The leftwing premis: If you defend the Bill of Rights, then you are a racist.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .
Freedom of the press ?

Righties attack our time tested media outlets as "fake news" whenever they don't like what's being said .
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

Name one part that the left hasn't opposed.

All of it except the 2nd .

Righties are against freedom of religion (unless it's Christian). 911 mosque for example .

Wrong. You're on here attacking the First Amendment with virtually every post. The left has attacked every part of the Bill of Rights except the amendment about quartering soldiers.
Freedom of assembly ?

They cheered the police using water cannons on pipeline protesters. You wanted to pass laws making it ok to run them over .
Freedom of the press ?

Righties attack our time tested media outlets as "fake news" whenever they don't like what's being said .

So you think freedom of the press means no one is allowed to criticize the press? Doesn't that put freedom of speech in opposition to freedom of the press?

You're a pathetic tool, Timmy.
Search and seizure ?

Righties back stop n frisk . It ok, the police will only hassle brown folk .
Freedom of assembly ?

They cheered the police using water cannons on pipeline protesters. You wanted to pass laws making it ok to run them over .
None of your business as I recall you are from England, worry about the problems in YOUR country not ours and worry about the fact you have no protected rights at all, your Parliament and Government can do ANYTHING they chose because there are no written rights protected for British Subjects.
Righties only care about the 2nd .

Go ahead and give an example of the right being pro any other part of the bill o rights .

The Second Amendment is the catalyst that protects the whole Constitution and the Amendments. Without the Second Amendment, everything else isn't worth a bucket of spit. This is a truism that every stupid assed liberal progressive puke in America will never absorb into their pointy little heads.
Search and seizure ?

Righties back stop n frisk . It ok, the police will only hassle brown folk .
I don't back that.

The question isn't what the right opposes. The question is what you oppose, and the entire Bill of Rights is on the menu.
Make no mistake about it, what the left is really doing with this propaganda campaign about Charlottesville is undermining the Bill of Rights. Anyone who defends the rights of the Alt-Right to demonstrate is branded as a racist. Anyone who points out the attacks of ANTIFA and BLM against the legal protesters is a bigot. The left has long been opposed to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They've been making war on them ever since the Civil War.

It's time to put an end to their anti-American horseshit.
We as a nation are done. The left is doing it's very best to destroy it. So after yesterday and my melt down, I gave up. The libs are not worth getting involved with so I did something constructive today. I went out and bought another three thousand rounds of ammo. Talking to the neighbors about a watch group for our area.
Freedom of assembly ?

They cheered the police using water cannons on pipeline protesters. You wanted to pass laws making it ok to run them over .
None of your business as I recall you are from England, worry about the problems in YOUR country not ours and worry about the fact you have no protected rights at all, your Parliament and Government can do ANYTHING they chose because there are no written rights protected for British Subjects.

Born n raised in Massachusetts.

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