The Great White Hope.

There isn't a nation in existence today that didn't steal it from someone before them, so you're weak attempt at a witty anecdote has fallen flat.

Out of curiosity, what race are you?

I am a Black man, and please give me the name of the Black country that stole a country ; and I do not consider Blacks in the country of Africa , who steal land in Africa, as stealing from another country.
please be consistent/logical/not stupid:---Africa is a continent-not a country
..if you are saying blacks didn't go to another continent , say so
..if you followed the thread, you would see my post about how they couldn't go to another continent and steal because they didn't have the intelligence/technology.....NOT because they didn't have the will

They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
commit murder at a rate MANY times higher than whites
commit more rape per capita
graduate at lower levels
that's just the US
I've linked how sub Sahara Africa is a shithole...high illiteracy/poverty/starvation...low access to water!
all FACTS-TRUTH...linked and documented

you say whitey is bad?????!!!!??? with no evidence!!!!
do you see how ridiculous your argument is?
Have you noticed the stigma that exist in some White people, they have a mental picture of what a real super hero looks like. We were raised up as children always watching the media's idea of a super hero, and it was always the White man. Tarzan, superman, batman; all white men. When the picture needed a savior, it was always the White man who was the strong smart super person. He was the hero, he always got the woman and saved the day. Even in religious pictures, Jesus was always White, and all the biblical characters were White, never any Black representation in the bible.

This encourages the stigma of the Great White Hope, and belittles all other races; this enters the consciousness of White people and effects them in varying ways of means, ways that go deep into their very being and takes residence in their inner minds. Sometimes they are aware its there, often not. So they look for White Men and Women to be our great leaders; look at how they opposed President Obama and are trying to wipe his name out of American history. Strike his name from the stone.

The Great White Hope; the savior; the best; the superior;

The reality that we have to deal with daily. The obstruction of races in all the ways the conscious can manipulate.

Lol, the things racists will say always surprises me.

You ignore the fact that the villain is almost always white as well. NEVER has the villain been black. It's entirely because of the times and in those times "minority" meant minority, and "majority" meant majority, but I'm sure your racist little mind cannot understand that.
Have you noticed the stigma that exist in some White people, they have a mental picture of what a real super hero looks like. We were raised up as children always watching the media's idea of a super hero, and it was always the White man. Tarzan, superman, batman; all white men. When the picture needed a savior, it was always the White man who was the strong smart super person. He was the hero, he always got the woman and saved the day. Even in religious pictures, Jesus was always White, and all the biblical characters were White, never any Black representation in the bible.

This encourages the stigma of the Great White Hope, and belittles all other races; this enters the consciousness of White people and effects them in varying ways of means, ways that go deep into their very being and takes residence in their inner minds. Sometimes they are aware its there, often not. So they look for White Men and Women to be our great leaders; look at how they opposed President Obama and are trying to wipe his name out of American history. Strike his name from the stone.

The Great White Hope; the savior; the best; the superior;

The reality that we have to deal with daily. The obstruction of races in all the ways the conscious can manipulate.

Lol, the things racists will say always surprises me.

You ignore the fact that the villain is almost always white as well. NEVER has the villain been black. It's entirely because of the times and in those times "minority" meant minority, and "majority" meant majority, but I'm sure your racist little mind cannot understand that.

My mind is far more than you know, but its White to belittle the minds of others; classic Whitey. You want the people to think White is always right. That's why I like opposing Whitey; I just like doing it from time to time.

What's it feel like to have to deal with it?
I am a Black man, and please give me the name of the Black country that stole a country ; and I do not consider Blacks in the country of Africa , who steal land in Africa, as stealing from another country.
please be consistent/logical/not stupid:---Africa is a continent-not a country
..if you are saying blacks didn't go to another continent , say so
..if you followed the thread, you would see my post about how they couldn't go to another continent and steal because they didn't have the intelligence/technology.....NOT because they didn't have the will

They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
commit murder at a rate MANY times higher than whites
commit more rape per capita
graduate at lower levels
that's just the US
I've linked how sub Sahara Africa is a shithole...high illiteracy/poverty/starvation...low access to water!
all FACTS-TRUTH...linked and documented

you say whitey is bad?????!!!!??? with no evidence!!!!
do you see how ridiculous your argument is?

You yourself are enough evidence for me; how you behave is enough evidence against Whitey.
When will the negro just go away?

Your race is destined to be a minority in America , so we darker people are destined to not go away; What's it feel like to know that?

What's it feel like Whitey?
I am a Black man, and please give me the name of the Black country that stole a country ; and I do not consider Blacks in the country of Africa , who steal land in Africa, as stealing from another country.
please be consistent/logical/not stupid:---Africa is a continent-not a country
..if you are saying blacks didn't go to another continent , say so
..if you followed the thread, you would see my post about how they couldn't go to another continent and steal because they didn't have the intelligence/technology.....NOT because they didn't have the will

They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.
You never address the destruction caused by the black man.

I have addressed it for many years, just not here.

Here, its Whitey land, and your fresh pickings. What's it feel like to have to read it so much?
The Great White Hope, the stigma all the world is suffering from now. As the Whites spread their ways and means, the need to prop up their race more each year to keep the myth of superiority and super intelligence. Trying to let the world know that they are the Great hope of humanity, when really God has used them to cause confusion and racism throughout the world.
Whites have sinned. Hence as a punishment the negro has been foisted upon us. True Aryans will form Homelands and live sans the muds.
Have you noticed the stigma that exist in some White people, they have a mental picture of what a real super hero looks like. We were raised up as children always watching the media's idea of a super hero, and it was always the White man. Tarzan, superman, batman; all white men. When the picture needed a savior, it was always the White man who was the strong smart super person. He was the hero, he always got the woman and saved the day. Even in religious pictures, Jesus was always White, and all the biblical characters were White, never any Black representation in the bible.

This encourages the stigma of the Great White Hope, and belittles all other races; this enters the consciousness of White people and effects them in varying ways of means, ways that go deep into their very being and takes residence in their inner minds. Sometimes they are aware its there, often not. So they look for White Men and Women to be our great leaders; look at how they opposed President Obama and are trying to wipe his name out of American history. Strike his name from the stone.

The Great White Hope; the savior; the best; the superior;

The reality that we have to deal with daily. The obstruction of races in all the ways the conscious can manipulate.

Somebody wants to politely disagree.

Have you noticed the stigma that exist in some White people, they have a mental picture of what a real super hero looks like. We were raised up as children always watching the media's idea of a super hero, and it was always the White man. Tarzan, superman, batman; all white men. When the picture needed a savior, it was always the White man who was the strong smart super person. He was the hero, he always got the woman and saved the day. Even in religious pictures, Jesus was always White, and all the biblical characters were White, never any Black representation in the bible.

This encourages the stigma of the Great White Hope, and belittles all other races; this enters the consciousness of White people and effects them in varying ways of means, ways that go deep into their very being and takes residence in their inner minds. Sometimes they are aware its there, often not. So they look for White Men and Women to be our great leaders; look at how they opposed President Obama and are trying to wipe his name out of American history. Strike his name from the stone.

The Great White Hope; the savior; the best; the superior;

The reality that we have to deal with daily. The obstruction of races in all the ways the conscious can manipulate.
some of the best CRAP I've ever read
Theyre haunted by their own irrelevance on the planet.

No, were haunted by your race's belief of relevance on the planet, yea, even the Universe. Your ego's are legendary in selfishness.
it's always the whites that help the blacks in Africa
Somalia was a perfect example..they couldn't even feed themselves
the whites helping in many refugee camps in Africa
many white doctors/dentists/etc going to Africa to help
In 2012, the United States provided nearly $12 billion in official development assistance (“ODA”) to African nations.
US Foreign Aid to Africa: What We Give and Why
plus the private donations/help
please be consistent/logical/not stupid:---Africa is a continent-not a country
..if you are saying blacks didn't go to another continent , say so
..if you followed the thread, you would see my post about how they couldn't go to another continent and steal because they didn't have the intelligence/technology.....NOT because they didn't have the will

They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
commit murder at a rate MANY times higher than whites
commit more rape per capita
graduate at lower levels
that's just the US
I've linked how sub Sahara Africa is a shithole...high illiteracy/poverty/starvation...low access to water!
all FACTS-TRUTH...linked and documented

you say whitey is bad?????!!!!??? with no evidence!!!!
do you see how ridiculous your argument is?

You yourself are enough evidence for me; how you behave is enough evidence against Whitey.
me? me? stating facts is ''evil''??
the truth hurts--yes? '''how I behave'''--please be specific...what have I done??
They have not went to another continent, as Whites have many times. And they have the technology now, but not the will. Its no telling when Whites will steal again. They are the thieves of modern history.
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
commit murder at a rate MANY times higher than whites
commit more rape per capita
graduate at lower levels
that's just the US
I've linked how sub Sahara Africa is a shithole...high illiteracy/poverty/starvation...low access to water!
all FACTS-TRUTH...linked and documented

you say whitey is bad?????!!!!??? with no evidence!!!!
do you see how ridiculous your argument is?

You yourself are enough evidence for me; how you behave is enough evidence against Whitey.
me? me? stating facts is ''evil''??
the truth hurts--yes? '''how I behave'''--please be specific...what have I done??

Your arrogant, like your people. Notice this list or two, how Whites dominate it; written by a White person;

The 10 Most Egotistical People In History - Sputnik Music Forums
some of the best CRAP I've ever read
Theyre haunted by their own irrelevance on the planet.

No, were haunted by your race's belief of relevance on the planet, yea, even the Universe. Your ego's are legendary in selfishness.
it's always the whites that help the blacks in Africa
Somalia was a perfect example..they couldn't even feed themselves
the whites helping in many refugee camps in Africa
many white doctors/dentists/etc going to Africa to help
In 2012, the United States provided nearly $12 billion in official development assistance (“ODA”) to African nations.
US Foreign Aid to Africa: What We Give and Why
plus the private donations/help

I think Whites have been among the most giving people on earth, especially the Catholics in the 60's and 70's. I wonder how much you have given?
Most of the thieving done in my town are done by blacks. I don't blame an entire race, even if the majority of current violent crimes are committed by one race. Why do you blame all or majority of whites?

Because I know the truth about your race, and what you have done to all other races in America. That truth has set my conscious mind free of the seduction from the White mind. White people are the most selfish high minded race I have ever been exposed to. They changed this world and are a very present danger to it. White people are more dangerous than terrorist in my view. A very dangerous White man holds the nuclear codes in his hands now. And in my view, he is a war monger. And he got that tendency from the White consciousness that has been passed down through the generations of our history.

You will all see, the White man is destined to rape this planet. There are not enough good genes in the Whites to stop it. There are good White people, just not enough of them. Your race is not yet done with destruction.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
commit murder at a rate MANY times higher than whites
commit more rape per capita
graduate at lower levels
that's just the US
I've linked how sub Sahara Africa is a shithole...high illiteracy/poverty/starvation...low access to water!
all FACTS-TRUTH...linked and documented

you say whitey is bad?????!!!!??? with no evidence!!!!
do you see how ridiculous your argument is?

You yourself are enough evidence for me; how you behave is enough evidence against Whitey.
me? me? stating facts is ''evil''??
the truth hurts--yes? '''how I behave'''--please be specific...what have I done??

Your arrogant, like your people. Notice this list or two, how Whites dominate it; written by a White person;

The 10 Most Egotistical People In History - Sputnik Music Forums
really? for stating facts? calling out the lies?

  1. having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.
I don't see anything about stating facts/truth in that definition

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