The Jan 6 Committee Is a Sham Political Witch Hunt


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2013
Southern California
They are refusing to cooperate because it paints conservatives and the GOP in a very bad way.

Remember when you guys were so proud of the insurrectionists?
They are refusing to cooperate because it paints conservatives and the GOP in a very bad way.

Remember when you guys were so proud of the insurrectionists?
Remember when window licking freak of nature leftist pieces of shit like you spent months destroying federal property, hurling fireworks and shit at federal and local police, burning down public and private property as well as police cars?

Get a retroactive abortion you sniveling parasite.

Remember when window licking freak of nature leftist pieces of shit like you spent months destroying federal property, hurling fireworks and shit at federal and local police, burning down public and private property as well as police cars?

Get a retroactive abortion you sniveling parasite.

Republicans refuse Jan 6th committee, they should all be behind bars.
How many committee hearings did the GOP have to investigate Whitewater, Travelgate, Benghazi, email servers, etc.?

Your cult killed cops and attempted a coup.
Hopefully the GOP grows a set, turns the table and prosecutes the leftist Inquisitors.

Sure. The next time a bunch of gullible left-wing anti-American snowflakes who kill people, storm the Capitol and get charged for sedition for attempting a coup because they can’t accept they lost a free and fair election, and instead believe the lies of their narcissistic cult leader whose massive ego is so frail that he’d overturn the republic rather than admit defeat, we can have a similar enquiry.

Then plane-throwing fascists like yourself will have a point.
The Trump riots was one of the most disgrafecul days in US history.

We are entitled to know the truth behind the Trump riots. Hopefully we find the truth behind Trump's Riot at the Capitol.
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Thanks for proving this was not an insurrection. Nobody is holding a weapon.

FBI confirms there was no insurrection on Jan. 6

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence”
By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports:
Your cult killed cops and attempted a coup.
That is a lie. You BLM and Antifa DID kill cops all summer long as they destroyed city after city.

No cop was killed by any Jan 6 patriot protester. You lie.

The only murder on Jan 6 was a cop killing an unarmed woman, a Jan 6 patriot protester.

You are a disgusting filthy liar.

Here is the media interview

Sen Marco Rubio joins in

Hmm ...
Something lost in the "reporting" on Jan. 6,2021 events;

BOOM! FBI Whistleblower Reveals Secrets Related to Pipe Bombs Found in D.C. on January 5, 2021​

When it is advantageous to the Democrats to mention a whistleblower complaint they love them. However, when the shoe was on the other foot and there’s a whistleblower that’s exposing corruption on the left they either denounce it or ignore it.

We all know how critical the Democrats are of the events that happened on January 6th 2021 and how people made their way into the Capitol building. However, it seems as though they don’t want to talk about the pipe bombs that were also found at the DNC and RNC headquarters at the same time. Why is that?

In a city where every single person who even showed up at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, was caught on video and questioned or placed in D.C. Gitmo, this guy managed to escape detection entirely. You would think that there are enough cameras to have been able to figure out where this individual came from given all the cameras around the area and on nearby streets.

Recently a whistleblower came forward and told certain members of Congress that VSP eye is actually withholding certain information from Congress and only dealing with the Sham January 6th committee and providing certain details to them which enables them to misuse that information instead of making it more public for either everyone or at least all the members of Congress.
They are refusing to cooperate because it paints conservatives and the GOP in a very bad way.

Remember when you guys were so proud of the insurrectionists?
We just want to see Nancy's phone texts an emails on Jan 6th since she is The Head of The Capital Police. Does not seem unreasonable at all to me.

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