The Heart Of The Matter: Hatred Of Jews

You having been exposed as a bigot, It's difficult to believe you didn't favor the Muslim's attempt to destabilize the Israeli elections.

And....I don't 'change' the topic.....I dictate it.

You're a moron.

Let's reveal your ignorance of the English language: moron means 'stupid person.'

I have lots of exams and degrees that say otherwise.

I'll chalk your slander up as an idiot's response to my having shown you to be a liar and a bigot, m'kay?
Let's reveal your ignorance of the English language: moron means 'stupid person.'

I have lots of exams and degrees that say otherwise.

I'll chalk your slander up as an idiot's response to my having shown you to be a liar and a bigot, m'kay?

You really are stupid, but you go ahead and believe whatever you need to. ;)
10. Why the Jews???

Well, in a sense you could blame Truman….he began under the influence of Roosevelt, but once he was privy to the intelligence and the Venona Papers, he turned 180°, and tossed the FDR-Stalin agenda. Truman made Israel a reality for the Jewish people.

FDR was a bigot who had no love of minorities…..particularly Jews.

Now….Truman’s change of heart? As President, he learned who Stalin and the Soviets really were, the truth having been kept from him by Roosevelt.

The Left claimed to champion the Jews because Hitler was a threat to their motherland, Russia.
Then it all changed.

“Much of the reason for this lies in the end of the Cold War. With the collapse of communism and the end of the dream of workers' control, the left alighted upon the Palestinians as the new proletariat whose cause could be championed as a weapon against Western society. Since the left demonizes America and Western capitalism, and lionizes the third world and all liberation movements, the Palestinian Arabs were a natural cause to be championed—victims of American imperialist power through the actions of its proxy, Israel.

Moreover, Jews were at the very heart of those Western values. Antonio Gramsci, the philosopher who became the iconic thinker of the 1960s, laid down the blueprint for precisely what has happened in Britain: the capture of all society's institutions, such as schools, universities, churches, the media, the legal profession, the police and voluntary groups. This intellectual elite was persuaded to sing from the same subversive hymn-sheet so that the moral beliefs of the majority would be replaced by the values of those on the margins of society, the perfect ambience in which the Muslim grievance culture could be fanned into the flames of extremism.

At the core of those Western majority values lay the Mosaic code, which first gave the world the concept of morality, self-discipline and laws regulating behavior. Who, then, could be surprised that the Jews found themselves in the left's crosshairs? As it took aim at morality and self-restraint, it seized a golden opportunity to pulverize the very people who invented the rules in the first place.”
“Londonistan,” P. 118-119
All the news this week Is about two Democrat Congresspeople hating Jews and Israel, and the rest of the Democrats standing shoulder to shoulder with ‘em.

"And…”PA President Abbas: ‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem
'Not a single penny' of payments to terrorists will be stopped” PA President Abbas: 'Millions Of Fighters' Will Take Over Jerusalem

….and all just happen to be Muslims. Where does it come from?

From the originator of Islam. And continues to this day.

1. Jews had lived in Iraq for some 2600 years, but the origin of this mass Muslim movement was in 627. At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad "Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews. Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

2. "To fail to understand the origins of Muslim hatred of Jews forces one to fall to many contemporary misunderstandings. Here is the error in people’s thinking: “They are aware that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is a principal and incendiary grievance among Muslims. They have a great deal of sympathy with this grievance. They think the root of it is that the Palestinians have been prevented from having a state of their own by Israel, which oppresses them. They believe it is this apparent injustice that is fueling the Muslim animus against the West. The United States has made itself into the principal target for Islamist aggression, they go on, only because of its slavish support for Israel in pursuing this agenda of stifling the Palestinians.

[They] have largely swallowed Muslim and Arab propaganda, which has denied historical evidence, replaced it by mythology, lies and libels, and reversed victim and oppressor in the Middle East conflict.

[The historic fact is that t]he only circumstances in which Muslims have been content to live alongside Jews are where Jews have been a powerless minority within an Islamic society. Muslim hostility to Israel is rooted in Muslim hostility to Jews…. a visceral hatred and prejudice towards the Jewish people.” Phillips, “Londonistan,” p. 101-102

And we see, today, Muslim immigrants bringing that hatred to America....with Democrat acquiescence.

The root of the hatred for Jews is Satan himself. Satanic influence is what brings western liberals and Islam together as they both hate Christians and Jews.
Let's reveal your ignorance of the English language: moron means 'stupid person.'

I have lots of exams and degrees that say otherwise.

I'll chalk your slander up as an idiot's response to my having shown you to be a liar and a bigot, m'kay?

You really are stupid, but you go ahead and believe whatever you need to. ;)

Having you decide who is stupid is like having Dr Kevorkian teaching the Heimlich Maneuver.

It really isn't necessary for you to return.

Or, to respire, for that matter.
All the news this week Is about two Democrat Congresspeople hating Jews and Israel, and the rest of the Democrats standing shoulder to shoulder with ‘em.

"And…”PA President Abbas: ‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem
'Not a single penny' of payments to terrorists will be stopped” PA President Abbas: 'Millions Of Fighters' Will Take Over Jerusalem

….and all just happen to be Muslims. Where does it come from?

From the originator of Islam. And continues to this day.

1. Jews had lived in Iraq for some 2600 years, but the origin of this mass Muslim movement was in 627. At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad "Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews. Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

2. "To fail to understand the origins of Muslim hatred of Jews forces one to fall to many contemporary misunderstandings. Here is the error in people’s thinking: “They are aware that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is a principal and incendiary grievance among Muslims. They have a great deal of sympathy with this grievance. They think the root of it is that the Palestinians have been prevented from having a state of their own by Israel, which oppresses them. They believe it is this apparent injustice that is fueling the Muslim animus against the West. The United States has made itself into the principal target for Islamist aggression, they go on, only because of its slavish support for Israel in pursuing this agenda of stifling the Palestinians.

[They] have largely swallowed Muslim and Arab propaganda, which has denied historical evidence, replaced it by mythology, lies and libels, and reversed victim and oppressor in the Middle East conflict.

[The historic fact is that t]he only circumstances in which Muslims have been content to live alongside Jews are where Jews have been a powerless minority within an Islamic society. Muslim hostility to Israel is rooted in Muslim hostility to Jews…. a visceral hatred and prejudice towards the Jewish people.” Phillips, “Londonistan,” p. 101-102

And we see, today, Muslim immigrants bringing that hatred to America....with Democrat acquiescence.

The root of the hatred for Jews is Satan himself. Satanic influence is what brings western liberals and Islam together as they both hate Christians and Jews.

One might conclude, from your post, that these sorts of things were....satanic: anti-Semitism, polygamy, female genital mutilation, honor killing, and blowing up innocents.....

Hard to argue with that.
Can you really blame the Palestinians, Israel does not want peace or a 2 state solution, they want it all.

How quickly I reduce you to lying.

You can't and even you know it.

No matter how often Muslim hatred of Jewish folks is illustrated, revealed, documented, some ignorant apologist for butchers rushes in to blame Israel.

Let's check.

3. Is the hatred contemporary, since Israel’s creation?

Citing a familiar hadith, a collection of the sayings of Muhammad, Khadra said Islam’s prophet “gave us the glad tidings that at the End of Time, we will fight those Jews until the rocks and the trees will speak: ‘Oh Muslim, this is a Jew behind me.'” Another U.S. religious leader: Kill the Jews - WND

The hadith states:

Hadith Sahih Muslim (41:6985): "Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: 'The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.'"

See the problem?

It is not Israel, it is nothing the Jewish people have done…’s Islam, and it’s baked into the cake.

"Christians and Jews....the more devout, the less violent. Not so with Islam. "
Bill Donohue

The only way you can accept Islam into civilization is if you accept the slaughter of Jews…. again….
And it appears the Democrat Party is fine with it.
Ever since Rabbi Shmuley Boteach and I squared off against each other on the December 8 edition of MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country,” there has been considerable chatter over my comment, “Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular.”

Context is always important, so let’s take a look at it. Just before I spoke, Boteach mocked “The Passion of the Christ,” saying, “It really should win the World Wrestling Federation Oscar for best movie. It’s a guy for two hours being kicked, beaten, his blood gushing everywhere. It’s just a diabolical, criminal, violent mess.” Thanks, Shmuley, for being so sensitive about that “guy.”

In the same segment that I made this remark, I also said the following: “You have got secular Jews. You have got embittered ex-Catholics, including a lot of ex-Catholic priests who hate the Catholic Church, wacko Protestants in the same group….” Later in the debate, I said, “There are secularists from every ethnic and religious stock,” and when people talk about Hollywood, they are “talking mostly about secular Jews.”

you might think twice about using Donohue as a source. So is Donohue devout?? His mouth is his sword.
You seem like a Nazi jealous of Jews. Catholics are a bunch of Nazis. The worst Nazis were Catholic. They still are.
All the news this week Is about two Democrat Congresspeople hating Jews and Israel, and the rest of the Democrats standing shoulder to shoulder with ‘em.

"And…”PA President Abbas: ‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem
'Not a single penny' of payments to terrorists will be stopped” PA President Abbas: 'Millions Of Fighters' Will Take Over Jerusalem

….and all just happen to be Muslims. Where does it come from?

From the originator of Islam. And continues to this day.

1. Jews had lived in Iraq for some 2600 years, but the origin of this mass Muslim movement was in 627. At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad "Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews. Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

2. "To fail to understand the origins of Muslim hatred of Jews forces one to fall to many contemporary misunderstandings. Here is the error in people’s thinking: “They are aware that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is a principal and incendiary grievance among Muslims. They have a great deal of sympathy with this grievance. They think the root of it is that the Palestinians have been prevented from having a state of their own by Israel, which oppresses them. They believe it is this apparent injustice that is fueling the Muslim animus against the West. The United States has made itself into the principal target for Islamist aggression, they go on, only because of its slavish support for Israel in pursuing this agenda of stifling the Palestinians.

[They] have largely swallowed Muslim and Arab propaganda, which has denied historical evidence, replaced it by mythology, lies and libels, and reversed victim and oppressor in the Middle East conflict.

[The historic fact is that t]he only circumstances in which Muslims have been content to live alongside Jews are where Jews have been a powerless minority within an Islamic society. Muslim hostility to Israel is rooted in Muslim hostility to Jews…. a visceral hatred and prejudice towards the Jewish people.” Phillips, “Londonistan,” p. 101-102

And we see, today, Muslim immigrants bringing that hatred to America....with Democrat acquiescence.

The root of the hatred for Jews is Satan himself. Satanic influence is what brings western liberals and Islam together as they both hate Christians and Jews.
Muslims are bad Nazis, Catholics are worse Nazis. Hitler was Catholic. Never forget Catholics in Poland, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, France and Hungary killed 6 million Jews.
All the news this week Is about two Democrat Congresspeople hating Jews and Israel, and the rest of the Democrats standing shoulder to shoulder with ‘em.

"And…”PA President Abbas: ‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem
'Not a single penny' of payments to terrorists will be stopped” PA President Abbas: 'Millions Of Fighters' Will Take Over Jerusalem

….and all just happen to be Muslims. Where does it come from?

From the originator of Islam. And continues to this day.

1. Jews had lived in Iraq for some 2600 years, but the origin of this mass Muslim movement was in 627. At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad "Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews. Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

2. "To fail to understand the origins of Muslim hatred of Jews forces one to fall to many contemporary misunderstandings. Here is the error in people’s thinking: “They are aware that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is a principal and incendiary grievance among Muslims. They have a great deal of sympathy with this grievance. They think the root of it is that the Palestinians have been prevented from having a state of their own by Israel, which oppresses them. They believe it is this apparent injustice that is fueling the Muslim animus against the West. The United States has made itself into the principal target for Islamist aggression, they go on, only because of its slavish support for Israel in pursuing this agenda of stifling the Palestinians.

[They] have largely swallowed Muslim and Arab propaganda, which has denied historical evidence, replaced it by mythology, lies and libels, and reversed victim and oppressor in the Middle East conflict.

[The historic fact is that t]he only circumstances in which Muslims have been content to live alongside Jews are where Jews have been a powerless minority within an Islamic society. Muslim hostility to Israel is rooted in Muslim hostility to Jews…. a visceral hatred and prejudice towards the Jewish people.” Phillips, “Londonistan,” p. 101-102

And we see, today, Muslim immigrants bringing that hatred to America....with Democrat acquiescence.

The root of the hatred for Jews is Satan himself. Satanic influence is what brings western liberals and Islam together as they both hate Christians and Jews.
Muslims are bad Nazis, Catholics are worse Nazis. Hitler was Catholic. Never forget Catholics in Poland, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, France and Hungary killed 6 million Jews.

This is why people don't like Jews. Not because of satanic influence but because of the words that come out of their mouths.
All the news this week Is about two Democrat Congresspeople hating Jews and Israel, and the rest of the Democrats standing shoulder to shoulder with ‘em.

"And…”PA President Abbas: ‘Millions Of Fighters’ Will Take Over Jerusalem
'Not a single penny' of payments to terrorists will be stopped” PA President Abbas: 'Millions Of Fighters' Will Take Over Jerusalem

….and all just happen to be Muslims. Where does it come from?

From the originator of Islam. And continues to this day.

1. Jews had lived in Iraq for some 2600 years, but the origin of this mass Muslim movement was in 627. At that time, Mohammed, defending Medina, judged the Jewish tribe to be guilty of aiding the Meccan attackers, and oversaw such acts as the beheading of 900 captives of the Banu Qurayzah tribe, he watched the bodies thrown into a pit.(… in his 1895 biography of Muhammad "Mahomet and Islam", London, 1895, p. 151), which relied entirely on the original Muslim sources, the scholar Sir William Muir observed:

"The massacre of the Banu Coreiza was a barbarous deed which cannot be justified by any reason of political necessity the indiscriminate slaughter of the whole tribe cannot be recognized otherwise than as an act of monstrous cruelty?")

The extermination of the Jews of Medina represents the iconic moment in Islam, just as the Sermon on the Mount is the iconic moment of Christianity, or the parting of the Red Sea is for the Jews. Edwin Black in his book, “ The Farhud: The Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust.”

2. "To fail to understand the origins of Muslim hatred of Jews forces one to fall to many contemporary misunderstandings. Here is the error in people’s thinking: “They are aware that the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is a principal and incendiary grievance among Muslims. They have a great deal of sympathy with this grievance. They think the root of it is that the Palestinians have been prevented from having a state of their own by Israel, which oppresses them. They believe it is this apparent injustice that is fueling the Muslim animus against the West. The United States has made itself into the principal target for Islamist aggression, they go on, only because of its slavish support for Israel in pursuing this agenda of stifling the Palestinians.

[They] have largely swallowed Muslim and Arab propaganda, which has denied historical evidence, replaced it by mythology, lies and libels, and reversed victim and oppressor in the Middle East conflict.

[The historic fact is that t]he only circumstances in which Muslims have been content to live alongside Jews are where Jews have been a powerless minority within an Islamic society. Muslim hostility to Israel is rooted in Muslim hostility to Jews…. a visceral hatred and prejudice towards the Jewish people.” Phillips, “Londonistan,” p. 101-102

And we see, today, Muslim immigrants bringing that hatred to America....with Democrat acquiescence.

The root of the hatred for Jews is Satan himself. Satanic influence is what brings western liberals and Islam together as they both hate Christians and Jews.
Muslims are bad Nazis, Catholics are worse Nazis. Hitler was Catholic. Never forget Catholics in Poland, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, France and Hungary killed 6 million Jews.

This is why people don't like Jews. Not because of satanic influence but because of the words that come out of their mouths.
Do you have posters of Adolf Hitler in your mothers basement?
Muslims are bad Nazis, Catholics are worse Nazis. Hitler was Catholic. Never forget Catholics in Poland, Austria, Germany, Czechoslovakia, France and Hungary killed 6 million Jews.

Where were you hatched and have you shared your delusions with your psychiatrist?

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