The greed of Big Pharma is killing Americans and it has got to stop. President Trump MUST intervene!

Why should Trump intervene on the affairs of any private company other than to make commentary if he so chooses?
Why should Trump intervene on the affairs of any private company other than to make commentary if he so chooses?

Cause that was a campaign promis of his . And those private companies make billions off of Medicare/Medicade.
Instead of demanding that everyone and every first responder carry Naloxone. Have the addicts carry it in case they overdose. That way it's handy. And they pay for it too.
Plus, the generic version is apparently only $20 at various Walgreens.
In the midst of the worst drug overdose crisis in US history, a pharmaceutical company Kaleo increased the price sixfold for their version of the life-saving drug, Naloxone.

This drug saves Americans from opioid overdoses. Its price has been hiked 600 percent.
The solution is for the Fed Gov to sue big pharma for discriminatory price gouging on the basis of nationality. They give the rest of the world these drugs at up to 1/10 the price as what we pay.
Without "big pharma" there would no incentive to find cures for drugs that are made because the Fed Gov made natural drugs illegal! The only way to really address the medical issue is to have American citizens pay cash and incarcerate those who cannot pay unless they do not have a self inflicted or gang or other criminally related injury. Illegal aliens must be given preferential treatment as they currently are.

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