The future of America and China. Is the CIA and FBI paying attention?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Another long one, if you've got the time.

The whole world has seen Chinas rise for 30+ years and even though some in intel recently stated that Russia wants to help Trump, but China definitely does NOT want Trump as president, (you would think they might be bold enough to say that China is trying to help Biden too, odd how the wording is softer); there seems to be some naivety still. Of course Russia is an adversary, their little brother (now their Big Brother) is a far greater threat because they were foolishly accepted by global businesses in ways Russia never was.

China has been more bold and more direct of late, as they listen to the silence from other nations. They just arrested tycoon Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong after they forced new HK laws (and all the democracy winners in HK), they are not going to stop. Not after the Wuhan Virus (conspiracy: the virus could have been a warning to the world, "look what we can do").

As such, China needs a weak, ideologically compromised president in power, and they need a weak party behind them. All fascist nations need their satellites and easy-to-manipulate foreign leaders and media (*cough, cough, MSNBC). All of the hallmarks of a global push by China, as Germany did before (with MUCH less warning); are before us. They are focusing on economic and ideological submission of other nations...for now...(you can guess what will follow, first in their orbit, see Taiwan).

Now, China has sanctioned Cruz, Rubio, Cotton. Not one Democrat. This, at a time where they are flexing their muscles, and basically letting the world know, "our goal is to be the lone Super Power". They aren't shy about how they wield their power, their disdain for America and her values, and, even which party they fear, with these sanctions.

Now, after all this time and effort. In a vastly changing world, in which I've already seen Canada lose any semblance of our traditional values, becoming more like East Germany now with willing "partners" in the community (citizens) helping our police agencies. Are the FBI and CIA going to openly level with Americans about what you are facing? Maybe in the form of a press conference?

Americans need to be told directly the truth, in plain language, hopefully delivered by someone who has a pulse, there is no politics in doing so. If a party feels going after China in the public hurts them in 2020, then it is THEY who are the problem. Indeed, it's time to stop being silent, "yes, America (and parties), China is a very big problem, and any assistance or acquiesce to them is making them a bigger problem as they focus on destroying America".

Some are even more direct with their words of support for China: "open borders", "free stuff for everyone", "China isn't our enemy", "tariffs are ALWAYS bad". These among other positions, help China. Anything that hurts Americas sovereignty (free market capitalism, patriotism, a lost Middle Class, poisons shipped to their citizens, well funded anarchy) helps the communists.

Canada is now pushing some alliance (we already have the Commonwealth) with Canada, UK, NZ and Australia. All nations who were once more powerful, certainly Britain was, but are all now waning, rapidly, especially economically. They believe "let's join together and make a bigger economy!" as if that changes the systemic, central controls Canada has. Instead of having confronted what ails our nation, why try a cheap, quick fix. Is this the kind of desperation U.S intelligence want for America? Follow our footsteps, and you too, will slide mercilessly into Middle Power status.

As an after thought, I've listened to some on twitter. Some who used to work for the FBI who promoted some time ago their pick for the Dems, long before Biden was picked (he wasn't their choice). I won't mention their name specifically, but I will say, in my estimation, and I could be wrong; there are some who have not properly analyzed a politicians motivations throughout their career. A firm belief in capitalism and a real love for America, not just blind power; is what is needed in the W.H in all roles if China is going to be fended off.

Thank you for your time.
Another long one, if you've got the time.

The whole world has seen Chinas rise for 30+ years and even though some in intel recently stated that Russia wants to help Trump, but China definitely does NOT want Trump as president, (you would think they might be bold enough to say that China is trying to help Biden too, odd how the wording is softer); there seems to be some naivety still. Of course Russia is an adversary, their little brother (now their Big Brother) is a far greater threat because they were foolishly accepted by global businesses in ways Russia never was.

China has been more bold and more direct of late, as they listen to the silence from other nations. They just arrested tycoon Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong after they forced new HK laws (and all the democracy winners in HK), they are not going to stop. Not after the Wuhan Virus (conspiracy: the virus could have been a warning to the world, "look what we can do").

As such, China needs a weak, ideologically compromised president in power, and they need a weak party behind them. All fascist nations need their satellites and easy-to-manipulate foreign leaders and media (*cough, cough, MSNBC). All of the hallmarks of a global push by China, as Germany did before (with MUCH less warning); are before us. They are focusing on economic and ideological submission of other nations...for now...(you can guess what will follow, first in their orbit, see Taiwan).

Now, China has sanctioned Cruz, Rubio, Cotton. Not one Democrat. This, at a time where they are flexing their muscles, and basically letting the world know, "our goal is to be the lone Super Power". They aren't shy about how they wield their power, their disdain for America and her values, and, even which party they fear, with these sanctions.

Now, after all this time and effort. In a vastly changing world, in which I've already seen Canada lose any semblance of our traditional values, becoming more like East Germany now with willing "partners" in the community (citizens) helping our police agencies. Are the FBI and CIA going to openly level with Americans about what you are facing? Maybe in the form of a press conference?

Americans need to be told directly the truth, in plain language, hopefully delivered by someone who has a pulse, there is no politics in doing so. If a party feels going after China in the public hurts them in 2020, then it is THEY who are the problem. Indeed, it's time to stop being silent, "yes, America (and parties), China is a very big problem, and any assistance or acquiesce to them is making them a bigger problem as they focus on destroying America".

Some are even more direct with their words of support for China: "open borders", "free stuff for everyone", "China isn't our enemy", "tariffs are ALWAYS bad". These among other positions, help China. Anything that hurts Americas sovereignty (free market capitalism, patriotism, a lost Middle Class, poisons shipped to their citizens, well funded anarchy) helps the communists.

Canada is now pushing some alliance (we already have the Commonwealth) with Canada, UK, NZ and Australia. All nations who were once more powerful, certainly Britain was, but are all now waning, rapidly, especially economically. They believe "let's join together and make a bigger economy!" as if that changes the systemic, central controls Canada has. Instead of having confronted what ails our nation, why try a cheap, quick fix. Is this the kind of desperation U.S intelligence want for America? Follow our footsteps, and you too, will slide mercilessly into Middle Power status.

As an after thought, I've listened to some on twitter. Some who used to work for the FBI who promoted some time ago their pick for the Dems, long before Biden was picked (he wasn't their choice). I won't mention their name specifically, but I will say, in my estimation, and I could be wrong; there are some who have not properly analyzed a politicians motivations throughout their career. A firm belief in capitalism and a real love for America, not just blind power; is what is needed in the W.H in all roles if China is going to be fended off.

Thank you for your time.

How does one "sanction" a US senator exactly?
I don't consider either agency to be working in America's interest any more, at least at the top levels; they work for the 'globalists', a criminal mob of 'multinationals' posing as corporations, but are really just fronts for labor racketeers, swindlers, and assorted white collar crime syndicates. They are no more 'American' than Democrats or the establishment GOP are, which is to say they want to screw us real good for being such uppity peasants.
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Oh bullshit- stop with the fucking fear mongering.

The fear mongering should have been done 20 years ago by more than a handful. Now fear mongering isn't the word because China is well entrenched, it's either "stand up for America or be toppled and absorbed".

It's clear that the communist party have far more global power and influence than had been acknowledged publicly. They intend to have much more. Elitists living in their bubbles don't care, nor weak leaders who want centralized power for their own ambitions.
Oh bullshit- stop with the fucking fear mongering.

The fear mongering should have been done 20 years ago by more than a handful. Now fear mongering isn't the word because China is well entrenched, it's either "stand up for America or be toppled and absorbed".

It's clear that the communist party have far more global power and influence than had been acknowledged publicly. They intend to have much more. Elitists living in their bubbles don't care, nor weak leaders who want centralized power for their own ambitions.

Next thing you know, the American President may even have stuff made bearing his name in China. Oh wait....
Another long one, if you've got the time.

The whole world has seen Chinas rise for 30+ years and even though some in intel recently stated that Russia wants to help Trump, but China definitely does NOT want Trump as president, (you would think they might be bold enough to say that China is trying to help Biden too, odd how the wording is softer); there seems to be some naivety still. Of course Russia is an adversary, their little brother (now their Big Brother) is a far greater threat because they were foolishly accepted by global businesses in ways Russia never was.

China has been more bold and more direct of late, as they listen to the silence from other nations. They just arrested tycoon Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong after they forced new HK laws (and all the democracy winners in HK), they are not going to stop. Not after the Wuhan Virus (conspiracy: the virus could have been a warning to the world, "look what we can do").

As such, China needs a weak, ideologically compromised president in power, and they need a weak party behind them. All fascist nations need their satellites and easy-to-manipulate foreign leaders and media (*cough, cough, MSNBC). All of the hallmarks of a global push by China, as Germany did before (with MUCH less warning); are before us. They are focusing on economic and ideological submission of other nations...for now...(you can guess what will follow, first in their orbit, see Taiwan).

Now, China has sanctioned Cruz, Rubio, Cotton. Not one Democrat. This, at a time where they are flexing their muscles, and basically letting the world know, "our goal is to be the lone Super Power". They aren't shy about how they wield their power, their disdain for America and her values, and, even which party they fear, with these sanctions.

Now, after all this time and effort. In a vastly changing world, in which I've already seen Canada lose any semblance of our traditional values, becoming more like East Germany now with willing "partners" in the community (citizens) helping our police agencies. Are the FBI and CIA going to openly level with Americans about what you are facing? Maybe in the form of a press conference?

Americans need to be told directly the truth, in plain language, hopefully delivered by someone who has a pulse, there is no politics in doing so. If a party feels going after China in the public hurts them in 2020, then it is THEY who are the problem. Indeed, it's time to stop being silent, "yes, America (and parties), China is a very big problem, and any assistance or acquiesce to them is making them a bigger problem as they focus on destroying America".

Some are even more direct with their words of support for China: "open borders", "free stuff for everyone", "China isn't our enemy", "tariffs are ALWAYS bad". These among other positions, help China. Anything that hurts Americas sovereignty (free market capitalism, patriotism, a lost Middle Class, poisons shipped to their citizens, well funded anarchy) helps the communists.

Canada is now pushing some alliance (we already have the Commonwealth) with Canada, UK, NZ and Australia. All nations who were once more powerful, certainly Britain was, but are all now waning, rapidly, especially economically. They believe "let's join together and make a bigger economy!" as if that changes the systemic, central controls Canada has. Instead of having confronted what ails our nation, why try a cheap, quick fix. Is this the kind of desperation U.S intelligence want for America? Follow our footsteps, and you too, will slide mercilessly into Middle Power status.

As an after thought, I've listened to some on twitter. Some who used to work for the FBI who promoted some time ago their pick for the Dems, long before Biden was picked (he wasn't their choice). I won't mention their name specifically, but I will say, in my estimation, and I could be wrong; there are some who have not properly analyzed a politicians motivations throughout their career. A firm belief in capitalism and a real love for America, not just blind power; is what is needed in the W.H in all roles if China is going to be fended off.

Thank you for your time.

Trump needs to turn the FBI loose against the Chinese Agents working in the DNXi
The fear mongering should have been done 20 years ago by more than a handful. Now fear mongering isn't the word because China is well entrenched, it's either "stand up for America or be toppled and absorbed".

It's clear that the communist party have far more global power and influence than had been acknowledged publicly. They intend to have much more. Elitists living in their bubbles don't care, nor weak leaders who want centralized power for their own ambitions.
The fear mongering about communist begn in earnest in the 50's even though Stalin and Ike were buddy's and the USSR didn't want a war with the US- see the Dulles brothers for illustration, then the South American debacles and Vietnam- and Cuba turned to the USSR because the US got greedy and demanding

The Chinse use capitalism as their economic model- they don't like the fiat currency of the fed reserve being the currency of choice or the crony capitalism as the enFORCEr so they buy gold, in large quantities- and like it or not, we live in a global economy which means the Chinese have as much to lose as we do and no amount of fear mongering will change that. I guar on tee that "trading" with is much better than warring with.
How does one "sanction" a US senator exactly?

They'll seize his assets in China. Prevent him from traveling to China or doing business with China.

Rubio, Cruz, and Cotton have assets in China?
They travel to China often if ever?
They "do business" with China?

Who do they think they are....Donald Trump?

I'd have to answer:


Like so much China does, it's empty posturing.

The OP seems to think this is the equivalent of Ferdinand being killed. LOL
Another long one, if you've got the time.

The whole world has seen Chinas rise for 30+ years and even though some in intel recently stated that Russia wants to help Trump, but China definitely does NOT want Trump as president, (you would think they might be bold enough to say that China is trying to help Biden too, odd how the wording is softer); there seems to be some naivety still. Of course Russia is an adversary, their little brother (now their Big Brother) is a far greater threat because they were foolishly accepted by global businesses in ways Russia never was.

China has been more bold and more direct of late, as they listen to the silence from other nations. They just arrested tycoon Jimmy Lai in Hong Kong after they forced new HK laws (and all the democracy winners in HK), they are not going to stop. Not after the Wuhan Virus (conspiracy: the virus could have been a warning to the world, "look what we can do").

As such, China needs a weak, ideologically compromised president in power, and they need a weak party behind them. All fascist nations need their satellites and easy-to-manipulate foreign leaders and media (*cough, cough, MSNBC). All of the hallmarks of a global push by China, as Germany did before (with MUCH less warning); are before us. They are focusing on economic and ideological submission of other nations...for now...(you can guess what will follow, first in their orbit, see Taiwan).

Now, China has sanctioned Cruz, Rubio, Cotton. Not one Democrat. This, at a time where they are flexing their muscles, and basically letting the world know, "our goal is to be the lone Super Power". They aren't shy about how they wield their power, their disdain for America and her values, and, even which party they fear, with these sanctions.

Now, after all this time and effort. In a vastly changing world, in which I've already seen Canada lose any semblance of our traditional values, becoming more like East Germany now with willing "partners" in the community (citizens) helping our police agencies. Are the FBI and CIA going to openly level with Americans about what you are facing? Maybe in the form of a press conference?

Americans need to be told directly the truth, in plain language, hopefully delivered by someone who has a pulse, there is no politics in doing so. If a party feels going after China in the public hurts them in 2020, then it is THEY who are the problem. Indeed, it's time to stop being silent, "yes, America (and parties), China is a very big problem, and any assistance or acquiesce to them is making them a bigger problem as they focus on destroying America".

Some are even more direct with their words of support for China: "open borders", "free stuff for everyone", "China isn't our enemy", "tariffs are ALWAYS bad". These among other positions, help China. Anything that hurts Americas sovereignty (free market capitalism, patriotism, a lost Middle Class, poisons shipped to their citizens, well funded anarchy) helps the communists.

Canada is now pushing some alliance (we already have the Commonwealth) with Canada, UK, NZ and Australia. All nations who were once more powerful, certainly Britain was, but are all now waning, rapidly, especially economically. They believe "let's join together and make a bigger economy!" as if that changes the systemic, central controls Canada has. Instead of having confronted what ails our nation, why try a cheap, quick fix. Is this the kind of desperation U.S intelligence want for America? Follow our footsteps, and you too, will slide mercilessly into Middle Power status.

As an after thought, I've listened to some on twitter. Some who used to work for the FBI who promoted some time ago their pick for the Dems, long before Biden was picked (he wasn't their choice). I won't mention their name specifically, but I will say, in my estimation, and I could be wrong; there are some who have not properly analyzed a politicians motivations throughout their career. A firm belief in capitalism and a real love for America, not just blind power; is what is needed in the W.H in all roles if China is going to be fended off.

Thank you for your time.

Trump by failure to sign TPP gave China the biggest present in decades...

Trump has been very pro China.
How does one "sanction" a US senator exactly?

They'll seize his assets in China. Prevent him from traveling to China or doing business with China.

Rubio, Cruz, and Cotton have assets in China?
They travel to China often if ever?
They "do business" with China?

Who do they think they are....Donald Trump?

I'd have to answer:


Like so much China does, it's empty posturing.

The OP seems to think this is the equivalent of Ferdinand being killed. LOL

I don't consider either agency to be working in America's interest any more, at least at the top levels; they work for the 'globalists', a criminal mob of 'multinationals' posing as corporations, but are really just fronts for labor racketeers, swindlers, and assorted white collar crime syndicates. They are no more 'American' than Democrats or the establishment GOP are, which is to say they want to screw us real good for being such uppity peasants.
Oh bullshit- stop with the fucking fear mongering.

The fear mongering should have been done 20 years ago by more than a handful. Now fear mongering isn't the word because China is well entrenched, it's either "stand up for America or be toppled and absorbed".

It's clear that the communist party have far more global power and influence than had been acknowledged publicly. They intend to have much more. Elitists living in their bubbles don't care, nor weak leaders who want centralized power for their own ambitions.

Next thing you know, the American President may even have stuff made bearing his name in China. Oh wait....
I think it would look worse if trump was not threatening his own supply chain in china

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