The Full Truth About Race and Policing


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Full Truth About Race and Policing
The media likes to break down cops’ behavior by race, but doesn’t do the same for civilian crime.

9 Jun 2020 ~~ By Jason L. Riley
Chicago has long been one of the nation’s most dangerous big cities, and it seems determined to keep that distinction.
The Chicago Sun-Times reports that 18 people were killed on one Sunday, May 31, “making it the single most violent day in Chicago in six decades.” Over the full weekend, “25 people were killed in the city, with another 85 wounded by gunfire.” None of these deaths or shootings involved police, so there will be no massive protests over them, no tearful commentary on cable news and social media, no white politicians wrapped in Kente cloth taking a knee for photographers.
Sadly, the only thing remarkable about the episode is that it occurred in the middle of a national discussion about policing. The political left, with a great deal of assistance from the mainstream media, has convinced many Americans that George Floyd’s death in police custody is an everyday occurrence for black people in this country, and that racism permeates law enforcement. The reality is that the carnage we witness in Chicago is what’s typical, law enforcement has next to nothing to do with black homicides, and the number of interactions between police and low-income blacks is driven by crime rates, not bias. According to the Sun-Times, there were 492 homicides in Chicago last year, and only three of them involved police.
So long as blacks are committing more than half of all murders and robberies while making up only 13% of the population, and so long as almost all of their victims are their neighbors, these communities will draw the lion’s share of police attention. Defunding the police, or making it easier to prosecute officers, will only result in more lives lost in those neighborhoods that most need protecting.

When are people going to understand that facts count for *nothing* with those of the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left. They are ideologically biased and affected. They cannot subjectively process facts which refute their imaginary world.
They even have major problems processing that there is only male and female genders.
They prefer living in their fantasy world of flying, farting unicorns .
So without the police they will kill each other off faster and it will be less votes for Biden.
Almost all of their murders take place within the vicinity of their neighborhoods, like in parts of Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, Ferguson, Brooklyn, Bronx and Manhattan.
OMS/DSA Democrat Liberalism demands a total lack of personal accountability. They tell us that success or failure is never the fault or accomplishment of an individual. They tell us that our lives are predetermined by societal circumstance. They ignore success stories and seek to blame others for failure.
It is a disease of denial. It is impossible to have a rational discussion when your entire worldview is fundamentally opposed to one another.
Defunding the police, or making it easier to prosecute officers, will only result in more lives lost in those neighborhoods that most need protecting.​

Good point; the numbers are already coming in. The hysteria over Flynn has already emboldened people and dozens of blacks have been killed above the normal murder rate.
It is clear that facts and logic are off the table for this crew. I saw an interview the other day where a young Black female (15-16 years old) spoke earnestly to the camera saying things had to change so that she doesn't have to life her life in fear of being killed by The Police.

Are you fucking kidding me? That girl has about as much chance of being killed by a police officer as she does by a falling piano. And this is not a statement of opinion, but a statistical fact. Is she too stupid to separate fiction from reality? Where are the Black "leaders" who want to educate the population to the realities? Nowhere.
It is clear that facts and logic are off the table for this crew. I saw an interview the other day where a young Black female (15-16 years old) spoke earnestly to the camera saying things had to change so that she doesn't have to life her life in fear of being killed by The Police.

Are you fucking kidding me? That girl has about as much chance of being killed by a police officer as she does by a falling piano. And this is not a statement of opinion, but a statistical fact. Is she too stupid to separate fiction from reality? Where are the Black "leaders" who want to educate the population to the realities? Nowhere.

"White liberals and black politicians focus most of their attention on what the police do, but how relevant is that to the overall tragedy? According to Statista, this year, 172 whites and 88 blacks have died at the hands of police. To put police shootings in a bit of perspective, in Chicago alone in 2020 there have been 1,260 shootings and 256 homicides with blacks being the primary victims. That comes to one shooting victim every three hours and one homicide victim every 15 hours. Three people in Chicago have been killed by police. If one is truly concerned about black deaths, shootings by police should figure way down on one's list -- which is not to excuse bad behavior by some police officers."

Walter E. Williams is a black writer who pretty much tells it like it is an is well worth reading. I've seen a number of other articles written about this same subject, mostly white guys though. But you're right, most of the Black Leadership are playing politics instead of doing something about violence against blacks by someone other than the police, mostly another black person. Thy are ignoring the true elephant in the room.
Without the police people will need to be more creative for ways of self-defense.
Here is what happens when a carjacking is stopped by a new Glock .40 car horn

Look at what's happening in Seattle where #BLM and #Antifa have set up what they call an independent cop free zone. Business owners are told they cannot enter unless the pay a tax....
It is clear that facts and logic are off the table for this crew. I saw an interview the other day where a young Black female (15-16 years old) spoke earnestly to the camera saying things had to change so that she doesn't have to life her life in fear of being killed by The Police.

Are you fucking kidding me? That girl has about as much chance of being killed by a police officer as she does by a falling piano. And this is not a statement of opinion, but a statistical fact. Is she too stupid to separate fiction from reality? Where are the Black "leaders" who want to educate the population to the realities? Nowhere.
One of the states that I saw was that Black American has a higher chance of dying from constipation than being killed by a Policeman.
Without the police people will need to be more creative for ways of self-defense.
Here is what happens when a carjacking is stopped by a new Glock .40 car horn

Look at what's happening in Seattle where #BLM and #Antifa have set up what they call an independent cop free zone. Business owners are told they cannot enter unless the pay a tax....
the democrat communist have set up a small caliphate ...

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