The Left's Alternate Constitution


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The way the Federal Government is supposed to work in this country is defined by the Constitution. Basically, the Congress makes policies (consistent with the Constitution), and the President carries them out, through the Executive Branch of the government. The breadth of the Federal Government’s reach is defined by Article I, Section 8, which expressly lays out the areas where Congress has power, with all other governmental powers “reserved to the States, respectively, and to the People,” under the Tenth Amendment.

If The People don’t like the policy that Congress has established through laws, they “petition the Government,” for change, and if that doesn’t work, they try to elect different representatives who share their views, and the change comes about. Or doesn’t. This is the way it’s supposed to work.

But Leftists in this country have rejected this paradigm over the past 50 years, mainly because the changes they want could never be implemented in the Constitutional way. A few examples:

· Dems wanted to establish a “right” to abortion;

· Dems wanted to eliminate the death penalty;

· Dems wanted to eliminate sodomy laws;

· Dems wanted to eliminate virtually all restrictions on speech (typically, pornography)

· Dems wanted to establish “gay marriage”;

· Dems want socialized medicine of one form or another;

· Dems want “open borders,” in order to pack the electorate with wretched immigrants who will reliably vote Democrat;

· Dems wanted to force government-racial discrimination to benefit African Americans.

And because none of these could be brought about in the Constitutional way – due to a lack of public support for those initiatives – in each case the American left has sought, with considerable success, to use either the Federal Courts or the Federal bureaucracy to get their way, in violation of the Constitution and laws. They have loaded the Federal courts, up to and including the USSC, with Leftists whose sole mission in life is to “interpret” the Constitution to mean things that it manifestly does not mean. They have created a previously-non-existent “right of privacy,” and used it to thwart both the Federal and State governments in their pursuit of traditional and legal institutions. They have subverted six words in the 14th Amendment to decree that anyone born in the U.S. is a “natural born” citizen, despite no legislative history whatsoever to support such an outrageous interpretation or result. The list of unconstitutional initiatives implemented by the Federal Courts is almost endless.

Today’s Leftists, led by former President Barry Soetoro, believe that if you don’t like the law, you have a RIGHT to pretend that the law is what you think it ought to be, and then to enforce that non-law vigorously – the most recent and blatant example being the monstrosity called “DACA” (should be CaCa). Then, the Left excoriates President Trump for doing nothing more than seeking to take our [immigration] laws seriously, all the while slandering his name for having the temerity to want to enforce laws that THEY DON’T LIKE!

My question is this: Do young Leftists actually believe that what they are doing is legitimate? Do they believe that they are somehow “right” when they wail that Trump is “un-American” when he tries to defend ENFORCING EXISTING LAWS?

Inquiring minds want to know.

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