The GOP can only win through gerrymandeing

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
As we see below, the GOP is unfairly using its power in the state legislature to redistrict the state of NY to gain seats in the house.
It's the only way they can win, and they know it.

As we see below, the GOP is unfairly using its power in the state legislature to redistrict the state of NY to gain seats in the house.
It's the only way they can win, and they know it.

Bwahahah---NY has lost people in the 2020 census meaning that they must lose seats and must be redrawn. And the dems after screwing over and destroying NY think that the state should be redrawn to help allow them to stay in power. Wait till 2030--if the illegals aren't allowed to stay----lots more seats are going bye bye.
Of course they know it, it's why they do it. That same GOP knowledge is the reason red states have implemented so many voter suppression laws aimed at black and other minority voters.
You post lies with no proof. Voters are all subject to the same laws, duh.

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