The Great 2020 Mystery...Where did Biden Get 10 million More Votes Than Obama?

We have 27 million more people in 2020 than we did in 2008. The real question is....why did Biden ONLY get 10 million more?
Dominion fell asleep.
Dominion went bonk, because the algorithm couldnt keep up with the vote switching and so the progs had to shut the machines down, and bring in trucks full of ballots to cover the rest.

What 'truck loads of ballots'? You mean the truck bringing *food*?
Yes. Food for the hungry ballot counting machines.

So I've heard the story you're mechanically apeing.

But what's its basis?

Your ilk have said a lot of silly shit.

Have patience. Sydney will present her evidence this week.

What evidence?

Also....why wasn't it presented in court? Trump's lawsuits were dismissed for lack of evidence.
Evidence will be presented in court, not on USMB, not on fake news.

Which court. Surely not this one:

Judge Matthew Brann said:

So which court are you referring to?

She hasn't said but it will be announced soon.

So its been presented in no actual courts then. And she won't turn over to any law enforcement agency. Or any court. Or even Tucker Carlson.

And she won't tell you where the 'evidence' is, when it will be presented, or to whom.

It surprises no one that the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics do NOT understand an increased voter turnout for this election. Unlike you RWNJs, rational Americans saw the damage the impeached president trump was causing, and understood how much more disastrous his second term would be.
That's some real interesting bullshit but it still does not account for ten million more votes than Barack
Obama got.

How 'bout the fact that 20 to 30 million MORE VOTES WERE CAST OVERALL, ya flaming dickhead?

Soooooooo, you believe a rich old white guy with dementia that had 2 brain surgery's and 2 failed presidential attempts that ran a campaign out of his basement generated more enthusiasm than voting for the 1st black president?
There's a flaming dickhead on your mirror. Go take a peek.

I didn't post jack shit about "enthusiasm". You did that.

While you're smashing your mirror be sure to point that out.
Well , you do have to give credit to Andy Cujo of NY along with other prog masters, who murdered the elderly in the 10s of thousands. Since the elderly were up in the blue states that got bumped off, the elderly down here in Florida when for Republicans, because Ron Desantis kept them alive.

Exactly, and when you consider Covid killed mostly elderly Americans, it tilts that scale even more, especially given the fact over 270,000 have died from it.
Are you high? The DOW topped 30K as soon as it became apparent that Biden had won. The economy is primed to go into overdrive, after the uncertainty of the Trump years.

There is nothing apparent. The good news of vaccines is what gave investors confidence. Trump even today vowed to fight on. Now we have three made in the US that may be ready in two months.


Actually, that's Trump's own cyber security experts you're quoting:

"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history."

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Actually, that was a clip from CNN back in 2002, when strange voting irregularities occurred in representative Cynthia McKinney's primary run for her seat in Georgia. Back then, the corporate press seemed to think it was an issue. HBO even has a documentary on it.

Now. . . whether there is a government agency that now says it is, or isn't a problem with out even looking at the source code? And who the members of this board are, and what their interests are, and how they are connected to these hard-ware and soft-ware companies? Frankly, I don't give a shit who won. I've known about this issue since 2002, it's why I don't vote, BECAUSE I KNOW OUR VOTES DON'T MEAN SHIT RIGHT NOW. If you want to believe some bureaucrat, . . . "because he says so?" That's your business. I don't trust Trump, nor do I trust the other side. It's all bullshit.

That's some real interesting bullshit but it still does not account for ten million more votes than Barack
Obama got.

Biden, who barely even campaigned...pulls down 10 million more votes than Obama at the top of his game filling stadiums with 10's of thousands of people? :eusa_think: The Dem election fraud was off the charts.
It surprises no one that the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics do NOT understand an increased voter turnout for this election. Unlike you RWNJs, rational Americans saw the damage the impeached president trump was causing, and understood how much more disastrous his second term would be.

Yeah we saw it at Biden's rallies that only the media showed up for.
It surprises no one that the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics do NOT understand an increased voter turnout for this election. Unlike you RWNJs, rational Americans saw the damage the impeached president trump was causing, and understood how much more disastrous his second term would be.

Yeah we saw it at Biden's rallies that only the media showed up for.

Biden's win doesn't pass the smell test and is so over the top the fraud is shockingly glaring.

Actually, that's Trump's own cyber security experts you're quoting:

"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history."

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Actually, that was a clip from CNN back in 2002, when strange voting irregularities occurred in representative Cynthia McKinney's primary run for her seat in Georgia. Back then, the corporate press seemed to think it was an issue. HBO even has a documentary on it.

Now. . . whether there is a government agency that now says it is, or isn't a problem with out even looking at the source code? And who the members of this board are, and what their interests are, and how they are connected to these hard-ware and soft-ware companies? Frankly, I don't give a shit who won. I've known about this issue since 2002, it's why I don't vote, BECAUSE I KNOW OUR VOTES DON'T MEAN SHIT RIGHT NOW.

The problem with your assessment is.......your imagination isn't knowledge.

So you imagine that your vote doesn't mean anything. And that's why you don't vote.

Your imagination is robbing you of your vote.

Actually, that's Trump's own cyber security experts you're quoting:

"The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history."

Elections Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council & the Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Executive Committees

Actually, that was a clip from CNN back in 2002, when strange voting irregularities occurred in representative Cynthia McKinney's primary run for her seat in Georgia. Back then, the corporate press seemed to think it was an issue. HBO even has a documentary on it.

Now. . . whether there is a government agency that now says it is, or isn't a problem with out even looking at the source code? And who the members of this board are, and what their interests are, and how they are connected to these hard-ware and soft-ware companies? Frankly, I don't give a shit who won. I've known about this issue since 2002, it's why I don't vote, BECAUSE I KNOW OUR VOTES DON'T MEAN SHIT RIGHT NOW.

The problem with your assessment is.......your imagination isn't knowledge.

So you imagine that your vote doesn't mean anything. And that's why you don't vote.

Your imagination is robbing you of your vote.

Nah, it's not my imagination, it is my absolute positive knowledge.

It surprises no one that the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics do NOT understand an increased voter turnout for this election. Unlike you RWNJs, rational Americans saw the damage the impeached president trump was causing, and understood how much more disastrous his second term would be.

Yeah we saw it at Biden's rallies that only the media showed up for.

Biden's win doesn't pass the smell test and is so over the top the fraud is shockingly glaring.

It surprises no one that the impeached president trump's devoted fanatics do NOT understand an increased voter turnout for this election. Unlike you RWNJs, rational Americans saw the damage the impeached president trump was causing, and understood how much more disastrous his second term would be.

Yeah we saw it at Biden's rallies that only the media showed up for.

Biden's win doesn't pass the smell test and is so over the top the fraud is shockingly glaring.

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Are you really that dense or just a troll? I was talking about the "stock market rally" that started during the Obama administration, which Trump took credit for despite having nothing to do with it.

I think the corporate tax reductions, tax reductions of wealthy people, removing business regulations, creating a policy that for every new business regulation made, two had to be removed in it's place, rescinding Commie Care mandates did have something to do with the economy.
Biden pulled more votes from a larger voter pool. There were 27 million more Americans in 2020 than in 2008.

Biden pulled a larger slice from a larger pie.

As I posted earlier, in 2018, there were 153 million registered voters. This election, 153.8 voted.

Given the fact our population did grow, we have to consider how many of those people in that growth were under the age of 18 who could not vote, how many were illegals who could not vote, how many of the adults registered to vote, we have a 100% or near 100% voter turnout. That's not possible and has never happened in modern times.

Nobody can tell me nothing was wrong in this election.
Biden pulled more votes from a larger voter pool. There were 27 million more Americans in 2020 than in 2008.

Biden pulled a larger slice from a larger pie.

As I posted earlier, in 2018, there were 153 million registered voters. This election, 153.8 voted.

Given the fact our population did grow, we have to consider how many of those people in that growth were under the age of 18 who could not vote, how many were illegals who could not vote, how many of the adults registered to vote, we have a 100% or near 100% voter turnout. That's not possible and has never happened in modern times.

Nobody can tell me nothing was wrong in this election.
Nobody is right
Biden pulled more votes from a larger voter pool. There were 27 million more Americans in 2020 than in 2008.

Biden pulled a larger slice from a larger pie.

As I posted earlier, in 2018, there were 153 million registered voters. This election, 153.8 voted.

Given the fact our population did grow, we have to consider how many of those people in that growth were under the age of 18 who could not vote, how many were illegals who could not vote, how many of the adults registered to vote, we have a 100% or near 100% voter turnout. That's not possible and has never happened in modern times.

Or....the number of registered voters went up. Which we can demonstrably prove.

Take...Wisconsin. In 2018 there were 3,129,000 registered voters. In 2020, there were 3,684,726. That's an increase of 17% in only 2 years.

And the number of voters also shot up. In 2018, there were about 2.7 million votes. In 2020, there were about 3.3 million. And increase of 22% on only 2 years.

Voter registration and total votes cast also increased in Michigan, California, Texas, New York, Florida, Georgia, virtually every state.

Why wouldn't there be higher vote totals with so many more registered voters and votes cast?

Nobody can tell me nothing was wrong in this election.

Sure they can. I just did.

The question is....will you listen?

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