The Left Is Making Up Events In The News To Create Symbolic Issues That Fit Their Agenda


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Everyone is familiar with "Hands Up, Don't Shoot". We found out the whole thing was made up by lying journalists, perpetrated by a tax-cheat, Al Sharpton, and encouraged and prodded along by a dishonest president.
The left and Democrats don't need real events anymore. They can just make em up when needed. There are enough people out there that have bought into their alternate universe..... and so every new lie becomes just a reaffirmation of what they all believe is going on......regardless of the fact it was all made up in the first place.

Why the Rolling Stone gang-rape story will never be labeled a hoax


By now it's clear that the brutal gang rape reported last November in Rolling Stone did not occur. I write that, knowing full well the backlash I could receive from not adding the caveat that something could still have happened to Jackie, the accuser in the story.

Activists have clung to the idea that something probably did happen to make a young woman tell a tale of a brutal gang rape and become a campus activist to keep the hoax claims isolated to a small subset. These same activists bent over backwards following the Charlottesville Police press conference last week to claim that Jackie probably wasn't lying, because such a false accusation "flies in the face of statistics," as one CNN panelist said. Of course, the statistic that only 2 percent of reported rapes are false – doubtful anyway – only applies to rapes actually reported to police, which this one was not.

But in any event, the faint possibility that Jackie may have suffered some other horrific event is not the reason this story will not be labeled a hoax by activists or most in the mainstream media.

No, the reason it will not be labeled a hoax comes from an anonymous McGill University student, using the pseudonym Aurora Dagny, who wrote last year that dogmatism is in part to blame for activists' refusal to accept evidence contrary to their worldview.

"One way to define the difference between a regular belief and a sacred belief is that people who hold sacred beliefs think it is morally wrong for anyone to question those beliefs," Dagny wrote. "If someone does question those beliefs, they're not just being stupid or even depraved, they're actively doing violence. They might as well be kicking a puppy. When people hold sacred beliefs, there is no disagreement without animosity."

Because the activists behind the Rolling Stone story hold a "sacred belief" that thousands, perhaps even millions, of college students are sexually assaulted each year, any evidence to the contrary is seen as detrimental to the cause.

It's why Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., was able to continue calling Jackie a "victim" of a crime for which there is no proof. It's why the University of Virginia's president, Teresa Sullivan, and those responsible for vandalizing the fraternity named in the Rolling Stone article have not had to apologize for their rush to judgment.

Here's the fake story from Rolling Stone - A Rape on Campus A Brutal Assault and Struggle for Justice at UVA Rolling Stone

To sum it all up; Liberals and progressives will only believe what fits inside their ideological beliefs. Anything that doesn't fit isn't believable to them. It's like the simple fact that most blacks feel that white cops are suspicious of them (for good reason) and why gays feel that straight folks, and particularly Christians, think they are perverts. This is what Democrats are trying to take advantage of. Their innate prejudices and bigotry of specific groups. These folks are much more easily misled that others.
The right contrives lies and straw man fallacies to advance their agenda, this thread being one of many examples
There is a great one about restaurants closing in Seattle due to the mandatory minimum wage increase and it is a current topic and thread. Such a big lie and fake story that the pro business conservative publication FORBES produced an article about it calling it the "Anatomy of a Lie".
Making it up to drive an agenda you say? Like Jeremiah Wright, ACORN, the "Knockout Game", Henry Louis Gates, Shirley Sherrod, Van Jones and "Hip Hop Barbecues"?

Oh wait, that's Fox Noise...
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.

they aren't "reporting" the news. They are DRIVING the news and has become a danger to us
The people in this country needs to wake up to the fact. Most of this lamestream media has become an enemy to a lot them.
.Yes they needs to!

.and in honor of your stupidity, every time I write a response to one of your idiotic posts, I will start the sentence with a period.
The right contrives lies and straw man fallacies to advance their agenda, this thread being one of many examples
here is a great one about restaurants closing in Seattle due to the mandatory minimum wage increase and it is a current topic and thread. Such a big lie and fake story that the pro business conservative publication FORBES produced an article about it calling it the "Anatomy of a Lie".
what Article in Forbes this one?
Proof Perfect That The Minimum Wage Costs Jobs - Forbes

Btw I have had a Subscription to forbes since the 80s
So nobody wants to address the veracity of the featured stories because............ inconvenient as usual for libs
To sum it all up; Liberals and progressives will only believe what fits inside their ideological beliefs. Anything that doesn't fit isn't believable to them. It's like the simple fact that most blacks feel that white cops are suspicious of them (for good reason) and why gays feel that straight folks, and particularly Christians, think they are perverts. This is what Democrats are trying to take advantage of. Their innate prejudices and bigotry of specific groups. These folks are much more easily misled that others.

Why are you accusing me of defending the rape story?
The right contrives lies and straw man fallacies to advance their agenda, this thread being one of many examples
here is a great one about restaurants closing in Seattle due to the mandatory minimum wage increase and it is a current topic and thread. Such a big lie and fake story that the pro business conservative publication FORBES produced an article about it calling it the "Anatomy of a Lie".
what Article in Forbes this one?
Proof Perfect That The Minimum Wage Costs Jobs - Forbes

Btw I have had a Subscription to forbes since the 80s
No, this one. The one you posted is an opinion commentary.
They are also using these types of distractions all the while re-writing new rules to have laid on us and our livelihoods. It seems if it can hurt us, Obama is all for it.
I don't know where it ends.

Obama’s Climate Change Plan Will Only Avert 0.001° Of Warming A Year…

Via The Daily Caller

President Barack Obama formally submitted his plan to cut U.S. carbon dioxide emissions to the U.N. Tuesday and a climate scientists has already pointed out a glaring problem: The plan will have virtually no impact on global temperatures.

Obama’s carbon dioxide reduction plan commits the U.S. to 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels by 2025 — a promise he made last year to secure a pledge from China to reduce its own emissions.

But Obama’s plan will only avert 0.001 degrees Celsius of global temperature rises a year, according to climate scientist Chip Knappenberger with the libertarian Cato Institute.

Everything but kitchen sink in Obama’s #climate plan announcement-everything except climate. Why? Plan will only avert 0.001C/yr of warming.

— Chip Knappenberger (@PCKnappenberger) March 31, 2015

The cost? It’s not clear, but EPA regulations aimed at cutting carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector is projected to cost as much as $8.8 billion a year based on agency figures. Other studies put the cost much higher — a NERA study found the costs would be $41 billion per year

all of it here with comments:
Obama s Climate Change Plan Will Only Avert 0.001 Of Warming A Year Weasel Zippers
Hands up MODS ...

do your job and merge all these threads that are robbing the board ... multiple threads/same topic are no-no's
The right contrives lies and straw man fallacies to advance their agenda, this thread being one of many examples
There is a great one about restaurants closing in Seattle due to the mandatory minimum wage increase and it is a current topic and thread. Such a big lie and fake story that the pro business conservative publication FORBES produced an article about it calling it the "Anatomy of a Lie".
Sure.....They will call it a pack of lies.....but doing research on the lie proves there's truth to the story.

All a Democrat supporter needs these days is a story to counter the original story, and they'll believe the unsubstantiated story that refutes the original claims. They don't need proof anymore. If Hillary says no classified information was on her server then dammit, she's telling the truth. Who cares that she wiped her disk to destroy any possible discovery in an investigation. She has to be trusted. Who cares that the story about a video turned out to be bogus. Who cares that the same criminals that encouraged protesters to keep causing trouble in Ferguson made this story up, and are right now, in negotiations with Iran over nukes. Germany and France have left the talks because they know it's going nowhere, but they still want us to believe they are making progress. Pretty soon Obama will read a speech off of a teleprompter telling us that they have made great progress, and ISIS is being turned back, and the libs will be doing cartwheels over a pack of lies once again.

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