The Gay Mafia

and? there are groups these days for everything. Minorities controlling things with the power of whine.

But that being said if you make a statement out in public for the public to listen to. This includes facebook if you dont make your posts private. Then you can't go crying when the reaction is negative. There is consequences for your actions.

Call an Asian a yellow gook bastard Or declare that Blacks and other minorities inferior and shouldn't shop where you shop. Then get ready to be labeled a racist.

This is where people really dont understand Political correctness and freedom of speech. Phil, this veg lady still have the right to speak their mind and they are protected. What they can't be protected from is people reactions ( non-violent) I have the right to vote,speak,protest, and lobby to have you fired under my 1st amendment rights. Doesnt make me right, but i have that freedom in the end of day. Its up to the public and the company ( if there is one like A&E ) to listen or ignore me.

Most of the time if you ignore people like Phil the issue goes away within a day or two.

The Mozilla CEO caught hell for a donation he made years ago before he became CEO.

These people are combing the internet for ways to attack anyone that dares to be conservative or profess conservative viewpoints.

nobody held a gun to his head to donate, and Modzilla is a private business who decided they didn't need his services. That is the consequences for his actions.

You know for a party that constantly talks about Personal responsibility, you sure as hell hate applying it to these situations. I mean i know there is a need to be a partisan hack but you would think you would try to be 100% on one topic.

Personally.. I have removed firefox etc from my computer now BECAUSE of the words from the new CEO who escorted this guy out...

They claim they are for equality and free speech.. seems like it is only when it is one political direction and when it does not offend a target group... It is not truly about free speech and equality.. if it were, the guy would still have his job

It seems to be now that all sorts of freak show attitudes, freakish abnormal behaviors, etc are to be forced into the realm of equal treatment to be forced upon others.. but equal treatment of those with an opposing voice must forcibly be ostracized, forcibly removed, and blacklisted so they have no future at all..

Our society is so fucked
Oh bullshit. You know damn good and well that there are protections with civil marriage. Can you make legal decisions for your partner without a marriage license? No. With? Yes.

Take a look at all the wonderful goodies that come with legal, civil marriage:

Marriage Rights and Benefits ~ Learn some of the legal and practical ways that getting married changes your life.

Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf

Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.

Yeah, it's called a will. Maybe you should get one. I got one and it explains everything i want done when i die.

Wills can be contested more successfully than legal marriage licenses.

Don't go to wal mart to get your will done. I'm divorced and my will explains who has power of attorney and who gets what, guaranteed.
Which protections does a marriage license guarantee?

No piece of paper can stop a high paid lawyer from stealing your kids or your property. The law is subjective.

Oh bullshit. You know damn good and well that there are protections with civil marriage. Can you make legal decisions for your partner without a marriage license? No. With? Yes.

Take a look at all the wonderful goodies that come with legal, civil marriage:

Marriage Rights and Benefits ~ Learn some of the legal and practical ways that getting married changes your life.

Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf

Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.

Yeah, it's called a will. Maybe you should get one. I got one and it explains everything i want done when i die.

A will is a consideration but not the end of the discussion. Wills have to follow the law and be able to withstand legal challenges.
The purpose of this thread is to discuss Mafioso tactics, not the definition of marriage.

This thread had that purpose?

The lesson learned, or should be learned, is what goes around comes around. Prejudice and bigotry were once negative characteristics, mush like greed which some in our society have made into a virtue. In some sets today prejudice and bigotry have become acceptable.
Which protections does a marriage license guarantee?

No piece of paper can stop a high paid lawyer from stealing your kids or your property. The law is subjective.

Oh bullshit. You know damn good and well that there are protections with civil marriage. Can you make legal decisions for your partner without a marriage license? No. With? Yes.

Take a look at all the wonderful goodies that come with legal, civil marriage:

Marriage Rights and Benefits ~ Learn some of the legal and practical ways that getting married changes your life.

Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf

Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.

According to your link same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships are the same.

I still don't see how a marriage license guarantees everything. It's a legal standing, but so is a domestic partnership.

No Civil marriage and civil unions or DPs are not the same. Marriage Compared to Civil Unions

Why do you keep talking about civil marriage if "it's not the topic of the thread"?
Which protections does a marriage license guarantee?

No piece of paper can stop a high paid lawyer from stealing your kids or your property. The law is subjective.

Oh bullshit. You know damn good and well that there are protections with civil marriage. Can you make legal decisions for your partner without a marriage license? No. With? Yes.

Take a look at all the wonderful goodies that come with legal, civil marriage:

Marriage Rights and Benefits ~ Learn some of the legal and practical ways that getting married changes your life.

Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf

Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.

Yeah, it's called a will. Maybe you should get one. I got one and it explains everything i want done when i die.

So why don't all you straight folks just get wills? Why do YOU need civil marriage? (that was a generic "you" not you specifically since I don't know your marital status).

While a will is still a good idea even if you're legally married, I AM legally married so my legal spouse inherits my estate.
How dare gay folk come out of the closet proclaiming their pride for being who they are and demanding the same as everyone else.
The nerve of those faggots. Doesn't anyone know their place anymore?

I blame some on the left that give gays the idea that they have justifications for harassment and malfeasance. They paint everyone who doesn't bow at the alter of political-correctness with the same broad brush.

How else are the incompetents on the left suppose to survive politically without sowing divisions and

Wouldn't it be nice everyone just tried to get along...
The Mozilla CEO caught hell for a donation he made years ago before he became CEO.

These people are combing the internet for ways to attack anyone that dares to be conservative or profess conservative viewpoints.

nobody held a gun to his head to donate, and Modzilla is a private business who decided they didn't need his services. That is the consequences for his actions.

You know for a party that constantly talks about Personal responsibility, you sure as hell hate applying it to these situations. I mean i know there is a need to be a partisan hack but you would think you would try to be 100% on one topic.

Personally.. I have removed firefox etc from my computer now BECAUSE of the words from the new CEO who escorted this guy out...

They claim they are for equality and free speech.. seems like it is only when it is one political direction and when it does not offend a target group... It is not truly about free speech and equality.. if it were, the guy would still have his job

It seems to be now that all sorts of freak show attitudes, freakish abnormal behaviors, etc are to be forced into the realm of equal treatment to be forced upon others.. but equal treatment of those with an opposing voice must forcibly be ostracized, forcibly removed, and blacklisted so they have no future at all..

Our society is so fucked

The business world is not for milk weak cry babies. Few if any shareholders or employees complained about his resignation. Mainstream tech folks support gay marriage. Not stating what happened was right or wrong. It is the real world of big business for centuries.
But yawn, it happens every day in the real world of business. You like chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla? We are going to ask you to resign because of that. Nothing is said. You oppose gay marriage? All of a sudden everyone that agrees with you is some form of Christian victim being denied their rights if business decides to can you.
Oh bullshit. You know damn good and well that there are protections with civil marriage. Can you make legal decisions for your partner without a marriage license? No. With? Yes.

Take a look at all the wonderful goodies that come with legal, civil marriage:

Marriage Rights and Benefits ~ Learn some of the legal and practical ways that getting married changes your life.

Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf

Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.

According to your link same-sex marriage and domestic partnerships are the same.

I still don't see how a marriage license guarantees everything. It's a legal standing, but so is a domestic partnership.

No Civil marriage and civil unions or DPs are not the same. Marriage Compared to Civil Unions

Why do you keep talking about civil marriage if "it's not the topic of the thread"?

You're talking about it.

Stop projecting.
Oh bullshit. You know damn good and well that there are protections with civil marriage. Can you make legal decisions for your partner without a marriage license? No. With? Yes.

Take a look at all the wonderful goodies that come with legal, civil marriage:

Marriage Rights and Benefits ~ Learn some of the legal and practical ways that getting married changes your life.

Estate Planning Benefits
  • Inheriting a share of your spouse's estate.
  • Receiving an exemption from both estate taxes and gift taxes for all property you give or leave to your spouse.
  • Creating life estate trusts that are restricted to married couples, including QTIP trusts, QDOT trusts, and marital deduction trusts.
  • Obtaining priority if a conservator needs to be appointed for your spouse -- that is, someone to make financial and/or medical decisions on your spouse's behalf

Family Benefits
  • Filing for stepparent or joint adoption.
  • Applying for joint foster care rights.
  • Receiving equitable division of property if you divorce.
  • Receiving spousal or child support, child custody, and visitation if you divorce.

Yeah, it's called a will. Maybe you should get one. I got one and it explains everything i want done when i die.

So why don't all you straight folks just get wills? Why do YOU need civil marriage? (that was a generic "you" not you specifically since I don't know your marital status).

While a will is still a good idea even if you're legally married, I AM legally married so my legal spouse inherits my estate.

If we die without a will in a common-law state doesn't the state still get half?

For tax purposes, isn't there an inheritance tax assessed?
Last edited:
Everyone I know was born the way they are around here.
So there isn't anyone there that has a varied sexual interest? How do people get into bizarre sexual practices? Or pedophilia. Bisexuality. Group sex. etc. You are also ruling out environmental factors. Some guys molested in their youth grow up homosexual. Human sexuality is much to complex to attribute everything to birth instincts.

Some guys molested in their youth grow up heterosexual.
You have no facts, just opinion.
Get over it.
I didn't say otherwise. The point wasn't that molested children grow up gay. Just that it can influence the direction of the sexual makeup. Meaning, human sexuality is not limited to genetics. That's a fact, get over it.
nobody held a gun to his head to donate, and Modzilla is a private business who decided they didn't need his services. That is the consequences for his actions.

You know for a party that constantly talks about Personal responsibility, you sure as hell hate applying it to these situations. I mean i know there is a need to be a partisan hack but you would think you would try to be 100% on one topic.

Personally.. I have removed firefox etc from my computer now BECAUSE of the words from the new CEO who escorted this guy out...

They claim they are for equality and free speech.. seems like it is only when it is one political direction and when it does not offend a target group... It is not truly about free speech and equality.. if it were, the guy would still have his job

It seems to be now that all sorts of freak show attitudes, freakish abnormal behaviors, etc are to be forced into the realm of equal treatment to be forced upon others.. but equal treatment of those with an opposing voice must forcibly be ostracized, forcibly removed, and blacklisted so they have no future at all..

Our society is so fucked

The business world is not for milk weak cry babies. Few if any shareholders or employees complained about his resignation. Mainstream tech folks support gay marriage. Not stating what happened was right or wrong. It is the real world of big business for centuries.
But yawn, it happens every day in the real world of business. You like chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla? We are going to ask you to resign because of that. Nothing is said. You oppose gay marriage? All of a sudden everyone that agrees with you is some form of Christian victim being denied their rights if business decides to can you.

As I said... it is for equality and freedom of speech if that equality is what you want made equal and if that speech supports the very limited scope of the target audience you don't want to offend..

I don't have to like what the guy supported.. I don't even have to like the guy.. these tactics of removal for private free speech and private support in a political arena is bullshit.. no matter which side the pressure comes from

And no.. coming from the tech world.. there is no mainstream support for gay marriage.. it is nothing more than big business cowering to more politically correct pressure (the mafia tactics spoken of)... the support or lack of support in the tech industry is about the same as everywhere fucking else
So there isn't anyone there that has a varied sexual interest? How do people get into bizarre sexual practices? Or pedophilia. Bisexuality. Group sex. etc. You are also ruling out environmental factors. Some guys molested in their youth grow up homosexual. Human sexuality is much to complex to attribute everything to birth instincts.

Some guys molested in their youth grow up heterosexual.
You have no facts, just opinion.
Get over it.
I didn't say otherwise. The point wasn't that molested children grow up gay. Just that it can influence the direction of the sexual makeup. Meaning, human sexuality is not limited to genetics. That's a fact, get over it.

I have been screaming this fact for ages in here
More assploding hypocrisy from dimocrap scum

OkCupid’s CEO Who Helped Forced Mozilla CEO Out Also Donated To Anti-Gay Campaign…


That is some serious hypocrisy.

Via MoJo:
(I refuse to link to the scumbag site)

Last week, the online dating site OkCupid switched up its homepage for Mozilla Firefox users.Upon opening the site, a message appeared encouraging members to curb their use of Firefox because the company’s new CEO, Brendan Eich, allegedly opposes equality for gay couples—specifically, he donated $1000 to the campaign for the anti-gay Proposition 8 in 2008. “We’ve devoted the last ten years to bringing people—all people—together,” the message read. “If individuals like Mr. Eich had their way, then roughly 8% of the relationships we’ve worked so hard to bring about would be illegal.” The company’s action went viral, and within a few days, Eich had resigned as CEO of Mozilla only weeks after taking up the post. On Thursday, OkCupid released a statement saying “We are pleased that OkCupid’s boycott has brought tremendous awareness to the critical matter of equal rights for all individuals and partnerships.”

But there’s a hitch: OkCupid’s co-founder and CEO Sam Yagan once donated to an anti-gay candidate. (Yagan is also CEO of Specifically, Yagan donated $500 to Rep. Chris Cannon (R-Utah) in 2004, reports Uncrunched. During his time as congressman from 1997 to 2009, Cannon voted for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage, against a ban on sexual-orientation based job discrimination, and for prohibition of gay adoptions.

He’s also voted for numerous anti-choice measures, earning a 0 percent rating from NARAL Pro Choice America. Among other measures, Cannon voted for laws prohibiting government from denying funds to medical facilities that withhold abortion information, stopping minors from crossing state lines to obtain an abortion, and banning family planning funding in US aid abroad. Cannon also earned a 7 percent rating from the ACLU for his poor civil rights voting record: He voted to amend FISA to allow warrant-less electronic surveillance, to allow NSA intelligence gathering without civil oversight, and to reauthorize the PATRIOT act.

Every single part of the dimocrap scum victimization coalition is corrupt beyond redemption.

From the NAACP to the deviant, degenerates in the gay buttwad movement, to the vagina movement, the labor movement, the Slip And Fall scum-sucking lawyers, to the racist beaners, to the anti-war crowd, to the social justice losers, to occupy.... Every part of the disgusting coalition is corrupt, sick and twisted

All of it. Every single bit.
Hammering folks that don't believe in redefining marriage takes precedence over less important issues like unemployment, skyrocketing food and gas prices, Russian aggression in Ukraine, nukes in Iran, and black on white violence in Detroit.

What that prick gave to prop 8 is important God Dammit.
The deviance here is that of reactionary cultural fascists of the far right to deny their follow citizens marriage equality.
Personally.. I have removed firefox etc from my computer now BECAUSE of the words from the new CEO who escorted this guy out...

They claim they are for equality and free speech.. seems like it is only when it is one political direction and when it does not offend a target group... It is not truly about free speech and equality.. if it were, the guy would still have his job

It seems to be now that all sorts of freak show attitudes, freakish abnormal behaviors, etc are to be forced into the realm of equal treatment to be forced upon others.. but equal treatment of those with an opposing voice must forcibly be ostracized, forcibly removed, and blacklisted so they have no future at all..

Our society is so fucked

The business world is not for milk weak cry babies. Few if any shareholders or employees complained about his resignation. Mainstream tech folks support gay marriage. Not stating what happened was right or wrong. It is the real world of big business for centuries.
But yawn, it happens every day in the real world of business. You like chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla? We are going to ask you to resign because of that. Nothing is said. You oppose gay marriage? All of a sudden everyone that agrees with you is some form of Christian victim being denied their rights if business decides to can you.

As I said... it is for equality and freedom of speech if that equality is what you want made equal and if that speech supports the very limited scope of the target audience you don't want to offend..

I don't have to like what the guy supported.. I don't even have to like the guy.. these tactics of removal for private free speech and private support in a political arena is bullshit.. no matter which side the pressure comes from

And no.. coming from the tech world.. there is no mainstream support for gay marriage.. it is nothing more than big business cowering to more politically correct pressure (the mafia tactics spoken of)... the support or lack of support in the tech industry is about the same as everywhere fucking else

Of course it is BS.
Private companies do bull shit stupid crap by the second.
You speak out of both sides of your mouth.
You claim that there is no mainstream support for gay marriage in the high tech big business and then claim that their politically correct pressure is so overwhelming that they have great influence.
The 2 go hand in hand together. You offered that, not me but I agree.
What is politically correct in one's world is mainstream in another's world.
Happens every second. Called capitalism. Shit happens. Don't like it? Sell your shares.
The deviance here is that of reactionary cultural fascists of the far right to deny their follow citizens marriage equality.

But it's not true equality.

If it was everyone could get married to anyone or anything we choose.

Still can't marry your brother or sister or both.

You bastards won't even let me marry as many girls as I'm able to support, fucken bigots.......

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