The Left Keeps Claiming that there is NO Voter Fraud.......then THIS (Yet again)


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
AN off duty Houston Police officer working as a poll watcher observed obvious fraud in Houston....DEMOCRAT Stronghold.

Apparently, the Cheating left was using boxes of random driver licenses to allow anyone to drive through and vote from their car.
The driver licenses, although in no way associated with the voter, was used to verify the voters as legitimate.

A sworn affidavit has been submitted....and so far he claims NOT ONE federal or state or City official has contacted him about it.

You can rest assured the cheating by the left is astronomical....probably 50% of their vote is fraudulent.

yet they scoff and call you a tin foil hat wearer if you call out their fraud.

If the Left manages to steal this election, it seems the DUTY of every American patriot to say "HELL NO" !!!!

Poll watcher submits affidavit alleging Houston judge and election staff committed voter fraud: report
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AN off duty Houston Police officer working as a poll watcher observed obvious fraud in Houston....DEMOCRAT Stronghold.

Apparently, the Cheating left was using boxes of random driver licenses to allow anyone to drive through and vote from their car.
The driver licenses, although in no way associated with the voter, was used to verify the voters as legitimate.

A sworn affidavit has been submitted....and so far he claims NOT ONE federal or state or City official has contacted him about it.

You can rest assured the cheating by the left is astronomical....probably 50% of their vote is fraudulent.

yet the scoff and call you a tin foil hat wearer if you call out their fraud.

If the Left manages to steal this election, it seems the DUTY of every American patriot to say "HELL NO" !!!!

Poll watcher submits affidavit alleging Houston judge and election staff committed voter fraud: report
The tactic is to treat every instance of fraud as if it occurred in a vacuum. That allows them to pretend there's no big problem at all. Of course, they have to expect everyone to forget the other instances ever happened.
It's ironic when a lefty asks if you will accept the results of the election when they never accepted DTs election 4 yrs ago & they are already saying they will not accept another defeat. What's that old saying about without double standards, the left would have none?
I've been telling the progs for months the only way they could possibly win is with massive amounts of voter fraud. Say they cheat their way to a win, what's the next step? Hope the rest of us just let them get away with it? I really don't see that happening
AN off duty Houston Police officer working as a poll watcher observed obvious fraud in Houston....DEMOCRAT Stronghold.

Apparently, the Cheating left was using boxes of random driver licenses to allow anyone to drive through and vote from their car.
The driver licenses, although in no way associated with the voter, was used to verify the voters as legitimate.

A sworn affidavit has been submitted....and so far he claims NOT ONE federal or state or City official has contacted him about it.

You can rest assured the cheating by the left is astronomical....probably 50% of their vote is fraudulent.

yet the scoff and call you a tin foil hat wearer if you call out their fraud.

If the Left manages to steal this election, it seems the DUTY of every American patriot to say "HELL NO" !!!!

Poll watcher submits affidavit alleging Houston judge and election staff committed voter fraud: report
So a retired Texas police officer witnessed the commission of multiple possible felonies but didn't secure the evidence, didn't call out for someone to call the police and didn't make any citizen's arrests of the person(s) in control and handling the multiple drivers licenses being used for felonious purposes????

I'm calling bullshit on this unless all the LEO's, active and retired in Texas, are as fucking stupid and inept as this retired cop cum poll watcher!!
It never happened.

You're right and there was another post a week or so ago on same subject and then debunked.
They have to get this out there to try and cover up their cheating and the more they keep screaming this the chances of no one knowing who won until Christmas increases.
You see their responses.

You see their utter lack of any possible admission that ANY of it could possibly be true.
As has been pointed out by experts....MANY on the Left suffer from Moral Narcissism and or other varying degrees of mental illness.
How else could they possibly agree that there are 150 different GENDERS ??

Are you REALLY going to allow these people to rule over you after they steal the election?

God help you if you do.
They do not differentiate between right and wrong....only what feels "good" to them.
It explains their justification of pedophilia and the sexualization of children ("Cuties")
It's also why they justify looting and riots.....violence against the opposition and lawlessness.....shoplifting as 'Social Justice"

They are not only capable of, but are prone to great acts of violence and harm against others.
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November 4th, be vigilant, know where democrats are in your communities, and be well armed! :Boom2:
At Home >>


Outside walking >>

AN off duty Houston Police officer working as a poll watcher observed obvious fraud in Houston....DEMOCRAT Stronghold.

Apparently, the Cheating left was using boxes of random driver licenses to allow anyone to drive through and vote from their car.
The driver licenses, although in no way associated with the voter, was used to verify the voters as legitimate.

A sworn affidavit has been submitted....and so far he claims NOT ONE federal or state or City official has contacted him about it.

You can rest assured the cheating by the left is astronomical....probably 50% of their vote is fraudulent.

yet they scoff and call you a tin foil hat wearer if you call out their fraud.

If the Left manages to steal this election, it seems the DUTY of every American patriot to say "HELL NO" !!!!

Poll watcher submits affidavit alleging Houston judge and election staff committed voter fraud: report

There isn’t enough fraud to make a difference is the argument most liberals make. The blob’s commission confirmed it

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