The first couple portrayed as apes


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Satire? I don't think that word means what they think it means.

Belgian Newspaper Accused Of Racism For Picture Of Obama And Michelle As Apes

De Morgen apologized for the image in its Monday edition, admitting it was guilty of "bad taste."

"When you consider the fragment apart from its context, which is a properly worked out satirical section, then you don't see the joke but just a picture evoking sheer racism," the newspaper said. "We wrongly assumed that racism is no longer accepted, and that in this way it could be the subject of a joke."

Unigwe, who lives in Belgium, went on to tweet in depth about the controversial spread, noting that the fault lies with Belgian society moreso than De Morgen:

I really can't find the possible humor angle. I guess I need to evolve more, or something.
I know I am on ignore so you won't see this, but I plan to respond anyway and don't give a damn if you peek or not.

That pic is disgusting. I dislike Michelle, semi like Barrack and wish he was not president cuz he would be better at something else, but to display them as apes is crude.

Then again...Bush was depicted as a chimpanzee so.....
Oh the rage, they were insulted.

Let's pass more laws to stop them.
I know I am on ignore so you won't see this, but I plan to respond anyway and don't give a damn if you peek or not.

That pic is disgusting. I dislike Michelle, semi like Barrack and wish he was not president cuz he would be better at something else, but to display them as apes is crude.

Then again...Bush was depicted as a chimpanzee so.....

Why does she have you on ignore?
Several things...European newspapers are faaar more successful than the dying newspaper industry in America. The main reason is things just like this, they inject humor and push the envelope like this to entertain readers. So for one of their papers to do this is not like an American newspaper doing it.
Secondly, not all of the countries there have the PC police running wild, they have a sense of humor. Not nearly as uptight as our society is.
And finally, the author points out that if you look at the photo without the story - yes it looks terrible.
So three things to consider there.
Satire? I don't think that word means what they think it means.

Belgian Newspaper Accused Of Racism For Picture Of Obama And Michelle As Apes

De Morgen apologized for the image in its Monday edition, admitting it was guilty of "bad taste."

"When you consider the fragment apart from its context, which is a properly worked out satirical section, then you don't see the joke but just a picture evoking sheer racism," the newspaper said. "We wrongly assumed that racism is no longer accepted, and that in this way it could be the subject of a joke."

Unigwe, who lives in Belgium, went on to tweet in depth about the controversial spread, noting that the fault lies with Belgian society moreso than De Morgen:

I really can't find the possible humor angle. I guess I need to evolve more, or something.

This doesn't surprise me at all.

I've been trying to say for years that racism is worse in some countries than in America. Heck, in Mexico the ethnicity of the population is closely controlled. Germans sometimes look at blacks like they're aliens from outer-space.
The only way the pics could be seen as "racist" is if certain folks secretly harbor a sense that blacks are somehow more related to chimps than humans. So the real "racists" are the first ones who reached that conclusion and raised the battle cry. Are they decrying their own sense of guilt?

Were anyone called racists when George Bush was depicted as a chimp?

Is this a racist photo?:
Bush = Monkey = Funny
Obama = Monkey = Racist

Absolute BS.... It is called political satire and it has been going on for a long time.
Now because Obama is black, satire is off limits because you do no want to offend your messiah.
This is the part of free speech that is tough for you liberals to understand. Even speech or ideas that you do not agree with are covered under "Free Speech". Just as a reminder:
Bush = Monkey = Funny
Obama = Monkey = Racist

Absolute BS.... It is called political satire and it has been going on for a long time.
Now because Obama is black, satire is off limits because you do no want to offend your messiah.
This is the part of free speech that is tough for you liberals to understand. Even speech or ideas that you do not agree with are covered under "Free Speech". Just as a reminder:

Anything negative about Obama is racist.

You know that. :mad:
omg, it's the end of the world as we know it

find whoever did that picture and HANG them from the highest tree or gas them, firing squad?

good grief, you people went ape shit (forgive the pun, lol) over some comedy skit in a rodeo for crying out loud

give us all a BREAK
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Photoshopping a monkey's face on Moochelle was superfluous. She probably likes to relax up in a tree with a good book and some bananas.

Q: What do you call a book of primates in Moochelle's hands?

A: A family photo album.
Photoshopping a monkey's face on Moochelle was superfluous. She probably likes to relax up in a tree with a good book and some bananas.

Q: What do you call a book of primates in Moochelle's hands?

A: A family photo album.


We all know you are new and trying to make a name for yourself. But your childlike attempts at trolling are not working

Notice how most just ignore what you post?

Get used to it
Photoshopping a monkey's face on Moochelle was superfluous. She probably likes to relax up in a tree with a good book and some bananas.

Q: What do you call a book of primates in Moochelle's hands?

A: A family photo album.


We all know you are new and trying to make a name for yourself. But your childlike attempts at trolling are not working

Notice how most just ignore what you post?

Get used to it

C'mon, are you trying to say that Moochelle doesn't have have natural simian features, like really long arms, and a protruding mouth/jaw like an ape?
Photoshopping a monkey's face on Moochelle was superfluous. She probably likes to relax up in a tree with a good book and some bananas.

Q: What do you call a book of primates in Moochelle's hands?

A: A family photo album.


We all know you are new and trying to make a name for yourself. But your childlike attempts at trolling are not working

Notice how most just ignore what you post?

Get used to it

C'mon, are you trying to say that Moochelle doesn't have have natural simian features, like really long arms, and a protruding mouth/jaw like an ape?

Ignore him, his name should wrongwhiner over anything that is said about his Dear Leader, Obambam

but please don't get carried away with this stuff about Michelle, uncalled for and ugly we don't need it on this board
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We all know you are new and trying to make a name for yourself. But your childlike attempts at trolling are not working

Notice how most just ignore what you post?

Get used to it

C'mon, are you trying to say that Moochelle doesn't have have natural simian features, like really long arms, and a protruding mouth/jaw like an ape?

Ignore him, his name should wrongwhiner over anything that is said about his Dear Leader, Obambam

LOL....look who jumps in to defend Max

Way to go Steph!

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