The Fizzling IRS Scandal continues: Lois Lerner put on Admin Leave


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
It's still fizzling out of control. :lmao: I just love love love all this fizzling. :eusa_angel:

Lerner has been replaced and put on Administrative leave.

Why hasn’t Lois Lerner been fired?

By Rachel Weiner, Published: May 23, 2013 at 12:36 pmE-mail the writer

Update: Lois Lerner has been put on administrative leave. It’s easier to put a federal worker on leave than to fire him or her outright.

One thing Republicans and Democrats probably agree on: Lois Lerner should lose her job.

Why hasn?t Lois Lerner been fired?
She was asked to resign. When she would not, they put her on administrative leave... PAID administrative leave. :evil:
5th post
Odd definition of fizzling you have there.

:lol: Oh that goes to the number of liberal threads that have been running claiming

#1 there is no scandal with the IRS; it's fizzling out


#2 Republicans claim of scandal ; fizzling out


#3 Honest to goodness, just because 2 people have resigned and there's a criminal investigation by the DOJ , Lerner to claim the 5th; the scandal is really really truly fizzling out.

Having some fun poking liberals in the eye with this thread title. :eusa_angel:
someone needs to make a parody video using the 80's classic "Lies Lies Lies" (I think that's the name of it) don't remember the artist, was it Nu Shooz?. with every leading rat acting clueless when getting grilled, take all the bits of them saying, I don't know/remember...I don't recall....I plead the fifth...I need to ask my assistant.....I don't recall what I said yesterday,,,,ask Hillary,,,,It was the far as I know, the President went to bed after seeing the Benghazi Attack.
While Lerner is on her paid leave the IRS is constructing a case blaming her for everything everyone else did. She will be lucky if she doesn't end up in prison. Even if she decides to come clean the narrative will be disgruntled ex-employee.
10th post
and to think all of these scandals are occurring within the first six months of the second term. its like the early 70's all over again. sometimes u got to wonder if Barry will just call it quits. LIKE NIXON !!!
and to think all of these scandals are occurring within the first six months of the second term. its like the early 70's all over again. sometimes u got to wonder if Barry will just call it quits. LIKE NIXON !!!

Nope. If enough comes out, then impeachment is a possibility. The scenario is far, far from such a conclusion at this point.
It's looking like she took the 5th because she knew she was going to be put on administrative leave. She is clamming up while she still has leverage to negotiate a deal. The Obamanoids are desperate to have somebody take the fall. Watch out for her to resurface in some high up union or lobbyist job.
Probably so, boedicca. A GOP hot shot in her position would end up on a very nicely paid position on a board of directors. It is how the game is played: dirty.
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We need to make certain we don't lose sight of Susan Hall Ingram..

She was the direct supervisor of the group that did the targeting and she is now in charge of the Obama-care portion of the IRS.
It's still fizzling out of control. :lmao: I just love love love all this fizzling. :eusa_angel:

Lerner has been replaced and put on Administrative leave.

Why hasn’t Lois Lerner been fired?

By Rachel Weiner, Published: May 23, 2013 at 12:36 pmE-mail the writer

Update: Lois Lerner has been put on administrative leave. It’s easier to put a federal worker on leave than to fire him or her outright.

One thing Republicans and Democrats probably agree on: Lois Lerner should lose her job.

Why hasn?t Lois Lerner been fired?

What's really bad is we're still paying her for her time off.

It's still fizzling out of control. :lmao: I just love love love all this fizzling. :eusa_angel:

Lerner has been replaced and put on Administrative leave.

Why hasn’t Lois Lerner been fired?

By Rachel Weiner, Published: May 23, 2013 at 12:36 pmE-mail the writer

Update: Lois Lerner has been put on administrative leave. It’s easier to put a federal worker on leave than to fire him or her outright.

One thing Republicans and Democrats probably agree on: Lois Lerner should lose her job.

Why hasn?t Lois Lerner been fired?

No she hasn't that is just another right wing lie that did not really happen.

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