The irony of Trump's "populist" campaign


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .
Another Lib with a crystal ball. How cute
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .
The irony of the fucking liberals who are still here. You have hated Trump even before he beat your sorry ass crooked vagina candidate. You and many others of you liberals have promised to leave the US of America if Trump ever won, and even today, you lied because you have your sorry whiney ass still here. Cuba is open, you know that Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally and the healthcare system is FREE. Go, we are not holding you back, We the People just want you to leave your passport at the border and NEVER come back....Do US all a favor catch the next boat, pontoon car, drug plane, or swimmer to Cuba, live the Socialist dream...
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

So you're willing to ignore the middle class? We pay lots of taxes, and helping the super rich at our expense sucks.
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

So you're willing to ignore the middle class? We pay lots of taxes, and helping the super rich at our expense sucks.
Difference between you and me Bullshitdog, is that when I first entered the workforce, I made minimum wage, and didn't take welfare. I had to pay taxes during this time also After 2 years of working at MW, I joined the Air Force and got skills that I took to the private sector and made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and now I pay more taxes on average than anyone in the middle class, but to you liberals it isn't enough. Today I am no longer middle class but in the 1% and guess what, I still pay more taxes than any middleclass person. But, I did build that, I didn't FEEL sorry for myself, I took Gods given gifts and excelled at what I did. You on the other hand are just another victim of liberalism and will never achieve anything greater than misery, as liberalism is all about equality, equally poor and equally miserable.
Were they betrayed by Trump or were they deluded by their own failure to exercise mature and sound circumspection? I think the latter.

There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

Anything above keeping HildaBeast out of there is gravy.

Damage control
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the priorities of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means, at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
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There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .
Any sort of progressive tax is not only morally wrong, it's taxation without representation. The people being fitted with the bill to insure those 22 million cannot afford it. Obamacare is dead on the vine…
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the prioriteis of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there should not be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes.… Getting along is way overrated
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

So you're willing to ignore the middle class? We pay lots of taxes, and helping the super rich at our expense sucks.
Difference between you and me Bullshitdog, is that when I first entered the workforce, I made minimum wage, and didn't take welfare. I had to pay taxes during this time also After 2 years of working at MW, I joined the Air Force and got skills that I took to the private sector and made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and now I pay more taxes on average than anyone in the middle class, but to you liberals it isn't enough. Today I am no longer middle class but in the 1% and guess what, I still pay more taxes than any middleclass person. But, I did build that, I didn't FEEL sorry for myself, I took Gods given gifts and excelled at what I did. You on the other hand are just another victim of liberalism and will never achieve anything greater than misery, as liberalism is all about equality, equally poor and equally miserable.

I'm amazed at how much you think you know about me. Other than mowing the occasional lawn for neighbors, and throwing newspapers, my first real job was delivering furniture for .75 cents per hour in high school. When I quit and went to work at an upholstery shop for 1.25, I didn't think I would ever see another poor day. Of course,you are lying about being 1%, and your twisted accusations are pure bullshit.
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

So you're willing to ignore the middle class? We pay lots of taxes, and helping the super rich at our expense sucks.
Difference between you and me Bullshitdog, is that when I first entered the workforce, I made minimum wage, and didn't take welfare. I had to pay taxes during this time also After 2 years of working at MW, I joined the Air Force and got skills that I took to the private sector and made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and now I pay more taxes on average than anyone in the middle class, but to you liberals it isn't enough. Today I am no longer middle class but in the 1% and guess what, I still pay more taxes than any middleclass person. But, I did build that, I didn't FEEL sorry for myself, I took Gods given gifts and excelled at what I did. You on the other hand are just another victim of liberalism and will never achieve anything greater than misery, as liberalism is all about equality, equally poor and equally miserable.

I'm amazed at how much you think you know about me. Other than mowing the occasional lawn for neighbors, and throwing newspapers, my first real job was delivering furniture for .75 cents per hour in high school. When I quit and went to work at an upholstery shop for 1.25, I didn't think I would ever see another poor day. Of course,you are lying about being 1%, and your twisted accusations are pure bullshit.
When you get a chance to spend 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia, having TAX FREE income, other than Social Security, you can acquire a small fortune. Unfortunately for most liberals, they don't like change, so stay put at Target or Macy's making .75 cents an hour until the liberals artificially raise everyone income which then increased the taxes of the MW earner, and also raise inflation putting them back in poverty again. You liberals will never learn.
(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the prioriteis of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there should not be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes.… Getting along is way overrated

"We are not all in this together" belies the principles and values upon which our country was founded. It expresses the values of a callous conservative, those who believe, "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you"; though I doubt you Rustic are smart enough to thrive in a competitive environment, and our pissed off and believe some people get something for nothing.
This is your Brain on Trump Alternative facts...any questions ?

(A) NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA. That's entirely up to the Republican Congress - or failing that, to Congress in general.

(B) Your second "point" is simply a re-hash of a tired Leftist talking point. HALF OF THE WAGE EARNERS IN THE U.S. PAY NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX! Do you think those fukkers were expecting a tax cut? How do you give a tax cut to people who pay no taxes?

Anyone with a three-digit IQ understands that when ANYONE talks about a tax cut, the benefits will go to THE PEOPLE WHO PAY THE MOST IN TAXES.

But maybe that obvious fact is too obscure for Leftists.

"NOBODY who voted for Trump expected HIM to have a plan in his back pocket to replace ACA" is not true; being a very good Demagogue trump convinced the biddable that he did in fact have such a plan and that it would replace the ACA on his first day in office. Tell a big lie over and over as did he, and people easily led and not too bright will believe it.

Those who do not pay any Federal Income Tax are scapegoats used by callous conservatives who hold this truth to be self evident: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you".
  • Living in poverty does not provide a good life, liberty or happiness
  • Having the means necessary to pay a Federal Income Tax sucks, but only because the prioriteis of The Congress suck, and provide for those of us with means at the expense of those stuck in poverty.
Government should strive to make us all equal before the law; at least those who believe in the principles of the Founding Fathers. Callous conservatives - Speaker Ryan being a prime example - demagogue the people with false pathos and arrogance. Let him add the repeal of all health care benefits to members of Congress, then he might earn some credibility.
We are not all in this together, it does not take a fucking Village, there should not be a safe space on every corner for snowflakes.… Getting along is way overrated

"We are not all in this together" belies the principles and values upon which our country was founded. It expresses the values of a callous conservative, those who believe, "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you"; though I doubt you Rustic are smart enough to thrive in a competitive environment, and our pissed off and believe some people get something for nothing.
Only thing worse than nationalism, is globalism… fact
There would be no argument regarding how Trump managed to get elected (narrowly, I might add) last November.....Trump won by wooing blue collared workers from rust-belt states that usually have backed a democrat candidate.......There is equally no doubt that the Dem candidate (Clinton) had so much baggage on her shoulders that she had also a hand in such rust-belt voters turning away from her, but rather than just staying home and not vote, these folks did show up for Trump.

However, the irony of Trump's so-called populist agenda is interesting regarding its complete reversal of what Trump voters had these TWO important ways:

First, Trump, apparently, had NO viable plan (although he campaigned on it) to REPLACE the ACA, with a plan as he stated to cover everybody, with insurance that was better and cheaper. Actually, what Trump recently backed was a plan that would have kicked off the insured rolls 24 Million people, mostly from the same rust-belt states where these same folks voted for him.

Second, Trump's proposed tax plan is yet another complete betrayal of these rust belt voters. Yes, tax cuts would be enacted, but the VAST majority of those cuts would benefit the richest Americans while giving a couple of hundred dollars back to those rust belt voters. Mindful, that to enact huge raises in the Pentagon budget and to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the money would have to come from unprecedented borrowing, skyrocketing our debt upward.

For these rust belt voters who actually "believed" and voted for Trump, the result can ONLY be one of BETRAYAL......or, one would conclude that they're not very bright to even understand that same betrayal and therefore deserve to be screwed. .

That is a lot of blathering and speculation without any proof. Maybe post a link or two which supports your allegations. The rust belters who voted for Trump didn't vote for him because they were paying too much in taxes. They voted for him because they wanted a decent job.

True. But President Trump has not followed up on his promises, he is not a populist in deed, he is a plutocrat.

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