The Hispanic/Latino vote vs U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
We are constantly led to believe by our Washington controlled big media that America’s Hispanic/Latino community and Blacks welcome illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America. But the fact is, U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are losing their jobs to illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America who compete for lower skilled jobs by working off the books, below the going wage, and do not pay taxes on their earned wages. Under these conditions U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are being squeezed out of the job market, and the notion that the Hispanic/Latino vote, as well as the Black vote is unified when it comes to illegal immigration is bizarre to say the least.

Our nation’s Blacks and Puerto Ricans are in general struggling with an average family income of about $35,000, and an unemployment rate which has increased to about 10 – 20 percent over the past 10 or so years. And despite our big media’s attempt to portray our “Hispanic/Latino” community as a monolithic group, U.S. born Puerto Ricans, as well as Black Americans have very different interests than illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America who are squeezing U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Black Americans out of their jobs by unfair and illegal competitive practices.

So, the next time you hear our big media refer to the Hispanic/Latino vote, keep in mind U.S. born Puerto Ricans along with Black Americans may not be included in that vote!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
We are constantly led to believe by our Washington controlled big media that America’s Hispanic/Latino community and Blacks welcome illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America. But the fact is, U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are losing their jobs to illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America who compete for lower skilled jobs by working off the books, below the going wage, and do not pay taxes on their earned wages. Under these conditions U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are being squeezed out of the job market, and the notion that the Hispanic/Latino vote, as well as the Black vote is unified when it comes to illegal immigration is bizarre to say the least.

Our nation’s Blacks and Puerto Ricans are in general struggling with an average family income of about $35,000, and an unemployment rate which has increased to about 10 – 20 percent over the past 10 or so years. And despite our big media’s attempt to portray our “Hispanic/Latino” community as a monolithic group, U.S. born Puerto Ricans, as well as Black Americans have very different interests than illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America who are squeezing U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Black Americans out of their jobs by unfair and illegal competitive practices.

So, the next time you hear our big media refer to the Hispanic/Latino vote, keep in mind U.S. born Puerto Ricans along with Black Americans may not be included in that vote!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Well, they keep right on voting Democrat time and again. Sorry. I can't offer sympathy for stupidity.
We are constantly led to believe by our Washington controlled big media that America’s Hispanic/Latino community and Blacks welcome illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America. But the fact is, U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are losing their jobs to illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America who compete for lower skilled jobs by working off the books, below the going wage, and do not pay taxes on their earned wages. Under these conditions U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are being squeezed out of the job market, and the notion that the Hispanic/Latino vote, as well as the Black vote is unified when it comes to illegal immigration is bizarre to say the least.

Our nation’s Blacks and Puerto Ricans are in general struggling with an average family income of about $35,000, and an unemployment rate which has increased to about 10 – 20 percent over the past 10 or so years. And despite our big media’s attempt to portray our “Hispanic/Latino” community as a monolithic group, U.S. born Puerto Ricans, as well as Black Americans have very different interests than illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America who are squeezing U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Black Americans out of their jobs by unfair and illegal competitive practices.

So, the next time you hear our big media refer to the Hispanic/Latino vote, keep in mind U.S. born Puerto Ricans along with Black Americans may not be included in that vote!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Let me clarify a few points

All Puerto Ricans are US Born since we have been a US colony since 1898

Yours truly support open borders - we had open borders with Mexico before 1965 and there were NO problems

To those Puerto Ricans who do not want to struggle with an average income of $35,000 I tell them : DEJATE DE PENDEJADAS Y APRENDE UN OFICIO QUE PAGUE MAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Well, they keep right on voting Democrat time and again.
That's because they know who's on their side and who's just putting on a show.

Yes Democrats are so on the side of blacks that after 40 years of loyalty at the voting booth they are still the least educated racial group in the country and have the highest rate of poverty and imprisonment. Democrats don't care about blacks anymore than Republicans do. They are just poverty pimps
We are constantly led to believe by our Washington controlled big media that America’s Hispanic/Latino community and Blacks welcome illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America. But the fact is, U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are losing their jobs to illegal entrants from Mexico and Central America who compete for lower skilled jobs by working off the books, below the going wage, and do not pay taxes on their earned wages. Under these conditions U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Blacks are being squeezed out of the job market, and the notion that the Hispanic/Latino vote, as well as the Black vote is unified when it comes to illegal immigration is bizarre to say the least.

Our nation’s Blacks and Puerto Ricans are in general struggling with an average family income of about $35,000, and an unemployment rate which has increased to about 10 – 20 percent over the past 10 or so years. And despite our big media’s attempt to portray our “Hispanic/Latino” community as a monolithic group, U.S. born Puerto Ricans, as well as Black Americans have very different interests than illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America who are squeezing U.S. born Puerto Ricans and Black Americans out of their jobs by unfair and illegal competitive practices.

So, the next time you hear our big media refer to the Hispanic/Latino vote, keep in mind U.S. born Puerto Ricans along with Black Americans may not be included in that vote!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Well, they keep right on voting Democrat time and again. Sorry. I can't offer sympathy for stupidity.

U.S. born Puerto Ricans are finding out, especially in Florida where I live, that illegals from Mexico and Central America are competing with them for low skilled jobs by working off the books, below the going wage and not paying taxes on their earned wages.

It appears that a sizeable number of Puerto Ricans who are citizens of the United States are switching their political party affiliation from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party because of the Democrats love affair with illegal aliens coming in from Mexico and Central America.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Well, they keep right on voting Democrat time and again.
That's because they know who's on their side and who's just putting on a show.

Well dimwit, it's the Democrats who are pushing for the illegal aliens to come and take your Church's Fried Chicken jobs.

The Democrats and Chamber of Commerce are also pushing for illegal aliens to come in and take decent paying jobs in the construction trades by working off the books, below the going wage and do not pay taxes on their earned wages. That is how illegals from Mexico and Central America compete for these jobs.

Marco Amnesty Rubio is way down in the polls in Florida. GOOD!

Let me emphasize that I'm not one of those who used to say "some of my best friends are Black's and Puerto Ricans". Almost all of my friends were Black's and Puerto Ricans when I grew up in the South Bronx and East Harlem.

Almost all the Puerto Ricans I know do not appreciate being bunched in with Mexicans and other Latinos from Central America and especially not Guatemala. But this is what the Establishment media does when it talks about the Hispanic vote. It refuses to make the distinction between Puerto Ricans who are American Citizens from Latinos who have invaded our borders from Mexico and Central American.

Aside from the above, the irrefutable fact is, America's Blacks and Puerto Ricans are being squeezed out of decent paying jobs in the construction trades by millions of aliens who have invaded America's borders from Mexico and Central America by working off the books, below the going wage and avoid paying taxes on their earned wages.

During the 1970s I was working with some very prominent Real Estate developers who were converting commercial properties in New York City such as the Cast Iron Building, the Old Post Office Building and countless others commercial blidings into modern apartment buildings. I saw with my own eyes that sub-contractors, especially dry wall, masonry, roofing and carpentry were using resident aliens who were paid in cash at the end of the week and off the books. As the years went by, the number of resident aliens grew on our job sites in these decent paying jobs and Blacks and Puerto Rican tradesmen lost their jobs and many forced onto welfare.

And now we have a little snake running to be president called Marco Rubio who wants to legalize the millions upon millions of foreigners who have invaded our borders from Mexico and Central American and give them work permits so they can keep the jobs they have taken from Blacks and Puerto Ricans who are American CITIZENS!

Marco Rubio is a bought and paid for talking sock puppet owned by the Chamber of Commerce and Club for Growth, both are "K" Street Lobby groups which represent the interests of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to the United States or any nation.

The good news is, down here in Florida, American Citizens who are Black and Puerto Rican who have lost their jobs in the construction trades to illegal aliens have figured out Marco Rubio is the real con artist and is disloyal toward American Citizens who are suffering the consequences of allowing illegal aliens to remain in our country. And this is one of the reasons why Marco Amnesty Rubio is way down in the polls.


To support Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders, a policy which panders to the Chamber of Commerce, the Club for Growth and our Global Governance Crowd
Democrats are all for immigration reform.

It's the conservatives who come out with racist shit when the topic of illegal immigration comes up . Their dog whistle racism is a deal breaker from brown Americans .
Democrats are all for immigration reform.

It's the conservatives who come out with racist shit when the topic of illegal immigration comes up . Their dog whistle racism is a deal breaker from brown Americans .

I have no idea what you mean by "conservatives".

Democrats are all for immigration reform.

It's the conservatives who come out with racist shit when the topic of illegal immigration comes up . Their dog whistle racism is a deal breaker from brown Americans .

I have no idea what you mean by "conservatives".


Republicans , GOP. Ya know .
Democrats are all for immigration reform.

It's the conservatives who come out with racist shit when the topic of illegal immigration comes up . Their dog whistle racism is a deal breaker from brown Americans .

Bullshit hypocrite doublespeak from the left - again.
Marco Amnesty Rubio is way down in the polls in Florida. GOOD!

Let me emphasize that I'm not one of those who used to say "some of my best friends are Black's and Puerto Ricans". Almost all of my friends were Black's and Puerto Ricans when I grew up in the South Bronx and East Harlem.

Almost all the Puerto Ricans I know do not appreciate being bunched in with Mexicans and other Latinos from Central America and especially not Guatemala. But this is what the Establishment media does when it talks about the Hispanic vote. It refuses to make the distinction between Puerto Ricans who are American Citizens from Latinos who have invaded our borders from Mexico and Central American.

Aside from the above, the irrefutable fact is, America's Blacks and Puerto Ricans are being squeezed out of decent paying jobs in the construction trades by millions of aliens who have invaded America's borders from Mexico and Central America by working off the books, below the going wage and avoid paying taxes on their earned wages.

During the 1970s I was working with some very prominent Real Estate developers who were converting commercial properties in New York City such as the Cast Iron Building, the Old Post Office Building and countless others commercial blidings into modern apartment buildings. I saw with my own eyes that sub-contractors, especially dry wall, masonry, roofing and carpentry were using resident aliens who were paid in cash at the end of the week and off the books. As the years went by, the number of resident aliens grew on our job sites in these decent paying jobs and Blacks and Puerto Rican tradesmen lost their jobs and many forced onto welfare.

And now we have a little snake running to be president called Marco Rubio who wants to legalize the millions upon millions of foreigners who have invaded our borders from Mexico and Central American and give them work permits so they can keep the jobs they have taken from Blacks and Puerto Ricans who are American CITIZENS!

Marco Rubio is a bought and paid for talking sock puppet owned by the Chamber of Commerce and Club for Growth, both are "K" Street Lobby groups which represent the interests of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to the United States or any nation.

The good news is, down here in Florida, American Citizens who are Black and Puerto Rican who have lost their jobs in the construction trades to illegal aliens have figured out Marco Rubio is the real con artist and is disloyal toward American Citizens who are suffering the consequences of allowing illegal aliens to remain in our country. And this is one of the reasons why Marco Amnesty Rubio is way down in the polls.


To support Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders, a policy which panders to the Chamber of Commerce, the Club for Growth and our Global Governance Crowd

Yes John, and so are the Cuban Americans. If the GOP can stop shooting themselves in the foot, Florida goes GOP big-)
Marco Amnesty Rubio is way down in the polls in Florida. GOOD!

Let me emphasize that I'm not one of those who used to say "some of my best friends are Black's and Puerto Ricans". Almost all of my friends were Black's and Puerto Ricans when I grew up in the South Bronx and East Harlem.

Almost all the Puerto Ricans I know do not appreciate being bunched in with Mexicans and other Latinos from Central America and especially not Guatemala. But this is what the Establishment media does when it talks about the Hispanic vote. It refuses to make the distinction between Puerto Ricans who are American Citizens from Latinos who have invaded our borders from Mexico and Central American.

Aside from the above, the irrefutable fact is, America's Blacks and Puerto Ricans are being squeezed out of decent paying jobs in the construction trades by millions of aliens who have invaded America's borders from Mexico and Central America by working off the books, below the going wage and avoid paying taxes on their earned wages.

During the 1970s I was working with some very prominent Real Estate developers who were converting commercial properties in New York City such as the Cast Iron Building, the Old Post Office Building and countless others commercial blidings into modern apartment buildings. I saw with my own eyes that sub-contractors, especially dry wall, masonry, roofing and carpentry were using resident aliens who were paid in cash at the end of the week and off the books. As the years went by, the number of resident aliens grew on our job sites in these decent paying jobs and Blacks and Puerto Rican tradesmen lost their jobs and many forced onto welfare.

And now we have a little snake running to be president called Marco Rubio who wants to legalize the millions upon millions of foreigners who have invaded our borders from Mexico and Central American and give them work permits so they can keep the jobs they have taken from Blacks and Puerto Ricans who are American CITIZENS!

Marco Rubio is a bought and paid for talking sock puppet owned by the Chamber of Commerce and Club for Growth, both are "K" Street Lobby groups which represent the interests of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to the United States or any nation.

The good news is, down here in Florida, American Citizens who are Black and Puerto Rican who have lost their jobs in the construction trades to illegal aliens have figured out Marco Rubio is the real con artist and is disloyal toward American Citizens who are suffering the consequences of allowing illegal aliens to remain in our country. And this is one of the reasons why Marco Amnesty Rubio is way down in the polls.


To support Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders, a policy which panders to the Chamber of Commerce, the Club for Growth and our Global Governance Crowd

Yes John, and so are the Cuban Americans. If the GOP can stop shooting themselves in the foot, Florida goes GOP big-)

The GOP leadership is the problem. It continually ignores its rank and file voters and sells out to big donors whose interests are not in harmony with the general welfare of the United States and her citizens.

Democrats are all for immigration reform.

It's the conservatives who come out with racist shit when the topic of illegal immigration comes up . Their dog whistle racism is a deal breaker from brown Americans .

Bullshit hypocrite doublespeak from the left - again.

The Establishment's hypocrite doublespeak


To support Marco Rubio, John Kasich or Hillary Clinton is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Democrats are all for immigration reform.

It's the conservatives who come out with racist shit when the topic of illegal immigration comes up . Their dog whistle racism is a deal breaker from brown Americans .

Bullshit hypocrite doublespeak from the left - again.

The Establishment's hypocrite doublespeak


To support Marco Rubio, John Kasich or Hillary Clinton is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

More like reality . Which is something the GOP doesn't understand .

What does a wall do against the 40% of illegals who enter legally and then overstay? It's not all about Mexico .
Almost all the Puerto Ricans I know do not appreciate being bunched in with Mexicans and other Latinos from Central America and especially not Guatemala.

That would be because Puerto Ricans aren't Latinos. Hispanic, yes. Latino, no. It's the equivalent of telling someone "Japanese, Korean, whatever, you're all the same."
The fact is, Black citizens are losing their jobs to those who have invaded our borders and only 33 percent of blacks seem to be indifferent to deportation.

SEE: Blacks see threat from Hispanic illegal aliens

”A recent survey by the Pew Research Center shows that about 80 percent of blacks have a favorable view of Hispanic immigrants’ work ethic and family values. The survey also shows that 33 percent of blacks are less likely to suggest deportation of illegals aliens, compared with 59 percent of whites.

However, the survey indicates that about half of blacks in the region see immigrants as a burden because they take jobs and housing. More than 50 percent of blacks in the region and more than 75 percent nationwide say increased immigration has led to difficulties in finding a job, compared with 50 percent of whites nationwide and 20 percent in the region who say the same.

The survey stated 22 percent of blacks and 14 percent of whites said they or a relative had lost a job to an immigrant.”


To support Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders, a policy which panders to the Chamber of Commerce, the Club for Growth and our Global Governance Crowd


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