The Knife In The Heart Of Liberalism

Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

That is why they are trying to rewrite history and repair his reputation

McCarthy's history was written by the leftist academia and media. If they had gotten serious in the 50's and started throwing those communist bitches out of helicopters, we wouldn't be as FUBAR as we are today.
The Commie threat was overstated and a witch hunt ensued that ruined the careers and lives of innocent people.

The "commie threat" was overstated because well, truthfully, you're one of them. Or at least aligned with their ideology.


I see Commies EVERYWHERE

Everytime you look in the mirror.
Wasnt Commies who attacked our Capitol


There was no real attack either, little commie. Had there been the protestors would have been ARMED.
More rewriting of history by Conservatives

Conservative traitors who attacked our government to overthrow a legal election

CACA (Chinese American Communist Association) propaganda says it was a legal election. Common sense, visual evidence, forensic evidence, and physical evidence says the election was stolen from the American People. And you communist shitheads are going to pay for that crime.
That kind of cheating would never happen again if a firing squad were used on the uncooperative bastards who tried to cover up their vicious crimes of stealing not only the Presidency but house and senate seats by the score.

Also, several bad people have behaved themselves so hatefully they should be stripped and whipped in public. Oh, wait. Lying reporters do not have bosses who insist they tell the truth before printing or conveying info to the American citizens. That they are going to hell is not enough. They should go to hell minus their disgusting guillotined heads for foisting calumnies, false witness, and using lies as an option to the truth. Yeah that is a little extreme, but so is intentional false witness.
Abe Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War had a open inauguration.

Ummmm......last I heard, Abe Lincoln was assassinated
Doesn‘t say much for lax security

In a theatre, long after the inauguration. Doesn't say much for your abysmal education. Or lack thereof.
Abe Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War had a open inauguration.

Ummmm......last I heard, Abe Lincoln was assassinated
Doesn‘t say much for lax security

In a theatre, long after the inauguration. Doesn't say much for your abysmal education. Or lack thereof.

Using Abe Lincoln as an example of successful security does not help your point.

Guess who was at Lincoln’s second inauguration a few yards from the President?
John Wilkes Booth

Abe Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War had a open inauguration.

Ummmm......last I heard, Abe Lincoln was assassinated
Doesn‘t say much for lax security
He was assassinated by a democrat who hated losing the war to the Republican President.

Same thing almost assassinated by a Bernie Sanders hiree who carried a hit list with Steve Scalise at the top of the list. Scalise's bodyguard shot hitman Hodgkinson dead at the scene. Scalise was miraculously saved by a timely surgery in a nearby hospital.

I'm sick of Democrat unkind calumny, a pretentious gorgon speaker of the House who destroys the people's important papers and hacking spews from Senator Schumer aimed at hiding the theft he ushered in in the 2020 railroading job of destroying Donald Trump. I bet Schumer is hiding a forked tail in his trousers. :dev2:
Abe Lincoln, in the midst of the Civil War had a open inauguration.

Ummmm......last I heard, Abe Lincoln was assassinated
Doesn‘t say much for lax security

In a theatre, long after the inauguration. Doesn't say much for your abysmal education. Or lack thereof.

Using Abe Lincoln as an example of successful security does not help your point.

Guess who was at Lincoln’s second inauguration a few yards from the President?
John Wilkes Booth

View attachment 462405

Yeah. And nothing happened. Yet again, you ignore the fact that your clown car had a thirdworld shithole type inauguration. Those happen that way because they are not legit.
8. "Ridding the country of communists and fellow travelers was Joe McCarthy’s mission. I wish he had done a better job but he ran into interference from the Deep State, most notably the CIA. McCarthy was preparing to investigate the CIA when he went into Bethesda Naval Hospital for knee surgery and died from hepatitis. The J.C. Hawkins book, Betrayal at Bethesda, explains the curious sequence of events.

One of the most important challenges we face is to educate the American people about how communism came to America. On the game show “Jeopardy,” on Wednesday night, one answer (contestants are given answers and then have to provide a question with the relevant facts) was, “In 1947 screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, part of this numerical ‘Hollywood’ group, was subpoenaed by the House Un-American Activities Committee.” The answer, in the form of a question, provided by one contestant was, “What was the Hollywood Five?” That was wrong. It was the Hollywood Ten, and all of them were communists inserting pro-communist messages into Hollywood films.

Allan H. Ryskind, the author of the book, Hollywood Traitors, points out that while the myth is that Trumbo and all other members of the Hollywood Ten were innocent victims of a McCarthyite “blacklist,” Trumbo was in fact a Soviet/Nazi agent of influence in Hollywood.

Even today, basic knowledge of this period in America is sorely lacking. But the facts help explain why American institutions, including the media and intelligence agencies, can be so infiltrated that the public at large can’t remember the nature of the communist threat and how it is working today right in front of our eyes."
We Need A Dose Of McCarthyism
Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

This poster is exactly the example I needed for the OP.....braindead, never having read a book, but willingly parrots the lies of the Democrats/Liberals.

"Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party..."

Let's check:

. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

People are entitled to their own political beliefs. None of these people were ever accused of overthrowing the government. The cols war was not about communism. It was about Soviet expansionism. Whittaker Chambers was a right wing fascist.
Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

This poster is exactly the example I needed for the OP.....braindead, never having read a book, but willingly parrots the lies of the Democrats/Liberals.

"Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party..."

Let's check:

. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

People are entitled to their own political beliefs. None of these people were ever accused of overthrowing the government. The cols war was not about communism. It was about Soviet expansionism. Whittaker Chambers was a right wing fascist.

Please point out this "Soviet expansionism" in Korea, Vietnam, and China, which allegedly had nothing to do with Communism.

Would you know a Communist if you saw one? Do you know what they sound like? What they look like" What they smell like? What they eat for dinner? Which party they typically vote for?
Last edited:
....if you believe that Liberals are correct.

1.Let’s begin with two facts
They lie about everything. And they have trained their cult to accept the lies without question.

2. Stay with this…it will lead into today’s thesis.
On several occasions, Liberal posters have decried a true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy, as having ‘ruined many innocent American’s lives with his baseless charges of communism.’ I enjoy seeing that lie, as it is so easy to shred. I simply ask for the names of any such innocent, ruined, non-communists.

3. A recent joust:

“ There were hundreds if not thousands of people who lost jobs, careers, even families based on McCarty's (sic) over reach and list he compiled and interrogated. Innocent people.”

“Let me give you one that was more famous and was part of the take down of McCarthy, Frederick G. Fisher, Jr .Yea Or Nay?

I produced copious examples showing that Fisher was a member of a communist lawyer’s group, and that his own lawyer had revealed it before McCarthy had to. And, far from ruined, he was made a partner in a law firm shortly after.

McCarthy was right, but unfortunately, for the two fact in item #1 above, communism, cultural Marxism, has won.

View attachment 462291

4. “Rather than less McCarthyism, we need more. The Communists are taking over and most Republicans are pretending it’s not happening. Let’s hope that former President Trump, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) this weekend, outlines how he will take back the presidency from the Deep State.

Consider that China Joe Biden’s new Ambassador to the United Nations gave a paid speech to a Chinese Communist propaganda center praising China and was confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 78-21 (with one Senator not voting).”
We Need A Dose Of McCarthyism

5. This is the result of Senator McCarthy….and America….having lost the debate:

There are only three things important to the Democrat program, agenda.....Race, Class, and Gender.
Not liberty, not religious freedom, not free speech, not prosperity, not individuality.
Race, Class, and Gender.

“Cultural Marxism, though it’s dismissed by critics as a “term invented by the Right”, “was an undeniable school of thought taking Marxist categories of oppressed and oppressor beyond the economic realm and applying to it other forms of oppression: gender, race, sexuality.” Caldron Pool

Communism, and its ersatz representatives, the Biden Democrats......have won the battle to destroy America.

Joe McCarthy was a right wing fascist. He ruined people's lives for no reason. People have a right to their political beliefs. None of these people were actively seeking to overthrow the government. I wonder what you would say if Democrats hauled people before Congress to ask them if they had hadf ever supported Trump and blacklisted them for that. You wou-lo*d be spewing garbage against that. The Russians helped Trump in 2016 and 2020. That makes you and Trump a commie.

"Joe McCarthy was a right wing fascist."

Every time you post, you put your hoof in your mouth.

Fascists were socialists, Leftists, like you and the Democrats.

Franklin Roosevelt, the Socialist Savior, took Fascist Mussolini's entire plan and imposed it on America as the New Deal.

Roosevelt's economist, Rexford Tugwell said: Any people who must be governed according to the written codes of an instrument which defines the spheres of individual and group, state and federal actions must expect to suffer from the constant maladjustment of progress. A life' which changes and a constitution for governance which does not must always raise questions which are difficult for solution." p.63

Tugwell was opposed to any private business not controlled by the government. General Hugh Johnson was working with Tugwell on a bill to create the NRA, and gave Francis Perkins the book by Rafaello Viglione, "The Corporate State," in which the neat Italian system of dictatorship for the benefit of the people was glowingly described." Francis Perkins, "The Roosevelt I Knew."

The NRA was copied from Mussolini's corporative system. Manly, 'The Twenty Year Revolution,' p.47

a. Perkins questioned whether Johnson 'really understood the democratic process..." New Dealers had no problem with the fascist nature of their plans.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to·the Soviet Union." p. 48

I love when you post 'cause you are as dumb as a stump. You represent the Democrats well.

Write soon!

A stump is smarter than you are. Just shows you can have a degree and not have learned anything. Fascists are no different than nationalists like you and Donald Trump. They seek to hold power through force and they blame all of their problems on foreigners. That is a fascist. Fascism is not socialism. No Democrat today supports a government takeover of private businesses.

Helping people who need help is not socialism. Socialism to you is a club to beat anyone who disagrees with you. There are times when the government needs to be more active. The great depression was one and the pandemic is another. You represent the Nazis very well.
Good grief, they're not Liberals, they're filthy progtards.

HUGE difference. There might and it's a huge might maybe three real Liberals posting here

Stop calling progs Liberals already
Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

This poster is exactly the example I needed for the OP.....braindead, never having read a book, but willingly parrots the lies of the Democrats/Liberals.

"Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party..."

Let's check:

. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

People are entitled to their own political beliefs. None of these people were ever accused of overthrowing the government. The cols war was not about communism. It was about Soviet expansionism. Whittaker Chambers was a right wing fascist.

Please point out this "Soviet expansionism" in Korea, Vietnam, and China, which allegedly had nothing to do with Communism.

Would you know a Communist if you saw one? Do you know what they sound like? What they look like" What they smell like?

Trump was bacled by a communist Putin and you had no problem with that.
Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

This poster is exactly the example I needed for the OP.....braindead, never having read a book, but willingly parrots the lies of the Democrats/Liberals.

"Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party..."

Let's check:

. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

People are entitled to their own political beliefs. None of these people were ever accused of overthrowing the government. The cols war was not about communism. It was about Soviet expansionism. Whittaker Chambers was a right wing fascist.

Please point out this "Soviet expansionism" in Korea, Vietnam, and China, which allegedly had nothing to do with Communism.

Would you know a Communist if you saw one? Do you know what they sound like? What they look like" What they smell like?

Trump was bacled by a communist Putin and you had no problem with that.

So I can put you down as "Xenophobe"?

....if you believe that Liberals are correct.

1.Let’s begin with two facts
They lie about everything. And they have trained their cult to accept the lies without question.

Did they lie about making Mexico pay for the wall?
Wasn't a lie, because the thinking was that Mexico was going to be reduced at the border crossings in illegal crossing (net gain for America), and banned from drugs getting across at the border once completely secured (another huge net gain for America). The calculations of these two items alone were huge. Also stopping criminals from entering with intent to harm Americans (also a huge net gain in security), and to stop trafficking from within and from without in using the illegal crossing points (another huge net gain for Americans).

Trump said they might even write a check.
And through positive revamped trade agreements, they virtually did write metaphorical checks that in retrospect were no longer bankrupting our nation as we had lopsidedly entered into in the past.

Trump knew what he was doing, and no matter how much the Democrat's say otherwise, the nation knows the truth. Joe Biden and crew will affirm the truth that Trump was doing the right thing by everything they will now screw up.

No, Mexico didn't pay for squat. You bought into the lie and accepted it.

What the Democrats say has nothing to do with what I have said.
You just hate Trump, and have a slanted opinion that is flawed. Now enough with your ignorance and bullcrap.

Just because I do not worship at the alter of Trump.........................
Nope, because your ideology is flawed period. It has nothing to do with Trump. He just became your target because he represented what you hate as far as American conservatism and tradition's go.

I support the 2nd Amendment. I am pro-life. I support the electoral college. I support a balanced budget. Are those not considered "conservative" issues?

The Democrat's never had it so good in attacking and destroying America before Trump came along to call them out on it, and that's when the war began.

Again, I'm not interested in your boogeymen. Address me.
Conservative who fights conservatism eh ??? Rotflmbo.

You are not advocating conservatism. You are right wintg fascists.
Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

This poster is exactly the example I needed for the OP.....braindead, never having read a book, but willingly parrots the lies of the Democrats/Liberals.

"Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party..."

Let's check:

. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

People are entitled to their own political beliefs. None of these people were ever accused of overthrowing the government. The cols war was not about communism. It was about Soviet expansionism. Whittaker Chambers was a right wing fascist.

Please point out this "Soviet expansionism" in Korea, Vietnam, and China, which allegedly had nothing to do with Communism.

Would you know a Communist if you saw one? Do you know what they sound like? What they look like" What they smell like?

Trump was bacled by a communist Putin and you had no problem with that.

So I can put you down as "Xenophobe"?


No, a dumbed down disgusting Progtard
....if you believe that Liberals are correct.

1.Let’s begin with two facts
They lie about everything.

If Mexico paid for the wall, why wasn't it built? Wha't did your blob do with the money?

"Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall

...Mexico. Illegal immigrant crossings nationwide are down almost 80%. At the Arizona-Mexico border, illegal crossings are down by 94%. Once-overcrowded dorms, where we house illegal border crossers, are now empty. And Mexico is keeping illegals who demand asylum on their side of the border. It's another huge Trump victory.

How did he do it? Trump won a masterful negotiation with Mexico.

Faced with tariffs and economic ruin, Mexican officials agreed to place thousands of troops, at their expense, at both their northern and southern borders. Suddenly, no one can get through. A Mexican journalist just named this human wall of Mexican troops "Trump's Wall."

So, in fact, Trump has built the wall, a human wall. And Mexico is paying for it. Bravo."
Mexico Is Paying for Trump's Wall

“By turning back caravans, Mexico is acting as Trump’s border wall, critics say

Mexican National Guard troops in full riot gear blocked their way and fired tear gas canisters to disperse those seeking to breach the nation’s border with Guatemala. Hundreds of people were put on planes and buses back to Honduras, where most of the migrants in the latest caravan began their journey.

For López Obrador, Mexico’s first avowedly leftist president in a generation and a political campaigner who pledged to welcome migrants, the last year brought a substantial shift in his view of how to handle the Central American influx. By turning back caravans, Mexico is acting as Trump's border wall, critics say

Now...what about your look-alike, Biden:

The One-Two Immigration Plan, or....."Ringing The Dinner Bell!"

. “Biden’s plan, the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021, which was introduced in Congress on Thursday by Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), would grant amnesty to somewhere between 11 and 22 million illegal immigrants who are currently residing in the United States. It would even give amnesty to those already deported from the U.S. under the Trump administration.” Bongino shoots down emotional Geraldo with facts on immigration policy that puts Americans last

Biden Executive Order: End “Remain in Mexico” program aimed at Central American asylum seekers

The Democrats have used, and encouraged illegal aliens to vote. Obama told them ‘when you vote, you’re a citizen yourself!’

…the actions of Liberal federal judges: in the 9th circuit, decisions have increased the numbers of illegal who can remain in the country, and inhibit the activities of immigration judges, encourage frivolous claims, and demands for reopening settled cases.

Panelists Discuss Immigration Court Cases Backlog, Aug 22 2017 |

The Democrat ploy is to send illegals to an over-loaded immigration court, where there are told to return for trial....but simply released into the country, never to be seen again, outside the voting booth.

As opposed to this:

“Started by the Trump administration, the program requires migrants seeking asylum in the United States to wait in Mexico for their cases to make their way through the U.S. immigration courts.”

Biden Halts Trump's 'Remain In Mexico' Program In Effort To Reform U.S. Immigration Policy
Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

This poster is exactly the example I needed for the OP.....braindead, never having read a book, but willingly parrots the lies of the Democrats/Liberals.

"Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party..."

Let's check:

. Senator Joe McCarthy confronted government officials concealing communist involvement and excessively lax security with regards to Communists in sensitive U.S. Government posts. In many cases he was on target, with over 81 of the names he gave the Tydings committee resulting in resignations or movement of security risks. Given that over 200 of the spies uncovered in the Venona decrypts were never identified, we can only speculate as to the national security impact of removing Communists from key DoD and State Dept posts.

Arthur Herman, author of "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator," says that the accuracy of McCarthy's charges "was no longer a matter of debate," that they are "now accepted as fact."

And The New York Post's Eric Fettmann has noted: "growing historical evidence underscores that, whatever his rhetorical and investigative excesses - and they were substantial - McCarthy was a lot closer to the truth about Communism than were his foes."

Whittaker Chambers wrote in his book WITNESS that liberals are/were incapable of ever effectively fighting Communism because they did not see anything in Communism that was antithetical to their own beliefs. In short, Liberals are Communists and Communists are Liberals.

People are entitled to their own political beliefs. None of these people were ever accused of overthrowing the government. The cols war was not about communism. It was about Soviet expansionism. Whittaker Chambers was a right wing fascist.

"People are entitled to their own political beliefs. None of these people were ever accused of overthrowing the government."

What 'people,' fool????
Joe McCarthy was a reactionary demagogue in the GOP. He would be quite welcome in the current party...

That is why they are trying to rewrite history and repair his reputation

McCarthy's history was written by the leftist academia and media. If they had gotten serious in the 50's and started throwing those communist bitches out of helicopters, we wouldn't be as FUBAR as we are today.
The Commie threat was overstated and a witch hunt ensued that ruined the careers and lives of innocent people.

The "commie threat" was overstated because well, truthfully, you're one of them. Or at least aligned with their ideology.


I see Commies EVERYWHERE

Everytime you look in the mirror.
Wasnt Commies who attacked our Capitol

The new 5th column trying to destroy America. Where's McCarthy when we need him??

You right wing fascists are the 5th column who launch attacks against this country.

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