The God's Honest Truth


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
In a world free of greed, liberal thinking and political correctness, we would be a hundred years ahead of where we are today. Maybe a thousand.

  • In a world free of liberal thought, when Bell Labs invented the transistor, rather than stupidly GIVE IT AWAY to the world as a product of a public utility, they would have retained the rights to it, licensing its use for a fee in every electronic item in use today for a profit to the United States of a hundred trillion dollars and we would have no national debt and we would all work tax free.
  • In a world free of liberal thought, when IBM developed the personal computer, rather than give it away because after all, WHO would want a computer in their home, they would have licensed it for untold billions of dollars today.
  • In a world free of liberal thought, when video appliances were invented, rather than farm out the making of all TV's, VCR's, and DVD players to Asia for cheap labor, they would have kept the products made here for 100,000 good paying jobs and better products, and China and east Asia would still be a 3rd World Country with people using ox carts instead of a hostile superpower.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, when 9/11 happened, we simply would have nuked the sources of islamic terrorism right there and then, ended the problem before it began, turned them all to glass beads, taken their oil, taught them never to try that again, and saved 16 years of war, 100 billion dollars and 4500 American lives. Same holds true for Iran, ISIS and North Korea. Years and decades of political masturbation and vacillation will end in them becoming nuclear threats and millions dead when we've known for ages that they could have been simple to stop cheaply, quickly and easily if we simply clipped their wings at the very beginning. We've always known all of them would turn out bad.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, when a politician runs for office and makes claims they never intend to keep, commits crimes of great personal gain in office while harming the country that you know they knew were wrongdoing, and get caught in their lies, they should be charged before a public court of the taxpayer citizens not congress, brought before them in chains, not treated like royalty, and if found guilty, get their hands and legs cut off, their lips and eyes sewn shut to live eating and drinking through a straw never to see again, having to spend their lives living on the complete charity of others in squalor. There is no higher crime than to lie and cheat from a position of elected public office. And no politician should make over $75,000 a year. That way, you would only get honest people in politics and no one would make a career of it.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, when a news outlet is caught repeatedly printing false claims and lies that you know they knew was wrong when they printed it, just for ratings rather than to uncover truth, the president of the company should be put in a public stockade for 5 days with no food and water, stripped to the ankles, while passers by throw rotten food and urinate on them. Then he gets a black mark on his forehead so that he is forever marked. Twice and his company is taken from him. That way, you would only get honesty in media.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, People would be paid for what they know and what they can do for the world, not who they know. Your scientists and scholars making inventions and discoveries would be lavished with wealth and Hollywood actors would get a flat hourly rate, after all, they are just pretending to be other people and reading lines in front of a camera for attention. And no one would care at all what they think about politics or the world. That way, we would get less of Hollywood and sports and a lot more people interested in science, discovery and good inventions.
  • And in a world free of total bullshit liberal thought, greed and sickening political correctness, government, people and companies would be really fair, honest, and charitable to others, their citizens, employees, neighbors and customers, not because they had to, not because of a contract, not because of watchdog organizations, laws and courts, but simply because they knew it was the right thing to do and they realized that for every fair, righteous, moral and ethical thing you do and give out to others, you get back in return three-fold in appreciation, love and respect and we would transform the world a thousand fold further ahead than us all fighting to lie, cheat and steal every nickel we can from others like animals.
And that is the God's Honest Truth.
In a world free of greed, liberal thinking and political correctness, we would be a hundred years ahead of where we are today. Maybe a thousand.

  • In a world free of liberal thought, when Bell Labs invented the transistor, rather than stupidly GIVE IT AWAY to the world as a product of a public utility, they would have retained the rights to it, licensing its use for a fee in every electronic item in use today for a profit to the United States of a hundred trillion dollars and we would have no national debt and we would all work tax free.
  • In a world free of liberal thought, when IBM developed the personal computer, rather than give it away because after all, WHO would want a computer in their home, they would have licensed it for untold billions of dollars today.
  • In a world free of liberal thought, when video appliances were invented, rather than farm out the making of all TV's, VCR's, and DVD players to Asia for cheap labor, they would have kept the products made here for 100,000 good paying jobs and better products, and China and east Asia would still be a 3rd World Country with people using ox carts instead of a hostile superpower.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, when 9/11 happened, we simply would have nuked the sources of islamic terrorism right there and then, ended the problem before it began, turned them all to glass beads, taken their oil, taught them never to try that again, and saved 16 years of war, 100 billion dollars and 4500 American lives. Same holds true for Iran, ISIS and North Korea. Years and decades of political masturbation and vacillation will end in them becoming nuclear threats and millions dead when we've known for ages that they could have been simple to stop cheaply, quickly and easily if we simply clipped their wings at the very beginning. We've always known all of them would turn out bad.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, when a politician runs for office and makes claims they never intend to keep, commits crimes of great personal gain in office while harming the country that you know they knew were wrongdoing, and get caught in their lies, they should be charged before a public court of the taxpayer citizens not congress, brought before them in chains, not treated like royalty, and if found guilty, get their hands and legs cut off, their lips and eyes sewn shut to live eating and drinking through a straw never to see again, having to spend their lives living on the complete charity of others in squalor. There is no higher crime than to lie and cheat from a position of elected public office. And no politician should make over $75,000 a year. That way, you would only get honest people in politics and no one would make a career of it.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, when a news outlet is caught repeatedly printing false claims and lies that you know they knew was wrong when they printed it, just for ratings rather than to uncover truth, the president of the company should be put in a public stockade for 5 days with no food and water, stripped to the ankles, while passers by throw rotten food and urinate on them. Then he gets a black mark on his forehead so that he is forever marked. Twice and his company is taken from him. That way, you would only get honesty in media.
  • In a world free of liberal thought and political correctness, People would be paid for what they know and what they can do for the world, not who they know. Your scientists and scholars making inventions and discoveries would be lavished with wealth and Hollywood actors would get a flat hourly rate, after all, they are just pretending to be other people and reading lines in front of a camera for attention. And no one would care at all what they think about politics or the world. That way, we would get less of Hollywood and sports and a lot more people interested in science, discovery and good inventions.
  • And in a world free of total bullshit liberal thought, greed and sickening political correctness, government, people and companies would be really fair, honest, and charitable to others, their citizens, employees, neighbors and customers, not because they had to, not because of a contract, not because of watchdog organizations, laws and courts, but simply because they knew it was the right thing to do and they realized that for every fair, righteous, moral and ethical thing you do and give out to others, you get back in return three-fold in appreciation, love and respect and we would transform the world a thousand fold further ahead than us all fighting to lie, cheat and steal every nickel we can from others like animals.
And that is the God's Honest Truth.
Companies didn't do the right thing that's why liberalism was needed. Unions.

Companies don't just do the right thing. That's not maximizing profits. Government should represent the people

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