The greater detriment to the U.S....racism, minority criminality or illegal immigrants?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Our government has been distracted by what honestly amounts to "current events".
Comparing the magnitude of these "events" to other "happenings" in the U.S. is like comparing the gnat on the elephants ass to the
Let's talk about this and consider social and economic impact.
Let's also set emotions aside and use our head on this one.
Whatta ya say?
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Explain minority criminality? Seems to me while blacks have the most numbers per capita, there are sure a lot of white people who are real fucks. Plenty of brown too.

At any rate, of your choices, I'd say:
1. crime
2. illegals
3. racism

Racism is a crutch. It's a fabrication to gain power, which brings me to our biggest domestic threat, and that's the left.
Libtard racism creates black crime and illegal immigration.

Libtards teach blacks to be angry brats and hate whites, and thus criminals. Libtards want to expand incentives to illegal immigrants because they're mostly non-white.
Explain minority criminality? Seems to me while blacks have the most numbers per capita, there are sure a lot of white people who are real fucks. Plenty of brown too.

At any rate, of your choices, I'd say:
1. crime
2. illegals
3. racism

Racism is a crutch. It's a fabrication to gain power, which brings me to our biggest domestic threat, and that's the left.

No need to try and "polish" this is what it is.
"Explain minority criminality?"
Minorities have taken over metropolitan cities through criminal activity. The crime rates in nearly all predominately minority communities is off the charts.
Afro American crime is way, way more of a problem than Islamic terrorism. Cities are destroyed not by Darkie Muslims driving a van, but tens of thousands of Afro American rapists, murderers and robbers, who get free stuff from democrats so they never have to actually work a day in their useless lives!
Explain minority criminality? Seems to me while blacks have the most numbers per capita, there are sure a lot of white people who are real fucks. Plenty of brown too.

At any rate, of your choices, I'd say:
1. crime
2. illegals
3. racism

Racism is a crutch. It's a fabrication to gain power, which brings me to our biggest domestic threat, and that's the left.

No need to try and "polish" this is what it is.
"Explain minority criminality?"
Minorities have taken over metropolitan cities through criminal activity. The crime rates in nearly all predominately minority communities is off the charts.

I agree to extent, but it's the result of bad people AND liberal policy. The majority of those policy makers are white. And still, white people commit plenty of crime. Fucks come in all colors.
I would think minority criminality is the most immediate, existential threat to the average, everyday
Explain minority criminality? Seems to me while blacks have the most numbers per capita, there are sure a lot of white people who are real fucks. Plenty of brown too.

At any rate, of your choices, I'd say:
1. crime
2. illegals
3. racism

Racism is a crutch. It's a fabrication to gain power, which brings me to our biggest domestic threat, and that's the left.

No need to try and "polish" this is what it is.
"Explain minority criminality?"
Minorities have taken over metropolitan cities through criminal activity. The crime rates in nearly all predominately minority communities is off the charts.

I agree to extent, but it's the result of bad people AND liberal policy. The majority of those policy makers are white. And still, white people commit plenty of crime. Fucks come in all colors.

Well, we've all been victims of Liberal policy...but that hasn't turned me into a I've never seen a Politician hold a person at gunpoint and force them to commit crime.
"Fucks come in all colors."
I won't debate that...we have plenty of white piece of shits...Filth is not a color.
"And still, white people commit plenty of crime."
With 70+% of the nation being white there will be "white"'s the numbers game. Smart people use per capita factoring for data analysis.
We tend to prioritize our problems based on magnitude and if you look at the scale of minority crime vs. white crime it's pretty clear where our energy should be directed.
The bottom line....more minorities = more crime = more welfare dependency = mass community and property degradation...etc etc
Liberals should turn their fabricated outrage from the small stuff and exhaust all effort dealing with REAL problems like stopping the minority populations from growing in this nation...the numbers don't lie people...they seem SO concerned about the well being of this nation it only makes since...right?
The government chugs along like it always did. It was the media that was distracted by "current events" and tried to use them to undermine the Trump administration. Where is the governor of Va. in all of this? McAuliffe invited this mess and then failed to protect the citizens but McAuliffe is a democrat so the media blamed Trump.
Explain minority criminality? Seems to me while blacks have the most numbers per capita, there are sure a lot of white people who are real fucks. Plenty of brown too.

At any rate, of your choices, I'd say:
1. crime
2. illegals
3. racism

Racism is a crutch. It's a fabrication to gain power, which brings me to our biggest domestic threat, and that's the left.

The Left makes it nearly impossible to get the statistics on Illegal alien criminality.

1. [While there] "are regular reports of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens – horrific gang-related murders have occurred recently in New York, Washington, D.C., and Houston – but the true crime rate among illegal aliens is not known. Most states do not keep those records for reasons we can only guess, plus there is no way of knowing the real number of illegals in the country."
Derek Hunter - For Democrats, How Many American Victims Are Enough?

2. Check out the Los Angeles Police Department's recent list of "Most Wanted:"

Monarrez, Jesse Enrique

Nistal, Cesar Augusto

Padilla, Jose A.

Reyes, Ramon

Vargas, Victor

Villa, Ruben

Alvarado-Monasterio, Julio Cesar

Araiza, Gustavo

Araujo, Fernando

Avila, Guillermo Lua
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department

Getting the drift???
If your talking what affects your average American most, none of the above, its the laws, rules, regulations, in acted by leaders of both party's paid for by big $ $$$$$$$ political contributions .
If your talking what affects your average American most, none of the above, its the laws, rules, regulations, in acted by leaders of both party's paid for by big $ $$$$$$$ political contributions .

Those laws, rules, and regulations are the tools politicians use to alleviate or exacerbate racism, crime, and illegal immigration. And, mostly, politicians come down on the side of exacerbation, like when they energized both sides in choosing to take down the statue of Lee. Politicians tend to exacerbate all problems because solving problems isn't their goal. Gaining personal wealth and power is their goal.
If your talking what affects your average American most, none of the above, its the laws, rules, regulations, in acted by leaders of both party's paid for by big $ $$$$$$$ political contributions .

Hmmm....none of what you mentioned ever stopped me from going to school, getting an education, staying ambitious, building wealth and respecting law and order nor did it ever create any shortcomings for me. I don't think those things should cause chaos and lawlessness?
Can you maybe explain further?
Explain minority criminality? Seems to me while blacks have the most numbers per capita, there are sure a lot of white people who are real fucks. Plenty of brown too.

At any rate, of your choices, I'd say:
1. crime
2. illegals
3. racism

Racism is a crutch. It's a fabrication to gain power, which brings me to our biggest domestic threat, and that's the left.

The Left makes it nearly impossible to get the statistics on Illegal alien criminality.

1. [While there] "are regular reports of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens – horrific gang-related murders have occurred recently in New York, Washington, D.C., and Houston – but the true crime rate among illegal aliens is not known. Most states do not keep those records for reasons we can only guess, plus there is no way of knowing the real number of illegals in the country."
Derek Hunter - For Democrats, How Many American Victims Are Enough?

2. Check out the Los Angeles Police Department's recent list of "Most Wanted:"

Monarrez, Jesse Enrique

Nistal, Cesar Augusto

Padilla, Jose A.

Reyes, Ramon

Vargas, Victor

Villa, Ruben

Alvarado-Monasterio, Julio Cesar

Araiza, Gustavo

Araujo, Fernando

Avila, Guillermo Lua
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department

Getting the drift???

But, but, but...there must be a flaw in your research data. Most Hispanics I know are REAL pillars in their communities! Hahaha
Explain minority criminality? Seems to me while blacks have the most numbers per capita, there are sure a lot of white people who are real fucks. Plenty of brown too.

At any rate, of your choices, I'd say:
1. crime
2. illegals
3. racism

Racism is a crutch. It's a fabrication to gain power, which brings me to our biggest domestic threat, and that's the left.

The Left makes it nearly impossible to get the statistics on Illegal alien criminality.

1. [While there] "are regular reports of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens – horrific gang-related murders have occurred recently in New York, Washington, D.C., and Houston – but the true crime rate among illegal aliens is not known. Most states do not keep those records for reasons we can only guess, plus there is no way of knowing the real number of illegals in the country."
Derek Hunter - For Democrats, How Many American Victims Are Enough?

2. Check out the Los Angeles Police Department's recent list of "Most Wanted:"

Monarrez, Jesse Enrique

Nistal, Cesar Augusto

Padilla, Jose A.

Reyes, Ramon

Vargas, Victor

Villa, Ruben

Alvarado-Monasterio, Julio Cesar

Araiza, Gustavo

Araujo, Fernando

Avila, Guillermo Lua
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department

Getting the drift???

But, but, but...there must be a flaw in your research data. Most Hispanics I know are REAL pillars in their communities! Hahaha

But I don't mean to single out Hispanics as a detriment to our nation...

Rather, my premise is that the Democrats couldn't care less who gets.....sneaks...into our nation, nor even the effect of those they invite in.

Another example?
While the reason that Democrats love or otherwise, is that they desire the votes.....there is a corollary to the immigration tale.
Unrestrained immigration is deleterious to the American culture.

Many....or most.....of the cultures that Democrats entice into flooding these shores are corrupt, and based on illegality. In other words, the more third world immigration, the less principled our society will be.

As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.

Why is this an example of a change in society for the worse? Nigeria is a criminal society, from internet scams, car-theft, piracy and kidnapping. There are more Nigerians in American than there are in any other country in the world...except Nigeria.

".... the so-called Nigerian 419 scam, named after the fraud section of the Nigerian penal code, never turns out that way.... The 419 scam reached such epidemic proportions in recent years that Congress proposed legislation, the State Department issued travel warnings and the Secret Service launched "Operation 419" to fight a scourge that has cost Americans at minimum $100 Daniel J. Smith, associate professor and chair of anthropology at Brown University, spent years in Nigeria observing the 419 scam up close, insights he shares in his book, "A Culture of Corruption: Everyday Deception and Popular Discontent in Nigeria." million."

a. "The Nigerian mafia is well organized and sophisticated. Investigators have uncovered 'classes' where earlier Nigerian settlers train newcomers to the U.S. in the subtle arts of credit card, banking and insurance fraud and keep up to date on new techniques. " The Social Contract - The Nigerian Crime Network

b. And, of course, .... "In Mexico, every transaction between a citizen and a government official involves a cash bribe."
Coulter, "Adios, America: The Left's Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hellhole"

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