The Future of America: Is Trump Your Man?


Future of America.......................In decline for a long time now.

Too Big to Fail allowed to Self Regulate. Allowed Speculation to go into outer space.........Took them only 8 years to bring this country down.

They are a Den of Vipers and Thieves................
I believe my message is clear..................I voted for Trump.

Got sidetracked on why JFK got wacked.................

Trump. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN..................
Eisenhower warned America that the big threat of the future will be America itself: The Military-Industrial Complex. That was his warning as he left the halls of power, so ultimately he was saying, “May God help you!”

Since his leaving office the US most definitely took the path to the Military-Industrial Complex. Not one President in all of this time has picked up Eisenhower's banner and carried it on to thwart the danger ahead, but rather they all contributed to increasing treachery, just as Eisenhower had feared would happen. Not one President has even tried to focus the American people onto the greatest threat to both America and the world.

I have not felt the compulsion to sanction or support any of the American Presidents that have been. I have always 'known' that they are part and parcel of the problem - never the solution. None have kept any of their promises and all they've really done was create a series of Red Herring scapegoats in order to pacify the population into destitution.

So why believe that Trump is any better than all the Presidents before him? Good question. But note that he has taken up Eisenhower's banner. A very courageous thing to do. Something that no one has ever done. And this time …. he's not echoing Eisenhower, “May God help you!” No. Trump is saying, “Let's do it!” I hope Trump is everything he says he is.

Good luck, America! Support and Protect Trump. He's your President now and I'm sure that he's your LAST CHANCE.

Folks like yourself should really should not be making predictions, especially about the future. Hell most on the left can't remember history correctly let alone make predictions.

Here was the choice facing America, Hillary who has supported every war in the last century and has even started at least two. Granted there were not a whole lot of American casualties but, using her words, her and Obama's actions directly led to the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

On the other hand we have the vast unknown in Trump. Maybe he will be the worse thing to ever happen to America but if nothing else he is the greatest beyond doubt the biggest FY given to the ruling establishment. Since his election the defense level has dropped down to it lowest left defcon 1. Putin wants to make nice. Foreign countries are all wanting to get along. Will there be peace? Maybe, doubtful, who can know?

But we can be pretty certain of one thing, the continuation of Obama's tract record could have possibly lead to war in the US.

Besides, for no other reason we adverted 30 years of disaster with the SCOTUS nomination. That issue alone was why I voted Trump.
I am speaking of late in his presidency ....
... when he was covertly working with Khrushchev and Castro to end the Cold War.
That's news to me.
Listen to his American University speech given a few months before he was murdered. .......
A link would be very much appreciated.
Admitting you don't know about his efforts to end the Cold War is admitting you don't know the subject matter. Do the research.
I dont know. I know what he said.... Now I am going to see what he does and if it differs, Ill hold him accountable by my words and my vote.
Eisenhower warned America that the big threat of the future will be America itself: The Military-Industrial Complex. That was his warning as he left the halls of power, so ultimately he was saying, “May God help you!”

Since his leaving office the US most definitely took the path to the Military-Industrial Complex. Not one President in all of this time has picked up Eisenhower's banner and carried it on to thwart the danger ahead, but rather they all contributed to increasing treachery, just as Eisenhower had feared would happen. Not one President has even tried to focus the American people onto the greatest threat to both America and the world.

I have not felt the compulsion to sanction or support any of the American Presidents that have been. I have always 'known' that they are part and parcel of the problem - never the solution. None have kept any of their promises and all they've really done was create a series of Red Herring scapegoats in order to pacify the population into destitution.

So why believe that Trump is any better than all the Presidents before him? Good question. But note that he has taken up Eisenhower's banner. A very courageous thing to do. Something that no one has ever done. And this time …. he's not echoing Eisenhower, “May God help you!” No. Trump is saying, “Let's do it!” I hope Trump is everything he says he is.

Good luck, America! Support and Protect Trump. He's your President now and I'm sure that he's your LAST CHANCE.

Im waiting to see. In the end he is nothing more then another rich dude with a ton of plans and lots of promises. we will see.
Im waiting to see. In the end he is nothing more then another rich dude with a ton of plans and lots of promises. we will see.
Interesting that you mention his wealth. At first it seems like an awful basis upon which to become the president of a Capitalist nation ..... assuming you don't agree with the vast differences in class and standard of living of any nation's population. On the other hand, when you see just how corrupt America's political-business relationship has become, being independently wealthy might not be such a bad thing. Had Hillary been elected she would be in enormous debt to all of her financial backers and you know very well those businessmen will be expecting large returns for their support of her campaign. But paying her dues will be made in your sweat and blood, not hers'.
Admitting you don't know about his efforts to end the Cold War is admitting you don't know the subject matter. Do the research.
Fuck you. Next time I'll lie instead.
That is not nice...and you know nice goes a long way on the internet.

Read these four books and you will know more about JFK and the people who murdered him, than 99% of all Americans. These books are excellent, but there are many excellent books on the coup d'etat. All should be available at your local public library.





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