Arabia is increasingly identified by many people as the terrorists moneybox (certainly not the only one) and as encouraging their action, and it sometimes pays for it as was recently the case some months ago, as well as other countries in the world. When one plays several games at the same time, there can be contradictions and unexpected backfires. The killer hijackers of the attack on the beautiful Twin Towers were nearly all Saudis. Now they say they want to change their politics but it will be difficult to repair decades of propaganda and plotting against the West and the rest of the world. The brave book "La Guerre daprès" by Laurent Murawiec of the Hudson Institute (USA), published by Albin Michel in France, available only in French, I think, for the moment, (but you can order to them Fighting the next war, American Outlook Magazines Issues), clarifies the issue. In the 50,000 mosques of Saudi Arabia, which indoctrinate the population, as is also the case elsewhere, the mullahs obey instructions from their superiors and preach against Jews and Christians, (or vice-versa depending on the mullah), and sometime encourage the murders, in hateful sermons every week, year after year. « Cujus regio, ejus religio », right? I say this without any intention to incite wickedness and hatred against them in return, as they constantly do in their newspapers and media against us "Westerners" mostly, WITH IMPUNITY. It is apparently encouraged by the State. And the State is Islam. Meanwhile, it would be unthinkable for any of our media or politicians to do the same without immediate legal sanctions (and protests from them). Lets not incite hatred as they do, lets not be like them. Lets not forget that many of them have no choice other than to obey their leaders as slaves, poor people and poor resigned women wearing their chadors all year round. Furthermore, they see us as people who do not understand them and they feel unloved, which throws them back even more into the hands of their torturers.
Abroad they are a small, very active minority, that want to lead others, show that they do not like us, and have demands on us here, such as special meals in schools and universities, and make threats. It seems that they intend to show us that we should serve them as their subjects and obliged servants. They behave badly, vindictively and wickedly, whereas they shouldnt set conditions as theyre accepted here, when they have nothing where they come from. Perhaps also because our politicians are held by compromises with theirs, we have to put up with this minority of harmful immigrants. Or most exactly Militants. They take advantage of the fact, that we make all the time confusion between these two words which are not synonymous : IMMIGRANTS and MILITANTS.
Lets point out that those that settle here to preach tell us (so far) that they have no connections and no contacts with the bad mullahs, those who are over there. The vast majority of their mostly immigrant people here are quiet and respectful of the laws. But maybe this it is the first round, and we are under observation, because in their sermons their clergymen speak foreign languages not only to be better understood by them, but also so that we locals cannot understand what they preach and their intentions. It is easy to observe and many think, that over there, under pretences of religious hatred (unpunished hatred, against the "infidels" -why legitimately hate anyway?) or of struggle for a religious faith or law and generally against the rival Christian faith, it would be after all about « disguised » racial hatred, and thus not liable to be condemned by international moral laws against racism. Moreover, other religions could also treat them as "infidels". What would happen if they all did that?
At international level one can always condemn racist behavior verbally, for instance as a matter of "human rights", but as things now stand, there can be no lawsuit. Whereas in our countries of legal rights, there are national moral or written laws against racism, and we have to respect them of course, it is not the case in those countries that do not have a developed rule of law. There, racism is "disguised as religious creeds that they display. It means that these people who often later try and emigrate to our countries, to find work and have a decent life for lack of hope for a future in their homeland, have been hearing as of a young age covert racial hatred spoken against us, our families, our women and our children, from their religious leaders, newspapers, as the only viewpoint ever since childhood and school teachings.
By the way, let it be said, if we wanted to emigrate and work in their countries and hope to climb their social ladder, wed have NO hope whatsoever, so enough with their criticism and lessons of morals. There you need family ties, tribal or clan connections. To their viewpoint, one could object that their convictions and reproaches against the Jewish and Christian religions are sincere. Still, what sense is there to blame people for their faith, to be against someone who believes, where is the guilt? On other continents, Moslems have no power either and there are also Jews and Christians. But they are never targeted, or much less so, it is always "the West" they target, and not other rivals, such as very powerful economic or philosophic ones as ASIA.
One might in the end therefore think -and I say this with caution, not wanting to incite hatred against them (Moslems) in return-, that even if the people of Europe and North America, who are the main target, at once magically all became converts and follower of Islam, this instigation to hatred and wickedness against our leaders and our people might continue all the same, under other pretences and motives. Because Mullahs, Imams and Ayatollahs preach hatred, notably against the West and the State of Israel, one can say without fear of ridicule that their religion is not universal, that it is rather primitive, and that they behave as a Terrorist Sect, thirsty for blood and intent on raging on for a long time. They are religious certainly, but their religion is in my opinion for them only the pretext and the means, the instrument of their hope in their will of dominion.
Like in the age of cave men, there is a need to hate and destroy the other tribes because they can conquer the women and the game. It is also like the law of the jungle for wild animals, where the dominated male tries in turn to kill or dominate the dominating male rather than trying to collaborate and reach an understanding and equality with him peacefully. Lack of intelligence really. Regrettably. Alas.
I hope you will read ALL my other posts, mainly :
about freedom and Irak
Their "Achilles'heel"
Nuclear Energy : the only true enemy of Islam
Middle East : the « transistor effect »
http://www.usmessageboard.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3666 etc etc
And to popularize me, that people read me
for people who read only in french (don't smile), they can go to
www.french.faithfreedom.org/forum or forums I don't remember.
All the best
Abroad they are a small, very active minority, that want to lead others, show that they do not like us, and have demands on us here, such as special meals in schools and universities, and make threats. It seems that they intend to show us that we should serve them as their subjects and obliged servants. They behave badly, vindictively and wickedly, whereas they shouldnt set conditions as theyre accepted here, when they have nothing where they come from. Perhaps also because our politicians are held by compromises with theirs, we have to put up with this minority of harmful immigrants. Or most exactly Militants. They take advantage of the fact, that we make all the time confusion between these two words which are not synonymous : IMMIGRANTS and MILITANTS.
Lets point out that those that settle here to preach tell us (so far) that they have no connections and no contacts with the bad mullahs, those who are over there. The vast majority of their mostly immigrant people here are quiet and respectful of the laws. But maybe this it is the first round, and we are under observation, because in their sermons their clergymen speak foreign languages not only to be better understood by them, but also so that we locals cannot understand what they preach and their intentions. It is easy to observe and many think, that over there, under pretences of religious hatred (unpunished hatred, against the "infidels" -why legitimately hate anyway?) or of struggle for a religious faith or law and generally against the rival Christian faith, it would be after all about « disguised » racial hatred, and thus not liable to be condemned by international moral laws against racism. Moreover, other religions could also treat them as "infidels". What would happen if they all did that?
At international level one can always condemn racist behavior verbally, for instance as a matter of "human rights", but as things now stand, there can be no lawsuit. Whereas in our countries of legal rights, there are national moral or written laws against racism, and we have to respect them of course, it is not the case in those countries that do not have a developed rule of law. There, racism is "disguised as religious creeds that they display. It means that these people who often later try and emigrate to our countries, to find work and have a decent life for lack of hope for a future in their homeland, have been hearing as of a young age covert racial hatred spoken against us, our families, our women and our children, from their religious leaders, newspapers, as the only viewpoint ever since childhood and school teachings.
By the way, let it be said, if we wanted to emigrate and work in their countries and hope to climb their social ladder, wed have NO hope whatsoever, so enough with their criticism and lessons of morals. There you need family ties, tribal or clan connections. To their viewpoint, one could object that their convictions and reproaches against the Jewish and Christian religions are sincere. Still, what sense is there to blame people for their faith, to be against someone who believes, where is the guilt? On other continents, Moslems have no power either and there are also Jews and Christians. But they are never targeted, or much less so, it is always "the West" they target, and not other rivals, such as very powerful economic or philosophic ones as ASIA.
One might in the end therefore think -and I say this with caution, not wanting to incite hatred against them (Moslems) in return-, that even if the people of Europe and North America, who are the main target, at once magically all became converts and follower of Islam, this instigation to hatred and wickedness against our leaders and our people might continue all the same, under other pretences and motives. Because Mullahs, Imams and Ayatollahs preach hatred, notably against the West and the State of Israel, one can say without fear of ridicule that their religion is not universal, that it is rather primitive, and that they behave as a Terrorist Sect, thirsty for blood and intent on raging on for a long time. They are religious certainly, but their religion is in my opinion for them only the pretext and the means, the instrument of their hope in their will of dominion.
Like in the age of cave men, there is a need to hate and destroy the other tribes because they can conquer the women and the game. It is also like the law of the jungle for wild animals, where the dominated male tries in turn to kill or dominate the dominating male rather than trying to collaborate and reach an understanding and equality with him peacefully. Lack of intelligence really. Regrettably. Alas.
I hope you will read ALL my other posts, mainly :
about freedom and Irak
Their "Achilles'heel"
Nuclear Energy : the only true enemy of Islam
Middle East : the « transistor effect »
http://www.usmessageboard.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3666 etc etc
And to popularize me, that people read me
for people who read only in french (don't smile), they can go to
www.french.faithfreedom.org/forum or forums I don't remember.
All the best