The IG report "totally exonerates me..."

Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....

Self Portrait!
The IG report DID NOT ADDRESS RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The orange king named trump never reads anything that doesn't have colored pictures. The idiot is totally unhinged....straight jacket any day. Rudy will call it a "new suit."
Yes it did
Investigators were bias
In fact massive bias training is to be next

Yes....withholding the fact that the trump campaign was under investigation while trumpeting Hillary's email s was VERY BIASED. Comey helped elect the jolly orange idiot....
Working class people elected Trump...Pennsylvania...Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio:cool:

After they read the lies that trump had Russian bots post ....and Comey let him get away with it.....

You're living a delusion man...Come back to the real world
Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....

Self Portrait!
Of you... ya freakin' cry baby democrat freak.
The IG report DID NOT ADDRESS RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The orange king named trump never reads anything that doesn't have colored pictures. The idiot is totally unhinged....straight jacket any day. Rudy will call it a "new suit."
Yes it did
Investigators were bias
In fact massive bias training is to be next

Yes....withholding the fact that the trump campaign was under investigation while trumpeting Hillary's email s was VERY BIASED. Comey helped elect the jolly orange idiot....
Working class people elected Trump...Pennsylvania...Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio:cool:

After they read the lies that trump had Russian bots post ....and Comey let him get away with it.....
Maybe you should go outside and do some more SCREAMING HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY... moron.

And I always thought Satan was the King of Liars.....well...both are orange....

You posted a Link without a comment. Where are the Mods?
The IG report DID NOT ADDRESS RUSSIAN COLLUSION. The orange king named trump never reads anything that doesn't have colored pictures. The idiot is totally unhinged....straight jacket any day. Rudy will call it a "new suit."
Yes it did
Investigators were bias
In fact massive bias training is to be next

Yes....withholding the fact that the trump campaign was under investigation while trumpeting Hillary's email s was VERY BIASED. Comey helped elect the jolly orange idiot....
Comey kept Hillary from going to jail
He was making the comment because many of the people who just got blasted in the IG report are or have been part of the Mueller investigation making the case the people who went out of their way to avoid charging Hillary should not be a part of the investigation. Much like with the Bill Clinton investigation by Ken Starr public opinion will play a big role in how this plays out the Clinton administration did a very good job of turning public opinion against Starr in their favor it's starting to look like the same thing is happening with Mueller.
Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....

when did you have the hair transplant, pole?
I would love to sell a car to one of these trump cult members....

" has an motor in it!"
and after they find it doesn't
"Oh! " I was talking about the windshield wiper motor...."

Since they believe bald face lies....they should be okay with

"My taxes are under audit...."
"Mexico will pay for the wall..."
Trump: IG report ‘totally exonerates me’

Are you RWers stupid enough to believe what the Orange Clown is saying/ The IG report does not have ANYTHING to do with trump collusion in the election.

The man told lie after lie after lie and if you believe any of it....YOU ARE DUMB AS A ROCK! I MEAN S T U P I D!

Another one...."I hate the children taken away. The Democrats need to change their laws." another lie..

"President Obama gave Crimea away....:" another lie

I can go on and on and on....but you cult members just suck up the lies....

It's pretty damn simple Peter Strozk is the one who initiated the investigation into the campaign. The IG demonstrated his extreme bias, which taints the whole damn thing. Was it the insurance that Strzok, Page and McCabe discussed, in Andy's office?


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