The Koch brothers buy the best seats in the House

You are more than welcome to produce an article where Soros is buying ads and we can compare the intent. You should recheck your numbers by the way.

How do you know they don't want Nathan LaFrance or Mark Swaney to win?

A Liberation is senior manager of energy strategy at Wal-Mart in Bentonville, AR? Aren't Libertarians suppose to eat granola or something? Does Wal-Mart even sell granola?

I don't care what Libertarians eat.

My point was the ads do not support or endorse a specific candidate and since there are 4 people running in the race you cannot be 100% certain who they support.
You only know who they don't want.
One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.

Americans for Prosperity is launching a major ad buy hitting Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) on Thursday, pushing the group’s advertising spending in the race to more than $1.4 million so far this year.


The 30-second spot from the Koch brothers-backed group is set to air statewide on cable and networks, along with digital advertising, for three weeks. Text at the end reads, “Senator Mark Pryor voted for Obamacare. Tell Sen. Pryor, Obamacare hurts Arkansas families.”


Pryor, who is facing off with Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in one of the most hotly contested races of the year, was the subject of a six-figure negative ad buy last month from the outside conservative group. The buy for second batch of ads, shared first with POLITICO, totals about $700,000 and links Pryor to cancelled insurance plans tied to Obamacare.

Read more: $700k ad buy hits Mark Pryor on Obamacare - Katie Glueck -

Well, gosh...Random...I'm confused! I thought ObamaCare was going to be this wonderful thing that saved the Middle Class thousands of dollars a year on their healthcare? So if THAT was true then Pryor should be THRILLED that someone is spending big bucks to remind the voters that it was HE that gave them this great piece of legislation!

But here you are accusing the Koch Bros. of playing dirty for simply running an add that highlights Pryor's "accomplishment".

It's obvious that you're NOW aware that ObamaCare is indeed a train wreck in progress and that it's going to be a political "cinder block" around the necks of any Democrat that voted for it. Hey, Pryor voted for the ACA...he made his it's time to hop under the covers.

By the way...if you think it's bad now wait until people start getting their "adjusted" premiums for ObamaCare. The kids didn't sign up in even close to enough numbers so the basic math doesn't work for the ACA unless you raise the cost of premiums WAY up high. That's what will be happening going into the NEXT midterms!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
How do you know they don't want Nathan LaFrance or Mark Swaney to win?

A Liberation is senior manager of energy strategy at Wal-Mart in Bentonville, AR? Aren't Libertarians suppose to eat granola or something? Does Wal-Mart even sell granola?

Weren't you supposed to have an argument? Or do liberals even have arguments?

We're not having an argument and you automatically blame the Liberal? Blame the Libertarian. He started it!
Why do progs hate free speech?

I believe the reason is because progs believe that they are smarter and superior to the stupid "low information" voters. Progs are firmly convinced that votes from stupid voters are easily obtained by TV advertising. They refuse to believe that stupid voters are able to think for themselves, independently voting for issues that affects them.

Welcome Max.

Stop being an asshat. When you ask the wrong question you create the wrong answer.
Why do progs hate free speech?

I believe the reason is because progs believe that they are smarter and superior to the stupid "low information" voters. Progs are firmly convinced that votes from stupid voters are easily obtained by TV advertising. They refuse to believe that stupid voters are able to think for themselves, independently voting for issues that affects them.

Welcome Max.

Stop being an asshat. When you ask the wrong question you create the wrong answer.

Oh, hey Max. I didn't notice you were a new member. Welcome. ClosedCaption gives some good advice. ;)
So , what about the UNIONS who buy their way in. Or George Soros . You left wing hacks are all over the Kocho Brothers but they are no where near what the UNIONS do
One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.

Americans for Prosperity is launching a major ad buy hitting Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) on Thursday, pushing the group’s advertising spending in the race to more than $1.4 million so far this year.


The 30-second spot from the Koch brothers-backed group is set to air statewide on cable and networks, along with digital advertising, for three weeks. Text at the end reads, “Senator Mark Pryor voted for Obamacare. Tell Sen. Pryor, Obamacare hurts Arkansas families.”


Pryor, who is facing off with Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in one of the most hotly contested races of the year, was the subject of a six-figure negative ad buy last month from the outside conservative group. The buy for second batch of ads, shared first with POLITICO, totals about $700,000 and links Pryor to cancelled insurance plans tied to Obamacare.

Read more: $700k ad buy hits Mark Pryor on Obamacare - Katie Glueck -
?Evil? Koch Brothers Rank #59 in Political Donations Behind 18 Different Unions | The Gateway Pundit

Here is the list of unions that top the Koch Brothers in political donations.
Via Open Secrets:

2.) American Fedn of State, County & Municipal Employees $60,667,379
4.) National Education Assn $53,594,488
7.) Intl Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $44,478,789
8.) United Auto Workers $41,667,858
9.) Carpenters & Joiners Union $39,260,371
10.) Service Employees International Union $38,395,690
11.) Laborers Union $37,494,010
12.) American Federation of Teachers $36,713,325
13.) Communications Workers of America $36,188,135
14.) Teamsters Union $36,123,209
16.) United Food & Commercial Workers Union $33,756,550
20.) Machinists & Aerospace Workers Union $31,313,097
23.) AFL-CIO $30,938,977
32.) National Assn of Letter Carriers $26,106,359
39.) Plumbers & Pipefitters Union $23,886,248
42.) Operating Engineers Union $23,036,848
43.) International Assn of Fire Fighters $22,963,260
46.) Sheet Metal Workers Union $22,372,978
59.) Koch Industries $18,083,948
what is it with left-wing nutjobs and their irrational fear of right-wing Kochs?
Why do progs hate free speech?

I believe the reason is because progs believe that they are smarter and superior to the stupid "low information" voters. Progs are firmly convinced that votes from stupid voters are easily obtained by TV advertising. They refuse to believe that stupid voters are able to think for themselves, independently voting for issues that affects them.

Once you've been here for a while you'll see how absolutely hysterically funny the very idea of the "Liberal Intellectual Elite" becomes
it's fucking comical; a bunch of pathetic crybaby Progressives whining about the influece of the Koch brothers when GEORGE SOROS funds literally dozens of far left-wing groups that have even more influence over the Democrat Party; they even receive TAXPAYER DOLLARS.

like i said it would be hilarious if it wasnt so pathetically hypocritical.

SOROS; a ONE-PERCENTER, BANKER, AND HEDGE-FUND GURU, a BILLIONAIRE who wants capitalism for himself and Socialism for everybody else; is the puppetmaster behind the paid hack far-left posters on these message baords. the Left has chosen as their spokeperson one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet

idiots and hypocrites

How Progressives view political commercials
One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.

Americans for Prosperity is launching a major ad buy hitting Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) on Thursday, pushing the group’s advertising spending in the race to more than $1.4 million so far this year.


The 30-second spot from the Koch brothers-backed group is set to air statewide on cable and networks, along with digital advertising, for three weeks. Text at the end reads, “Senator Mark Pryor voted for Obamacare. Tell Sen. Pryor, Obamacare hurts Arkansas families.”


Pryor, who is facing off with Rep. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in one of the most hotly contested races of the year, was the subject of a six-figure negative ad buy last month from the outside conservative group. The buy for second batch of ads, shared first with POLITICO, totals about $700,000 and links Pryor to cancelled insurance plans tied to Obamacare.

Read more: $700k ad buy hits Mark Pryor on Obamacare - Katie Glueck -

Well, gosh...Random...I'm confused! I thought ObamaCare was going to be this wonderful thing that saved the Middle Class thousands of dollars a year on their healthcare? So if THAT was true then Pryor should be THRILLED that someone is spending big bucks to remind the voters that it was HE that gave them this great piece of legislation!

But here you are accusing the Koch Bros. of playing dirty for simply running an add that highlights Pryor's "accomplishment".

It's obvious that you're NOW aware that ObamaCare is indeed a train wreck in progress and that it's going to be a political "cinder block" around the necks of any Democrat that voted for it. Hey, Pryor voted for the ACA...he made his it's time to hop under the covers.

By the way...if you think it's bad now wait until people start getting their "adjusted" premiums for ObamaCare. The kids didn't sign up in even close to enough numbers so the basic math doesn't work for the ACA unless you raise the cost of premiums WAY up high. That's what will be happening going into the NEXT midterms!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Without going into the subject Obamacare for the moment it is not about the message itself but the motivation behind the message. I am not questioning the means, I am questioning the ends.
A Liberation is senior manager of energy strategy at Wal-Mart in Bentonville, AR? Aren't Libertarians suppose to eat granola or something? Does Wal-Mart even sell granola?

Weren't you supposed to have an argument? Or do liberals even have arguments?

We're not having an argument and you automatically blame the Liberal? Blame the Libertarian. He started it!

You started this thread. So, what do you have to say for yourself?
One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.

Well, gosh...Random...I'm confused! I thought ObamaCare was going to be this wonderful thing that saved the Middle Class thousands of dollars a year on their healthcare? So if THAT was true then Pryor should be THRILLED that someone is spending big bucks to remind the voters that it was HE that gave them this great piece of legislation!

But here you are accusing the Koch Bros. of playing dirty for simply running an add that highlights Pryor's "accomplishment".

It's obvious that you're NOW aware that ObamaCare is indeed a train wreck in progress and that it's going to be a political "cinder block" around the necks of any Democrat that voted for it. Hey, Pryor voted for the ACA...he made his it's time to hop under the covers.

By the way...if you think it's bad now wait until people start getting their "adjusted" premiums for ObamaCare. The kids didn't sign up in even close to enough numbers so the basic math doesn't work for the ACA unless you raise the cost of premiums WAY up high. That's what will be happening going into the NEXT midterms!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Without going into the subject Obamacare for the moment it is not about the message itself but the motivation behind the message. I am not questioning the means, I am questioning the ends.

You're doing what? No running! You supported both the means and the ends.
i actually got in trouble from the message board monitor when i tried to copy and paste all the groups that receive money from George Soros; all of them on the extreme Left; many getting taxpayer dollars

the list was so long it took up the whole page and i got a warning from the site monitor

libs are losers who lie to themselves
One batch of ads, one, on one Senate race in Arkansas set to run less than a month: $700,000. The ads are anti-Pryor, not pro-Cotton, so none of that $1.4 million spent to date by the Koch brothers shows up on Cotton's books. So when it is said one candidate outspent another the Koch brother's dark money is never included.

Does anyone believe for one second that the Koch brothers care about what happens to the people of Arkansas? If there ever is a Senator Cotton he will know who got him there and who will keep him there. If there are two ringing phones on his desk, one labeled "Arkansas", one labeled "Koch brothers", guess which one Cotton will answer and which he will let the other go to voice mail. And if there is any question about Cotton's vote in Arkansas the Koch brothers will just buy him another 3 weeks of 30 second ads to explain it all. You know I got my free lunch in a small school in North Arkansas. There are still kids up there get some food thanks to programs Koch brothers would kill if they ever got the chance. The Koch brothers are putting and keeping people in the federal government for their own sick agenda. This country deserves better than people like Cotton who are perfectly willing to wear the diamond studded Koch collar offered them in return a seat in the U.S. Congress.

Well, gosh...Random...I'm confused! I thought ObamaCare was going to be this wonderful thing that saved the Middle Class thousands of dollars a year on their healthcare? So if THAT was true then Pryor should be THRILLED that someone is spending big bucks to remind the voters that it was HE that gave them this great piece of legislation!

But here you are accusing the Koch Bros. of playing dirty for simply running an add that highlights Pryor's "accomplishment".

It's obvious that you're NOW aware that ObamaCare is indeed a train wreck in progress and that it's going to be a political "cinder block" around the necks of any Democrat that voted for it. Hey, Pryor voted for the ACA...he made his it's time to hop under the covers.

By the way...if you think it's bad now wait until people start getting their "adjusted" premiums for ObamaCare. The kids didn't sign up in even close to enough numbers so the basic math doesn't work for the ACA unless you raise the cost of premiums WAY up high. That's what will be happening going into the NEXT midterms!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Without going into the subject Obamacare for the moment it is not about the message itself but the motivation behind the message. I am not questioning the means, I am questioning the ends.

I hate to point out the obvious here, Random...but it's that philosophy that got you progressives into this predicament in the first place. The whole "the end justifies the means" thing led your "leaders"...Barry, Harry and tell blatant lie after blatant lie about the true costs of ObamaCare and what it would mean for millions of Americans. Now the truth is becoming apparent and people like Pryor are going to have to pay the price for going along with the lies that were told in order to achieve "the end".

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