The Four Pillars of Progressivism

That's a trigger fact for them. You'll make them cry.

Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?

ACA was, and is, unconstitutional. The SC got it wrong. But fear not, that is being fixed.

Ok, so if it was unconstitutional why is it still in force?
Obamacare is a tax, taxation without representation…
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.
The rich got their bailout, not blacks.
Actually the country is 225+ trillion dollars in debt, socialist entitlement programs are all about future debt…
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

You keep using that term, but I do not think you know what it means.
Wrong. The Constitution makes the federal government supreme.
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?

ACA was, and is, unconstitutional. The SC got it wrong. But fear not, that is being fixed.

Ok, so if it was unconstitutional why is it still in force?

the SC ruled it constitutional. they have the final say on such things. so at the moment it is constitutional by definition. However, as I said, that is being fixed.
Providing for the General welfare, not the Common welfare, is in our Constitution, right wingers.
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.
Progressives can't be taught to fish, they are in able to function on their own under any circumstance…
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?

ACA was, and is, unconstitutional. The SC got it wrong. But fear not, that is being fixed.

Ok, so if it was unconstitutional why is it still in force?

the SC ruled it constitutional. they have the final say on such things. so at the moment it is constitutional by definition. However, as I said, that is being fixed.
Providing for the General welfare, not the Common welfare, is in our Constitution, right wingers.
The nanny state is what the federal government provides, it is the very definition of the federal government....
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

Teach the left wing how to fish, and all they come up with is "it's not fair".
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

Teach th
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

Teach the left wing how to fish, and all they come up with is "it's not fair".
The Fish has rights... is what the snowflakes come up with
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

You keep using that term, but I do not think you know what it means.
Yes, I do; all you have is diversion, not any form of rational argument.

I'd say that we on the center left at least support thing that are important like infrastructure, science, education and helping people....Things that are good.

What are the pillars of conservatism?
-Cut those things to the bone
-Allow the rich to rule over the rest of the population
-Be a asshole
-Cause recessions and depressions because of idiotic deregulation.
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

You keep using that term, but I do not think you know what it means.
Yes, I do; all you have is diversion, not any form of rational argument.
It is amazing the difference between urban and rural areas in this country, might as well be two countries…
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

You keep using that term, but I do not think you know what it means.
Yes, I do; all you have is diversion, not any form of rational argument.

You know danny boy, you're shtick is getting really old. All you do is mark posts that you cannot respond to with logic nor reason as "funny", then proceed to troll the threat. You're boring. You bring nothing to the discussions at hand. Ignored.

I'd say that we on the center left at least support thing that are important like infrastructure, science, education and helping people....Things that are good.

What are the pillars of conservatism?
-Cut those things to the bone
-Allow the rich to rule over the rest of the population
-Be a asshole
-Cause recessions and depressions because of idiotic deregulation.
The center left and left want a free ride... paid for by those they disagree with… fact
Still wrong. Obama couldn't do nearly what he wanted even with a Dem congress because he was limited by the constitution.

Where did conservatives go when they thought they could get Obamacare declared unconstitutional?

Did they go to the states and say, just nullify the federal law?

Or did they go to the supreme federal government to try to use its supreme authority?

ACA was, and is, unconstitutional. The SC got it wrong. But fear not, that is being fixed.

Ok, so if it was unconstitutional why is it still in force?

the SC ruled it constitutional. they have the final say on such things. so at the moment it is constitutional by definition. However, as I said, that is being fixed.
Providing for the General welfare, not the Common welfare, is in our Constitution, right wingers.

General Welfare does not mean individual welfare. It refers to the state of the nation as a whole, not to providing charity to individuals on the backs of taxpayers.
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

Teach the left wing how to fish, and all they come up with is "it's not fair".
Should we give them, "the memo"; even wo-men are worth more than, nothing but fallacy, even in the non-porn sector.
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

Teach th
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

Teach the left wing how to fish, and all they come up with is "it's not fair".
The Fish has rights... is what the snowflakes come up with
something to argue about; the right has, nothing but repeal.
From near as I can tell, there are 4 pillars of Progressivism which is their foundation. All four of these pillars is an assault on the Constitution. Why? Because the Constitution is a document that attempted to create a government that is limited. In other words, those in government are viewed as not having any superior intellectual capacity or righteous character than the average citizen. Such outrageous thinking must be destroyed so that every aspect in our lives is overseen and regulated by government who are the master race. Why without Big Brother monitoring our every move, we would all be dying in the streets as we render the planet inhabitable environmentally.

1. Illegal Immigration. Illegal immigration is the first pillar. It carries with it the notion that borders are not needed. We hear many Progs today say as much. So if there are no borders, then there are no sovereign nations. If there are no sovereign nations, then the Republic becomes obsolete, along with its documents such as the Constitution. Then an all powerful world government can be set up with a more "enlightened" Constitution that will be offered.

2. Massive debt. Massive debt will eventually destroy the Republic. It is not a matter of if, but when. No nation can continue trillion dollar deficits indefinitely. How they got this far is nothing short of a miracle. And as the Republic folds, again, so do it's documents.

3. Assault on Christianity. Many think that morality and government are separate, but in reality, all laws represent a moral code. Moreover, only a moral society can be trusted with freedom. As Ben Franklin once said, "In these sentiments, sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its faults, if they are such; because I think that a General government necessary for us, and there is no form of government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and I believe further that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as toned despotic government, being incapable of any other." If society loses its moral soul and becomes a nation of convicts, then a warden is required to maintain order. Ripping morality out of schools and the rest of society is key to their cause. It's like I've always said, prison is a Prog utopia. Everyone has equal housing, dress, food, education, and health care and all of it is free. Not only that, these are "gun free zones" and every day is a gay pride day.

4. Centralized all powerful government. The last pillar upon which Progressivism rests is an all powerful centralized government. The only time this is not embraced is when it infringes upon one of the other pillars. For you see Progs today run around chanting state rights when it comes to illegal drug legalization or moving illegals around from sanctuary city to sanctuary city. For example, refeer use is a federal crime, as is illegal immigration. Progs are simply openly defying these rules of law as states like Colorado legalize the use of reefer or cities openly declare themselves a refuge for illegals. However, when it comes to any other issue, state rights go bye, bye. Instead, with Obama in office writing EO's that violate federal law on such things as immigration, then all of a sudden the federal government becomes the ultimate authority again. Then when states like Arizona try and stand up to enforce immigration laws on the books, they get sued by Obama and company and forced to comply with the law,. We have now become a nation of men, not laws, which further degrades the Constitution as a meaningless document to be reinterpreted awayor simply ignored by Progs to the point where no one even refers to it anymore.
Just right wing propaganda and rhetoric. I would rather hear it, from progressives.

Tell us how the right wing, is going to have more than just repeal, and solve all of our problems while lowering taxes.

Rightwing/Republican policies are what have exploded the debt.
lol, We are 20 plus trillion in debt, Obama doubled it. You can't get anything right.

Obama did no such thing. The debt doubled itself by virtue of Republican taxation and spending policies that Obama could not, as president, arbitrarily change.

NYcarb- I partially agree with you that the GOP is also responsible for the growth of the debt under BO. But by the same token, the Dems have their fingerprints on all of GWB's wars and military action. There was bipartisan support for military action under Bush, however when it came to BOcare, that was entirely done by the DEMS. The major causes for the exploding debt are due to Democrat " reforms", or at least that is what the CBO tells us.

The 2017 Long-Term Budget Outlook

Why Are Projected Deficits Rising?
In CBO’s projections, deficits rise over the next three decades—from 2.9 percent of GDP in 2017 to 9.8 percent in 2047—because spending growth is projected to outpace growth in revenues (see figure below). In particular, spending as a share of GDP increases for Social Security, the major health care programs (primarily Medicare), and interest on the government’s debt.

Every Republican opposed the bill, and 34 Democrats joined them in voting against it.

Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia
Why does our Commander in Chief believe we can lower taxes instead of raise taxes on the rich and asking them to,

not complain; be Patriotic.
Equality is the best foundation for a civilized society.

Equality of outcome or equality of opportunity?

If the former, you are not a liberal, you are a leftist. If the latter, yes, you are indeed a liberal.

Big damn difference, so I'm curious, which is it?
Teach the right wing how to fish, and all they come up with is Red Herrings.

Teach the left wing how to fish, and all they come up with is "it's not fair".
Should we give them, "the memo"; even wo-men are worth more than, nothing but fallacy, even in the non-porn sector.

Evidently Elizabeth Warren didn't get "the memo".

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