The.future of wars will be robots.and drones there is no doubt in my mind

Sure it is, but the modern world has been one where the big countries don't want to get into war with each other. The USSR and USA did everything they could to limit everything to proxy wars.

The US got involved in Vietnam, the USSR didn't, for example.
The USSR was involved either, they just not emphasized it too much.
When I say "involved", I meant with troops on the ground, rather than just supplying weapons etc.
There were some crews of SA missile complexes, some recon units (including chemical scouts), other guys. There is a popular opinion that there were fighter pilots, too.
There were some crews of SA missile complexes, some recon units (including chemical scouts), other guys. There is a popular opinion that there were fighter pilots, too.

Sure, but like the Ukraine, the US and EU aren't there, but in reality there are some Americans, some Europeans there doing some limited work.
Sure, but like the Ukraine, the US and EU aren't there, but in reality there are some Americans, some Europeans there doing some limited work.
Yes. One of important differences between Ukraine and Vietnam is that Russian missiles, controlled by Russian "advisors", haven't hit undisputed US territory during Vietnam conflict.
Yes. One of important differences between Ukraine and Vietnam is that Russian missiles, controlled by Russian "advisors", haven't hit undisputed US territory during Vietnam conflict.

There's a big difference between war now and war in the past. The media is more prevalent, social media etc. Keeping a good image is harder than ever.
There's a big difference between war now and war in the past. The media is more prevalent, social media etc. Keeping a good image is harder than ever.
Not that big difference. Back in time of Vietnam war media were also important. Did you see "Green Berets"? The only movie about Vietnam war, made during the war, as far as I know. Nice piece of propaganda, isn't it? I wonder, what movies about Ukrainian war Hollywood will make in 2040s.
Not that big difference. Back in time of Vietnam war media were also important. Did you see "Green Berets"? The only movie about Vietnam war, made during the war, as far as I know. Nice piece of propaganda, isn't it? I wonder, what movies about Ukrainian war Hollywood will make in 2040s.

Yes it was, but these days it's changed and become worse. The media could be controlled a lot more in the past....

These days there are more players involved in the media, people don't need to own a media outlet to have control...
Yes it was, but these days it's changed and become worse. The media could be controlled a lot more in the past....

These days there are more players involved in the media, people don't need to own a media outlet to have control...
Basically, the situation is the same - those who have money and power - try to control information. Those who have no - try to think independently and search for different sources of information.

But the modern technologies bring the new opportunities to the both sides. If you want to find alternative sources of information - you can do it.
Back to the topic:
If wars are in reality used to purge/thin out the more violent /aggressive and lower classes seeking opportunities (money/benefits/training) then using robotics to perserve lives would conflict with the ACTUAL intentions of the gov'ts using their unsuspecting pawns for population control & stimulating economies.
Using robotics might still help stimulate economies, but not purge the violent populations, which means Dems will resort to more "labs" & more "Faucci's" to deal with the violent populations they themselves create.
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Basically, the situation is the same - those who have money and power - try to control information. Those who have no - try to think independently and search for different sources of information.

But the modern technologies bring the new opportunities to the both sides. If you want to find alternative sources of information - you can do it.

Controlling information has always existed. However TV news in the 1960s was pretty limited.

You had CBS, NBC, CBN, ABC... most probably had only three of those without CBN....

So, you had three people, essentially, controlling all of the TV, which was growing as radio dropped off. That's a huge amount of control for a few people.

Now it's different, loads more sources of information. Russia, China etc are able to manipulate when before it was almost impossible.
Controlling information has always existed. However TV news in the 1960s was pretty limited.

You had CBS, NBC, CBN, ABC... most probably had only three of those without CBN....

So, you had three people, essentially, controlling all of the TV, which was growing as radio dropped off. That's a huge amount of control for a few people.
It is XXI century. Who the heck, watch TV nowadays?

Now it's different, loads more sources of information. Russia, China etc are able to manipulate when before it was almost impossible.
It was always possible. I mean, all those witch hunts in US history, there weren't just for nothing, were they? Russian and Chinese propaganda were always on the table. Both sides just got additional capabilities.
It is XXI century. Who the heck, watch TV nowadays?

It was always possible. I mean, all those witch hunts in US history, there weren't just for nothing, were they? Russian and Chinese propaganda were always on the table. Both sides just got additional capabilities.

And if you noticed I was using the past tense....
And if you noticed I was using the past tense....

I also find it rather funny talking about "witch hunts".

And exactly how many of those "witch hunts" resulted in people who had done nothing criminal resulted in executions?

Does the US have anything even close to the "Great Purge", where over 600,000 were executed by the Soviet Union? And mind you, those are actual Soviet numbers, most place the actual numbers executed somewhere between 700,000 and 1.2 million. But just the official Soviet toll is chilling. Or the Cultural Revolution in China, where the toll is placed somewhere between 1 and 7 million executed.

So I find it rather disgusting as always when somebody even attempts to talk about "witch hunts" in the US which were done with cause, publicly, and did not result in executions. Meanwhile, they completely ignore the slaughter of millions on their own side.
I also find it rather funny talking about "witch hunts".

And exactly how many of those "witch hunts" resulted in people who had done nothing criminal resulted in executions?

Does the US have anything even close to the "Great Purge", where over 600,000 were executed by the Soviet Union? And mind you, those are actual Soviet numbers, most place the actual numbers executed somewhere between 700,000 and 1.2 million. But just the official Soviet toll is chilling. Or the Cultural Revolution in China, where the toll is placed somewhere between 1 and 7 million executed.

So I find it rather disgusting as always when somebody even attempts to talk about "witch hunts" in the US which were done with cause, publicly, and did not result in executions. Meanwhile, they completely ignore the slaughter of millions on their own side.
Both purges in Russia and Witch Hunts in the USA have been performed because both Capitalists influence in the USSR and Communist influence in the USA (or even French Revolutionary influence in American colonies) were real.
What influence and what purges have been more successful - its discutable.

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