Zone1 The last supper


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2013
upstate NY
Luke 22 explains this very well. Jesus said--Keep on doing this in remembrance of me. It occurred on the night of the passover for a reason. It should be observed once a year on the night of the passover. At verses 29-30 it is clear. It was a special covenant only to those who would sit on thrones beside Jesus in Gods kingdom(Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)- These are called- The little flock( Luke 12:32)= the anointed= the bride of Christ, numbered-144,000(Rev 14:3) only these are to partake under that special covenant to them. Only members of the little flock were present at that last supper(afterJudas left)--The great crowd (Rev 7:9)of other sheep(John 10:16) are not of that fold. these should go and just observe out of respect and love for Jesus and the little flock. I believe its a great sin to partake when one is not apart of that little flock.
That raises the question-Why do all the other religions claiming to be christian tell all to partake?
Luke 22 explains this very well. Jesus said--Keep on doing this in remembrance of me. It occurred on the night of the passover for a reason. It should be observed once a year on the night of the passover. At verses 29-30 it is clear. It was a special covenant only to those who would sit on thrones beside Jesus in Gods kingdom(Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)- These are called- The little flock( Luke 12:32)= the anointed= the bride of Christ, numbered-144,000(Rev 14:3) only these are to partake under that special covenant to them. Only members of the little flock were present at that last supper(afterJudas left)--The great crowd (Rev 7:9)of other sheep(John 10:16) are not of that fold. these should go and just observe out of respect and love for Jesus and the little flock. I believe its a great sin to partake when one is not apart of that little flock.
That raises the question-Why do all the other religions claiming to be christian tell all to partake?
Luke 22 explains this very well. Jesus said--Keep on doing this in remembrance of me. It occurred on the night of the passover for a reason. It should be observed once a year on the night of the passover. At verses 29-30 it is clear. It was a special covenant only to those who would sit on thrones beside Jesus in Gods kingdom(Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)- These are called- The little flock( Luke 12:32)= the anointed= the bride of Christ, numbered-144,000(Rev 14:3) only these are to partake under that special covenant to them. Only members of the little flock were present at that last supper(afterJudas left)--The great crowd (Rev 7:9)of other sheep(John 10:16) are not of that fold. these should go and just observe out of respect and love for Jesus and the little flock. I believe its a great sin to partake when one is not apart of that little flock.
That raises the question-Why do all the other religions claiming to be christian tell all to partake?
To partake what? The Sacraments of bread and wine (water or whatever)? Because, we are all baptized for the remission of sins. But, after we are baptized and clean, we again because of human nature and condition, SIN. Thus, the Sacrament was instituted by Jesus Christ for the benefit of all of His Saints (members of the Church) for us to come clean again, remember the covenants we made at baptism and to do our best to be better. Our Church does this every week in our Sacrament Meeting. As with everything else, Jesus taught first His 12 Apostles. Then, it was their duty to teach others to grow the Church. You do know that Passover was for everyone, in Israel, don't you? JW's have everything all twisted. Only 144,000 can make it to Heaven too.
I believe its a great sin to partake when one is not apart of that little flock.

- commemorating the Hebrews' liberation -

there were 144,000 k attending the last supper ... sure, and whoever made that one up.

- an interesting time for the jews to finally put an end to jesus and the heavenly liberation theology, self determination he for certain even if alone was willing to die for.

just shows how desperate they had become - to silence the lamb.
- commemorating the Hebrews' liberation -

there were 144,000 k attending the last supper ... sure, and whoever made that one up.

- an interesting time for the jews to finally put an end to jesus and the heavenly liberation theology, self determination he for certain even if alone was willing to die for.

just shows how desperate they had become - to silence the lamb.
We don't always see eye to eye. But, I can't figure out how JW"s prophets come up with these things.
To partake what? The Sacraments of bread and wine (water or whatever)? Because, we are all baptized for the remission of sins. But, after we are baptized and clean, we again because of human nature and condition, SIN. Thus, the Sacrament was instituted by Jesus Christ for the benefit of all of His Saints (members of the Church) for us to come clean again, remember the covenants we made at baptism and to do our best to be better. Our Church does this every week in our Sacrament Meeting. As with everything else, Jesus taught first His 12 Apostles. Then, it was their duty to teach others to grow the Church. You do know that Passover was for everyone, in Israel, don't you? JW's have everything all twisted. Only 144,000 can make it to Heaven too.
Luke 22:30 is clear--a covenant made to those who will sit on thrones--that is the 144,000 = the little flock, Not the great crowd of other sheep. When the ones taking the lead do not teach truth on a matter-- most likely they do not have holy spirit because they are not of God. And Luke 22:30 is pretty simple bible milk.
- commemorating the Hebrews' liberation -

there were 144,000 k attending the last supper ... sure, and whoever made that one up.

- an interesting time for the jews to finally put an end to jesus and the heavenly liberation theology, self determination he for certain even if alone was willing to die for.

just shows how desperate they had become - to silence the lamb.
I didn't say 144,000 attended the last supper, but all who did were members of that 144,000--they will sit on thrones in heaven.
Luke 22:30 is clear--a covenant made to those who will sit on thrones--that is the 144,000 = the little flock, Not the great crowd of other sheep. When the ones taking the lead do not teach truth on a matter-- most likely they do not have holy spirit because they are not of God. And Luke 22:30 is pretty simple bible milk.
You might try taking an English and Reading class. There is no mention of 144,000 in Luke. That was in Revelation. It's a real stretch to connect the two. In fact, impossible. Then, there is "the other sheep." That has nothing to do with those who were in the Mediterranean and Minor Asia regions. He said touch me not (He had not been resurrected yet) for I am going to other sheep that I have. Those are they who did not have an opportunity to see him preach and teach. Those in the Americas and possibly other continents. He also went to the spirit prison to those who did not have the same opportunity in life. So, what you claim is simple hasn't an ounce of milk of truth.
You might try taking an English and Reading class. There is no mention of 144,000 in Luke. That was in Revelation. It's a real stretch to connect the two. In fact, impossible. Then, there is "the other sheep." That has nothing to do with those who were in the Mediterranean and Minor Asia regions. He said touch me not (He had not been resurrected yet) for I am going to other sheep that I have. Those are they who did not have an opportunity to see him preach and teach. Those in the Americas and possibly other continents. He also went to the spirit prison to those who did not have the same opportunity in life. So, what you claim is simple hasn't an ounce of milk of truth.
Luke 12:32= the little flock= 144,000--The great crowd( Rev 7:9) no man can number so the little flock is the 144,000 who will sit on thrones.
Luke 12:32= the little flock= 144,000--The great crowd( Rev 7:9) no man can number so the little flock is the 144,000 who will sit on thrones.
Luke 12:32, "Fear not, little flock,; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." No mentions of 144,000. Not there. There weren't 144,000 there during that time period. Not even close. Again, you are trying to connect something you cannot not.
Revelation 7:9, "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, WHICH NO MAN COULD NUMBER, of all nations, and kindred, and people......" Why then are you JW's trying to number the great multitude? Again, there is no connection between the two versus. And, no connection of the 144,000.
Luke 22 explains this very well. Jesus said--Keep on doing this in remembrance of me. It occurred on the night of the passover for a reason. It should be observed once a year on the night of the passover. At verses 29-30 it is clear. It was a special covenant only to those who would sit on thrones beside Jesus in Gods kingdom(Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6)- These are called- The little flock( Luke 12:32)= the anointed= the bride of Christ, numbered-144,000(Rev 14:3) only these are to partake under that special covenant to them. Only members of the little flock were present at that last supper(afterJudas left)--The great crowd (Rev 7:9)of other sheep(John 10:16) are not of that fold. these should go and just observe out of respect and love for Jesus and the little flock. I believe its a great sin to partake when one is not apart of that little flock.
That raises the question-Why do all the other religions claiming to be christian tell all to partake?
by pauls time the supper became drunken feast for rich people
Luke 12:32, "Fear not, little flock,; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." No mentions of 144,000. Not there. There weren't 144,000 there during that time period. Not even close. Again, you are trying to connect something you cannot not.
Revelation 7:9, "After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, WHICH NO MAN COULD NUMBER, of all nations, and kindred, and people......" Why then are you JW's trying to number the great multitude? Again, there is no connection between the two versus. And, no connection of the 144,000.
We don't number the great crowd. Why cant you understand english? The little flock are not the great crowd of other sheep. You have no clue to bible truth because teachers of darkness taught you.
But biblical leaders did. Genesis 9:20-26 Genesis 19:30-38 Proverbs 31:7
So what is that 2 occasions out of 6000 plus years. Proverbs doesn't say to get drunk. The NT says drunkards will not inherit Gods kingdom. Its the practice of getting drunk that is condemned.
So what is that 2 occasions out of 6000 plus years. Proverbs doesn't say to get drunk. The NT says drunkards will not inherit Gods kingdom. Its the practice of getting drunk that is condemned.
I was responding to a post that said religious people didn't get drunk. Obviously, that statement was wrong.
I was responding to a post that said religious people didn't get drunk. Obviously, that statement was wrong.
I said they don't get drunk. 2 cases out of over 6000 years and billions of people, isn't much of a case for your side. No one is perfect.
I said they don't get drunk. 2 cases out of over 6000 years and billions of people, isn't much of a case for your side. No one is perfect.
Got it. In over 6000 years only two religious figures got drunk. That's pretty impressive, dumb ass.
Got it. In over 6000 years only two religious figures got drunk. That's pretty impressive, dumb ass.
I know , many practiced sins Got hates, but once a true follower of Jesus they have repented and turned around. Even they can fall.

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