The Growing Sickness On The Left

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You will very rarely see me do ad hominem attacks in any conversation and when I do it'll be in response to being attacked myself. I dare you to find any post were that isn't the case.

Post #18

"Being a hypocrite offends me."
Being honest offends you.
This is what post 15 said, and this is my claim
and when I do it'll be in response to being attacked myself.
So try again.
I quoted post #18. It was a personal attack. End of story.
You are the quintessential example of a snowflake. Overly sensitive and cowardly.
Which ironically are two prominent traits of your supreme leader.
  1. I am in no way sensative. My hide is as thick as an alligator's.
  2. I'm not the one whining about personal attacks. The one I responded to is.
The irony is that you are as wrong as you always are.
You take on the characteristics of your adolescent president. You never let any slight go without crying about it. The fact you’re so defensive about being sensitive proves you’re the ultimate snowflake.
Plus I’m ALWAYS right. You have to always ask for links to my facts because you’re so woefully uninformed.
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They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
It has been well publicized that Big Ears received about 90% favorable press and The Donald about 90% unfavorable press, from the MSM. Get informed and stop being a dupe.

If you can't see the pattern, you are blind or a dupe.
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
You just validated the left live in a bubble world of fantasy.

In depth Report on Obama's favorable media coverage
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
It has been well publicized that Big Ears received about 90% favorable press and The Donald about 90% unfavorable press, from the MSM. Get informed and stop being a dupe.

If you can't see the pattern, you are blind or a dupe.
The truth implores Trump receive unfavorable press because of his daily fuck ups and inability to do the job.
Obama didn’t immaturely counterattack any perceived slight like Trump does.
Obama understood the dignity of the office whereas Trump doesn’t care nor understand what the word dignity means.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Obama's entire presidency is built on false language, lies, and attacking anyone who doesn’t curtsy to him.
He’s mentally unstable which makes him a serious threat to this country and the world.
Keep ignoring this truthism so you can falsely point to the right for your problems.
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
You just validated the left live in a bubble world of fantasy.

In depth Report on Obama's favorable media coverage
According to a far right publication. I alway love how you kick your own ass.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Obama's entire presidency is built on false language, lies, and attacking anyone who doesn’t curtsy to him.
He’s mentally unstable which makes him a serious threat to this country and the world.
Keep ignoring this truthism so you can falsely point to the right for your problems.
Of course the opposite is true but since you don’t have the intellectual cognitive ability to construct your own sentences you use mine and reverse names.
Dopes like you are just too easy.
View attachment 155286
what I don't understand is why that bitch was listening in on the phone call.
It WAS a little convenient that she just happened to be there when the wife got the call. Smells like it was staged.

Anyone who believes she told the truth about what actually went down is terminally gullible.
You are talking to people who have purchased carbon credits from Gore...

Remember that.

They also voted for a criminal.
Ha !
Kind of ironic that Trump is being invested when Hillary and Obama and even Mueller were the guilty parties.
The reason Trump hates Obama and you idiots too is because Obama was a much beloved president, competent and dignified.
Three areas trump knows he’s seriously lacking.
The whole world is divided into two camps with the orange Cheeto. One camp laughs at his daily incompetence and the other half is scared shitless he’ll start WWIII.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Obama's entire presidency is built on false language, lies, and attacking anyone who doesn’t curtsy to him.
He’s mentally unstable which makes him a serious threat to this country and the world.
Keep ignoring this truthism so you can falsely point to the right for your problems.
Of course the opposite is true but since you don’t have the intellectual cognitive ability to construct your own sentences you use mine and reverse names.
Dopes like you are just too easy.
I have the ability. However, it is clear you don't know shit from Shinola. Why waste the time.
View attachment 155286
It WAS a little convenient that she just happened to be there when the wife got the call. Smells like it was staged.

Anyone who believes she told the truth about what actually went down is terminally gullible.
You are talking to people who have purchased carbon credits from Gore...

Remember that.

They also voted for a criminal.
Ha !
Kind of ironic that Trump is being invested when Hillary and Obama and even Mueller were the guilty parties.
Only in your demented mind.
You can’t even speak proper English. No wonder you need to steal my sentences.
The reason Trump hates Obama and you idiots too is because Obama was a much beloved president, competent and dignified.
Three areas trump knows he’s seriously lacking.
The whole world is divided into two camps with the orange Cheeto. One camp laughs at his daily incompetence and the other half is scared shitless he’ll start WWIII.

The only reason you believe that is because or corrupt media told you to believe it. :deal:
View attachment 155286
Anyone who believes she told the truth about what actually went down is terminally gullible.
You are talking to people who have purchased carbon credits from Gore...

Remember that.

They also voted for a criminal.
Ha !
Kind of ironic that Trump is being invested when Hillary and Obama and even Mueller were the guilty parties.
Only in your demented mind.
You can’t even speak proper English. No wonder you need to steal my sentences.
:anj_stfu: you cry baby.
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
It has been well publicized that Big Ears received about 90% favorable press and The Donald about 90% unfavorable press, from the MSM. Get informed and stop being a dupe.

If you can't see the pattern, you are blind or a dupe.
The truth implores Trump receive unfavorable press because of his daily fuck ups and inability to do the job.
Obama didn’t immaturely counterattack any perceived slight like Trump does.
Obama understood the dignity of the office whereas Trump doesn’t care nor understand what the word dignity means.
Nope. Obama threw them in jail, sent armies of lawyers to their workplaces, and harassed them with the IRS.
They sure are doing a great job of dividing the nation.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
It has been well publicized that Big Ears received about 90% favorable press and The Donald about 90% unfavorable press, from the MSM. Get informed and stop being a dupe.

If you can't see the pattern, you are blind or a dupe.
The truth implores Trump receive unfavorable press because of his daily fuck ups and inability to do the job.
Obama didn’t immaturely counterattack any perceived slight like Trump does.
Obama understood the dignity of the office whereas Trump doesn’t care nor understand what the word dignity means.
Bubble world boy and his fantasy world.

You just keep on campaigning for Trump, don’t let anyone hinder you.
Just looking at all of the threads started by the Trump haters here, it makes me want to go somewhere else.

Perhaps that's their goal.
To infect this site with their hatred and their malice......and in the process chase away any decent person that posts on USMB.

"Politically correct language is obscene because it is a language whose entire purpose is to swindle.
Hurting someone’s tender feelings has become social leprosy, and anyone who is brave enough to speak truth
will find themselves shunned by the elites who shape the narrative and hand out the goodies."

October 19, 2017
When Truth Becomes Obscene
By Tiffany Kendal Koogler
The most appalling and troubling spectacle of the American Left’s bag of tricks is their refusal to simply tell the truth. Democratic representative Frederica Wilson, who resembles both a rodeo clown and a pimp from the movie Shaft, said that President Trump has a brain disorder because he told a widow whose husband died in the Special Forces that: “ he knew what he signed up for… but it hurts when it happens anyway.”

What’s wrong with that statement? Absolutely nothing. It does not detract an iota from the sadness and somberness of the man’s death, but it is true. What else would someone believe being in the Special Forces entailed? An intense game of Scrabble? Ferocious flour sack races at dusk? Death is on the menu.

Because of the deranged pearl clutching over someone telling the truth these days, President Trump has been prompted to deny this statement. Another sunk cost of resources and time (the taxpayers pay for all this, remember?) where someone has to slow walk out of a statement because they said what actually is.


The American Left’s entire political discourse is built on false language. Lies. Trickery. Fallacies. Where words do not mean what they actually mean. Where one cannot actually state the nature of an issue, in plain and common language, without being called a racist, white supremacist, fascist, homophobic, misogynist knuckle-dragger that deserves to have their head bashed with a threaded lead pipe.

Even though they are uncomfortable, facts are what we must have to survive as a country. Being a Special Forces soldier in sub-Saharan Africa is the definition of danger. One’s gender does not change on a random Tuesday when a man feels the inexplicable need to wear a Laura Ashley dress and smear blush over his beard stubble, or woman wants to shave her head, push a tube sock down her pants and call herself Tanner.


Because the only currency the Left values is stridently not calling something exactly as it is, they could not understand how to advise Hillary on how to be the one thing voters want most of all: to be sincere.


The Moral Sickness of the Left

When Truth Becomes Obscene
Obama's entire presidency is built on false language, lies, and attacking anyone who doesn’t curtsy to him.
He’s mentally unstable which makes him a serious threat to this country and the world.
Keep ignoring this truthism so you can falsely point to the right for your problems.
Of course the opposite is true but since you don’t have the intellectual cognitive ability to construct your own sentences you use mine and reverse names.
Dopes like you are just too easy.
I have the ability. However, it is clear you don't know shit from Shinola. Why waste the time.
“ I have the ability.” Lmao .. yet you’ve yet to demonstrate it.
Anyone who still supports this prez after watching him stumble and fumble his way the past 9 months, have zero legislative accomplishments, and daily embarrass the presidency and the country with his attacks on private citizens, world leaders( of course not Putin) members of his own party etc. etc. and be so fucking insecure with any perceived slight.... there’s something seriously wrong with them.
Thus there’s something seriously wrong with you.
Seek help.
we have the most unprepared AND devisive person as president in our lifetime.
The ONLY voice of reason is coming from our free press.
Thus our first amendment rights is under serious attack by this president who thinks everything accurately reported about him is “ fake news.”
Obama received nothing but FAVORABLE press from the MSM. Trump receives nothing but UNFAVORABLE press from the MSM. still can't see the distortions and propaganda. Stop being a dupe.
100% wrong. Obama had much criticism from the press. Do you have Trump’s disease?
Early onset Alzheimer’s?
It has been well publicized that Big Ears received about 90% favorable press and The Donald about 90% unfavorable press, from the MSM. Get informed and stop being a dupe.

If you can't see the pattern, you are blind or a dupe.
The truth implores Trump receive unfavorable press because of his daily fuck ups and inability to do the job.
Obama didn’t immaturely counterattack any perceived slight like Trump does.
Obama understood the dignity of the office whereas Trump doesn’t care nor understand what the word dignity means.
Bubble world boy and his fantasy world.

You just keep on campaigning for Trump, don’t let anyone hinder you.
That makes no sense whatsoever but what we expect from you.
Everything I’ve said is 100% factual which you would know if you actually followed what the hell is going on.
You daily embarrass yourself. I’ve publicly humiliated you in the past blowing away your lies and misconceptions, but of course you live in a state of arrested development and have convenient amnesia.
As I said with Mudbath, anyone still a trump supporter after watching him show he. Has no idea how to be president nor cares to learn... there’s something seriously wrong with them.
Thanks for confirming.
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