The Killer (a new ongoing group book)

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

The killer stalked the murky late night streets intent on seeking her next victim. The thrill and obsession of the hunt was like a insatiable hunger that burned deep in her psyche. The screams and struggles of her prior victims resonated like a symphony through her thoughts as she stopped at the corner of a busy wind swept street. The downtown area was a lush hunting ground for this mistress of death.



(Feel free to add the next paragraph or even sentence.)
She was known as BJ Queen, luring the gullible with her lush Botox lips and Silicone teats.
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Her parents had given her the name Bobbi Joe in memory of her well to do grandparents who had left her a sizable fortune. With it she lead a lifestyle few enjoyed and allowed her to dress the part of the huntress that she had become. She was dressed seductively in her long dark coat, short skirt, and tall leather boots, to attract the attention of her prey as they sought to catch glimpses of her long smooth legs. Her raven hair was pulled back to display her high cheekbones and the long lashes encompassing the deep charcoal eyes that could steal a mans soul. Little did they realize that this alluring temptation was the trap that would lead to an untimely demise as this 'queen' of terror prowled the streets..


Lordee.... long as you like books...real books....paper books like I do

no computer no kindkle no shit

paper books only
one more


does anybody read at all?

does anybody owns a real book library here?

just one of you?

one ?

Lord I know the answer already :(

spare me the awful answer

His name was Decimus Connelly. His assignment to detective on the force was so recent that he was still moving into the room he was assigned with the fresh paint of his name and title still drying on the glass paned door. Though he had proven himself on the streets for the last ten years his colleagues appeared to be taking grime pleasure in the extreme difficulty the case presented to their fellow detective. Never well liked he had always been one step ahead of his fellow officers hence his recent appointment. Even with no leads he was determined to solve this case.


one more


does anybody read at all?

does anybody owns a real book library here?

just one of you?

one ?

Lord I know the answer already :(

spare me the awful answer


Actually I own an extensive library.

I'm sorry you don't wish to contribute.


Lordee.... long as you like books...real books....paper books like I do

no computer no kindkle no shit

paper books only
Actually, I hate electronic "books" I like to hold a book, flip the pages.. My wife has two Kindles, one iPad and she even uses her iPhone for reading. I can't stand those things. I buy books but it is harder and harder to find older publications since business wise it is not too profitable to rerun production. Guess what prices I pay for sought after books at the online antiquary, if they are available at all. Just recently, I mean in the past year I got books from South Africa, Australia, India and England. Some were in the mail for a month.
His name was Decimus Connelly. His assignment to detective on the force was so recent that he was still moving into the room he was assigned with the fresh paint of his name and title still drying on the glass paned door. Though he had proven himself on the streets for the last ten years his colleagues appeared to be taking grime pleasure in the extreme difficulty the case presented to their fellow detective. Never well liked he had always been one step ahead of his fellow officers hence his recent appointment. Even with no leads he was determined to solve this case.
Decimus was no stranger to violence himself. After high school he enlisted in the Army and went through rigorous training to become an Airborne Ranger but it was not the only endeavor where he became the master of combat. He did not reenlist but to satisfy his adventurous desires he joined "La Legion Etrangere." It was in the Legion where he honed his skills achieving mastery from jungle survival to desert warfare building up tremendous endurance and extensive knowledge of weaponry. After serving in various theaters of wars, Decimus left the Legion and went back to school making good use of his GI Bill eligibility and earned his PhD in psychology while on the beat pulling night shifts. His fluent French served him well as a detective, he could easily pass as a Canuk dispelling any suspicion among the dubious elements of the underground sewers of the metropolis.

They meet in the crowded late evening streets of New Orleans quite accidentally. He was observing a couple, if one would call them that, as they completed a transaction of mutual agreement. As he turned she was there in all her glory and spilled coffee down her front side. As compensation he invited her to the nearest café to clean up then talk over a cappuccino while interest being more than that. She was lovely so they spent some time talking and during the conversation she discovered who was stalker of the hunter at the local PD. This new twist brought about excitement and thrill to the hunters life as thoughts of how she could use this handsome detective to her own ends vice the twisted end she had intended for him when first meeting him.


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The blood started to run faster in BJ's veins as her heart was pounding with the excitement of the huntress and the desire of a woman "what a beautiful specimen of men" she thought as she touched his biceps casually. Her purring of a magnificent cat sounded comfortable and peaceful in the unsuspecting detective's ears. He enjoyed the beautiful woman's company forgetting about his quest and the Bourbon they were sipping filled him with warmness, making his head light. It was a mild beautiful evening and the light breeze caressed his face. He wished they were out on the Bayou on his slowly rocking boat-house where the noise of the city is reduced to a faint buzz and the full moon covered the surroundings with an eerie light.

The first kiss was long and lingering as they settled into the second floor bungalow only a block down the street. The evening hot and sweaty as their bodies mingled in the warm evening breeze that wafted through the open window. Some hours later they lay entwined and oblivious to the world around them as they slept like the dead from exhaustion. In the early morning they parted after a light breakfast at a street café and an exchange of personal information. The evening lingered with both as they left to seek information, though only one knew, what it was they sought.



(We can't be to explicit now... can we?)
Decimus was staring at the horrifying pictures on the cork board but did not see them. Last night… the night of pleasure was vividly dancing before his eyes. This was the first time, since least year, when his beautiful wife and two young children tragically died in a fiery car accident, that he felt more than just sexual desire for a woman. He never forgave himself for that accident. They were to go for a family weekend to his in-laws to their Texas ranch. He chose to stay behind to finish reports, what were important to wrap up the last case he worked on, but there was no real urgency. The truth is that he did not get along with the in-laws what wasn't his fault, they just wanted somebody better established financially for their daughter than a cop. His heart was pounding faster as he remembered BJ's hot body pressing to his, her warm breath on his neck, her faint moans of pleasure. The shrill of his phone snatched him back to the reality of his office and the pictures on the cork board. The chief was calling, he wanted an update about the investigation since he was pressed by the mayor.

Decimus attempted to sort out his thoughts and neaten his suit as he headed towards the chiefs office. It didn't help much but made him feel better as he arrived. Knocking on the door there was a gruff bark of 'enter', which he immediately did to be confronted by the chief's back. As he stood at attention the chief slowly twisted around as they mutually appraised each other.
The chief was a big man of mixed descent who'd been in the force for nearly thirty years. There was a slight wave to his raven hair with permanently tanned skin, which only darkened slightly when he did have the opportunity to catch some sun, and the deep brown eyes. the chief was impressive and not a man to be trifled with but he was Decimus' friend for a number of years now and was part of the reason for the his resent promotion to homicide. However at this moment the chief was obviously not impressed with what he saw since he rolled his eyes.
"What the hell am I supposed to tell the mayor about this case Deck?" Demanded the chief.
"Uh.h.h..." started Decimus as his friends face reddened in anger. Then quickly added, "There are no new leads."
What the hell does that mean?" Roared the chief and before Decimus could reply, "And what the hell happened to you? Deck you look like you just got mugged."
"I haven't had time to change." Replied Decimus.


BJ stepped out of the shower and let the pearls of water running down on her apple shaped, firm breasts, flat abdomen and long muscular thighs. She glanced at the wall sized mirror and was pleased with what she saw with the exception of the scar on her neck. She was thirty-five and found herself thinking with fondness of the handsome, well built middle aged man who called himself Deck last night. He was different from her previous acquaintances and his eyes betrayed a deep wound in his heart. She slipped into a short bath robe, grabbed the newspaper along with a glass of lemonade and went outside to sit in her favorite lounge chair on the terrace. Her thoughts shifted to the horrifying night when she was raped by four thugs and was left for dead in the alley just off of Bourbon street. Her eyes sparked with anger and disgust. The police closed the investigation after a year when it went cold. She hated the cops for that, she wanted justice. It was then when she started to prowl in the night looking for her assaulters. She caught up with three of them and had one more to catch up with who was very elusive since his partners were murdered. She felt satisfaction when she cut their throats as they did it to her but the revenge was not sweet, she felt guilt creeping up on her.

Her most recent vengeance had revealed the last clue she needed for the most illusive of the four though and she had come to far to stop. This prey would be the hardest for he was the leader and lived under tight security in a well to do neighborhood. The others had only been paid body guards for this repugnant filth.



Sorry not feeling up to this today. Tired and a little ill.

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