The Greatest Trick The Right Has Pulled Is Convincing The World Antifa Exists

The Left has been scamming US for years saying that man-made climate change is real and that most of it is caused by US.
Yea, they could be a factor or not. One thing is for sure, they are not a national organization of any sort. Google Antifa and see what you find. You will find a defunk web site that's not maintained and rarely works, several explanations as to what Atifa is, some news media articles that say practically nothing, half dozen or so right and left web sites making all kinds of claims. What you won't find is Antifa. On facebook there are people claiming to be Antifa but far more just writing about. If Antifa was really an organization of any significance, they would have a working website filled with propaganda, a national spokesperson on cable news, fund raising campaigns, and membership drives. They have none of these because they're not a national organization or even a regional one. In fact, it's not one specific organization with a headquarters and a president and a chain of command. In a sense, there are plenty of antifa groups, but antifa itself is not a group. That description is largely in line with how federal law enforcement has interpreted the antifa movement. Whether you use the term Antifa, Commies, Anarchists, White Supremacist, terrorist, etc. you're not referring to any specific group or organization.
That's all filler blather. Antifa are not the Boy Scouts or Amway.
They are anarchists. The less publicly organized and known they are the better.
They are effective because they can't be traced down or burdened by your clubhouse rules.
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Of course Antifa exist. Anyone who claims to be anti-fascist is Antifa.

Just as anyone who claims to support liberty is a Libertarian?


What a steaming pile. ANTIFA is a distinct terrorist group that promotes radical leftist ideology and IS in fact fascistic in nature.

I'm just saying it's not a term most Americans are familiar with and many people that have strong anti-fascist beliefs are not familiar with the term either, at least not till Trump decided to demonize it.

The fact is Trump needed a buggy man to blame the riots on and Antifa fit was perfect. They had no national organization and were a bunch disorganized far left groups so they had no national voice which was perfect. The far right could makeup all kinds of shit and there would no national voice in opposition. Even better, democrats would defend them and that would give Republicans an opportunity to associate the Democratic Party with Antifa, a terrorist group; actually, not a bad strategy.

Everyone know who ANTIFA is, and everyone knows they are leftist terrorists.

Apparently the CCP thinks their lackies in the demcrat party need to distance themselves?
The group took on the label, but why ? Were they trying to cloak themselves under the highjacked title ??? Did they think that they could somehow live up to the title of old ??

Are they being sacrilegious by adopting the title instead of earning it ? We are a nation full of labels, lingo's and jingo's anymore, but there isn't any substance to any of it now it seems.
We used to be an Anti Fascist country. Interesting story about an Anti-Fascist American, Woody Guthrie and Fred Trump:

For Guthrie, Fred Trump came to personify all the viciousness of the racist codes that continued to put decent housing ā€“ both public and private ā€“ out of reach for so many of his fellow citizens:

I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

And as if to leave no doubt over Trumpā€™s personal culpability in perpetuating black Americansā€™ status as internal refugees ā€“ strangers in their own strange land ā€“ Guthrie reworked his signature Dust Bowl ballad ā€œI Ainā€™t Got No Homeā€ into a blistering broadside against his landlord:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
I just cain't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain!
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

In 1979, 12 years after Guthrie had succumbed to the death sentence of Huntingtonā€™s Disease, Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett published a two-part exposĆ© about Fred and Donald Trumpā€™s real estate empire.

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?
The Left has been scamming US for years saying that man-made climate change is real and that most of it is caused by US.
I think we have had pollution problems over the years looking back, and it has affected enviroments in which we live in, but as far as the stratosphere goes, no we don't control that nor are we changing it. They found something that they can scam us on, and they jumped on it. I think it all comes down to MONEY, and how to justify getting it out of the taxpayer funds along with raping the social security system etc, and right beneath our open eyes they have done it.
I never said I was an abortion zealot just calling you out for one of your many lies. Seems you can't tell the truth but that's on par for a trumpturd.

But you are an abortion zealot. Promoting abortion is your #1 passion here. Still, the issue is your idiocy about Rudolf. I knew full well you Abortion promoters would pull him out, even though it's been 24 years since the last abortion factory bombing, once Rudolf was caught it ALL STOPPED, despite your blatant lies to the contrary. I said it in my post, You abortion zealots are as predictable as you are dishonest.
KKK and other white supremacy groups are primary targets of Antifa.


The KKK died in the late 1960's. The 1968 democrat convention in Chicago broke the support of the Klan by the party. Without the support of the democrats, the Klan faltered. By 1975 there were more FBI infiltrators than actual Klansman. By 1980 the only ones in the Klan were pathetic posers.

They showed up at a KKK rally in Charleston and fighting broke out.

I don't think blatant lying really helps your case. Yes, I realize that lying is the heart of the left, but it does tend to make you appear a fool.

Of course there was no KKK rally in Charleston, nor in Charlottesville.

I think this is where Trump discovered them after he made his remarks about plenty of blame to go around on both sides which seam to lend support to the KKK. I believe that's when the anti-Trump stuff appeared on the Antifa web site run by an Oregon group.

Not only are you lying about what the event was, you don't even know where it was held, not even the state.

Trump was right to condemn both sides. You are insane to attack him for it. Trump was right that the overwhelming majority of protesters who were exercising the constitutional rights that you think are reserved for BLM alone were peaceful. There was no Klan presence. The SINGLE Nazi flag at the even was brought by an Occupy Wall Street agitator who was forced to leave by the crowd. Though every single little Goebbels of the Democrat Media Complex pimped pictures as if there were Swastikas everywhere. You are insane and evil for attacking the President for acknowledging facts. The democrats sent ANTIFA to start violence, and start violence they did.
The group took on the label, but why ? Were they trying to cloak themselves under the highjacked title ??? Did they think that they could somehow live up to the title of old ??

Are they being sacrilegious by adopting the title instead of earning it ? We are a nation full of labels, lingo's and jingo's anymore, but there isn't any substance to any of it now it seems.

ANTIFA is made up mostly of dumb white kids who spent a year or two at a liberal mind rape center where man bunned Marxists practiced the big lie and told them that "FASCISM IS THE OPPOSITE OF MARXISM."

Marxist are fucking liars, every last one of them. Anyone with a hint of education, a modicum of integrity, and an ounce of dignity knows that Marxism and Fascism are conjoined twins sharing the same heart and vital organs, Both are collectivist dictatorships where the rights of individuals are crushed under the boots of the group.
The group took on the label, but why ? Were they trying to cloak themselves under the highjacked title ??? Did they think that they could somehow live up to the title of old ??

Are they being sacrilegious by adopting the title instead of earning it ? We are a nation full of labels, lingo's and jingo's anymore, but there isn't any substance to any of it now it seems.

ANTIFA is made up mostly of dumb white kids who spent a year or two at a liberal mind rape center where man bunned Marxists practiced the big lie and told them that "FASCISM IS THE OPPOSITE OF MARXISM."

Marxist are fucking liars, every last one of them. Anyone with a hint of education, a modicum of integrity, and an ounce of dignity knows that Marxism and Fascism are conjoined twins sharing the same heart and vital organs, Both are collectivist dictatorships where the rights of individuals are crushed under the boots of the group.
Good read.
We used to be an Anti Fascist country. Interesting story about an Anti-Fascist American, Woody Guthrie and Fred Trump:

For Guthrie, Fred Trump came to personify all the viciousness of the racist codes that continued to put decent housing ā€“ both public and private ā€“ out of reach for so many of his fellow citizens:

I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

And as if to leave no doubt over Trumpā€™s personal culpability in perpetuating black Americansā€™ status as internal refugees ā€“ strangers in their own strange land ā€“ Guthrie reworked his signature Dust Bowl ballad ā€œI Ainā€™t Got No Homeā€ into a blistering broadside against his landlord:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
I just cain't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain!
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

In 1979, 12 years after Guthrie had succumbed to the death sentence of Huntingtonā€™s Disease, Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett published a two-part exposĆ© about Fred and Donald Trumpā€™s real estate empire.

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?

Proving once again my Imperial Fascist friend, you're unhinged.

We used to be an Anti Fascist country. Interesting story about an Anti-Fascist American, Woody Guthrie and Fred Trump:

For Guthrie, Fred Trump came to personify all the viciousness of the racist codes that continued to put decent housing ā€“ both public and private ā€“ out of reach for so many of his fellow citizens:

I suppose
Old Man Trump knows
Just how much
Racial Hate
he stirred up
In the bloodpot of human hearts
When he drawed
That color line
Here at his
Eighteen hundred family project ....

And as if to leave no doubt over Trumpā€™s personal culpability in perpetuating black Americansā€™ status as internal refugees ā€“ strangers in their own strange land ā€“ Guthrie reworked his signature Dust Bowl ballad ā€œI Ainā€™t Got No Homeā€ into a blistering broadside against his landlord:

Beach Haven ain't my home!
I just cain't pay this rent!
My money's down the drain!
And my soul is badly bent!
Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain't my home!

In 1979, 12 years after Guthrie had succumbed to the death sentence of Huntingtonā€™s Disease, Village Voice reporter Wayne Barrett published a two-part exposĆ© about Fred and Donald Trumpā€™s real estate empire.

Tell me Comrade; If we take a system where the state has absolute control of the means of production using central planning to determine what products are produced and what price they are sold for, where an authoritarian state rules under dictatorship of either a single man or a group of rulers, where the rights of individuals are subverted to the privilege of groups, where individualism in general is oppressed in favor of the collective, where any competing political or economic ideas are suppressed by the state, where the press is controlled by the state or the party and operates to further the agenda of the rulers, where speech against the state or collectivism in general is a criminal offense; how does this substantially differ from the Marxism you promote?

Proving once again my Imperial Fascist friend, you're unhinged.

And the commie ducks every point going back to chanting slogans.

This is why people think that you're stupid. All you can do is mindlessly bleat mantras; "Communism good, Orange Man Bad, bahhh, bahhhh"
Demonizing and dehumanizing the "enemy" isn't a new tactic from those in authority. It's a reflex.

The protesters are withdrawing the consent of the governed, the looters are opportunistic crims, and antifa are my kind of head knockers.
I never said I was an abortion zealot just calling you out for one of your many lies. Seems you can't tell the truth but that's on par for a trumpturd.

But you are an abortion zealot. Promoting abortion is your #1 passion here. Still, the issue is your idiocy about Rudolf. I knew full well you Abortion promoters would pull him out, even though it's been 24 years since the last abortion factory bombing, once Rudolf was caught it ALL STOPPED, despite your blatant lies to the contrary. I said it in my post, You abortion zealots are as predictable as you are dishonest.

I never mentioned anything about Rudolf you dumb fuck I posted a rebuttal to your lie which have become many.
The Left has been scamming US for years saying that man-made climate change is real and that most of it is caused by US.
FAUXNEWZ is, and has been, lying to you and keeping you emotionally charged for even longer...

Aren't you tired of being led and dragged around by your nostrils? SNAP OUT OF IT!
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The Left has been scamming US for years saying that man-made climate change is real and that most of it is caused by US.
FAUXNEWZ is, and has been, lying to you and keeping you emotionally charged for even longer...

Aren't you tired of being led and dragged around by your nostrils? SNAP OUT OF IT!

Not the first or the last to keep the lemmings in line.
Yea, they could be a factor or not. One thing is for sure, they are not a national organization of any sort. Google Antifa and see what you find. You will find a defunk web site that's not maintained and rarely works, several explanations as to what Atifa is, some news media articles that say practically nothing, half dozen or so right and left web sites making all kinds of claims. What you won't find is Antifa. On facebook there are people claiming to be Antifa but far more just writing about. If Antifa was really an organization of any significance, they would have a working website filled with propaganda, a national spokesperson on cable news, fund raising campaigns, and membership drives. They have none of these because they're not a national organization or even a regional one. In fact, it's not one specific organization with a headquarters and a president and a chain of command. In a sense, there are plenty of antifa groups, but antifa itself is not a group. That description is largely in line with how federal law enforcement has interpreted the antifa movement. Whether you use the term Antifa, Commies, Anarchists, White Supremacist, terrorist, etc. you're not referring to any specific group or organization.
That's all filler blather. Antifa are not the Boy Scouts or Amway.
They are anarchists. The less publicly organized and known they are the better.
They are effective because they can't be traced down or burdened by your clubhouse rules.
I never claimed they were the good guys only that they were a scapegoat which directs attention away for social issues being protested. Most violence associated with protests are not caused by the organizers but the same criminal elements that riot and loot in WTO protests, yearly May Day anti-capitalism protests, Gay Pride marches, LBGQT protests, gay marriage marches, anti-war protests, Wall Street Protests, ect. They are criminals that use protests as a reasons for striking back at society for perceived injustices. The people that the Seattle Police arrest for looting and rioting generally have arrest records for vandalism, shoplifting, disorderly conduct, and other petty crimes. They are not outside aggregators but live in the city or surrounding area.

Antifa, anarchist, commies, far left extremist, the alt right, white supremacists are used as scapegoats to direct attention away the protests because most of what is being protested are problems we don't really want to address for various reasons.

Framing the unrest as caused solely by outside agitators suggests that the protesters involved in social change movements are carrying out someone else's nefarious agenda, rather than mobilizing over legitimate concerns of their own.
"The rumors followed what has become a nationwide pattern of unfounded speculation about roaming bands of ā€œantifaā€ ā€” short for antifascist ā€” destroying towns under the pretext of Black Lives Matter protests. The whispers frequently center on ā€œbusloadsā€ of outside infiltrators and often inspire heavily armed counter-protesters to stand guard."

Tiny Town In Washington Gets Ramboed Up, Traps Family Over False Antifa Scare

I never claimed they were the good guys only that they were a scapegoat which directs attention away for social issues being protested.
Oh yeah...what was that issue again? I heard it seven or eight thousand
times but darn if it won't stick in my mind.

Most violence associated with protests are not caused by the organizers but the same criminal elements that riot and loot in WTO protests, yearly May Day anti-capitalism protests, Gay Pride marches, LBGQT protests, gay marriage marches, anti-war protests, Wall Street Protests, ect. They are criminals that use protests as a reasons for striking back at society for perceived injustices. The people that the Seattle Police arrest for looting and rioting generally have arrest records for vandalism, shoplifting, disorderly conduct, and other petty crimes. They are not outside aggregators but live in the city or surrounding area.
Do you have a point?
Once the starter's gun goes off to take to the streets and "get justice for
George Floyd" then it's time to march, to set cars and buildings on fire, to smash windows and loot stores,
to block traffic and attack motorists too stupid to avoid the hornet's nest, to firebomb, to sucker punch old white people, to see a thousand lower tier celebrities get face time in the media piggy backing this movement, a hundred thousand preachy op-eds and too many calls to de-fund cops etc.

Anybody and everybody can join the fray. The white patriarchy police state is an easy target to hate and
attack. We all know that. So what? Were there truly remorseful people just out to denounce the crime of a few Minneapolis cops? Probably. Were they lost in a tsunami of hate and crime and the actions of nefarious
interlopers? Undoubtedly.

Antifa, anarchist, commies, far left extremist, the alt right, white supremacists are used as scapegoats to direct attention away the protests because most of what is being protested are problems we don't really want to address for various reasons.
If the problem is evil over zealous cops then I believe that problem is being addressed in many
many places. The larger problem of white people themselves requires more study and time.

Framing the unrest as caused solely by outside agitators suggests that the protesters involved in social change movements are carrying out someone else's nefarious agenda, rather than mobilizing over legitimate concerns of their own.
You could have saved yourself lots of time if you had made this point first (the trouble
is most certainly NOT caused by outside agitators solely) but you seem to love your own words so much.
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"The rumors followed what has become a nationwide pattern of unfounded speculation about roaming bands of ā€œantifaā€ ā€” short for antifascist ā€” destroying towns under the pretext of Black Lives Matter protests. The whispers frequently center on ā€œbusloadsā€ of outside infiltrators and often inspire heavily armed counter-protesters to stand guard."
What an appropriately named site you got this stuff from (talking points memo).
You take one incident, which we will accept only for purposes of this post, and turn it into a nationwide witch hunt for Antifa scum, to make a duplicitous case for conservative paranoia (after the idiocy that's going on in Seattle at the moment I would say some of these people in small town rural Washington, who have been threatened by "protestors" with reprisals have a right to be wary).

This is all red meat for none too honest leftist propagandists.

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