An Open Letter To Chief Justice John Roberts


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
An Open Letter To Chief Justice John Roberts

Dubya appointed you to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court after research by members of his staff found your record of constitutional interpretations demonstrated the necessary flexibility to suit the GOP’s requirements.

While you haven’t been a completely devoted puppet to the Republican Party,‭ ‬your influence over the other conservatives in the Court have produced rulings seriously detrimental to the American people as a whole.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬the correct people did receive tremendous benefit from these rulings,‭ ‬but consistently serving the few at the expense of‭ ‬330‭ ‬million Americans is creating long-term problems that will effect many future generations negatively.

But, everyone understands those rulings have been etched into stone,‭ ‬so cannot be changed.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬you will soon be handed the responsibility to decide the short term future of the United States.‭ ‬Additionally,‭ ‬by presiding over Moscow Mitch’s pretend‭ “‬trial‭” ‬for the impeached president trump,‭ ‬you proved your loyalty to him,‭ ‬and protected his presidency.

As Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,‭ ‬you welcomed the corrupt clowns he sent to sit beside you on the bench.‭ ‬The USSC will soon hear the many unwarranted cases brought against swing states‭’ ‬election results.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬given your history of‭ “‬flexible‭” ‬interpretations of the Constitution,‭ ‬Justice Thomas‭’ ‬record of,‭ “‬Doing what da white folk tell me,‭”‬,‭ ‬and the three corrupt clowns the impeached president sent you to protect his reelection,‭ ‬you must consider your choices carefully.

‭“‬Status Quo Joe‭” ‬Biden has been a loyal friend of the Republican Party for nearly fifty years.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬knowing Joe Biden like you do,‭ ‬is it worth adding to the massive death and destruction already caused the American people by four years of the impeached president trump and his corrupt swamp rats,‭ ‬just so he can brag about keeping the White House‭ ‬2020‭?

If that argument doesn’t sway your decision,‭ ‬perhaps this will.‭ ‬In‭ ‬2024,‭ ‬after Vice President Kamala Harris has finished out the final weeks,‭ ‬months,‭ ‬or years of Joe Biden’s first term,‭ ‬just think how fired up the white working class will be.‭ ‬White Republican voters,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬white,‭ ‬working class male Democrats will again want an old white man in the White House.‭ ‬The GOP can run any old,‭ ‬white,‭ ‬Republican man against Kamala Harris in‭ ‬2024,‭ ‬and win back the White House for eight years,‭ ‬minimum.

The Republicans‭’ ‬success in‭ ‬2024‭ ‬rides on your decision, to keep the incompetence of the impeached president trump four more years,‭ ‬or,‭ ‬give the presidency to Biden. You,‭ can‬ trade the next four years for,‭ ‬at least,‭ ‬eight years in‭ ‬2024.‭ ‬Yes, the RWNJs will scream bloody murder for the next few weeks,‭ ‬but they will love the conservatives in the USSC forever after‭ ‬2024.

This is very serious did the OP saying President Biden might be assassinated, by Democrats ?
The court is pretty young right now. I suspect they understand that siding with Team Tramp would render future electoral contests unworkable; a precedent that they will rue during the remainder of their perhaps short careers.

To put it plainly, if the Union dissolves because the most populous states--who produce most of the GDP are devoid of representation in the Federal government, then the lot of them are out of a job.
Sooo, the Moon Bats don't want the Court to rectify the fraudulent votes?


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