For a private citizen having feelings is a good thing, I for instance have no problem saying fuck and shit and if people find that offensive, that"s their problem. The thing is Trump is aspiring to have at his fingertips an almost unimaganible power. Having 'feelings' with that kind of power is dangerous because you need to able to make rational decissions at all times. If someone accuses you of having a small dick you need to able to just let it go as a president. Something Trump couldn't in the primaries.
I see. Trump is the villain because he decided not to take it from someone. Your scenario is so far off base if you believe Trump will nuke some country because they insulted him. Maybe we should start putting these threads in the desperate lunacy section.
I don't need to go as far as nuking. I'll give an example. When Snowden leaked that the US was tapping Merkels cell phone, the Germans filed a protest and moved on. How would Trump react to something similar since he has feelings? If Trump calls NATO obsolete he quite litterally sends a message to the Russians inviting them to invade more countries. He speakes before he thinks so why am I to believe he won't act before he thinks?
Name me one person who doesn't make decisions based on their 'feelings'? Don't dignitaries from other countries greet each other with the proper respect? They do that because no matter how great their idea is they know that if they offend the host country that that country will probably be less likely to cooperate with them. Every car salesmen is nice to their customers because they know it helps make cooperation a little more effective which completes the deal. Every country in the world has certain protocols for dealing with foreign countries so I don't see why a President Trump should be treated with less respect than any other dignatary of other countries.
I just showed you someone who didn't make a decision based on her feelings. Or do you believe that Merkel wasn't extremely pissed when she found out she was being tapped, by an ally no less? She realised that her personnal feelings where less important then her countries intrests. Like I pointed out, Trump questioning NATO is filed away and will have far reaching consequenses if he becomes president. And that's simply because he opened his mouth before thinking it all the way through. That is the power of just a candidate for the presidency.
Can you actually show that the motives for Trump to question NATO was because some NATO representative said he had a tiny dick? You are trying to make a cause and affect relationship where there might not be one.
Merkel got wiretapped and did nothing. Good for her but didn't the left get their feelings hurt when Russia hacked the DNC? Isn't that what you are trying to accuse Trump of doing?