The great vaccination farce: Twice vaccinated Boris Johnson ordered to self-isolate


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
American Thinker

The great vaccination farce: Twice vaccinated Boris Johnson ordered to self-isolate​

By Vasko Kohlmayer

July 21, 2021


Boris Johnson has been ordered to self-isolate… again. The isolation order, however, was not issued because Johnson contracted the virus. Rather he has been sent packing to his country house, because he came into proximity of an individual who tested positive for Covid.

You may well wonder why the British Prime Minister has been so unceremoniously put away given that he should be safe from the virus. If you did not know, in addition to having overcome the infection, Boris has received his two jabs earlier this year and upon accomplishing the feat urged everyone else to do likewise. The promise was that by getting the shots we will be kept safe from the Covid scourge, and our lives will finally return to normal.

Well, it is apparently not true as the case of Johnson clearly demonstrates. It also shows that the powers that be have no confidence in the efficacy of the vaccines to protect their recipients from the virus.



You would think the PM wouldn't get sick because he is vaccinated and has beaten the China virus infection months ago. But apparently they lack confidence in the Vaccine after all.

Dr. Wittkowski received his PhD in computer science from the University of Stuttgart and his ScD (Habilitation) in Medical Biometry from the Eberhard-Karls-University Tuüingen, both Germany. He worked for 15 years with Klaus Dietz, a leading epidemiologist who coined the term “reproduction number”, on the Epidemiology of HIV before heading for 20 years the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University, New York. Dr. Wittkowski is currently the CEO of ASDERA LLC, a company discovering novel treatments for complex diseases from data of genome-wide association studies.
This whole pandemic has been a farce. From its origin, to its degree of seriousness, to the way it is transmitted, to its treatments, to lockdowns and what is essential, to its prevention, to vaccine companies trumping all other treatments, to accusations of being a murderer for not getting vaccinated and on and on. Most people don't trust any of the so called professional guidance any more and who could blame them? And people like Fauci keep lying all the way to the bank.
Ignorance about vaccines is kinda amazing as everyone online here has had lots when they were young. Everyone got Polio and see list below for others. In the military they lined us up and gave us shots in both arms. My granddaughter who was a bit premature had several and is an honor student today in HS. Our entire family has been covid-19 vaccinated. Canada is opening soon to the fully vaccinated which is great news, I love much of the Atlantic provinces for camping etc.

'No vaccine can end America’s pandemic of ignorance and irrationality'

'More than 609,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.'

They're setting things up to reinstate the lock downs. There is no reason for someone who has been vaccinated to quarantine because they came in contact with someone who has COVID, unless they are lying about the vaccines efficacy. They have said reinfections are rare and if you do get reinfected it will be a mild case, most people who were infected with COVID had a mild case. So if you have to take the same precautions what's the point of the vaccine?
The AstraZeneca/Oxford vaccine is the vaccine that I personally don't like. Where for the majority of people it will work somewhat and it's better than nothing...but they knew that going in.

Research from SARS and MERS and Ebola all had consistent results with similar formula vaccines. Granted the formula they followed was the best of the lot... none of them were the magic bullet that AstraZeneca has claimed their vaccine to be. On top of this...their trials are a train wreck. Dosages, timing, and general handling of the protocols were not consistent. It's to the point that we aren't really sure it was double blind or if those who got the test vaccine really got the test vaccine or the placebo. It became an example of how NOT to do a study.

And yet Boris took the shots as a publicity stunt. (Trying to save face I reckon)

But now...the variants are running rampant. And a vaccine formula that is only 60-65% field effective for the original is expected to cover for the variants too....that's a stretch. One I'm not going to bet my life on... even if I already had the virus. Because the science shows that natural immunity from having the virus begins to wane after 6months. And those who had it last Fall/Winter are going to get the new model this year.

The mRNA vaccines do seem to be helping against the variants though... time will tell.
American Thinker

The great vaccination farce: Twice vaccinated Boris Johnson ordered to self-isolate​

By Vasko Kohlmayer

July 21, 2021


Boris Johnson has been ordered to self-isolate… again. The isolation order, however, was not issued because Johnson contracted the virus. Rather he has been sent packing to his country house, because he came into proximity of an individual who tested positive for Covid.

You may well wonder why the British Prime Minister has been so unceremoniously put away given that he should be safe from the virus. If you did not know, in addition to having overcome the infection, Boris has received his two jabs earlier this year and upon accomplishing the feat urged everyone else to do likewise. The promise was that by getting the shots we will be kept safe from the Covid scourge, and our lives will finally return to normal.

Well, it is apparently not true as the case of Johnson clearly demonstrates. It also shows that the powers that be have no confidence in the efficacy of the vaccines to protect their recipients from the virus.



You would think the PM wouldn't get sick because he is vaccinated and has beaten the China virus infection months ago. But apparently they lack confidence in the Vaccine after all.

I can see you are another confused yank - doesn't take a lot does it.
In the UK we have a Track 'N' Trace system. If your mobile cell phone comes in contact with the owner of another cell phone who later gets Covid your device will ping and you must self-isolate in case you have picked up the virus from them.

In Johnson's case, he came in contact with the Health Secretary who then tested positive so both had to self-isolate.

Just because you have had a double jab of vaccine doesn't guarantee that you will not get Covid it just makes it less likely. It also makes it far less likely that you will need to be hospitalised or die.

It's not complicated, try putting your brain into gear before shooting your mouth off!
I can see you are another confused yank - doesn't take a lot does it.
In the UK we have a Track 'N' Trace system. If your mobile cell phone comes in contact with the owner of another cell phone who later gets Covid your device will ping and you must self-isolate in case you have picked up the virus from them.

In Johnson's case, he came in contact with the Health Secretary who then tested positive so both had to self-isolate.

Just because you have had a double jab of vaccine doesn't guarantee that you will not get Covid it just makes it less likely. It also makes it far less likely that you will need to be hospitalised or die.

It's not complicated, try putting your brain into gear before shooting your mouth off!

Did you know the word ‘gullible’ isn’t in the dictionary?
I can see you are another confused yank - doesn't take a lot does it.
In the UK we have a Track 'N' Trace system. If your mobile cell phone comes in contact with the owner of another cell phone who later gets Covid your device will ping and you must self-isolate in case you have picked up the virus from them.

In Johnson's case, he came in contact with the Health Secretary who then tested positive so both had to self-isolate.

Just because you have had a double jab of vaccine doesn't guarantee that you will not get Covid it just makes it less likely. It also makes it far less likely that you will need to be hospitalised or die.

It's not complicated, try putting your brain into gear before shooting your mouth off!

Did you even read the article?

The PM had already been sick and recovered from the China Virus, then was FULLY Vaccinated as well, thus should not have to use the mask or be quarantined from others over it anymore.

That is the reality you are fighting.
Ignorance about vaccines is kinda amazing as everyone online here has had lots when they were young. Everyone got Polio and see list below for others. In the military they lined us up and gave us shots in both arms. My granddaughter who was a bit premature had several and is an honor student today in HS. Our entire family has been covid-19 vaccinated. Canada is opening soon to the fully vaccinated which is great news, I love much of the Atlantic provinces for camping etc.

'No vaccine can end America’s pandemic of ignorance and irrationality'

'More than 609,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.'

Your message seems to say get vaccinated or else, yet you also seems to say the vaccines are not protecting you much.

You talk out both sides of your mouth.

The mixed vaccination messages confuses people.
Dr. Wittkowski received his PhD in computer science from the University of Stuttgart and his ScD (Habilitation) in Medical Biometry from the Eberhard-Karls-University Tuüingen, both Germany. He worked for 15 years with Klaus Dietz, a leading epidemiologist who coined the term “reproduction number”, on the Epidemiology of HIV before heading for 20 years the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University, New York. Dr. Wittkowski is currently the CEO of ASDERA LLC, a company discovering novel treatments for complex diseases from data of genome-wide association studies.

Read this again.....,

"ScD (Habilitation) in Medical Biometry from the Eberhard-Karls-University Tuüingen, both Germany. He worked for 15 years with Klaus Dietz, a leading epidemiologist who coined the term “reproduction number”, on the Epidemiology of HIV before heading for 20 years the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University, New York."

Meanwhile no counterpoint to the article, thus stands unchallenged.
Ignorance about vaccines is kinda amazing as everyone online here has had lots when they were young. Everyone got Polio and see list below for others. In the military they lined us up and gave us shots in both arms. My granddaughter who was a bit premature had several and is an honor student today in HS. Our entire family has been covid-19 vaccinated. Canada is opening soon to the fully vaccinated which is great news, I love much of the Atlantic provinces for camping etc.

'No vaccine can end America’s pandemic of ignorance and irrationality'

'More than 609,000 people have died from coronavirus in the U.S.'

I see that you can't address the content of the article, that is however typical of you.

Article remains unchallenged.
American Thinker

The great vaccination farce: Twice vaccinated Boris Johnson ordered to self-isolate​

By Vasko Kohlmayer

July 21, 2021


Boris Johnson has been ordered to self-isolate… again. The isolation order, however, was not issued because Johnson contracted the virus. Rather he has been sent packing to his country house, because he came into proximity of an individual who tested positive for Covid.

You may well wonder why the British Prime Minister has been so unceremoniously put away given that he should be safe from the virus. If you did not know, in addition to having overcome the infection, Boris has received his two jabs earlier this year and upon accomplishing the feat urged everyone else to do likewise. The promise was that by getting the shots we will be kept safe from the Covid scourge, and our lives will finally return to normal.

Well, it is apparently not true as the case of Johnson clearly demonstrates. It also shows that the powers that be have no confidence in the efficacy of the vaccines to protect their recipients from the virus.



You would think the PM wouldn't get sick because he is vaccinated and has beaten the China virus infection months ago. But apparently they lack confidence in the Vaccine after all.


Boris is to UK what homO was to us, only Boris has AIDS which is why his immune system is so weak.

UK no longer exists as we know it.

Boris has the spring flu aka the bullshit "delta."

Maybe the reason why the vax does not work is because it is for Covid and Covid left planet earth last summer....

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