Best Compendium Countering the "No Evidence" Gaslight Yet, of Election Fraud


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.
Don't confuse the left with facts. they are already over the edge.
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.
Don't confuse the left with facts. they are already over the edge.

I have a liberal friend we argued about "no evidence" I said did you look for any? She said with wide open eyes "no." If I have her on Fox for too long she starts to hyperventilate and rushes to change it back to CNN. Then you can see her whole body totally relax again.
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.

Sorry, but you didn't make the record for getting in my bitbucket. The record stands at 7 posts.

The fact remains, you lost and the rest of us need to move on. I don't have the time nor the effort to converse with not only a sock puppet but a traitorous one at that.
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.
Don't confuse the left with facts. they are already over the edge.

Wow, yet another sock puppet traitor. Can you spell Bit Bucket?
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.

Sorry, but you didn't make the record for getting in my bitbucket. The record stands at 7 posts.

The fact remains, you lost and the rest of us need to move on. I don't have the time nor the effort to converse with not only a sock puppet but a traitorous one at that.
Theft is not a loss.
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.
Don't confuse the left with facts. they are already over the edge.

Wow, yet another sock puppet traitor. Can you spell Bit Bucket?

Can you say "68% adjudicated ballots?" Traitor?
Includes the non-partisan and highly respected Amistad Project. Here are the main topics of conversation for four years, along with the debunking the fake "debunks" like "courts already rejected for no evidence." But how do you know there is no evidence if you dismiss a case without looking at the evidence? 65% hand-adjudicated ballots in MI and GA look like evidence to me.

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Christian Daily

Voter Fraud: Thousands Of Pages And Hours Of Videos Proving The Recent US Elections Were Stolen

Per the non-profit, "The 2020 election witnessed an unprecedented and coordinated effort through public-private partnerships to improperly and unlawfully influence the election for Mr. Biden."
These efforts resulted in an election that "violates state law," an election in which "the American people cannot have faith," and consequently election that has results "which should not be certified," the non-profit added.
The following reports, each of focusing on different key areas, provide tons of evidence on the massive voter fraud that occurred:

This report looks at the effects that funding from Mark Zuckerberg and other interests had on the recent elections.

A report explaining the impacts that the Electoral College's "other deadlines" has on the recent Presidential Election.

A massive 1,400-page super-appendix providing detailed and extensive evidence of voter fraud and its effects on the Election in five swing states.

A press conference in Wisconsin where Amistad Project Director Phill Kline described the irregularities and intentional violations of the law meant to influence the elections for Biden.

A national press conference revealing how Zuckerberg's money undermined the election system and its integrity.

A summary of potentially fraudulent ballots. The link lets users download the actual report.

A timeline of all the electoral policy activities in the six key battleground of States From August To November, 2020 - Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada

Peter Navarro's excellent, easy to understand presentation on how voter fraud happened in the recent U.S. Elections.

A report revealing the major discrepancies that lawmakers found when they analyzed election data.

Three whistleblowers appear to share eyewitness accounts about election fraud, including those that could affect freedom.
What they reveal
These reports reveal that the efforts to rig or influence the election for Biden include the following, as per Got Freedom?:

  • Launching lawsuits meant to undermine ballot integrity measures as early as March of 2020.
  • Using "a two-tiered election system" wherein state and local officials targeted Trump constituencies to depress the vote while targeting Biden constituencies to turn out the vote.
  • Paying election judges and officials to manage the way ballots were processed and counted.
  • Local election officials violating state laws protecting the integrity of the ballot.
  • Delivering hundreds of thousands of ballots to one location, and ignoring Republicans' lawful right to view the receipt, handling, and counting of ballots in consolidated counting centers.
  • Illegal ballot harvesting.
  • Accepting more than $400 million from private interests dictating how the election would be managed in Democrat territories.
  • Giving private interests special access to and use of sensitive citizen information that would by maintained only by government.
  • Benefiting from Big Tech monies and censorship of information;
  • Training and deploying left-leaning poll workers to commit fraud in Democrat territories.
  • Denying transparency by resisting or rejecting legitimate requests to review and audit ballots, ballot envelopes, and computer logs.
  • Threatening legislators who disagree with blue state executive officials on the election result with criminal investigation and prosecution.
  • Blocking Republican legislators' access to the state capitol, preventing them from meeting and challenging election certification.
This is the same amistad project which had its case thrown out by judge Boasberg for misreading the constitution?

The suit was derided by legal community for the substance of its arguments, the broadness of its goals, and for naming the Electoral College as a defendant, with notes that the Electoral College is not something that exists, but a process that happens.

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