The Jewish stake in America's changing demography


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy

Just a few tid bits on Jewish Supremacism,Control of policy and control of media.

The white "Christian" supremacists who have historically opposed either all immigration or all non-European immigration (Europeans being defined as Nordic or Anglo-Saxon), a position re-asserted by Peter Brimelow, must not be permitted to play a prominent role in the debate over the way America responds to unprecedented demographic change.

WE should not be allowed to determine who WE want in OUR country...yet the 2% of the jews in America should!

Far more potentially perilous, does it matter to Jews — and for American support for Israel when the Jewish State arguably faces existential peril — that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States? That undoubtedly at some point in the next 20 years Muslims will outnumber Jews, and that Muslims with an "Islamic agenda" are growing active politically through a widespread network of national organizations?

So its racist for WHITES to want a WHITE nation but its NOT racist for Jews to not want Muslims in America!? Wow....

Not that it is the case that our disproportionate political power (pound for pound the greatest of any ethnic/cultural group in America) will erode all at once, or even quickly. We will be able to hang on to it for perhaps a decade or two longer. Unless and until the triumph of campaign finance reform is complete, an extremely unlikely scenario, the great material wealth of the Jewish community will continue to give it significant advantages. We will continue to court and be courted by key figures in Congress. That power is exerted within the political system from the local to national levels through soft money, and especially the provision of out-of-state funds to candidates sympathetic to Israel, a high wall of church/state separation, and social liberalism combined with selective conservatism on criminal justice and welfare issues.

So Jews don't want campaign finance reform because their power would be GREATLY diminished! Well thanks for the truthful answer!

It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews. But ethnic dominance in an industry does not by itself mean that these centers of opinion and attitude formation in the national culture are sources of Jewish political power. They are not noticeably "Jewish" in the sense of advancing a Jewish agenda, Jewish communal interests, or the cause of Israel. And television, the Jewish industry par excellence, with its shallow values, grotesque materialism, celebration of violence, utter superficiality, anti-intellectualism, and sexploitation certainly does not advance anything that might be confused with Jewish values. It is probably true, however, that the situation would be worse in terms of the treatment of Jewish themes and issues in the media without this presence.

Shocker what I and MANY have said for YEARS is admitted by a high ranking Jewish official. A tiny minority controls what Americans see,hear,watch and read in America. Nah nothing at all wrong with that!

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Never underestimate the Jews legendary capacity for duplicity and subterfuge.

For countless generations the hebrew tribe has unleashed its parasitic nature on any host country dumb enough to allow them inside their borders. .... :cool:
It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..
It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..
They CONTROL every candidate PERIOD. Name me the last serious presidential candidate that DID NOT speak at AIPAC to get his/her's masters blessing. Hollywood is changing it isn't dying. Book publishing,movies,tv,etc etc ALL controlled by Jews. Their control in the political field is amazing and concerning they control FAR more positions of power in politics than their numbers should allow. The power of AIPAC is covered in a book that everyone should read,cross them or come across as not pro jew enough they will end your career. They push policies that HARM America. Immigration,middle east adventurism,free trade etc.
It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..
They CONTROL every candidate PERIOD. Name me the last serious presidential candidate that DID NOT speak at AIPAC to get his/her's masters blessing. Hollywood is changing it isn't dying. Book publishing,movies,tv,etc etc ALL controlled by Jews. Their control in the political field is amazing and concerning they control FAR more positions of power in politics than their numbers should allow. The power of AIPAC is covered in a book that everyone should read,cross them or come across as not pro jew enough they will end your career. They push policies that HARM America. Immigration,middle east adventurism,free trade etc.

So what? You want every politician to ignore that constituency? How about they ignore the Prayer Breakfasts?

NOTHING to do with AIPAC affects the outcome of elections. LESS MONEY should go to Israel. But it's a valid position to SUPPORT the existence of that country and welcome them as an ally. So fucking what?

Hollywood is MOSTLY dead. Isn't even the movie capital of the world anymore. Check the fucking credits of ANY recent movie. The names in the credits are all Romanian, Korean, Albanian. All shot overseas. Special effects done off shore. Nobody left but the lawyers and accountants.

My candidates don't speak at AIPAC --- vote Libertarian.
Every presidential candidate must stand before AIPAC and swear total and unwavering allegiance to the zionist state of Israel's security in order to be elected.

It has been that way for decades. ..... :cool:
It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..
They CONTROL every candidate PERIOD. Name me the last serious presidential candidate that DID NOT speak at AIPAC to get his/her's masters blessing. Hollywood is changing it isn't dying. Book publishing,movies,tv,etc etc ALL controlled by Jews. Their control in the political field is amazing and concerning they control FAR more positions of power in politics than their numbers should allow. The power of AIPAC is covered in a book that everyone should read,cross them or come across as not pro jew enough they will end your career. They push policies that HARM America. Immigration,middle east adventurism,free trade etc.

So what? You want every politician to ignore that constituency? How about they ignore the Prayer Breakfasts?

NOTHING to do with AIPAC affects the outcome of elections. LESS MONEY should go to Israel. But it's a valid position to SUPPORT the existence of that country and welcome them as an ally. So fucking what?

Hollywood is MOSTLY dead. Isn't even the movie capital of the world anymore. Check the fucking credits of ANY recent movie. The names in the credits are all Romanian, Korean, Albanian. All shot overseas. Special effects done off shore. Nobody left but the lawyers and accountants.

My candidates don't speak at AIPAC --- vote Libertarian.
Jews represent 2% of the country. Where in the world would they constitute a VAST majority of the population? Your candidates also won't win a national election because of that! Just like Ron Paul and Patrick Buchanan would NEVER be allowed to win the presidency. They are a threat to the Jewish control in America. As Buchanan said Capitol Hill is Israel Occupied Territory.
It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..
They CONTROL every candidate PERIOD. Name me the last serious presidential candidate that DID NOT speak at AIPAC to get his/her's masters blessing. Hollywood is changing it isn't dying. Book publishing,movies,tv,etc etc ALL controlled by Jews. Their control in the political field is amazing and concerning they control FAR more positions of power in politics than their numbers should allow. The power of AIPAC is covered in a book that everyone should read,cross them or come across as not pro jew enough they will end your career. They push policies that HARM America. Immigration,middle east adventurism,free trade etc.

So what? You want every politician to ignore that constituency? How about they ignore the Prayer Breakfasts?

NOTHING to do with AIPAC affects the outcome of elections. LESS MONEY should go to Israel. But it's a valid position to SUPPORT the existence of that country and welcome them as an ally. So fucking what?

Hollywood is MOSTLY dead. Isn't even the movie capital of the world anymore. Check the fucking credits of ANY recent movie. The names in the credits are all Romanian, Korean, Albanian. All shot overseas. Special effects done off shore. Nobody left but the lawyers and accountants.

My candidates don't speak at AIPAC --- vote Libertarian.
Jews represent 2% of the country. Where in the world would they constitute a VAST majority of the population? Your candidates also won't win a national election because of that! Just like Ron Paul and Patrick Buchanan would NEVER be allowed to win the presidency. They are a threat to the Jewish control in America. As Buchanan said Capitol Hill is Israel Occupied Territory.

Yeah -- just look at what Israel has gotten for all that influence. You're confused here. Is it ZIONIST influence or Jewish influence that bother you Archie? There's a diff in how that goes down in practice. Jews got us to help Iran develop nuclear weapons. Jews got us to bomb 6 Arab countries a year. Jews got us ObamaCare.

I get it. You want to understand the insanity of American govt --- but you can't. So OBVIOUSLY -- you have to blame Jews. Because it just couldn't ever be GROSS NEGLIGENCE AND INCOMPETENCY of the Goyish Govt that screwed things up this badly..
It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..

"The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead."

That's because The Marx Brothers all died.

The Marx Brothers were genius, I love them, especially "Animal Crackers" (1930), "Monkey Business" (1931), "Horse Feathers" (1932) and "Duck Soup" (1933)

From "Duck Soup" Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho Marx) seduces Gloria Teasdale (Margaret Dumont)

It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..
They CONTROL every candidate PERIOD. Name me the last serious presidential candidate that DID NOT speak at AIPAC to get his/her's masters blessing. Hollywood is changing it isn't dying. Book publishing,movies,tv,etc etc ALL controlled by Jews. Their control in the political field is amazing and concerning they control FAR more positions of power in politics than their numbers should allow. The power of AIPAC is covered in a book that everyone should read,cross them or come across as not pro jew enough they will end your career. They push policies that HARM America. Immigration,middle east adventurism,free trade etc.

So what? You want every politician to ignore that constituency? How about they ignore the Prayer Breakfasts?

NOTHING to do with AIPAC affects the outcome of elections. LESS MONEY should go to Israel. But it's a valid position to SUPPORT the existence of that country and welcome them as an ally. So fucking what?

Hollywood is MOSTLY dead. Isn't even the movie capital of the world anymore. Check the fucking credits of ANY recent movie. The names in the credits are all Romanian, Korean, Albanian. All shot overseas. Special effects done off shore. Nobody left but the lawyers and accountants.

My candidates don't speak at AIPAC --- vote Libertarian.
Jews represent 2% of the country. Where in the world would they constitute a VAST majority of the population? Your candidates also won't win a national election because of that! Just like Ron Paul and Patrick Buchanan would NEVER be allowed to win the presidency. They are a threat to the Jewish control in America. As Buchanan said Capitol Hill is Israel Occupied Territory.

So what's your solution? Drastically reduce the number of Jews in positions of power and influence in the USA?
So its racist for WHITES to want a WHITE nation but its NOT racist for Jews to not want Muslims in America!? Wow....

Gotta make up your mind here. Are Jews responsible for the Immigration policy that FAVORS permits from Muslim countries ---- Or --- do "they NOT want Muslims in America".. I'm not following here and you can't have it both ways. I KNOW it's confusing because the Jews are so tricky, but concentrate and tell me which YOU think this is..
It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people to issues of concern to Jews.

Ethnic dominance of an industry that is now facing literal extinction.. None of that might bastion of influence REMAINS if nobody cares what they produce. You're comical. The Jews USED to control comedy. Now they're all dead. What REMAINS of Hollywood is a joke. Being replaced by Net content.

When's the last time "jews" interfered in an American election? Name the year and the race..
They CONTROL every candidate PERIOD. Name me the last serious presidential candidate that DID NOT speak at AIPAC to get his/her's masters blessing. Hollywood is changing it isn't dying. Book publishing,movies,tv,etc etc ALL controlled by Jews. Their control in the political field is amazing and concerning they control FAR more positions of power in politics than their numbers should allow. The power of AIPAC is covered in a book that everyone should read,cross them or come across as not pro jew enough they will end your career. They push policies that HARM America. Immigration,middle east adventurism,free trade etc.

So what? You want every politician to ignore that constituency? How about they ignore the Prayer Breakfasts?

NOTHING to do with AIPAC affects the outcome of elections. LESS MONEY should go to Israel. But it's a valid position to SUPPORT the existence of that country and welcome them as an ally. So fucking what?

Hollywood is MOSTLY dead. Isn't even the movie capital of the world anymore. Check the fucking credits of ANY recent movie. The names in the credits are all Romanian, Korean, Albanian. All shot overseas. Special effects done off shore. Nobody left but the lawyers and accountants.

My candidates don't speak at AIPAC --- vote Libertarian.
Jews represent 2% of the country. Where in the world would they constitute a VAST majority of the population? Your candidates also won't win a national election because of that! Just like Ron Paul and Patrick Buchanan would NEVER be allowed to win the presidency. They are a threat to the Jewish control in America. As Buchanan said Capitol Hill is Israel Occupied Territory.

So what's your solution? Drastically reduce the number of Jews in positions of power and influence in the USA?
Oh my solution is MUCH more radical than that. The Jewish race is a parasite sucking away the life from everything it comes in contact with,only one thing can stop that.
So its racist for WHITES to want a WHITE nation but its NOT racist for Jews to not want Muslims in America!? Wow....

Gotta make up your mind here. Are Jews responsible for the Immigration policy that FAVORS permits from Muslim countries ---- Or --- do "they NOT want Muslims in America".. I'm not following here and you can't have it both ways. I KNOW it's confusing because the Jews are so tricky, but concentrate and tell me which YOU think this is..
Jews pushed for open borders and an end to the European immigration the way it was BEFORE the 1960's. Its grown out of their control now....Democraps now NEED illegals and non whites of EVERY stripe to win elections because they have NOTHING to offer white working class Americans. Essentially its what part of the article is stating that the immigration open borders has gotten out of control but he is whining ONLY because Muslims will soon outnumber Jews....I look forward to it!

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