The Good News


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
As far as Afghanistan and Joe closing the Crisis Response Bureau this past June, which Trump created last October just for this occasion in case we needed it, an agency intended to greatly help our ability to protect American citizens overseas in connection with overseas evacuations in the aftermath of a natural or man-made disaster, just what we NEED rght now, had Joe not closed that federal agency out of spite for Trump, we wouldn't have 15,000 Americans now stranded over in Afghanistan!

Never mind that the world is stunned by Biden’s apparent lack of a contingency plan or ability to get Americans and their Afghan helpers out of Kabul. Biden’s utter lack of concern and disconnect for those caught up in the mayhem is not only inexcusable, it is shocking to the world leaders who originally rejoiced in his being elected over Trump!

The effort in Afghanistan is a part of a NATO mission, after all, and Biden has chosen to go it alone in extracting the United States unilaterally, in one big finger to our European allies. Joe didn’t even bother to pick up a phone and call any other NATO allies until days after the fact.

So, if Joe doesn't resign (or get impeached) now, he has just KISSED GOODBYE any chances for a reelection!

THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT in 2024, Joe will be in his eighties (80s), and he wasn't going to try to run again anyway. By then, Joe will probably be in a nursing home.


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