The Key Reason we did not prevail in Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
I have long maintained that we should have allied with India rather than Pakistan.

First of all Pakistan is muslim with far too many radicals in its intelligence agencies.

Does anyone remember how they alerted bin laden that bill clinton was going to attack their camp?

The Key Reason the U.S. Lost in Afghanistan
Our allegiance with Pakistan goes back to The Cold War. India chose Russia as their protector and naturally Pakistan, their mortal enemy, chose us.

When Russia invaded Afghanistan, we became very close with Pakistan Intelligence Services (ISI) and we used them to funnel weapons to the Mujahaddin in Afghanistan to fight The Russians.

Naturally, when the Russians left, the ISI still formed a strong bond with the same Mujahaddin who became The Taliban. The Pakistan ISI participated in hiding Bin Laden from us for years.

This foreign policy disaster was 50 years or more in the making.
Our allegiance with Pakistan goes back to The Cold War. India chose Russia as their protector and naturally Pakistan, their mortal enemy, chose us.

When Russia invaded Afghanistan, we became very close with Pakistan Intelligence Services (ISI) and we used them to funnel weapons to the Mujahaddin in Afghanistan to fight The Russians.

Naturally, when the Russians left, the ISI still formed a strong bond with the same Mujahaddin who became The Taliban. The Pakistan ISI participated in hiding Bin Laden from us for years.

This foreign policy disaster was 50 years or more in the making.

Taliban were war orphans who organized in 1994.. They have fought the Mujahideen and the Haqqani Mafia.
Bring back the king.

# During the long reign of King Zahir Shah (1933-1973), Afghanistan blossomed into a modern state. It became the largest exporter of raisins in the world, and was renowned in the region for its carpets, fruits, melons, and semi-precious stones. Kabul rivaled Islamabad as a city of modernity and culture, and was considered by Westerners in the 1960s as the Geneva of Asia.

There was relative stability in this historically strife-ridden state, which enabled completion of large-scale development projects like dams and roads. Most important, the only “Taliban” were religious students who studied the Koran.

# During the long reign of King Zahir Shah (1933-1973), Afghanistan blossomed into a modern state. It became the largest exporter of raisins in the world, and was renowned in the region for its carpets, fruits, melons, and semi-precious stones. Kabul rivaled Islamabad as a city of modernity and culture, and was considered by Westerners in the 1960s as the Geneva of Asia.

There was relative stability in this historically strife-ridden state, which enabled completion of large-scale development projects like dams and roads. Most important, the only “Taliban” were religious students who studied the Koran.

Funny, that's how people talked about the Shah of Iran back in the 1970's, and we all saw how that turned out.

The real problem here is the neo-colonial attitudes we have, where we think our ways are the best ways.
I have long maintained that we should have allied with India rather than Pakistan.

First of all Pakistan is muslim with far too many radicals in its intelligence agencies.

Does anyone remember how they alerted bin laden that bill clinton was going to attack their camp?

The Key Reason the U.S. Lost in Afghanistan
The two main reasons we lost in Afghanistan and why we lost so quickly was 1 Trump negotiated this agreement with the Taliban and left the Afghan government out of it, slighting the Afghan government, weakining it by essentially by saying the Taliban was the power in Afghanistan, legitimizing them. And most important of all 2. The Afghan people were not willing to defend their country from these terrorists.
As many of us were saying back then, you can't push a 17th-Century civilization into modernity if it doesn't WANT to pushed into modernity.

This was a failed effort from Day One. The end was inevitable. 20 fucking wasted years is enough.
You left yourself quite open with the first sentence of that statement.
The American gov't..OUR POLITICIANS have lied to the american public since the Clintons.
The two main reasons we lost in Afghanistan and why we lost so quickly was 1 Trump negotiated this agreement with the Taliban and left the Afghan government out of it, slighting the Afghan government, weakining it by essentially by saying the Taliban was the power in Afghanistan, legitimizing them. And most important of all 2. The Afghan people were not willing to defend their country from these terrorists.

And that's the key point. Much like Nixon cutting a deal with the Vietcong at Paris that essentially left the Saigon regime twisting in the wind, Trump pretty much pulled the rug out from under Ghani by cutting a deal with the Taliban and releasing 5000 Taliban prisoners.
Funny, that's how people talked about the Shah of Iran back in the 1970's, and we all saw how that turned out.

The real problem here is the neo-colonial attitudes we have, where we think our ways are the best ways.

Many people see that now. In hindsight.

What could come after could be even worse.
Mac1958 no it wasn't wasted.......good thing you were not around in Dec 1941

Again, to take your metaphor to it's logical conclusion, if we were still trying to stabilize Japan in 1962, most people would have considered that policy a failure as well.

In fact, if you look at what we actually did in Japan, after the war ended, we left Hirohito in power, most of the Japanese War Criminals were not prosecuted, and a lot of them ended up serving in the Japanese government after the war.

Unlike the Germans, who just can't stop apologizing for the war, the Japanese still don't think they did anything wrong.
JoeB131 again, most of you don't know anything about wars, conflicts, etc ......WW2 was totally [ TOTAL ] different ---bad analogy
JoeB131 again, most of you don't know anything about wars, conflicts, etc ......WW2 was totally [ TOTAL ] different ---bad analogy

You are right. It was totally different.

Japan was an occupation run by DEMOCRATS. The funny thing about it was that they didn't see the occupation of Japan as an opportunity to enrich war profiteers. Instead, they went over and worked with the Japanese to rebuild their economy and establish actual democracy and workers rights.

Afghanistan is what happens when Republicans run a war. Massive profiteering by the Military Industrial Complex, big corporations sending over contractors to make obscene money. That turned out about as well as you can expect.
Again, to take your metaphor to it's logical conclusion, if we were still trying to stabilize Japan in 1962, most people would have considered that policy a failure as well.

In fact, if you look at what we actually did in Japan, after the war ended, we left Hirohito in power, most of the Japanese War Criminals were not prosecuted, and a lot of them ended up serving in the Japanese government after the war.

Unlike the Germans, who just can't stop apologizing for the war, the Japanese still don't think they did anything wrong.

I’ve never met a German who apologises for the War.

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