugation, rape and slaying of innocent women and children who do not comply with their maniacal, neanderthal behavior?

ISIS Slaughters 150 Females in Iraq for Refusing to Marry Have Sex with Them - Breitbart

ISIS Slaughters 150 Females in Iraq for Refusing to Marry, Have Sex with Them

The militants buried the victims in mass graves in the city. The families who left lost many children after they were stranded in the desert.

The Islamic State slaughtered over 50 people from the Al Bu Nimr tribe in Iraq’s Anbar Province on November 2. The massacre included six women and four children. Witnesses said the militants lined up the victims, whom they “publicly killed one by one.” Over seventeen people were kidnapped, as well. Militants murdered 98 people from the same tribe 24-48 hours before the massacre. The tribe is Sunni, which holds the same belief of Islam as the Islamic State, but now, they view the tribe as a threat.

Militants claim they adhere to a very conservative interpretation of Islam, yet they run brothels and keep sex slaves. They even allow women from the West to perform “sexual jihad” for the terrorists. A 2013 edict allows this behavior “to boost the morale of fighters.” Islamic State issued its own edict in June after conquering towns in Iraq. Jihadists set up brothels filled with kidnapped females and placed British women in charge. One Yazidi sex slave begged the West to bomb the brothel at which she was held to end her suffering. A video in November showed militants laughing and joking about buying female Yazidi slaves.
Horrific. Thank you for the report and making a thread for these people. To think that a Yasidi sex slave was begging the West to bomb the brothel she was held at to end her suffering speaks volumes as to the anguish these people are experiencing. What a tragic thing these people are enduring. Where is the UN on stories such as these? Nowhere to be found. Unbelievable.
Islam reminds me of Nazi Germany in the 30's. The GOOD people stood by as evil came to power. Edmund Burke said something like "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". All these so called "good" Muslims aren't doing a damned thing. In my mind, I can't say Islam has any good in it at all....
Islam reminds me of Nazi Germany in the 30's. The GOOD people stood by as evil came to power. Edmund Burke said something like "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing". All these so called "good" Muslims aren't doing a damned thing. In my mind, I can't say Islam has any good in it at all....

That's why being "good" isn't "good enough" and will not empower you to do the right thing when the chips are down, Mary. Only those who are abiding in Christ are able (by His Power - not our own) to do what is right and lay down our life for others. Otherwise, it just is not possible because only Perfect love (abiding in Christ's love) is able to cast out all fear and do the right thing.

Fear is a powerful emotion. It paralyzes people and makes them incapable of doing what is necessary. In the case of Islam - it is a religion that is not founded on Jesus Christ - the Rock - it is founded on fear and intimidation and control - those who are in it are faced with some 1 in 7 verses of the Koran threatening them with hell fire and death. It is a religion where the followers are living in fear and dread of Allah and of their brethren who could turn on them if they have something they have done which is forbidden by their religion.

I'm not making any excuses for Muslims but we honestly do not know how we would react had we been born into such a culture / lifestyle - Islam is not just a religion - it is a religious political culture - a government within itself - sharia law - and going against it is most surely going to bring trouble to them. If they do not have Christ, how can they stand against that? They can't.
They speak out.

You just don't listen.

It's the same with moderate Christians. They speak out all the time. Nobody listens.
For every Muslim in America who sneaks overseas to fight for ISIS, there should be 20 leaving to fight against them.

That's sneaky. I almost like it.........throw in the Christians and I am in.
They speak out.

You just don't listen.

It's the same with moderate Christians. They speak out all the time. Nobody listens.
Show me a moderate Christian and I will show you a backslider. There is no such thing as moderate Christianity! As for Muslims? Let there be jihad and then you show me moderate, Disir. As for Muslims speaking out. They are few and far between.
There are many muslims and Islamic organizations which speak out all of the time. But the main stream media never covers it.

Yet 1 deranged muslim holds some people hostage in an Australian coffee shop and it's world wide news 24/7 ....... :cool:
Good Muslims are a dime a dozen, like the good Germans in Nazi Germany. Too little and too late. The triumph of evil is about good people siting on their hands doing NOTHING. Good Muslims? Don't make me laugh. Where are they? Because, we get 9/11, mass bombings, schools being attacked, girls being kidnaped, so I am not seeing the bright side of "Islam" here.
There are many muslims and Islamic organizations which speak out all of the time. But the main stream media never covers it.

Yet 1 deranged muslim holds some people hostage in an Australian coffee shop and it's world wide news 24/7 ....... :cool:
This coming from Sunni, someone who openly supported ISIS on these very boards. You gotta be kidding me. Ha ha ha.
There are many muslims and Islamic organizations which speak out all of the time. But the main stream media never covers it.

Yet 1 deranged muslim holds some people hostage in an Australian coffee shop and it's world wide news 24/7 ....... :cool:
the ID
This coming from Sunni, someone who openly supported ISIS on these very boards. You gotta be kidding me. Ha ha ha.

Being a devout Muslim, Sunni Welfare Troll lies and makes excuses for all of the atrocities committed by Islam. Like when he blamed the Americans in Syria for them getting beheaded, but not the ISIS terrorist scum.
Legacy of Mohamed: Kidnapping girls for the sex trade. Cutting off women's clitorises. Making Women hide in burkas. Suicide cells, 9/11. Humas rocket attacks into Israel or blowing up over 250 American Marines in Beirut in 1983. Stop me when you have heard enough, Because, Of all the outrages , no other religion like Islam excels at terrorism, none. Bash America or Israel. but Arab Muslims are superb at nihilistic hypocritical evil , none can dare challenge Islam at pure selfish vile hateful attacks on innocent people, of any religion, even their own aren't immune from this vile destructive stupidity. Rapes, abductions, suicide bombings. This is what ISLAM does.
Legacy of Mohamed: Kidnapping girls for the sex trade. Cutting off women's clitorises. Making Women hide in burkas. Suicide cells, 9/11. Humas rocket attacks into Israel or blowing up over 250 American Marines in Beirut in 1983. Stop me when you have heard enough, Because, Of all the outrages , no other religion like Islam excels at terrorism, none. Bash America or Israel. but Arab Muslims are superb at nihilistic hypocritical evil , none can dare challenge Islam at pure selfish vile hateful attacks on innocent people, of any religion, even their own aren't immune from this vile destructive stupidity. Rapes, abductions, suicide bombings. This is what ISLAM does.

They are following true Islam, nothing different than what their prophet did and commanded they do as well.
So this is the legacy of Islam? Murder and rape and subjugation? What's on the good side of the equation? Why do so many people believe in Islam? It sounds really good? No proof, it is poetic and evokes emotions...Realy? So does freeking Santa Clause or the daddy wa diddy, big foot or the chucacabra. Islam. Pshht.
So this is the legacy of Islam? Murder and rape and subjugation? What's on the good side of the equation? Why do so many people believe in Islam? It sounds really good? No proof, it is poetic and evokes emotions...Realy? So does freeking Santa Clause or the daddy wa diddy, big foot or the chucacabra. Islam. Pshht.

All religions suck- even Christianity.

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