The Key To Democrat “Thinking”

7. . When one considers the values in the faith of our Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin, versus that of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, there is marriage as a it important, or to be eschewed?

Genesis 2.18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. Until this verse, the only adjective God used to describe what He created was “good.” Now, for the first time, God declares something “not good.” In the words of the great seventeenth-century writer John Milton (Paradise Lost): “Loneliness is the first thing which God’s eye named not good.” It is important to note that it is not Adam who said this; it was God who made this observation. Men do not independently know that it is not good for them to be alone. 2.18 (cont.) I will make a fitting helper for him.”

A literal translation is “a helper who is his equal.” (Prager translation)

Let's see how Democrats/Liberals take the opposite posture.

Here is Leftism’s take on the issue:

“Dunn coined the famous catch phrase: "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle," which was subsequently popularised by Gloria Steinem and became a popular slogan among feminists.” Irina Dunn - Wikipedia

Having a child by a single mother is a sentence of prison and poverty for the children.

OK…so, so far, if not for government schools, you could consider whether to have children, and whether there are two sexes, or dozens, and whether the social commitment known as marriage is good for the individual and for society.

The Democrat culture.
7. . When one considers the values in the faith of our Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin, versus that of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx, there is marriage as a it important, or to be eschewed?

Genesis 2.18 The Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. Until this verse, the only adjective God used to describe what He created was “good.” Now, for the first time, God declares something “not good.” In the words of the great seventeenth-century writer John Milton (Paradise Lost): “Loneliness is the first thing which God’s eye named not good.” It is important to note that it is not Adam who said this; it was God who made this observation. Men do not independently know that it is not good for them to be alone. 2.18 (cont.) I will make a fitting helper for him.”

A literal translation is “a helper who is his equal.” (Prager translation)
So glad you brought this up.

Adam was made in the 'similitude' of God.
God had made a special angel that was 'equal' to himself,
In that 'she' was made from God's own resources.
And as Lucifer gave God comfort (cover) 'she' also betrayed him.
Thus Eve would be made from Adam's body, give him comfort, but also betray him.
1.As the saying goes, ‘we can only judge others by ourselves,’ meaning that we anticipate other folks behaving as we would. It is the reason that the concept of “mutually assured destruction” worked during the Cold War.
How about using with folks who actually seek death???

It doesn’t work, of course, with folks who believe an Imam is hiding in a well and will lead to worldwide conflagration, welcoming their deaths as long as the infidels die also.

Yet nuclear arming such folks is the singular aim of the foreign policy of the Democrat Party.

2. Of course, normal folks don’t have such policies. And this is hardly the only counterintuitive policy the Democrat Party endorses. In fact…..just about of their aims and desires are irrational.
Anyone can see the results of Democrat policies today.

3. There is a ‘key,’ a single principle that explains Democrats. And it requires one particular book.

Those of us who have read.....and understand.....Orwell, understand his works as to-do manuals for Fascists and Bolsheviks, the rest of us what the Progressives/Democrats plan to do.
But, no......the book in question is not Orwell's.
But there is a far more specific tome related to what the Democrats are out to accomplish.

4. Why would the Democrats advance these policies:

a. government confiscate the fruits of our labor to support those who don’t care to work?

b. claim that there are 56 genders

c. encourage out of wedlock sex, abjure marriage and the family,

d. reward criminality

e. marginalize and erase any trace of the religion on which this nation was founded.

f. demand all bend the neck and the knee to government.

g. lie about everything.

h. let killers live, but kill innocent babies.

5. The book at issue is the Bible, and the Democrats simply aim to do what Biden did vis-à-vis Trump policies……reverse every one of them.

And so it is with the warnings and guidance of the Bible: the key to Democrat desire is to come out for anything and everything the Bible counselled against.

America was founded based on that guidance, and now we are under the thumb of a movement designed to destroy what benefitted mankind.

You can start out by reading the Ten Commandments and one of those is that you should not lie. You are a liar extraordinaire.

There is nothing wrong with talking with Iran. Your opinion does not make it fact.

Give us the specific bible passage that states all of this. Jesus Christ said to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's. Republicans are the criminals who are rewarded for their criminality. A fetus is not a baby. What you are advocating for is a Christian version of Iran where laws are based on the Bible rather than the Koran. This is a secular society not a theocracy.
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Clearly, the proof of what you say about Democrat voters is documented in their posts on the board....

.....but the OP is constructed to spotlight their elites, who order them to simply vote Democrat.

There is 'thought' behind their motivation.

There is no way to separate communism, socialism, Progressivism, the Democrat Party, and, therefore, no way to ignore their ties to Satan.
It is of interest that the godfather, maybe even the god, of the above, Karl Marx, had a fascination with Satan. Clearly, Marx believed in the existence of Satan.

Nor is Marx the only link to Satan on the Left.

Barack Obama got his start as a community organizer in Chicago, saying it was "the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School." And while he downplays his connections to ACORN, claiming he worked for churches, he was trained by (Saul) Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation and then spent years in the 1980s teaching the Alinsky method to others through several Alinsky offshoots such as Project Vote and Developing Communities Project in Chicago.

Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom."
The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

There is no thought involved in your posts. Just carefully constructed lies. You are the one who is evil. You want to impose your beliefs on others. You are the one who is a radical right wing fascist.
The foundational principles of our Federal government can be found in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights.

In a nutshell: All rights come from God and Government's purpose is to protect those rights. All [persons] must be treated equally - that is to say, with no one being treated better or worse than others, BY THE GOVERNMENT. As for the pursuit of happiness, you are on your own. And while "Judeo-Christian" morals and ethics and "middle-class values" are not written into those documents, they are clearly undergirding the whole system created by those documents.

And while our Government has not always lived up to those high standards (e.g., slavery, women's suffrage), that does not defeat their value going forward.

I am often asked why I consider Leftists to be un-patriotic, and my response is that while they claim to support our country, they do everything they can to deny, denigrate, and obviate the principles mentioned in my preceding paragraph.

And it cannot be left unsaid that to the Left, TRUTH is not a value held in high regard. Indeed, they lie constantly, thinking that there are other principles that "trump" the truth. Leftist lies today are usually associated with a "Narrative." A Narrative is an assertion about life that promotes the Leftist agenda, and even when the Narrative is patently false, Leftists will repeat it endlessly if it serves the political purpose. Examples:

Russia collusion,
Police are wantonly killing scores of innocent, unarmed Blacks,
"Mass Incarceration,"
Removal of the abortion option "forces women to have unwanted babies,"
2020 was "the most secure election in American history,"
and on and on.

You are the one who is unpatriotic and un-American. You want to impose your beliefs on others. We do not allow people to starve in this country although you Republicans are fine with that. You are the one who lies constantly. All we have to do is look at Republican narratives on CRT, transgenders and gays. Jesus Christ himself steered clear of political issues. He was asked about paying taxes and Jesus replied to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's. God is a God of love and all you offer is hate.
From that perspective I agree, my point was the ordinary moonbat drone either has no capacity to think, or deliberately rejects the impulse to do so if it occurs.

Of the history I studied about the USSR, certain things stand out.

The abolishment of religion was a primary focus in the beginning. Then by the time the krauts invaded in 1941, religion was suddenly accepted again if not even promoted.

Perversion and sexual deviance, while practiced by many commissars and government officials was severely punished, not promoted and protected by government. "Revolution" against the bolsheviks was "undemocratic", and dissent was not tolerated. While in the US, "dissent" of leftists is tolerated, along with serious crimes, actual hate speech, incitements to riot, violence and destruction is encouraged by apparatchiks, commissars and political whores. Such behaviors in the USSR or even modern despotic marxist countries that barely cling to continued existence are prosecuted as mercilessly as those arrested for being in DC Jan 6th 2020.

In fact there are many behaviors that an objective person who does have the capacity to think critically would describe as anti-social, and detrimental to a population. If one is inclined as I am to believe that there is indeed a GOOD GOD that created mankind and all that exists, who has a nemesis known as lucifer, satan, "the devil" Et Al. that seeks to undermine God's creation and marginalize as that is good and holy I'd draw the conclusion that the democrook party isn't a political entity, but a criminal syndicate of traitors. The "people" who empower them are beneath "sheep". They're as useless and stupid as lemmings. as mindless and vicious as fire ants or killer bees.

I've always LOVED that Paul Harvey piece! Thanks for sharing it.
There is no thought involved in your posts. Just carefully constructed lies. You are the one who is evil. You want to impose your beliefs on others. You are the one who is a radical right wing fascist.
We realize that you're scared. Your side is losing big time and the stakes are very high. Treason calls for harsh punishment.

Just keep whistling and whining because it is such fun to listen to your screed.
Just a thought here. From the video of the women at the NRA convention saying things like 'f your God', when just weeks before, the left, Pelosi and some other women claim that God is fine with abortion. How do those two messages connect? on the one hand, blaspheming God and then saying he is fine with the murder of the unborn...which is blasphemy itself. It tells me that they know they are rebellious and hate the God who has placed His law in their hearts because they don't want to obey his laws.
You are the one who is unpatriotic and un-American. You want to impose your beliefs on others. We do not allow people to starve in this country although you Republicans are fine with that. You are the one who lies constantly. All we have to do is look at Republican narratives on CRT, transgenders and gays. Jesus Christ himself steered clear of political issues. He was asked about paying taxes and Jesus replied to give to Caesar what is Caesar's and God what is God's. God is a God of love and all you offer is hate.
busybee01 said:
There is no thought involved in your posts. Just carefully constructed lies. You are the one who is evil. You want to impose your beliefs on others. You are the one who is a radical right wing fascist.

Thus, i think, proving my point in post number 29. We are carrying on a conversation among ourselves...apparent christians or believers in the One True God. NOT imposing our beliefs on you or anyone. You read it and make that determination for yourself.... free will. Pointing out God's word and man's behavior is only evil to the left who doesn't want to hear it...wants it all driven underground.
Just a thought here. From the video of the women at the NRA convention saying things like 'f your God', when just weeks before, the left, Pelosi and some other women claim that God is fine with abortion. How do those two messages connect? on the one hand, blaspheming God and then saying he is fine with the murder of the unborn...which is blasphemy itself. It tells me that they know they are rebellious and hate the God who has placed His law in their hearts because they don't want to obey his laws.
Passage after passage in God's word talks about borders, boundaries, limits. God didn't say, 'commit suicide by inviting in unvetted illegal immigrants and criminals.'

We should expect our government to ensure secure national borders, to track everyone who comes into the U.S. and to ensure that no one who would seek to do harm is able to enter. That’s consistent with the God-ordained role of government described in the Bible (Romans 13:1) and with the Israelites’ establishment of fortified cities “for protection” (Numbers 32:17).

The role of secure borders should be to protect the nation, however, not to keep out those fleeing persecution. It’s vital that as government invests in border security, it also respect U.S. laws that allow those with a credible fear of persecution to request asylum. These individuals should be screened and vetted — both to make sure they truly qualify under the terms of U.S. law and to ensure that they do not present a public safety or national security threat.


Democrat administrations have denied entry to those seeking refuge from persecution Since FDR denied Jews entry to the US to escape nazi persecution to Clinton, Obama, biden, maybe Bush denying entry to those who are suffering persecution but rather allowing admittance of their AND OUR enemies.
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8. The premise herein is that the Democrats are under the sway of a far different power, force….view…..that that of our Founders, that which gave us Western Civilization.

To put it in terms of governing……What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

“Bully Biden Threatens Lunch Money
Public schools will lose funding for poor kids’ food if they don’t allow boys into girls’ restrooms.

...the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which declared that, beginning in June, its “Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) … will interpret the prohibition on discrimination based on sex found in Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 … to include discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Translation: The money at stake over Biden’s Rainbow Mafia agenda is for the lunches provided to lower-income kids, which doesn’t seem to match the usual Democrat talking points about “fair share.” It is, however, exactly what a bully would say, and just in time for “Pride Month” to boot.
Bully Biden Threatens Lunch Money
So glad you brought this up.

Adam was made in the 'similitude' of God.
God had made a special angel that was 'equal' to himself,
In that 'she' was made from God's own resources.
And as Lucifer gave God comfort (cover) 'she' also betrayed him.
Thus Eve would be made from Adam's body, give him comfort, but also betray him.

I see you haven't found the right woman as of yet.

Perhaps changing your avi to 'Diogenes' might help.
busybee01 said:
You can start out by reading the Ten Commandments and one of those is that you should not lie.

Thou shalt not kill.

Jeremiah 1:5 ESV /​

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Luke 1:44 ESV / Elizabeth, mother of john the baptist to Mary, mother of Jesus, son of God.​

For behold, when the sound of your greeting came to my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.
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