The Future of Computing May Belong to Apple

Ok that's great and all, but I still have a computer that runs everything I can throw at it right now. Having a more powerful apple of won't make my system any better.

Apple products are also over priced.

Apple products are also gated off. Whether it be my Samsung Galaxy phone or my home built PC I can do so much more with them than I can with an apple because they are wide open formats and apple tends to keep all of their stuff. Their OS is way too simplified and dumber down and they lock out a lot of options and settings other platforms let you have.

All in one cpus also do suffer from having everything on one die instead of having dedicated controllers all handling their own business independent of eachother. All in one processors are great in something small like a smartphone or a tablet but when you need overall horsepower to push like a large monitor they fall short because computers aren't like a console where you plug it into whatever you want and it runs at max, bigger the monitor or more fancy of what's being displayed the more the video card is taxed.

And finally, apple has always been a pretentious and snobby dick as a company which is a big turn off for me.

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