The Hollywood Left

Hollywood activist Cromwell takes lead

Mark Naglazas, The West Australian
Updated June 4, 2013


It's also one of the rare times in his career that Cromwell has not played a villainous institutional figure, like Jack Bauer's father in 24, but a character that matches his own curmudgeonly anti- establishment self.

Inspired by his father John, who was blacklisted during the McCarthy era for his left-wing sympathies, Cromwell has spent his adult life involved in progressive causes, beginning with his membership of a committee to defend the Black Panther Party (an era covered by the recent Robert Redford film The Company You Keep).

An ethical vegan and a member of PETA, Cromwell was arrested in February this year for interrupting a University of Wisconsin Board of Regents meeting while showing a graphic photo of a cat to protest against the alleged mistreatment of animals on campus.

"All my adult life I've been a rebel and a radical so, yes, I do have a spiritual kinship with Craig, who took a stand for what he believed in, even though he was of an age that you would have expected him to be in an old folks' home," Cromwell says.

"What I like about Craig is that he made his point in his own quiet way and without resorting to what usually happens here in America, which is violence.

"When faced with those kinds of predicaments our response is to strike out.

"The Canadian response is 'Eh, I'm going to do it anyway'.

"I love that. He had the same feelings for questioning authority and resisting it but he didn't turn it into me-versus-them.

"He just went on with his life."

Indeed, Cromwell believes that the reach-for-the-gun attitude that has reached "crisis proportions" in America is fostered by the very industry which has provided him with a nice living for decades.

This is one of the contradictions of left-leaning Hollywood since Cromwell's father was accused by Howard Hughes of being a communist.

"We are a wartime culture. We are like Israel. We have been at war for so long we don't even know what peace is," says Cromwell, who played the US president in the adaptation of the Tom Clancy nuclear-strike thriller The Sum of All Fears. "Every conflict is resolved by somebody taking out a gun and shooting someone. "Look at the young man who was involved in the Boston Marathon bombing.

"They tracked him down and shot him. That doesn't happen in Europe or Canada or Australia."


Hollywood activist Cromwell takes lead - The West Australian

Woody Harrelson announces he’s an anarchist, says Obama is like Nixon

Katie McHugh


“I tend to not like politicians, because it’s a subtle form of prostitution,” Harrelson said, lamenting the enormous influence corporations wield in political affairs. “Or maybe not so subtle. It’s all synchronized swimming to me. They all kneel and kiss the ring. Who’s going to take on the oil industry or the medical industry?”


Read more: Woody Harrelson an anarchist, says Obama is like Nixon | The Daily Caller
Tony Kushner and Steven Spieilberg are both Jewish. I doubt they're anti-Israel.

Chomsky is also Jewish and he is a HUGE antisemite! Leftist Jew are usually coward, that believe if they give in to Islamofacist, then they will some how accept American, the West and Israel!

I don't know about Kushner, but Spielberg has done some really good movies about the plight of Jews during the WWII/Holocaust era.
Hollywood’s War on Heteronormativity

July 9, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


For years, advocates of the gay rights movement have said that their goal is to make the world a more tolerant place for homosexuals. They have just as adamantly claimed that they had no intention of educating young children in the complexities of human sexuality. Not so in Hollywood.

Take, for example, the new animated film Boxtrolls, created by studio Laika. The film is a riff on the old Mrs. Doubtfire morality that suggests that all families are created equal, no matter what their composition. “Families come in all shapes and sizes,” the narrator of the preview says. “Even rectangles.”

This is not the studio’s first foray into same-sex material for children – in ParaNorman, one of the characters was a gay jock who comes out near the end of the film for no apparent reason.

Travis Knight, the 39-year-old president and CEO of Laika, says that this isn’t activism. “We’re not in any way trying to be activists,” he says. “We’re just trying to be who we are. All art and all artists have a point of view, a way of looking at the world. We want to make films that are bold and distinctive and enduring and actually have something meaningful to say.”

That is nonsense. Activism is pushing a point of view in your work. That’s what Knight says he’s doing. He should embrace his mission, so we can all have an honest conversation about material that is appropriate for children and material that is not.


Now, the left no longer even feels the necessity of playing games about the sexuality of children’s characters: it will simply create gay chidren’s characters. That’s their prerogative, of course, but it’s also just another sign that Hollywood is happy to stoke the flames of a culture war raging throughout the country, and driving a deeper wedge between Americans who are happy to live together, but don’t want their neighbor’s values shoved down their throat at the theater.

Hollywood?s War on Heteronormativity | FrontPage Magazine
Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict

July 16, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


The non-black folks who occupy Hollywood’s higher echelon carry with their fancy cars and palatial estates an unearned sense of racial guilt. Most of those in Hollywood are socialists at heart, and thus can’t reconcile their success with the disproportionate poverty they see around them. They have an especially hard time dealing with the fact that Hollywood is disproportionately non-black. At the same time, these Hollywood stars aren’t willing to give up their (as they perceive it) unearned wealth. Instead, they offer up sorrow for an evil world. They tweet for our sins.

This unearned guilt allows those in Hollywood to feel superior to others, which is, of course, the goal of most of those on the left. Hollywood liberals can avoid participating in productive pursuits to help others by voting Democratic, donating money to Barack Obama, and jabbering about the white heteronormative superstructure that signs their checks.

No wonder, then, that Hollywood went berserk, from top to bottom, over the jury’s acquittal of George Zimmerman for second-degree murder and manslaughter in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Leading the way were black Hollywoodites, an industry minority, who preferred to constantly focus on phantom white racism rather than the far more pressing ills of the black community. Ice Cube tweeted, “The Trayvon Martin verdict doesn’t surprise me. Stanford [sic], FL never wanted Zimmerman arrested. Now he’s free to kill another child.” Never mind that Trayvon Martin was a muscular 17-year-old who towered over the clinically obese Zimmerman. Never mind that the evidence tended to show that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head on sidewalk. The facts don’t matter. Race does.

Busta Rhymes joined the party with this tweet: “#ZIMMERMAN #NOTGUILTY!! GOD GOT A GREATER PUNISHMENT 4 THIS F— BOY THAN THE COURT SYSTEM!! #Staytuned… WE WILL LIVE 2 SEE HIM PAY!!”


Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict | FrontPage Magazine
Stevie Wonder Announces Boycott of 200 Million Americans

July 16, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

I don’t want to say that Stevie Wonder acted stupidly when he foolishly announced a plan to boycott 21 states, including the most populous states like California and Texas, with a combined population of 200 million people. I’ll leave that to his bookers and agents to explain to him that he acted stupidly when he announced a boycott of half the country.


Boycotting half the country is almost as smart as the time that George Lopez decided to boycott Arizona by refusing to buy Arizona soda… which is made in Brooklyn.

What are the odds that Stevie Wonder will scuttle his boycott of half of America instead of ‘standing his ground’?

Stevie Wonder Announces Boycott of 200 Million Americans | FrontPage Magazine
Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict

July 16, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


The non-black folks who occupy Hollywood’s higher echelon carry with their fancy cars and palatial estates an unearned sense of racial guilt. Most of those in Hollywood are socialists at heart, and thus can’t reconcile their success with the disproportionate poverty they see around them. They have an especially hard time dealing with the fact that Hollywood is disproportionately non-black. At the same time, these Hollywood stars aren’t willing to give up their (as they perceive it) unearned wealth. Instead, they offer up sorrow for an evil world. They tweet for our sins.

This unearned guilt allows those in Hollywood to feel superior to others, which is, of course, the goal of most of those on the left. Hollywood liberals can avoid participating in productive pursuits to help others by voting Democratic, donating money to Barack Obama, and jabbering about the white heteronormative superstructure that signs their checks.

No wonder, then, that Hollywood went berserk, from top to bottom, over the jury’s acquittal of George Zimmerman for second-degree murder and manslaughter in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Leading the way were black Hollywoodites, an industry minority, who preferred to constantly focus on phantom white racism rather than the far more pressing ills of the black community. Ice Cube tweeted, “The Trayvon Martin verdict doesn’t surprise me. Stanford [sic], FL never wanted Zimmerman arrested. Now he’s free to kill another child.” Never mind that Trayvon Martin was a muscular 17-year-old who towered over the clinically obese Zimmerman. Never mind that the evidence tended to show that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head on sidewalk. The facts don’t matter. Race does.

Busta Rhymes joined the party with this tweet: “#ZIMMERMAN #NOTGUILTY!! GOD GOT A GREATER PUNISHMENT 4 THIS F— BOY THAN THE COURT SYSTEM!! #Staytuned… WE WILL LIVE 2 SEE HIM PAY!!”


Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict | FrontPage Magazine
Race wars to divide an conguer, why are 15k russian troops in America?

Russian troops in Fort Carson Colorado...have they left?
Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict

July 16, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


The non-black folks who occupy Hollywood’s higher echelon carry with their fancy cars and palatial estates an unearned sense of racial guilt. Most of those in Hollywood are socialists at heart, and thus can’t reconcile their success with the disproportionate poverty they see around them. They have an especially hard time dealing with the fact that Hollywood is disproportionately non-black. At the same time, these Hollywood stars aren’t willing to give up their (as they perceive it) unearned wealth. Instead, they offer up sorrow for an evil world. They tweet for our sins.

This unearned guilt allows those in Hollywood to feel superior to others, which is, of course, the goal of most of those on the left. Hollywood liberals can avoid participating in productive pursuits to help others by voting Democratic, donating money to Barack Obama, and jabbering about the white heteronormative superstructure that signs their checks.

No wonder, then, that Hollywood went berserk, from top to bottom, over the jury’s acquittal of George Zimmerman for second-degree murder and manslaughter in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Leading the way were black Hollywoodites, an industry minority, who preferred to constantly focus on phantom white racism rather than the far more pressing ills of the black community. Ice Cube tweeted, “The Trayvon Martin verdict doesn’t surprise me. Stanford [sic], FL never wanted Zimmerman arrested. Now he’s free to kill another child.” Never mind that Trayvon Martin was a muscular 17-year-old who towered over the clinically obese Zimmerman. Never mind that the evidence tended to show that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head on sidewalk. The facts don’t matter. Race does.

Busta Rhymes joined the party with this tweet: “#ZIMMERMAN #NOTGUILTY!! GOD GOT A GREATER PUNISHMENT 4 THIS F— BOY THAN THE COURT SYSTEM!! #Staytuned… WE WILL LIVE 2 SEE HIM PAY!!”


Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict | FrontPage Magazine
Race wars to divide an conguer, why are 15k russian troops in America?

Russian troops in Fort Carson Colorado...have they left?

Russian troops in Fort Carson Colorado - Google Search :dunno:
I too wasted time and money seeing the new Lincoln movie.

Notice how leftists here try to compare Obama to Lincoln? It's almost like those Kennedy-Lincoln conicidences they made back in the day:

$ken lin.jpg

But besides being representatives from Illinois and riding trains, Obama has much more in common with Vlad Lenin than he does with Lincoln:

Both Obama and Lenin were:

the same age taking power
both from mixed ethnic parents
both came to power in November
both share almost the same political views
both had Joe's as second's: Joe Biden and Joe Stalin
both passed similar agendas once in power
both used slogan "Forward (for Communism)"
What?s Really Behind the Rumor That DHS Is Bringing ?15,000 Russian Soldiers? Onto U.S. Soil? | Video |
Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict

July 16, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


The non-black folks who occupy Hollywood’s higher echelon carry with their fancy cars and palatial estates an unearned sense of racial guilt. Most of those in Hollywood are socialists at heart, and thus can’t reconcile their success with the disproportionate poverty they see around them. They have an especially hard time dealing with the fact that Hollywood is disproportionately non-black. At the same time, these Hollywood stars aren’t willing to give up their (as they perceive it) unearned wealth. Instead, they offer up sorrow for an evil world. They tweet for our sins.

This unearned guilt allows those in Hollywood to feel superior to others, which is, of course, the goal of most of those on the left. Hollywood liberals can avoid participating in productive pursuits to help others by voting Democratic, donating money to Barack Obama, and jabbering about the white heteronormative superstructure that signs their checks.

No wonder, then, that Hollywood went berserk, from top to bottom, over the jury’s acquittal of George Zimmerman for second-degree murder and manslaughter in the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Leading the way were black Hollywoodites, an industry minority, who preferred to constantly focus on phantom white racism rather than the far more pressing ills of the black community. Ice Cube tweeted, “The Trayvon Martin verdict doesn’t surprise me. Stanford [sic], FL never wanted Zimmerman arrested. Now he’s free to kill another child.” Never mind that Trayvon Martin was a muscular 17-year-old who towered over the clinically obese Zimmerman. Never mind that the evidence tended to show that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding his head on sidewalk. The facts don’t matter. Race does.

Busta Rhymes joined the party with this tweet: “#ZIMMERMAN #NOTGUILTY!! GOD GOT A GREATER PUNISHMENT 4 THIS F— BOY THAN THE COURT SYSTEM!! #Staytuned… WE WILL LIVE 2 SEE HIM PAY!!”


Hollywood Condemns the Zimmerman Verdict | FrontPage Magazine
Race wars to divide an conguer, why are 15k russian troops in America?

Russian troops in Fort Carson Colorado...have they left?

Russian troops in Fort Carson Colorado - Google Search :dunno:

15,000 Russian Troops on US Soil to Prepare for ?Upcoming Disaster? | Patriot News Organization
ObamaCare Propaganda —- Hollywood-Style

July 25, 2013 By Ben Shapiro



Now, Hollywood has a new enemy: doctors.

That, at least, is the takeaway from the Obama administration’s latest coordination effort with its friends and supporters in Hollywood. The Obama Health and Human Services Department has already reached out to professional sports leagues like the NFL and NBA to promote Obamacare, with mixed success. But now they’re finding even more fertile fields, right in the heartland of Tinseltown. This week, Obama top advisor Valerie Jarrett held a meeting at the White House with actors, musicians, writers and producers who “expressed a personal interest in educating young people about the Affordable Care Act.”

The White House is particularly interested in reaching out to young people because they will have to foot the bill of Obamacare. While the older generation gets to pay less for health insurance, group insurance programs will penalize the young and healthy, forcing them into more and more expensive premiums despite the fact that they need less healthcare. Who better to convince young people to endorse their financial destruction than the industry that asks them to fork over $30 for a 3D version of The Lone Ranger?


Hollywood is suffering financially. And it’s suffering from a lack of a moral cause, since the Supreme Court so rudely withdrew the liberal raison d’etre, gay marriage. Now Tinseltown can solve both problems at a stroke by pleasing the biggest consumer on the planet: the federal government. All it will take is a bit of wartime propaganda.

ObamaCare Propaganda ?- Hollywood-Style | FrontPage Magazine
Hollywood’s Nonsensical Hatred for Anthony Weiner

July 29, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


Last Wednesday, Lena Dunham, supposed voice of her generation and creator of the unattractive-girls-have-sex-too version of Sex and the City known as Girls (HBO), sent out tweets criticizing perverse sexter and New York City mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner. “In Weiner’s latest text exchange the girl in question says ‘I can’t believe someone like you would pay attention to someone like me…It’s literally a dream come true.’ This cuts to the heart of the abuse of power that is the substance of so many sex scandals.” She continued, “The problem isn’t adultery, or perversity. It’s wielding your position of authority to subjugate the women who dream of a piece of the pie.”

If we listen to Dunham, we’d expect all of Hollywood to be enraged by abuses of power in favor of soliciting even consensual sexual activity from young women. But Dunham, like her Hollywood colleagues, is a hypocrite. When she appeared during the Golden Globes onstage alongside career sexual harasser Bill Clinton, she swooned like an Elvis fan meeting the King. “The highlights of my evening (aside from the obvious),” she tweeted afterwards, “were Bill Clinton and Jodie Foster.”


So enough of the Anthony Weiner hypocrisy. Hollywoodites like Lena Dunham like to pretend they still have a moral center, but they obviously don’t – they’ve bought into a version of feminism that happens to coincide with Anthony Weiner’s wildest fantasies. They ought to vote for Weiner because he “empowered” 23-year-old feminists by sending them pictures of his penis. After all, isn’t that the true meaning of principled leadership?

Hollywood?s Nonsensical Hatred for Anthony Weiner | FrontPage Magazine
Jay-Z: ‘My Presence Is Charity’

August 2, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


Have you ever wondered why so many actors seem content to preach about America’s solutions without actually contributing to them? Why so many Hollywoodites promote higher taxes, but stash their cash in offshore bank accounts? Preach the necessity of carbon containment, but fly around in private jets? Vote Democrat but live Republican?

The answer lies in the peculiar self-centeredness of many in the entertainment industry. Granted a platform by the fates, they feel that their mere words can move mountains. Hence the offputting hubris of rapper and Obama ally Jay-Z, who told Rap Radar’s Elliott Wilson that he didn’t need to expend time or effort on social change:

“My presence is charity. Just who I am. Just like Obama’s is. Obama provides hope. Whether he does anything, the hope that he provides for a nation, and outside of America is enough. Just being who he is.”
[You mean BLOWHARD]


Jay-Z: ?My Presence Is Charity? | FrontPage Magazine
The Collaboration: Hollywood’s Pact with Hitler

August 5, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


In 1933, the German government went even further: they threatened to ban all American films in the country if Herman Mankiewicz and Sam Jaffe went ahead with an anti-Nazi film called The Mad Dog of Europe. The Hays Office, which ran the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors Association of America, tried to shut down the film. The picture eventually ended up being killed thanks to objections from Hollywood funders. “The episode,” writes Urwand, “turned out to be the most important moment in all of Hollywood’s dealings with Nazi Germany. It occurred in the first year of Hitler’s rise to power, and it defined the limits of American movies for the remainder of the decade.”

Nothing has changed.

Since September 11, 2001, the film and television industry has consistently refused to portray Islamists as enemies of the United States. As early as 2002, Hollywood was already cutting Islamic villains from mainstream films – The Sum of All Fears, based on the Tom Clancy book in which Palestinian terrorists gain access to a nuclear device, was altered so that the villains were now, ironically enough, neo-Nazis. That’s not atypical.


The Collaboration: Hollywood?s Pact with Hitler | FrontPage Magazine

Alec Baldwin to MSNBC, Hillary Clinton to NBC

August 12, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


Ratings and liberalism rule the roost. That’s why the RNC is right. That’s why Alec Baldwin will soon be a news host. And that’s why the Republican Party had better pull its collective head out of its posterior about the value of entertainment in shaping Americans’ views.

Alec Baldwin to MSNBC, Hillary Clinton to NBC | FrontPage Magazine
Paula Deen Murders Trayvon Martin

August 26, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


According to Entertainment Weekly, the hit show “Law & Order: SVU” is scheduled to spend the third episode of its 15th season mashing up the case of celebrity chef Paula Deen and that of teenager Trayvon Martin. Deen, who lost a huge chunk of her career after admitting in a legal deposition that she had once used the n-word, will be portrayed by Cybill Shephard as a fearful white woman who turns to face a young black teenager – presumably a Trayvon lookalike – and shoots him dead. ABC News reports, “The episode will touch on racial profiling, self-defense and how the two mix, if ever.” Executive producer Warren Leight told Entertainment Weekly that the script split the cast. “It was really interesting to see people read that script and have different interpretations about who did what and whether or not they deserved prison for it,” he stated.

This is how Hollywood now works. The news half of entertainment conglomerates creates a story out of nothing; the entertainment half then makes money off of it.

The Trayvon Martin story was a fairly simple one until the leftist media got hold of it. It was the story of a Hispanic man concerned about crime in his neighborhood – particularly crime committed by young black men, who had disproportionately committed such crime in his community – following a young black man, getting into an altercation with that young black man, being beaten up by that young black man, and shooting that young black man in the chest. The mainstream media then turned the story into that of a white racist viciously following and shooting an innocent young black man. To do so, they lied repeatedly – NBC News edited the call in order make Zimmerman sound racist, CNN suggested that Zimmerman used a racial slur, and multiple outlets claimed Zimmerman had not been wounded. Then when the Department of Justice and FBI could find no evidence that Zimmerman was a racist, the left continued to promulgate that narrative.


Americans should now take the stories pushed by the media with a large grain of salt. It isn’t enough for Hollywood to twist the truth. Hollywood’s other hand, the news media, will create its own truth for Hollywood to twist.

Paula Deen Murders Trayvon Martin | FrontPage Magazine
Hollywood’s Muslim Lies

January 24, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


In real life, terrorists are almost always Muslim. In the movie theater, they are anything but. America’s fictional secret agents, covert operatives and rogue cops who play by their own rules have spent more time battling Serbian terrorists than Muslim terrorists.

Before September 11, 24′s Jack Bauer was fighting the international menace of Serbian terrorism. Serbian terrorists also showed up in 1999′s Diplomatic Siege when their “Serbian Liberation Front” took over a US embassy and in 1997′s The Peacemaker with George Clooney rushing to stop a Serb from detonating a nuke in New York City.


The neo-nationalists of the Netherlands that Pyne had discovered were probably Pim Fortuyn’s party. Fortuyn was a Sociology professor who favored drug legalization, gay marriage and less Muslim immigration. The neo-nationalist threat of the Netherlands did not prove lasting when around the time that Sum of All Fears was playing in theaters; Fortuyn was murdered by a leftist who, like Pyne, worried about the plight of the Muslims.

In an even bigger cliche, Theo van Gogh, who had just finished directing May 6th, a movie about the assassination of Pim Fortuyn, was murdered by Mohammed Bouyeri, a Muslim immigrant from Morocco who told the victim’s mother that he could have no empathy for her because she was a non-Muslim.

It was the sort of ridiculous cliche that Dan Pyne would never have put into a script.

Instead Dan Pyne went on to write a remake of the Manchurian Candidate in which Communist China was replaced by the “Manchurian Corporation”. He’s currently working on a movie featuring a Syrian rescue worker who gets mistaken for a terrorist while trying to save lives during Hurricane Katrina.

It’s a cliche, but it’s the kind of cliche that Hollywood likes.


The Peacemaker, a movie written and co-produced by the Cockburns, whose politics are slightly to the left of Stalin, was the inaugural feature from the failed Spielberg-Geffen-Katzenberg Dreamworks studio and disappointed critics and audiences. The Cockburns would never try their hand at film fiction again unless you count American Casino, their “documentary” about the financial collapse, which had a financial collapse of its own with an opening weekend of $1,397.

Sum of All Fears, the movie inspired by the Netherlands neo-nationalist threat, was the weakest performer of the Tom Clancy movies when accounting for ticket price inflation and full budget. And it still had a much better opening weekend than Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit.

Failure however won’t stop Hollywood from alerting the nation to the terrorist threat lurking in Orthodox Churches or the Dutch neo-nationalists trying to nuke our cities. Hollywood’s handpicked leaders were the ones who made the country vulnerable to Islamic terrorism and their industry has gone on covering up for them with movies in which the villains can be anyone and everyone except the real killers.

Hollywood?s Muslim Lies | FrontPage Magazine

Shapiro: Hoffman's Death An Indictment Of Hollywood Drug Culture
'Hollywood enables drug use'

2.4.2014 |Albert Merrick

Truth Revolt Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro defended his critique of Hollywood culture following the death of Phillip Seymour Hoffman in a debate with Mediaite’s Matt Wilstein.

The debate on radio station KIRO centered around Shapiro’s criticism of the role that Hollywood culture played in Hoffman’s death, and Wilstein’s charge that Shapiro was politicizing the tragedy.

Shapiro said that Hoffman’s death can be directly linked to the culture of the industry in which he was employed:

“Hollywood enables drug use. Hollywood unfortunately has a long history of treating drug use among its stars as little more than something bothersome to be dealt with out of sight out of mind and as long as no one dies its basically ok. The environment that Hollywood creates is not conducive to virtue.

Wilstein attacked at the margins, saying Hoffman wasn’t actually a Hollywood byproduct:

“Phillip Seymour Hoffman is not exactly the poster child of Hollywood. He lived in New York and was a theater actor…to lump him in with this leftist Hollywood culture is unfair.


Shapiro: Hoffman's Death An Indictment Of Hollywood Drug Culture | Truth Revolt
Some of these liberals are WAY WAY out there...:uhoh3:

Whoopi Warns Against Letting in Only Christian Refugees: 'Hitler Was a Christian'
Uh, do what now?
Trey Sanchez


On Tuesday's The View, the ladies were once again sitting around the table at ABC studios and discussing the pressing issues we are facing as a country - in this case, Syrian refugees. When the idea of only allowing Christian refugees across our borders came up as a topic, Whoopi Goldberg, WWII aficionado, chimed in with this reminder of why that would be a terrible idea:

Hitler was a Christian.

And no one laughed. Really!


Whoopi Warns Against Letting in Only Christian Refugees: 'Hitler Was a Christian'
Francis Ford Coppola: Muslims Aren't Terrorists, George Washington was a Terrorist
"We were terrorists, in the United States."
December 14, 2015
Daniel Greenfield


Finally, the debate over Obama's plan to bring 1,300 ISIS supporters to America has an authoritative voice. The producer of Jeepers Creepers III has weighed in. And I do mean weighed in.

In an interview with Variety magazine, Francis Ford Coppola, jury president of the 15th Marrakech International Film Festival, accused the international media of shallowness, saying that the West failed to recognize the roots of radical Islam as a result.

Said the veteran director. “I know a lot about the Middle East and I know a lot about Islam and it seems to me what we have are fundamentalists who are taking the wrong parts of their religion. I don’t even know where to find what they’re taking from it.”

Maybe the Koran?

"Then fight in the cause of Allah." Quran 2:244

"And fight with them until there is no more fitna (disorder, unbelief) and religion is all for Allah" Quran (8:39)

"Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other." Quran (4:74)

"Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them" Quran (8:12)

"It is not for a Prophet that he should have prisoners of war until he had made a great slaughter in the land..." Quran (8:67)

Some places for Coppola to start looking. But wait, in a shocking plot twist, we're the real terrorists.


Francis Ford Coppola: Muslims Aren't Terrorists, George Washington was a Terrorist

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