The Hundred-Day Mask Suggestion

I already have respiratory problems, and they multiply when I put on a mask. What good is being on oxygen, if you are LESS able to breathe with a mask on?

Curious, Will, I had pneumonia as a kid and I think it affected my lungs. I'm still prone to respirator infections in the winter and besides not liking the heat, summer humidly here in the East when it is really hot out really knocks me for a loop and it causes me enough problems as it is, but last summer, I found it an intolerable situation to be out in high heat and humidity exerting myself AND trying to wear a mask too where in effect, I'm trapping my 99° hot breath against my face and re-inhaling it.

When the whole Covid thing started, my governor had a caveat on his website mandating Covid requirements asking people to wear a mask UNLESS you had some medical issue, but that seems to have disappeared long ago. I've been meaning to ask about that. I wonder if the governor thinks people with respirator issues have disappeared as well? I've thought about writing him or asking my doctor about some sort of ID or waiver that when some prick gets smart with me or refuses me service or entry that I can wear or show them that I'm not wearing one for good reason. It's much less of an issue now that it has cooled off.

But I really resent the idea that I have to keep proving to people or arguing with them about something which shouldn't be an issue in the first place as I'm no threat of giving anyone Covid and I'm loathe to think the cloth on my face is really going to spare me if I'm truly exposed to it! It is more a symbol of public compliance, surrender and solidarity than it is any real safety thing, and as a result, anyone NOT wearing a mask is immediately presumed to be some sort of provocative defiant rebel thumbing his nose at society. It's almost as bad as wearing a MAGA cap.

Much like the ID people hang on their mirror when using handicapped parking, I think there ought to be some sort of medical "mask-exemption" people can carry if politicians weren't such useless incompetent fucks. Have you looked into the matter at all where you are at and found anything out?

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