
Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie

I got the link to the criminal complaint from this news article (the link is around the middle of the page):

Wasserman Schultz hit with criticism over aide arrested while trying to leave U.S.

The criminal complaint alleges that Imran Awan, the former employee of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other congressional Democrats, attempted to defraud a credit union out of a loan.

His wife, Hina Alvi, had already fled the country for Pakistan in March of 2017. Before she left for Pakistan, Hina and Imran had wired most of the loan money to Pakistan. Before the wire was cleared, the credit union contacted them to inquire as to why they were wiring so much money out of the country.

They allegedly told the credit union that it was for a funeral, which the credit union said was not an appropriate reason to approve the wire. They then allegedly changed their story and said that they were wiring the money to purchase property in Pakistan, after which the wire was approved.

Although Hina had a return ticket (for September of 2017), the FBI does not believe that she has any intention of ever returning to the United States.

Imran Awan purchased a ticket to leave the United States on July 24, 2017. His trip would have taken him to Doha, Qatar and then to Lahore, Pakistan with a return flight scheduled for January of 2018.

They also "allegedly" lied about rental property income on their loan application. I wonder if this will get as much coverage by the mainstream media as the Trump/Russia fake news story:

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The story is all over the media you asshole!
Face it pal. You're a fucking LOSER!
Bet that's not the first time you've been told that.
Wow! It looks like I got somebody upset. LOL.

I especially liked the way you typed "LOSER" using all caps. LOL.
Case against Wasserman Schultz’ ex-IT aide expands with 4-count indictment

The federal case against Imran Awan, a former IT aide for Democratic Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, expanded Thursday with an indictment on four counts including conspiracy and making false statements.

He originally was charged with a single bank fraud count; his wife Hina Alvi also was indicted Thursday.

The grand jury decision in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia comes roughly a month after Awan was arrested at Dulles airport in Virginia trying to board a plane to Pakistan, where his family is from.

Awan and other IT aides for House Democrats have been on investigators’ radar for months over concerns of possible double-billing, alleged equipment theft, and access to sensitive computer systems. Most lawmakers fired Awan in February, but Schultz had kept him on until his arrest in July.

The indictment itself, which merely represents formal charges and is not a finding of guilt, addresses separate allegations that Awan and his wife engaged in a conspiracy to obtain home equity lines of credit from the Congressional Federal Credit Union by giving false information about two properties – and then sending the proceeds to individuals in Pakistan.

The case has put renewed scrutiny on Wasserman Schultz for keeping Awan on the payroll for months, even after a criminal investigation was revealed and he was barred from the House IT network.

Awan and other family members for years had a lucrative arrangement for IT-related work on Capitol Hill for House Democrats. According to The Daily Caller, the members of the Pakistani family made at least $4 million since 2009.

In a recent interview published in the Sun Sentinel, Wasserman Schultz blamed the “right-wing media circus fringe” for the attention on Awan.

The former head of the Democratic National Committee suggested it's all part of an effort to distract from the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign and possible ties to President Trump's team.

“Any opportunity they can to pull people’s eyes and ears away from that they take,” Wasserman Schultz told the newspaper.

Her colleagues in Congress, though, say there are serious security implications in her former staffer's case.

“We have to investigate how our systems may have been compromised,” Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., recently told “Fox & Friends.”

Though Awan was barred from the IT network, Wasserman Schultz’ spokesman David Damron told Fox News their office worked with the House Chief Administrative Officer to arrange for the employee to keep providing “valuable services without access to the House network.”...
Of the two, Breitbart and Inforwars, which do you think is a more credible source and why?
CNN just reported the story.
You think they are 'lying'?
Face it pal. You're a loser!
Shouldn't you have typed "loser" in caps? LOL.

Congressional IT Aide Wiped His Phone Before Being Arrested -- Here's How The FBI Found Out

Imran Awan, the IT professional Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) kept on her congressional payroll long after it became known he was under investigation by the Capitol Police, wiped his phone hours before he was arrested last July.

On August 17, 2017 a federal grand jury indicted Awan and his wife, Hina Alvi, on four counts, including conspiracy and conspiring to obtain home equity loans for $165,000 and $120,000 from the Wright Patman Congressional Federal Credit Union and then transferring the money to Pakistan.

But we are just starting to learn about this case. This is new revelation that Awan wiped his phone just before he attempted to fly away to Pakistan came out last Friday when Awan appeared in court.

Awan’s attorney, Chris Gowen, argued that Awan should have his curfew lifted and that the tracking device on his ankle should be removed.

This prompted Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Mirando to say that when Imran was arrested at Dulles International Airport a cellphone found on him “had been wiped clean just a few hours before.”

Gowen tried to counter this by telling the judge: “Awan had recently bought the phone, so of course it didn’t have any data on it.”

But Mirando countered by saying the FBI found that the phone had been wiped on purpose. A time stamp on the iPhone indicated it had been wiped at 6:30 p.m. that evening (Awan was arrested around 10 p.m.). Awan also had a laptop on him, but one of the few things on the computer was a resume. Mirando used this and other details—such as that the Awan’s quickly sold many of their Virginia properties—to explain that Imran had no intention of returning...

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