Zone1 The "Ideal" Christian/Religious person.....

Baron Von Murderpaws

Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2021
In the recesses of your mind
Short clip.............just watch................

Now when most people think of Christians or religous people, THIS is the "first thought" that comes to many peoples minds.
And according to many relgious teachings, THIS is how it's supposed to be done. Treat EVERYBODY with human dignity and kindness.

And notice that the people going into and out of this church were of all races and colors. NON-discriminatory.

Although I still don't beleive in religion, I have to say in my 60 years on this planet and in the USA.......this is an extremely RARE occurrance.

99.99% of the relgious people I've met, talked to, worked with, or just all around came in contact with or seen......have been the exact opposite of what you saw in this video.

It is a shame though. Good manners come from people who "get it". And people who show good manners and decency to others are the kind of people I like to be around........regardless of their personal beliefs.

I've met more people who don't believe in religion or their teachings that do so much good for others, and are very good people.......than I have met religious people that preach one thing and do the opposite.
don't feed the gators ...

their temporary offerings are not what they need - a sympathetic gov't w/ a ladder out of poverty is the best solution.
Most of God's instruction is aimed at the individual. In order to 'love one's neighbor as oneself' one must first love oneself. This is not an easy task and one's flesh wars against one's best spiritual interests. "If the blind lead the blind" they both might end up in the ditch. Get good at doing the right thing for yourself, then you will know how to help your neighbor.

One of the big failures of the church is that it often sacrifices its members for the benefit of others, rather than 'feeding the flock'.
A true Christian recognizes that he is incapable of saving his own soul, because of sin. that he MUST receive G-d's love gift of Salvation (Eph. 2:8-10) by faith and as a result, be Born Again (Jn. 3:3). Without that, all the "works" we do, or even trying to be a "good" person won't cut it with a Holy G-d. A believer submits and surrenders his or her entire life, and that means EVERYTHING to G-d and allows Him to use that disciple in ways that draw others to the Cross and the forgiveness of their sin.

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