The GOP and the misuse of the term "benefits"

The unaffordable health care act will be repealed in full. Even dems are beginning to distance themselves from it, and don't want to be seen with the kenyan marxist.

Another 45,000,000 people will be losing their health care later this year, which will cause dems to lose by historic proportions in November. My guess is that a full repeal will be voted on by a veto proof majority. The kenyan's socialist wet dream of controlling people by controlling health care is going to come crashing down like the monumental disaster it is, and will be nothing more than a foot note even before Barry Soetoro leaves office.

Sorry... libtards... but it's coming, and you know it.

You know I am thinking theb same thing you are. When the cons take the senate in November they just might get a veto proof majority and get rid of Obama care.
Millions have already lost their healthcare due to obamacare. But then again, this is rdean' alice in wonderland world.

Yea, 50 dollar a month healthcare without hospital or maternity that let's you see a doctor, what? Three times a year? We call that a "scam".

Your kind call it a "good deal".

Love the gay icon that's your avatar.

Yes, one of my favorite actresses along with vivian leigh and ingrid bergman.
Then they can get better care, with transparent competion, on the internet. Even the employers can, for them. BFD. MACHO CONSERVATIVES TURN OUT TO BE SUCH SCARED PUSSIES.
Yea right you ever pulled out a tooth in your head with just a lether man multi tool and
Vodka? I did... you ever stich up a deep wound with super glue and fishing wire ? I did.... fuck quacks.
I Fucking hate quacks with a passion when they wanted me and my wife at the time wanted to abort. My now 17 year old healthy daughter. .... fuck them
You are such an intellectual "lightweight", Deanie! Let me see if I can explain this in terms that even YOU can grasp!

If you're making $20,500 a year and realize that if you were making less than $20,000 a year that you would qualify for large subsidies to your healthcare costs would you or wouldn't you want to make "less pay"?

Take your time and think about it, Deanie...I know this complicated stuff confuses you.

Try to wrap your tiny pointed mind around this. People making that little don't have health care now. Duh! They want every cent they can get. Duh! They aren't going to try to earn less, especially if they aren't sick. Duh!

Somehow, even that very easy and tiny point to understand is much to big for you to wrap your tiny mind around.

Couldn't figure it out...could ya', little buddy? I know this is a toughie for liberals like yourself but if they earn LESS...they actually end up spending less because it makes them eligible for subsidies. If they earn MORE...then they end up spending more because they no longer are eligible for subsidized health care. They will also most likely be losing their food stamps and possibly their subsidized housing. What you do with your progressive policies is encourage people NOT to earn more money.

Either that or go underground with their earnings...working for undeclared cash...which means fewer taxes going into the government coffers to pay for all of your freebies.

too bad as a hater dupe, you have no clue as always- There's medicaid for free up to 133 per cent of poverty, then big subsidies that get smaller up to 4x the poverty line. There's no line like the one you speak of...Hater dupes...Food stamps the same thing- there's no line where all of a sudden you get lots of food stamps. People start at like 10 dollars a month, JACKASS. lol
Then they can get better care, with transparent competion, on the internet. Even the employers can, for them. BFD. MACHO CONSERVATIVES TURN OUT TO BE SUCH SCARED PUSSIES.
Yea right you ever pulled out a tooth in your head with just a lether man multi tool and
Vodka? I did... you ever stich up a deep wound with super glue and fishing wire ? I did.... fuck quacks.

Well now you'd have health care and could get the stitches...I THINK A LOT OF HATER DUPES WANT THEIR CHILDREN OR THE YOUNGER PEOPLE TO SUFFER AS MUCH AS caps lock...
I watched the same show rdean.
What they were saying was if you work over a certain amount of hours you lose the ACA.
That then gives the incentive to work less hours.
Less hours less pay.

That's just ridiculous. People don't want less pay. This is a right wing fabrication. They may be able to get better coverage with less pay, but they don't want less pay.

It's the ACA which is giving many poor and middle class health care, something they otherwise wouldn't have. Republicans aren't fighting to get more Americans covered, they want fewer covered. That's the heart of the difference between the right and the left on healthcare.

Republicans don't want Americans to have any type of mobility. They want Americans to locked into a job, if they have one, and stay there.
no links?.....must be your opinion then....
So I'm watching Morning Joe and the Republicans on the show are saying that people won't work because of all the benefits they get from Obamacare for not working. That Obamacare reduces the incentive to work by giving you too many "benefits".

Well, for those making that argument, I have a news flash. Healthcare doesn't pay your rent. Doesn't give you food or clothes. People that make the minimum wage don't work to go to the doctor. They don't need to. They can go to the emergency room for 10 to 100 times or more, the cost of just visiting a regular doctor. And if they get to a doctor and have whatever treated BEFORE it becomes serious, that saves tax payers a ton of money.

People actually work for things like food and clothes and a warm and safe place to sleep. Healthcare tends to come in someplace near or at the end.

So the real incentive of Affordable Care is to keep the population healthy so we aren't paying for lots and lots of really sick people. That is such common sense. No matter how the GOP tries, the majority of people will never support "let him die".

And just two days ago, the very same guy was talking about a family with three kids whose parents had quit their jobs they hated to start their own business. The only reason they hadn't done that before was the cost of health care for their three kids. And starting a business is hard work. You put in many more hours than a regular 40 hour a week job. So are these people scamming the system or are they actually adding to the economy?

Republicans start these narratives hoping other Americans think bad about their neighbors. That's the only way they work. They have to get Republicans to despise other Americans.

It seems the GOP wants you "locked" into a job so you can work as much as you can until the day you die.

And the Democrats on the show, like Meeka, are simply in over their heads when confronted by these shysters like Michael Steele and Joe Scarborough. They just sit there looking stupid.

Again and again, America is fooled by Republicans. But it certainly is happening less. That will make the GOP overstep and become truly irrelevant. But it will take even more time as long as the so called "liberal" media keeps giving them a soapbox.

Let me get this straight, you don't think the subsidies the oil companies are supposedly getting, are benefits to the oil companies? I can't wait to hear this one.
Republicans don't want Americans to have any type of mobility. They want Americans to locked into a job, if they have one, and stay there.

The point of neoliberalism is to lower the operating costs of suppliers. A common way to do this is through cheaper labor costs. Part of reducing labor costs is removing rigidities in the labor markets. Rigidities are any factors which locks suppliers into higher wages (costs), like when the labor supply for menial labor goes down (as the CBO predicts because of ObamaCare), thus putting upward pressure on the wages of our poorest workers. By contrast, suppliers make higher profits when there is a limitless supply of exploited, politically disenfranchised workers who are so poor and desperate that they will work for dog shit. The point of Laissez-faire capitalism is to reproduce the political conditions for cheap labor. This is why the US has formed so many tacit partnerships with brutal regimes, many in the global south. (Study Reagan's foreign policy in say Latin America. Start with the book "Empire's Workshop" by Greg Grandin)

The biggest threat to a capitalist supply chain is when a thriving, upwardly mobile middle class (with good health care and affordable education) sprouts up next to a crucial supply chain, thus raising labor costs. When this happens the rigid labor market must be disciplined by having its jobs shipped to the regime of a brutal client state. When this happens on a large scale, the middle class goes into generational decline - and many of its desperate victims fall prey to evangelical hucksters, peddling Hope to the freshly downtrodden. Please pause to consider the faux-patriotism of the Reagan moment in history, a moment that has swallowed us whole. Specifically, please think about how hard the Right sells freedom, religion and patriotism to the heartland serfs . . . while quietly, through its neoliberal labor policies, shipping their jobs to freedom hating nations like Communist China. It's a fucking hoax. And we fell for it.
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You know...............the GOP is totally misrepresenting what the study actually said.

It said that if people are no longer tied into their current jobs because they are scared of losing their healthcare, under an individual plan that goes with them no matter where they are, they will then be able to search for jobs that they REALLY want, start up a business, or simply work less, because they would like to have some kind of family time rather than working 50 to 80 hours a week.

Now......................consider this.....................a business will ALWAYS hire enough people to be able to produce their product, and if some people reduce their hours or go find another job, that company will simply hire some more workers, and business will continue as usual.

Considering that there are lots of people who are still unemployed who would love to have a job, I think that the 2 million jobs that would be vacated would be filled by 2 million others who are currently out of work.

Nope, sorry.......................this is just another fear mongering smoke screen to scare the American people.

Shoot........................some people who quit their jobs to start a business of their own, may come up with the next big thing that puts American innovation up to number one again.
I watched the same show rdean.
What they were saying was if you work over a certain amount of hours you lose the ACA.
That then gives the incentive to work less hours.
Less hours less pay.

That's just ridiculous. People don't want less pay. This is a right wing fabrication. They may be able to get better coverage with less pay, but they don't want less pay.

It's the ACA which is giving many poor and middle class health care, something they otherwise wouldn't have. Republicans aren't fighting to get more Americans covered, they want fewer covered. That's the heart of the difference between the right and the left on healthcare.

Republicans don't want Americans to have any type of mobility. They want Americans to locked into a job, if they have one, and stay there.

If you were able to reduce $850 billion a year spent wastefully in the health care industry..i.e. as attested to by physicians that do this spending.. again these
physicians tell us they KNOW $850 billion is spent wastefully, would you help reduce this?

Remember.. this $850 billion is actual dollars that insurance companies pay out in claims and Medicare pays out in claims.
REAL money for wasteful services that all the insurance companies do is pass on in the form of higher insurance premiums.. i.e. making health insurance more expensive then it needs to be!

Would you work to help reduce this waste???
I watched the same show rdean.
What they were saying was if you work over a certain amount of hours you lose the ACA.
That then gives the incentive to work less hours.
Less hours less pay.

That's just ridiculous. People don't want less pay. This is a right wing fabrication. They may be able to get better coverage with less pay, but they don't want less pay.

It's the ACA which is giving many poor and middle class health care, something they otherwise wouldn't have. Republicans aren't fighting to get more Americans covered, they want fewer covered. That's the heart of the difference between the right and the left on healthcare.

Republicans don't want Americans to have any type of mobility. They want Americans to locked into a job, if they have one, and stay there.

If you were able to reduce $850 billion a year spent wastefully in the health care industry..i.e. as attested to by physicians that do this spending.. again these
physicians tell us they KNOW $850 billion is spent wastefully, would you help reduce this?

Remember.. this $850 billion is actual dollars that insurance companies pay out in claims and Medicare pays out in claims.
REAL money for wasteful services that all the insurance companies do is pass on in the form of higher insurance premiums.. i.e. making health insurance more expensive then it needs to be!

Would you work to help reduce this waste???

Health care companies don't actually "pay" anything. They transfer money from their policy holders from one shell to another. It's all a shell game with them. They don't make anything, they only take. The question is, how much are they allowed to take.

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